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Va s c u l a r a n d I n t e r ve n t i o n a l R a d i o l o g y • R ev i ew

Patel et al.
Transvenous Obliteration of Gastric Varices

Vascular and Interventional Radiology

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Balloon-Occluded Retrograde

Transvenous Obliteration of
Gastric Varices
Amish Patel1 OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this review is to describe the clinical factors related to
Aaron M. Fischman1 balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration, including the preparation needed, the
Wael E. Saad2 technique and challenges, and the outcomes.
CONCLUSION. Although the procedure can be performed when transjugular intrahe-
Patel A, Fischman AM, Saad WE patic portosystemic shunt is contraindicated or when endoscopic management fails, balloon-
occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration is successful as a first-line or second-line thera-
py. Gastric variceal rebleeding rates are low and serious complications are rare. Randomized
controlled trials are required to evaluate the superiority of this procedure over other methods
of treating gastric varices and to determine which sclerosant should be used. In the near fu-
ture, this procedure may play a larger role in emergency care and in the management of non-
gastric varices.

Background and History is recommended for the treatment of bleeding

Gastric varices are notorious for being dif- esophageal varices, its long-term success is
ficult to manage and often require a multi- limited for isolated gastric varices [13]. This
disciplinary approach [1, 2]. Although less difference is attributed to the relatively large
prevalent and less likely to bleed than esoph- size and high flow of gastric varices, which
ageal varices [1, 3], gastric varices tend to require large volumes of sclerosant that are
require more blood transfusions and have susceptible to being washed away, potentially
higher mortality when bleeding occurs [3–5]. leading to systemic (pulmonary) embolization
Treatment options for bleeding gastric vari- [4, 14]. Allowing modulation of flow within
ces are varied and include medical, surgical, the varices, a new endovascular approach is
endoscopic, and endovascular approaches widely used in Japan, where it has been exten-
[1]. Two general procedural approaches ex- sively studied and accepted as the treatment
ist: indirectly decrease the pressure in the var- of choice of gastric varices [9, 14–27]. This
ices by decompressing the portal system or endovascular approach is currently referred to
Keywords: balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous directly exclude (sclerose) the varices from as balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous
obliteration, gastric varices, TIPS, variceal bleeding
the portosystemic system. An indirect ap- obliteration. In 1984 Olsen and coworkers
DOI:10.2214/AJR.12.9052 proach can be performed either surgically or [28], in their case report on transrenal vein re-
percutaneously by establishing a transjugular flux ethanol sclerosis, first described this pro-
Received April 8, 2012; accepted without revision intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) [6– cedure as we now know it [29].
April 23, 2012. 8]. However, portosystemic shunts such as a In 1996, Kanagawa and colleagues [14]
Department of Radiology, Division of Interventional TIPS are typically used as second-line acute revived the procedure using ethanolamine
Radiology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, One Gustave therapy (second to endoscopic management) oleate and coined the term balloon-occluded
L. Levy Pl, New York, NY 10029. Address correspondence or to prevent rebleeding [4, 9]. Although de- retrograde transvenous obliteration. The con-
to A. M. Fischman ( creasing portal pressure is considered effec- cept is to optimize the action of the sclerosing
Department of Radiology, Division of Vascular
tive in reducing the bleeding rate of esopha- agent by inducing stagnation in the gastric
Interventional Radiology, University of Virginia Health geal varices, it is inconsistently effective for varices, thereby allowing maximal sclerosant
System, Charlottesville, VA. gastric varices, which tend to occur and bleed dwell time to cause endothelial sclerosis and
at lower portal pressures [10, 11]. vascular thrombosis [14]. It is approached
AJR 2012; 199:721–729 The first-line approach is typically en- with a technique similar to that for high-flow
doscopic with injection of adhesive or scle- vascular malformation [29, 30].
rosant directly into the gastric varices [4, 12]. In this review, we describe the pathophys-
© American Roentgen Ray Society Although endoscopic variceal sclerotherapy iology of portal hypertension, indications for

AJR:199, October 2012 721

Patel et al.

