Primary Amenorrhea: No Menarche by 16 Yo: Psych Meds HA, Vision Changes

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 amenorrhea:  no  menarche  by  16  yo  


Psych  meds  
HA,  vision  changes  

Ovarian  problem  


Webbed  neck  
  Shield  chest  
Cardiac:  coarctation,  bicuspid  AV  

17  yo  F  
CC:  never  menstruated  
• Denies  weight  loss,  denies  excessive  exercising  
• Sister  menarche  at  age  13  
• PE:  5ft  6  in,  140  lb,  BMI  22.6  
• Breast  development  Tanner  IV,  axillary/pubic  hair  Tanner  IV  
• Pelvic  exam:  normal  external  female  genitalia,  no  uterus  palpable  
• Speculum  exam:  can’t  find  cervix  

Differential  diagnosis:  
• Mullerian  agenesis  
o XX,  female  phenotype  and  external  genitalia,  absence  of  female  internal  genitalia  
(short/absent  vagina)  
o Gonads  =  ovaries  =  estrogen  !  breast  development  
o No  Mullerian  ducts  =  no  internal  female  genitalia  (upper  1/3  vagina,  uterus,  tubes)  
o Normal  androgen  receptors  =  normal  axillary  and  pubic  hair    
o Breast  development  related  to  estrogen,  axillary  and  pubic  hair  related  to  androgens  
o Congenital  renal  abnormalities  possible    
• Androgen  insensitivity    
o XY,  female  phenotype  and  external  genitalia,  testes  making  T  but  defect  in  receptor  
o Gonads  =  testes  =  testosterone  !  no  receptors,  external  genitalia  female  
o Gonads  =  testes  =  MIF  !  no  Mullerian  ducts  =  no  internal  female  genitalia  
o High  testosterone  =  converted  peripherally  to  E  =  breast  development    
o No  androgen  receptors  =  no  pubic/axillary  hair  
o Intra-­‐abdominal  gonads  at  risk  for  malignancy  !  remove  them  after  puberty  
complete  (~21  yo)  
Diagnostic  steps  
• Karyotype    
• Testosterone    
• FSH/LH  
  Mullerian  Agenesis   Androgen  Insensitivity  
Breast  tissue   Normal   Normal  
Axillary  &  pubic  hair   Normal   Absent/scant  
Internal  genitalia  (upper  1/3   Absent   Absent  (abdominal  testes)  
vagina,  uterus,  fallopian  tubes)  
External  genitalia   Blind  vaginal  pouch   Blind  vaginal  pouch  
Testosterone   Normal   Elevated  
FSH/LH   Normal   Normal  
Karyotype   46  XX   46  XY  
Complications   Congenital  renal  anomalies   Orchiectomy  after  puberty  
Treatment  options:  
• Surgery  to  elevate  vagina  

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