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2 THE LAKE GAZETTE - Wednesday, Feb.

8, 2017

Greetings from the Ridge. we relegate the retrieval of in-

I can still smell the carpet. I’d formation to a black tube or cell
SOS, everyone knows what this means, right? plop myself down on the living phone then I’m not sure we’re
An internationally recognized signal of distress, a room floor and gaze at the row doing ourselves any favors.
CONSETTA of burgundy books, The Ameri- Herb and I were returning
GOTTMAN call or request for help or rescue. can People’s Encyclopedia, drag from a trip to Jackson, Missis-
General Manager/ STRAIGHT OUTTA WEBSTER one onto the floor in front of me sippi, and somehow got lost in
Advertising Sales For me and my family SOS means a little more these and open up this book of won- the bowels of Memphis, Ten- days. Signs of Suicide. ders. I was looking for Hungary nessee. This was before the age
Sounds like a heavy load to bear. Knowing the signs to do my 5th-grade social stud- of GPS systems. As is our hab-
CHRISTINE ies report, but what I found on it, Herb insisted that he knew
WATSON of suicide, to help prevent the imminent danger that the way to Hungary was more which way to go and I knew the
may be lurking just under the layers of a loved ones exciting than the country itself. truth, but after we’d passed the persona. Something we never thought we would Haycock, hummock, Halifax, same gas station for the third
need to worry about is quickly becoming something hawkeye, huffcap. . . words time I commanded that we pull
MANDI we as parents, friends, sisters, brothers, cousins, spilling out on the carpet in over and consult a map. Herb
KINDHART-WHITE co-workers have at least thought of. front of me as I only half-heart- was tired enough that he agreed
News edly searched for subject of my so we pulled into the parking lot
A heavy load to bear, but not with out help. report. And when Mom left the of a motel. He maintained that
For our family turning to friends, family and the room I quickly flipped open the he could decipher a map quick-
KATARINA Lord, who is our ultimate SOS witness. transparent overlays of “hu- er than I could so I tossed the
PLATT Trusting in Him and asking for direction in the man anatomy,” the thrill of any thing at him, and then as he was
paths we take each day will surely deliver the goods young person’s evening. The grumbling at the maze of Mem-
Composition encyclopedia was a wonderland phis streets I looked up and saw we seek in our lives here on earth. of both knowledge and excite- something quite remarkable.
Psalm 62:1 Truly my soul finds rest in God; my ment and most of what learned “Herb,” I said. “Look at that
salvation comes from Him. from it came from the search for sign.” He looked up. “Lorraine

Years Ago something else. Anyone who’s Motel. What’s the big deal?” I
Let’s all help others know Him and know they may spent any time in a public li- said, “Does that ring a bell?” He
Founder brary knows that the things you said, “It’s not even noon, Fre-
rest in His humble guidance. stumble into while hunting for ida. We don’t need no motel.” I
Periodicals postage paid at Mon- something else is often more re- grabbed the map from his hands
roe City, Missouri Post Office warding than the subject of your and pointed out the windshield.
(USPS 017-761) search. “Look Herb! This is where Mar-

Postmaster: Last week I was visiting our tin Luther King, Jr. was killed.”
Send address changes to The neighbors and their daughter Sure enough, we were parked
Lake Gazette, 304 S. Main St. Mindy was working on a re- by the same cars that were in the
port on the Gateway Arch in St. lot on that fateful day in March

P.O. Box 187, Monroe City,
Missouri 63456 Louis. The girl was sitting at her of 1968. The result was a fas-
Established April 2, 1997 laptop, looking at a black tube cinating afternoon touring the
Hometown News for Hometown on her desk and said, “Alexa, Civil Rights museum and a de-
Folks when was the St. Louis Arch tour on our homeward journey
304 S. Main St. built?” The tube answered, that was the highlight of the trip
“The Gateway Arch was fin- . . . all because we had no artifi-
Monroe City, Mo 63456 By: Mandi Kindhart-White ished in 1965.” I thought there cial intelligence to show us the
Fax 573-735-3261 were ghosts in the room. Then way. Serendipity made our trip
Weekly Challenge: Speak Life and Show Love Mindy said, “Alexa, how tall is richer. The journey was better
Subscription cost $36/year in the Gateway Arch?” The tube than the destination.
Monroe County and adjoining Every day we speak to people. We get to choose what responded, “The Gateway Arch When Mindy sat there
counties - includes tax: $41/year we say and how we say it. Our words effect ourselves and is 620 feet.” With a half dozen downloading answers from her
for other areas in state - includes more inquiries Mindy had the machine she took no journey.
other people. Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the facts for her report. In a few Artificial Intelligence is all des-
tax; and $46/year for out of state;
$1 individual copy-includes tax.
power of the tongue, and they who indulge it shall eat the minutes Mindy had gleaned ev- tination with no sidetracks, no

fruit of it (for death or life). erything important about the St. excursions, no exploration, no
What we believe in at The Lake
With Valentine’s day coming up there are many people Louis Arch, but she’d learned surprises, and no getting lost
Gazette... nothing on her journey. along the way. Not once in her
“I believe that the journalism right here in our community that have already spoken or The term is A.I., artificial evening of exploration would
which succeeds best — and posted words of sadness of the upcoming day. Words of intelligence, and the thingama- she accidentally meander into
best deserves success — fears loneliness and feeling unloved. Our words we speak daily jigs are marketed under various something that might have
God and honors Man; is stoutly about situations, about people, about our relationships and names. . . Siri, Google Now, changed her life. I thought about
independent, unmoved by pride Cortana. Everything from your telling her the story of a young-
of opinion or greed of power,
when doing the tasks of life have much weight. toaster to your garbage disposal ster who used to splay herself
constructive, tolerant but never Whatever your situation today, choose to speak life into it, can now be linked to A.I. and out on the living room floor with
careless, self-controlled, patient, speaking negative such as cussing, saying it will never work, list goes far beyond the home the American People’s Encyclo-
always respectful of its readers this is too hard only gives space to bring death to whatever with self-driving smart cars pedia, but she’d have no doubt
but always unafraid, is quickly you are speaking about. If you can vision it, you can have now prowling the streets of given me a condescending smile
indignant at injustice; is un- many cities with empty driver’s and sympathetic nod to my se-
swayed by the appeal of privilege
it. Why not have visions of positive outcomes instead of seats. The benefits of some of nility. She’d have assumed that
or the clamor of the mob; seeks negative. these devices can’t be argued my intelligence was artificial.
to give every man a chance Remember speaking positive where the world sees negative and I refuse to be an old stick- You ever in Coonridge, stop
and, as far as law and honest only brings light to others, causes them to wonder how in-the-mud when it comes to by. We may not answer the door
wage and recognition of human helpful technology, but when but you’ll enjoy the trip.
you can have peace and remain positive. Light overtakes
brotherhood can make it so, an

Like us on
equal chance; is profoundly pa-
darkness, therefore speaking life which is light overtakes
triotic while sincerely promot- death which is darkness. I challenge you this week to put
ing international good will and to work the power of your tongue and pay attention to
cementing world-comradeship; the words that are coming from your mouth. Have fun
is a journalism of humanity, of speaking life and love today over yourself and others
and for today’s world.”
around you.
From The Jounalist’s Creed, by
Walter Williams

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