the procedure, key features in patient eval- lines [31]. For this reason, indications to treat ized controlled trials comparing its efficacy
uation, the importance of preprocedure im- gastric varices with this technique are not well with that of other therapies, patients should be
aging, and the relevant anatomy of gastric established in the United States. Although it carefully evaluated to determine which ther-
varices. We also describe the technical fea- has been described for the management of ac- apy is best in the clinical situation. Although
tures of the procedure, including equipment, tively bleeding gastric varices [32] and for he- exact protocols differ between institutions,
choice of embolic agent, and technical chal- patic encephalopathy [17, 19], the procedure evaluation should include preprocedure lab-
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lenges and considerations. Finally, we review appears most useful for preventing gastric oratory studies (serum electrolytes, complete
the literature on outcomes and comparison variceal rebleeding after endoscopic ther- blood cell count, coagulation panel, and liver
with other therapies and propose future di- apy or when management with endoscopy and kidney function tests) and cross-sectional
rections for the procedure. fails [15, 21, 24, 33]. This is particularly true imaging (CT or MRI with coronal reformation
when patients are not good candidates for and acquisition) [1, 2]. Cross-sectional imag-
Pathophysiology of Portal TIPS (see later) [2]. Reasons for utilizing bal- ing is required to determine the candidacy of
Hypertension loon-occluded retrograde transvenous oblit- the patient for the procedure and the patency of
Venous blood draining from the stomach, eration over TIPS include coagulopathy, high the splenic and portal veins [1, 2] (Fig. 1). The
pancreas, spleen, and intestines enters the Model for End-stage Liver Disease (MELD) traditional balloon-occluded retrograde trans-
liver via the portal vein, which is formed by score, and hepatic encephalopathy [5, 7, 17– venous obliteration procedure requires a por-
the confluence of the splenic and mesenteric 19, 24, 33]. Several reports from Asia have tosystemic shunt, usually a gastrorenal shunt
veins. Intrahepatically, blood passes through described the use of the technique for both (Fig. 2). Preprocedure imaging should be ob-
the hepatic sinusoids and into the hepat- emergency treatment and as prophylaxis of tained immediately before balloon-occluded
ic veins and subsequently the inferior vena bleeding from high-risk gastric varices [14, transvenous obliteration so that the anatomy
cava. In liver disease such as cirrhosis, blood 17–19, 21, 24, 25], yet medical and endoscop- of the shunt can be delineated and an approach
flow through the hepatic sinusoids is limited, ic therapies predominate in the United States, formulated. Any clinically significant coagu-
and portal pressure increases. This increased where reports of endovascular obliteration are lation laboratory abnormality should be cor-
portal pressure, normally 2–5 mm Hg, de- few [13]. Although endoscopic therapy has re- rected before the procedure. In addition, the
fines portal hypertension, the complications sulted in good initial hemostasis, reported re- MELD score should be calculated for each pa-
of which typically develop at greater than bleeding rates are high, ranging from 34% to tient to identify patients whose liver-related
12 mm Hg [7, 13]. In addition to gastric and 53% [10, 13, 34, 35]. Furthermore, mortality mortality after TIPS would be high, perhaps
esophageal varices, the stigmata of portal from each episode of rebleeding is also high, making balloon-occluded transvenous obliter-
hypertension include transudative complica- approximately 20% [35]. ation more suitable [2, 30].
tions (ascites and hepatic hydrothorax) and
splenomegaly that can result in sequestration Patient Evaluation and Anatomy of Gastric Varices
and pancytopenia. Little is known about why Preprocedure Imaging Eighty-five percent of gastric varices have
gastric varices occur in some patients and Patients with cirrhosis and upper gastro- gastrorenal shunts, 10% have gastrocaval shunts,
esophageal varices in others [4]. The vari- intestinal bleeding should be in stable condi- and 5% have gastrocardiophrenic shunts [36].
ous causes of portal hypertension are classi- tion and undergo upper endoscopy for first- A minority of patients with gastric varices have
fied by location, as follows [7]: extrahepatic line diagnostic and therapeutic purposes [1]. a portosystemic communication along the
postsinusoidal (Budd–Chiari syndrome), in- Aggressive volume resuscitation should be left gastric azygohemiazygous axis [37, 38].
trahepatic postsinusoidal (hepatic venooc- avoided because variceal bleeding is pressure Although balloon-occluded retrograde trans-
clusive disease), sinusoidal (cirrhosis, cystic driven, and overzealous fluid resuscitation can venous obliteration of gastropericardiophrenic
liver disease, partial nodular transformation increase bleeding [1]. With the indications for shunts and gastroazygous shunts is more chal-
of the liver, metastatic malignant disease), balloon-occluded transvenous obliteration be- lenging than that of gastrorenal and gastroca-
intrahepatic presinusoidal (schistosomiasis, ing poorly defined in the absence of random- val shunts, success has been achieved, albeit in
sarcoidosis, congenital hepatic fibrosis, vi-
nyl chloride, drugs), and extrahepatic presi-
nusoidal (portal vein thrombosis, malignant
disease of pancreas, pancreatitis, congenital
extrahepatic portal vein occlusion). In a mi-
nority of cases in the United States (< 10%),
gastric varices occur with sentinel portal hy-
pertension (splenic vein thrombosis) and not
global portal hypertension [1, 2].
Fig. 1—47-year-old man
Indications with portal hypertension
Despite being widely used in Asia, balloon- and recent gastric
occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration bleeding. Contrast-
is uncommon in the United States and is not enhanced CT venogram
shows prominent gastric
mentioned in the American Association for varices (arrow) protruding
the Study of Liver Diseases practice guide- into gastric lumen.

