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Science Form 2

Chapter 2 ₪ Nutrition ₪ Set 3


Instruction: Each question is followed by four options. Choose the best answer for each question.

1 All of the following are example of sugars, except

A lactose
B glucose
C sucrose
D lipase

2 Lack of ____________ will cause a Paralysis.

A iron
B calcium
C phosphorus
D potassium

3 All of the following are functions of fat, except

A supplying energy
B for growth
C insulator of heat
D protecting the internal organs

4 Which one of the following function is necessary for the clotting of blood?

A Vitamin E
B Vitamin K
C Vitamin D
D Vitamin C

5 Deficiency in ____________ can causes rickets.

A vitamin K
B vitamin C
C vitamin D
D vitamin E

6 Lack ____________ will cause anaemia.

A iron
B sodium
C calcium

Chapter 2_Nutrition_Set 3 1 © Amazing Tunas Enterprise

Science Form 2

D iodine

7 Phosphorus necessary for

A builds haemoglobin of the blood cells
B the functioning of the thyroid gland
C constituent of blood plasma
D the formation of strong bones and teeth

8 All of the following are the functions of hydrochloric acid, except

A preparation of an alkaline medium for enzymic action
B providing an acidic medium for enzymic action
C killing bacteria found in food
D neutralising the alkaline property of saliva and stopping the action of
salivary amylase enzymes

9 All of the following are the enzymes of pancreatic juice, except

A pancreatic amylase
B protease
C lipase
D bile

pancreatic protease
Peptones K

10 What is K ?
A Maltose
B Amino acids
C Fatty acids
D Glycerol

11 Which one of the following is not true?

Structure Function
A Mouth Food is broken down to small parts
B Oesophagus Sends food to the stomach
C Stomach Digestion of protein begins
D Duodenum Secretes bile

Question 12 and 13 are based on Figure 1.

Chapter 2_Nutrition_Set 3 2 © Amazing Tunas Enterprise

Science Form 2

Figure 1

12 What is the function of X ?

A Secrets saliva that is alkaline and contains salivary amylase
B Sends food to the stomach
C Digestion of fat protein and starch
D Food is broken down to small part

13 Which of the following is not true?

Part Structure
A P Oesophagus
B Q Stomach
C R Pancreas
D S Bile duct

14 Excessive nutrient of salt will cause

A kidney damage
B tooth decay
C obesity
D diabetes

15 Final product of digestion of carbohydrate is

A glucose
B amino acid
C fatty acids
D glycerol


Instruction: Answer all questions.

Chapter 2_Nutrition_Set 3 3 © Amazing Tunas Enterprise

Science Form 2

Figure 1

1 Figure 1 shows the cross-section of the human small intestine.

(a) Name the part labeled X and Y .
(i) X :
(ii) Y :

(b) Process M is the process when the end products of digestion

enter the blood stream through the small intestine walls. What is
process M ?

(c) The efficiency of absorption of digested food in the small intestine

can be increased by

(d) State three examples of digested food that diffuse through the
walls of the small intestine.


Instruction: Each question is followed by four options. Choose the best answer for each question.

1 The pancreatic amylase digest starch into __________.

Chapter 2_Nutrition_Set 3 4 © Amazing Tunas Enterprise

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A amino acids
B fatty acids
C maltose
D glycerol

Figure 1

2 Figure 1 shows the food items are sources for a class of food. What
function does this class of food play?
A Supplying energy
B To replace damaged tissue
C Protect the body from various types of diseases
D Maintain body's health

3 X is a green-coloured liquid. It has no enzymes. It is alkaline and made

up of almost 90% water. It also gives colour to our faeces. What is X ?
A water
B protease
C bile
D glycerol

4 Junk food with high contents of sugar will result in the following disease
A tooth decay
B obesity
C high blood pressure
D diabetes


Figure 5

Chapter 2_Nutrition_Set 3 5 © Amazing Tunas Enterprise

Science Form 2

5 Figure 2 shows digestive system, water is reabsorbed in



Instruction: Answer all questions.

Dietary finder Fat Mineral salts

Classes of food

X Water Vitamin Y
Figure 1

1 What is X and Y if the food rich in Y include rice, potato, sugar, bread,
banana and the food rich in X include fish, milk, meat, egg white and
(a) (i) X :
(ii) Y :
[2 marks]

(b) Roughage helps to stimulate _____________ and the muscle

movement of the small and big intestines.

[1 mark]

(c) State three functions of water.

[3 marks]

Chapter 2_Nutrition_Set 3 6 © Amazing Tunas Enterprise

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