Bulletin FEB 4 2018 - Flattened

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Sunday 4th February 2018 This Week’s Meetings...

Prayer Meeting: 6th February 2018 1. Communion service: This afternoon at 5:30p.m. Please
Call To Worship Leader: Walter Rochester Sr.
Topic: Thanksgiving/evangelism
remember your gifts for The Shelter.
2. Dominica Collection: We are collecting non perishable
Operation World: North America foodstuff- rice, sugar, pasta, canned goods etc.- to forward to
Conrad Chang 6:00-7:00 p.m. Dominica via ITNAC (Is There Not A Cause).
“When we pray, God works!” 3. VBS 2018: Dates 16th - 20th JULY, 2018. Celebrating 10 yrs.
Opening songs VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED... Details to follow.
4. Camp Trinawana 2018: 50th anniversary? from the evening
Hymn 19 I sing the mighty power of God Youth Group of Friday 17-AUG-2018 to the morning of Wednesday 22-AUG-
Hymn 105 Holy, holy, holy Friday 2nd February @ 6:30pm Living for Jesus Part II 2018 and the venue is the Ridgewalk Campsite in Siparia.
Welcome & Announcements Worship Service - Sunday 4th February 4. Pastor Walter Brian Rochester: Cell 779-1150;
Leader: Richard Aching Church 622-4118; Email: walterbrochester@gmail.com
Pastor Walter Brian Rochester Speaker: Pastor Walter Brian Rochester
Singspiration Ushers: Rebekkah Ramdath & Gianni Charles Prayer Corner...
Ah Lord God Greeters: Rhett Chang & Eldwyn Phillip
Behold our God Nursery: *Danielle Nivet & Floyd Solomon  Abroad
You are God alone Justin Richardson, Rhea Richardson, Wesley Solomon, Marie
Worship Service - Sunday 11th February Guiseppi, Natasha Forde, Christian Guiseppi & Lizanne Ach-
Leader: Marcus Ramdath ing-Guiseppi, Kistian & Cassandra Flemming, Lyndon Guisep-
Consecutive scripture reading pi, Drs.Simone and Satish Maharaj, Elise Celestin, Damali
Speaker: Pastor Walter Brian Rochester
Daniel 5 Ushers: Anya Aching & Danielle Budraj
Giving Thanks (Offering) Greeters: Rhett Chang & Eldwyn Phillip  Pray for healing and strength for brethren who are recov-
Nursery: *Andrea Ramdath & Deanna Allum Poon ering or not well
Reprise (Nursery)
Aminah Ramdath, Errol Vasquez , Suzanne Lue Qui, Mrs. Lue
(Nursery age group is from 18 months to 8 years old) Chee Kong .
Elder Anthony Macintyre  Pastoral Team
“Knowing God—His omnipotence” Walter Brian Rochester, William Allum Poon, Gerald Bernard,
Jeremiah 32: 1 - 27 Dave Chang, Anthony Macintyre
Closing song
 Diaconate Leadership
It is no secret what God can do Richard Aching, Dr. Terry Ali, Roger Chang, Florence Forde,
Andrew Macintyre, Jack Pan, Opal Thomas, Marcus Ramdath,
General Reminders Warren Thomas
Benediction  Kindly switch-off/ place on silent all cell-
phones during this morning’s service.  Youth Ministry Leadership Team
Kareem Hernandez, Vernon Hamblet, Danielle Nivet, Daena
 Please refrain from eating and drinking in
Boodoo, Kelli Chang, Dr. Kaisha Rochester-Hamblet
the sanctuary before, during and after this
morning’s worship service.

Ushers and Greeters for today

Ushers: Dominique Boodoo & Victoria Macintyre If you have any announcements to put into the bulletin, please
Greeters: Rhett Chang & Eldwyn Phillip
email them to Richard Aching at richard.aching@gmail.com OR
Nursery Roster for today
Nursery: *Sandra Goodridge & Sandra Lalchan
Operation World
North America
Area: 21,779,847 sq. km. Population: 351,659164
Religions: Chr istian 77.09 % , Non-religious 16.75%, Muslim 1.75%,
Jewish 1.60%

Challenges for Prayer:

Political stability and a steady shift toward democratic structures, and away from
the military regimes of the past, are profound blessings. The end of the Cold War,
which made Latin America a contested area between the USA and USSR, and the
leftward swing of national politics have been crucial in the early formation of gov-
ernment by and for the people.

The Catholic Church is experiencing significant new vitality, through new readings
of Scripture, through higher profile evangelical teaching outside of Catholicism,
through the Alpha Course and through the more charismatic faith of Hispanic and
Latin American Catholics. Much of this is a reaction to the dynamic growth of (Chinese Christian Fellowship)
evangelicals, especially in South America. Millions have been impacted by personal
encounters with the Lord Jesus. Many have become fervent evangelical believers,
both within the Catholic Church and, increasingly, outside it. 49 Long Circular Road
St. James
The positive spiritual impact of North America, and especially the USA, on the
world. Praise God for:
a) Great evangelists and missionary statesmen who touched the world (Finney,
Moody, Billy Graham and others).
b) The immeasurable effects of writers, speakers, pastors and trainers on the
global body of Christ, through training, teaching, discipling and empowering.
c) Unstinting generosity in giving financially to good causes – especially mission
advances. Pray that godly North Americans might continue to engage with the
needs of the world in a humble, passionate and informed way. Hollywood’s por-
trayal of American life is a perversion of the values that made the USA a great

The growth of evangelicals in Latin America in the last century, especially the last
generation, is spectacular. In 1900, evangelicals numbered about 700,000, or 1%
of the population (only about 200,000 of these being in Spanish and Portuguese-
speaking countries). By 2010, they reached 91 million, or 16.8% of the population. Frontline Missionary Corner
Most of this growth was fueled by the steady, faithful proclamation and witness of  Creous and Elizabeth Ramdath—Serving in Peru
tens of thousands of laymen and pastors planting small churches out of a passion  Chris, Nicola, Joshua & Katie Hewitt—To serve in Germany
for the gospel. The New World is home to over 35% of the world’s evangelicals.  Ronnie and Heather Yearwood

Pentecostals demonstrate the greatest vigour and are now the largest component
 Gilbert and Lydia Nigh— Serving in Canada A PLACE F O R E V E RYO N E
 Timothy and Fiona Fung—Serving in France
of evangelicals in Latin America with over 66 million affiliates and 12.1% of the
 Annie Chang—Serving in Rwanda
population. The Americas represent 50% of the world’s Pentecostals, despite hav-
 David Bernard & Elsa Hu—Serving on the Logos Hope
ing less than 14% of the world’s population. Their greatest success is among the
poor. Growth is weakened by multiple splits, inadequate discipling of converts and
“The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of Loving God . Loving People . Loving Life
the harvest, therefore to send out workers into His harvest field."
often exaggerated claims of growth. Matthew 9: 37,38 (NIV)

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