722 AJR:199, October 2012

Transvenous Obliteration of Gastric Varices

Fig. 2—55-year-old lar sheath (Fig. 3). Preoperative imaging may

woman with gastric reveal details about draining vein anatomy (fea-
varices. CT venogram
shows gastrorenal tures of the gastrorenal shunt) that may make
shunt leading to variceal one approach more favorable than the other
complex (arrow). (Fig. 4). A compliant balloon catheter is po-
sitioned in the gastrorenal shunt. The compli-
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ant balloon is inflated, the draining vein (gas-

trorenal shunt) is occluded, and the balloon is
sized appropriately. A retrograde venogram is
obtained manually through the balloon occlu-
sion catheter to better define the anatomy of the
varices and identify collateral vessels (Fig. 5).
If the collateral vessels shunt blood into or
contrast medium away from the varices, di-
lution of the sclerosant or nontarget emboli-
zation can occur. For this reason, the collat-
small case series and case reports [39, 40]. a single draining vein with collaterals as type eral vessels are occluded before delivery of
From the limited data available, the technical B, those with veins draining into both the the sclerosant (see later). A microcatheter is
success rate of conventional balloon-occluded gastrorenal and gastrocaval systems as type placed through the occlusion balloon cathe-
retrograde transvenous obliteration via a gas- C, and those that do not drain into the renal or ter, and the sclerosant is slowly injected into
trorenal shunt compared with via unconven- caval systems as type D. Type B gastric var- the varices and left to sclerose and coagulate
tional portosystemic venous routes is 92% ver- ices are further divided into three subtypes (Fig. 6). Such dwelling times vary greatly be-
sus 67% [37, 38, 41]. Nevertheless, difficult depending on the degree of flow through tween institutions, from 30 minutes [14, 42]
variceal anatomy can make some patients in- the collateral veins. Because type D gastric to 24 hours [43]. Several studies with dwell-
eligible for transcatheter obliteration, particu- varices drain through small tributaries that ing times less than 3 hours showed low initial
larly if draining veins are too large to be oc- cannot be catheterized, they are usually not technical success rates, and repeat balloon-
cluded by the balloon [19]. amenable to conventional balloon-occluded occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration
The technical difficulty of balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration [22, 23]. was necessary, sometimes with longer dwell-
retrograde transvenous obliteration relies on ing times, to achieve technical success rates
the anatomy of the afferent and draining veins Technique close to 100% [14, 17, 19, 42].
of the varices. This anatomy and how it alters The balloon-occluded retrograde transve- Excess sclerosant is aspirated, the balloon
the approach have been thoroughly reviewed nous obliteration procedure is typically per- is deflated (usually under real-time fluorosco-
by Kiyosue et al. [22, 23] and are briefly sum- formed with nursing-monitored moderate se- py), and the catheters are removed. If repeat
marized in this review. Other techniques, such dation [5], but it can be performed with local venography shows insufficient clot formation
as coil embolization of collateral vessels and anesthesia alone [9]. Access to the caval venous in the varices, balloon-occluded retrograde
use of multiple balloons, may be needed de- system is achieved by right femoral or internal transvenous obliteration can be reattempted
pending on the variceal anatomy [23]. jugular access through a 6- to 12-French vascu- with additional sclerosant.
Gastric varices are most often supplied by
the left gastric, posterior gastric, or short gas-
tric veins or a combination of these vessels.
The pattern of this afferent supply is divided
into three types, each associated with an in-
creasing degree of technical difficulty. Gastric
varices supplied by a single afferent vein are
classified as type 1, those supplied by multiple
afferent veins as type 2, and those with contig-
uous gastric or portal branch veins that do not
contribute to the shunt as type 3 [22, 23]. With
type 3 afferent veins, balloon occlusion of the
draining vein can lead to a hemodynamic shift
within the varices and result in shunting of the
sclerosant away from the varices through the
contiguous gastric veins [22, 23].
The pattern of the draining systemic veins
(the shunts) is divided into four types, each A B
also posing an increasing degree of technical
Fig. 3—52-year-old man (A) and 42-year-old man (B) with gastric varices.
difficulty. Gastric varices with a single drain- A and B, Fluoroscopic images show right femoral vein access (A) and right internal jugular vein access (B).
ing vein are classified as type A, those with Arrows indicate catheters in gastrorenal shunts.

