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Notice to the Admin:

Seonggook Kim (Seonggook)
August 4, 2017 Friday

Today's Lesson: Pattern Speaking - When did you ~ ?

Pronunciation Practice:
*no mispronunciation

1. When did you ~ ?
When did you get married?
When did you move to Seattle?
When did you lose all that weight?
When did you take the position?

Sentence Construction:

You said: I'm going to garage to making plastic model.

Better say: I'm going to the garage to make plastic model.

You said: take a lunch or take a dinner

Better say: have a lunch or have a dinner

You said: I must to do something every weekend.

Better say: I must do something every weekend.

You said: Not question of you

Better say: Not a question for you

You said: When did you became a gay?

Better say: When did you become gay?

You said: Gay is just disease can fixed.

Better say: Being gay is just a disease that can be fixed.

You said: hate criminal

Better say: hate crime

You said: Love whole each other.

Better say: Love each other. Love everyone.

Next Lesson: Free Talking

General Comments:

August 4, 2017 Friday

know your stuff

Meaning: to have good practical skills and knowledge in a particular activity or


1. Jim has been a mechanic for 20 years. He really knows his stuff.
2. She's an excellent teacher - she really knows her stuff.
3. If you have any questions you can ask John, he really knows his stuff.


chop - [chop]

Meaning: to cut something such as food or wood into pieces

1. Finely chop the cabbage and cook it in boiling salted water.
Next, add the chopped onions.
2. Don�t chop any more wood; we�ve got enough.
3. They had to chop some grass so they can go through the forest.

Hello Seonggook,

Thanks for the questions this morning. Like what I told you, it's okay to ask me
questions. That's better because we can share our ideas better and have a good

Have a good weekend.

See you on Monday Seonggook

Notice to the Admin:
Wook Soo Shin (Alex)
August 4, 2017 Friday

Today's Lesson: Express Yourself 1 Issue 22 page 95

Pronunciation Practice:
*no mispronunciation

1. impose - to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or
Very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes.
Judges are imposing increasingly heavy fines for minor driving offences.
The council has imposed a ban on alcohol in the city parks.
2. execute - to kill someone as a legal punishment
He was executed for murder.

Sentence Construction:

You said: My opinion we can reduced the criminality using hard punishment from the
Better say: We can reduce the criminality by imposing hard punishments.

You said: In Korea if somebody did criminmalty hardly they could be killed by then
government but from 10 years executed because national human right association they
recommended to the government that to stop killing by law so nothing is executed.
Better say: In Korea if somebody committed a heinous crime they will be given a
death sentence but fot 10 years no one was executed because national human right
association recommended to the government to stop the execution.

You said: After he being a president of the country, I heard from news he checked
every drug dealer and he checked and pushed the police about the drug things. many
drug delaers was died by the law.
Better say: When he became the president of the country, I heard from the news he
had drug dealers investigated and many drug dealers died from police operations.

You said: I always broke the law.

Better say: I always break the law.

You said: Every single laws could have two sides.

Better say: Every law has two sides.

You said: If somebody have two apartment

Better say: If somebody has two apartments

You said: It could make unhappy a person who has many houses.
Better say: It can make a person who has many houses unhappy.

Next Lesson: Express Yourself 1 Issue 22 page 95

General Comments:
know your stuff

Meaning: to have good practical skills and knowledge in a particular activity or


1. Jim has been a mechanic for 20 years. He really knows his stuff.
2. She's an excellent teacher - she really knows her stuff.
3. If you have any questions you can ask John, he really knows his stuff.


chop - [chop]

Meaning: to cut something such as food or wood into pieces

1. Finely chop the cabbage and cook it in boiling salted water.
Next, add the chopped onions.
2. Don�t chop any more wood; we�ve got enough.
3. They had to chop some grass so they can go through the forest.
Hello Alex,

Thanks for having time today Alex. I know you're always busy.

Have a wonderful weekend.

See you next week.

- Jeryl
August 4, 2017 Friday

Today's Lesson: Free Talking

Pronunciation Practice:
electricity - [i-lek-tri-si-tee]

Sentence Construction:

You said: I'm very curious where Singapore get their resource.
Better say: I'm very curious where Singapore get its resources.

You said: Many resource are from Malaysia.

Better say: Many resources are from Malaysia.

You said: Singapore is part Malaysian United.

Better say: Singapore is a part of the Malaysian United.

You said: Almost no factory and farmland in Singapore.

Better say: There are almost no factory and farmland in Singapore.

You said: When they showed the Malaysian price in the market, they were surprised.
Better say: When they saw the Malaysian price in the market, they were surprised.

You said: Many worker in Singapore have their home in Malaysia.

Better say: Many workers in Singapore have their homes in Malaysia.
Many workers in Singapore live in Malaysia.

You said: They stay for four years in Singapore.

Better say: They stayed for four years in Singapore.

You said: Singaporeans also wants to go overseas.

Better say: Singaporeans also want to go overseas.

Next Lesson: Free Talking

General Comments:
know your stuff

Meaning: to have good practical skills and knowledge in a particular activity or


1. Jim has been a mechanic for 20 years. He really knows his stuff.
2. She's an excellent teacher - she really knows her stuff.
3. If you have any questions you can ask John, he really knows his stuff.


chop - [chop]
Meaning: to cut something such as food or wood into pieces

1. Finely chop the cabbage and cook it in boiling salted water.
Next, add the chopped onions.
2. Don�t chop any more wood; we�ve got enough.
3. They had to chop some grass so they can go through the forest.

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