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The Legend of the Kasada Ceremony

Once upon a time, a husband and wife lived on the slopes of Mount Bromo.
They belonged to the Tengger tribe. Their names were Joko Seger and Roro
Anteng. Although they tried for many years, they could not have children.
“Maybe this is a trial from a god. Maybe they don’t want us to have children.”
said Joko Seger to his wife.
‘’Come on, dear,” she replied. “Perhaps that’s true, but perhaps we simply lack
“So what should we do?”
“Keep praying,” said Roro. “What if we meditate on Mount Bromo? It’s a
sacred place.”
“Good idea. Let’s try meditating.”
They meditated at the foot of Mount Bromo every day. Finally, something
strange happened. They heard an unseen voice—the voice of Brahma.
“You will give birth to twenty-five children, but only if you sacrifice your first
child. You must throw him into the crater of Mount Bromo.”
Roro Anteng was upset. “We will be blessed with children… but why must we
sacrifice the first one?” Still, she accepted the offer. Roro Anteng and Joko
Seger promised to sacrifice their first child.
What they heard soon became a reality. Roro Anteng was pregnant. After nine
months, she gave birth to a healthy and handsome baby boy.
“Finally, we are blessed with a beautiful child,” said Roro Anteng to Joko Seger.
“What should we name him, dear?”
“How about Kusuma? What do you think?” Asked Joko.
“That sounds like a good name.”
“Our child’s happiness and beauty surrounds us. He is like a flower who pleases
everyone who sees him.”
Over time, the first child grew older. They had many more children—a total of
25. They were so happy that they forgot about their promise. They did not
sacrifice the first-born child they loved. Brahma became angry at this. His
anger caused Mount Bromo to rumble and smoke. When Joko and Roro heard
Mount Bromo rumble, their happiness faded. They were reminded of their
Roro Anteng felt deep regret. “How can I throw my child into the fires of
Mount Bromo?” She asked. “I wish I could sacrifice myself instead!”
But that would not work. Brahma wanted Roro’s child—not Roro herself. Roro
Anteng was overcome with sadness as Bromo continued to erupt.
One night, Brahma came to her in a dream. He was stern and angry. “Roro
Anteng! If you break your promise to me, then I will take all twenty-five of your
children. Not just one! Mount Bromo will destroy all of the Tengger people!”
Roro Anteng woke up. She could not speak—she only cried when she thought
of her promise.
“Why are you so sad, mother? Will you tell me?” Kusuma asked.
“Kusuma, my son… Brahma wants me to sacrifice you. He wants me to throw
you into the crater of Mount Bromo,” she sobbed. “If I don’t do it, he will take
you, your brothers, and your sisters by force. He will make the volcano erupt
and destroy our people.”
Kusuma was silent. Then, he spoke. “Don’t be sad, mother. I can be sacrificed. I
want to save my family and protect the Tengger people.”
On the day of the sacrifice, Joko Seger, Roro Anteng, their children, and the
Tengger people gathered near the crater of Mount Bromo. The whole family
sobbed as Kusuma was led to the fire. Finally, he was thrown in. The sacrifice
was complete.
Brahma accepted the sacrifice of Kusuma. After that, Roro Anteng and Joko
Seger lived in peace with their twenty-four children. Mount Bromo stopped
erupting, and the Tengger people stopped fearing the mountain.
To this day, the Tengger people honor Kusuma with sacrifices. Now, however,
the victims are not humans—they are crops or farm animals. This way, the
Tengger people will always remember Kusuma and his sacrifice.

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