AJR:199, October 2012 723

Patel et al.

Fig. 5—51-year-old man

with gastric varices.
Retrograde venogram
shows occlusion balloon
and multiple collateral
vessels in gastric variceal
complex. Metallic
coils are from previous
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embolization procedure.

oleate is hemolytic, and the resultant free hemo- oleate, STS (STS 1% and 3% Sotradecol,
globin can cause renal failure [47]. Therefore, AngioDynamics) is a detergent, and U.S. op-
patients are typically pretreated with 4000 erators are experienced with its use throughout
Fig. 4—47-year-old man with gastric varices. Coronal units of haptoglobin [19, 47]. In addition to the the body [5]. Sabri et al. [5] found that com-
reformatted image from CT venogram reveals lack of ready availability of haptoglobin in the pared with obliteration with ethanolamine ole-
angulation of left renal vein (arrow) in relation to
gastrorenal shunt. Acute angle suggests jugular United States, lack of experience with ethanol- ate, performing the procedure with STS re-
access is more appropriate for balloon-occluded amine oleate has made its use infrequent in the quired a smaller volume of sclerosant. They
retrograde transvenous obliteration procedure. United States [5]. Some authors [17, 48–50] suggested that the smaller volume of sclerosant
attempt to minimize the renal risk by using a can yield fewer systemic effects, and its prepa-
Choice of Sclerosant reserved approach and injecting less ethanol- ration as a foam can make it a more effective
Sclerosants are harsh chemical agents that amine oleate but accepting the probable need sclerosant [5, 29]. STS foam is typically pre-
act by denaturing biologic tissue. When in- for additional obliteration sessions. pared with the use of a three-way stopcock to
jected into a vein, they incite complete en- combine a 3:2:1 ratio of gas (air or carbon di-
dothelial destruction and fibrosis [44]. The Sodium Tetradecyl Sulfate oxide) to 3% STS to lipiodol (Ethiodol, Savage
balance is delicate between chemical toxic- Sodium tetradecyl sulfate (STS) is the pre- Laboratories). Other proportions of gas to STS
ity and clinical efficacy. Agents such as etha- dominant sclerosant agent used in the bal- to lipiodol (less gas and more STS, producing a
nolamine oleate (Ethamolin, QOL Medical) loon-occluded retrograde transvenous oblit- froth and not a foam) have been used success-
have been cited as being too prone to com- eration procedure in the United States (Saad fully in the United States [29].
plication and are rarely used in the United WE, unpublished data). Unlike ethanolamine
States [44]. Detergent sclerosants have saf- Polidocanol (Hydroxy Polyethoxydodecane)
er profiles. Most sclerosants (including eth- Also a detergent and used in foam form
anolamine oleate and detergent sclerosants) for varicose vein sclerotherapy [51], poli-
can be made into foam or froth by agitating docanol (0.5% polidocanol; 1% Asclera,
them with gas (carbon dioxide or air). This Merz Aesthetics) is widely used in the United
process increases the volume-to-sclerosant States [44] and has been studied as a sclerosant
ratio, markedly increasing potency and safe- for balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous
ty [9, 44]. Because balloon-occluded retro- obliter­ation [9]. Choi et al. found that relative-
grade transvenous obliteration is becoming ly small volumes of polidocanol were required
more popular outside Asia, use of detergent for this procedure, decreasing the risk of com-
sclerosants is being studied and has had good plication and avoiding the use of haptoglobin
preliminary results [5, 9]. to protect against renal failure. This complica-
tion was not observed in any of the 16 patients
Ethanolamine Oleate in the study. The technical success, oblitera-
Ethanolamine oleate is the predominant and tion, and rebleeding rates with polidocanol
traditional sclerosant agent used in the balloon- were similar to those with other sclerosants.
occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration Polidocanol is relatively new to the U.S. mar-
procedure, particularly in Asia [14–17, 19–21, ket and is not available in the United States in
24, 32, 42, 43, 45, 46]. Ten percent ethanol- the high concentrations it is elsewhere.
amine oleate is typically mixed with an equal
volume of contrast medium, typically iopami- Foam Versus Liquid Sclerosant
Fig. 6—51-year-old man with gastric varices.
dol, resulting in a 5% ethanolamine oleate– Fluoroscopic image shows sclerosant mixture inside The use of sclerosant in a foam or froth start-
iopamidol mixture. However, ethanolamine gastric varices. ed in 2005–2006 in both Japan (polidocanol)

724 AJR:199, October 2012

Transvenous Obliteration of Gastric Varices

However, several types of catheters, including

other types of microballoon catheters avail-
able in Asia and described in the literature, are
not readily available in the United States [54].
Although published technical failure rates
are low, the most often cited cause of techni-
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cal failure is inability to cannulate or com-

pletely occlude the draining vein, which is
either too tortuous or too large [5, 16, 18, 21,
32, 43]. Other less common causes are mas-
sive variceal rupture and bleeding [14, 32],
the presence of complex collaterals decom-
pressing the varices [16, 21, 43], and use of
an insufficient amount of sclerosant [16].
In addition to these anatomic challenges,
physiologic challenges exist. Akahoshi et al.
[43] found that higher portal venous pressure
before the procedure resulted in significantly
longer procedure times. These patients also
Fig. 7—45-year-old woman with gastric varices. Venogram (left) shows collateral flow through inferior phrenic needed more adjunctive therapies for collat-
vein (thick arrow) and pericardiophrenic vein (thin arrow). Fluoroscopic image (right) shows microcatheter eral vessels.
delivering coil.
and the United States (3% STS) [9, 29]. Even the United States, it should be considered in The complications described most often
ethanolamine oleate has been used as a foam the care of patients of Asian descent. Citing are typically transient and self-limited. One
sclerosant [29]. The advantage of foam is that it the additional cost, time, and risk of coil mi- prospective trial [32] showed a similar inci-
reduces the sclerosant-to-volume ratio, requir- gration and alcohol toxicity, Fukuda et al. [52] dence of complications of balloon-occluded
ing less sclerosant per procedure [29]. In addi- described a method of decreasing the grade of retrograde transvenous obliteration and en-
tion, the foam sclerosant is thought to percolate gastric varices to make them more amenable doscopic n-butyl cyanoacrylate glue injec-
better into the numerous varices and convolu- to treatment. In that technique, the occlusion tion. Epigastric and back pain, fever, and he-
tions of the gastric variceal system (gastric vari- balloon is positioned in the draining vein clos- maturia were most common, often found in a
ces and gastrorenal shunt) [29]. er to the varices, proximal to collateral vessels large percentage of patients [15–18, 21, 42,
that would have otherwise required emboliza- 46]. Other symptoms, such as nausea, elevat-
Technical Challenges and tion. More proximal treatment is also achieved ed blood pressure, and changes in laboratory
Considerations by the use of a coaxial balloon catheter system values (liver and renal) were also found, but
One potential technical challenge is the in which a 5-French balloon catheter is insert- in fewer patients [15, 42]. Bacterial peritonitis
presence of collateral vessels that might di- ed through a 9-French balloon catheter [53]. was found in 8% of patients in one study, but
lute the sclerosant or expose it to the system-
ic circulation [22, 23]. The reported use of
adjunctive techniques to prevent this prob-
lem ranges from 0% to 70%. Such adjunc-
tive techniques entail the use of coils [5, 9,
18, 19, 21, 46], gelatin sponge [5, 9, 16, 46],
50% glucose [18, 21, 43], or absolute ethanol
[17–19, 21] to occlude collateral vessels (Fig.
7). Although most gastric varices have a sin-
gle gastrorenal shunt, several include multi-
ple shunts [16, 21], which can be embolized
before injection of the sclerosant or occluded
with a second balloon [16, 18, 21].
Much of the literature on balloon-occluded
retrograde transvenous obliteration originates
from Japan, where 85% of people have meta-
bolic sensitivity to ethanol. Hirota et al. [19]
have suggested the use of an ethanol and eth-
anolamine oleate–iopamidol mixture for the
Fig. 8—51-year-old man with gastric varices. Preoperative CT image (left) shows large complex of gastric
embolization of collateral vessels. Although varices. CT image 1 month after balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (right) shows no residual
this problem is encountered less frequently in enhancement of varices. Residual lipiodol and interval increase in perisplenic ascites are evident.

AJR:199, October 2012 725

Patel et al.

study also showed that the cumulative survival

rate after balloon-occluded retrograde transve-
nous obliteration was significantly higher than
for patients not treated.
Just as occlusion of gastric varices can
cause redirection of portal blood to esoph-
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ageal varices, portal blood can be redirect-

ed toward the liver, resulting in clinical im-
provement in the patient’s condition. Cho et
al. [16] described two patients in whom ex-
isting main portal vein bland thrombus re-
solved after balloon-occluded retrograde
transvenous obliteration but recurred later.
Fig. 9—56-year-old woman with recent gastric hemorrhage. Preoperative CT image (left) shows varices Marked improvement or resolution of hepat-
(arrow) protruding into lumen of stomach. Intraprocedural CT image (right) shows immediate technical success ic encephalopathy has been reported [17, 19],
and complete opacification of variceal complex (arrow) with sclerosant mixture. as has a significant decrease in serum am-
monia concentration [19, 46], improvement
these patients recovered after only conserva- cess, defined by successful filling of gastric in serum albumin concentration [18, 20], res-
tive therapy [16], and this complication is oth- varices with sclerosant, is reported to occur olution of ascites [17], and improvement of
erwise rarely mentioned in the literature. in 77–100% of patients (Fig. 9). Complete Child-Pugh class [17, 46].
The reported rates of new or worse ascites obliteration of the gastric varices is reported
and hydrothorax vary. One study [16] showed in 82–100% of patients. In some studies [14, Balloon-Occluded Retrograde
worse ascites in 44% and hydrothorax in 72% 17, 19, 24], repeat balloon-occluded retro- Transvenous Obliteration Versus
of patients [16] (Fig. 8). These patients’ con- grade transvenous obliteration was necessary TIPS and in Addition to Portal
ditions returned to baseline a few months af- to achieve such high percentages, but repeat Venous Modulator Procedures
ter the procedure. Portal vein and renal vein procedures often required large volumes of TIPS has been previously reported as effec-
thrombosis is found in a small number of pa- sclerosants (greater than 30–40 cm3). Follow- tive in the treatment of bleeding gastric vari-
tients and is typically clinically silent [5, 16]. up periods are typically short-term and mid- ces [10, 61]. However, unlike balloon-occlud-
Pulmonary embolism has been reported and term, the longest mean follow-up period being ed retrograde transvenous obliteration, TIPS
can be symptomatic, but the embolus is not 66 months [45]. Rebleeding rates are report- achieves the effect at the cost of a higher inci-
described as having high-density material in ed to be as high as 15% [32] but are typically dence of encephalopathy compared with en-
it to suggest it has an origin from the treat- much lower, most studies showing rebleeding doscopic therapy [34]. In addition, large gas-
ed gastric varices [5, 16, 43]. Even more rare rates lower than 5%. Hong et al. [32] prospec- tric varices not only tend to exist at lower portal
but potentially life-threatening ventricular fi- tively compared balloon-occluded retrograde pressures because of their decompressive effect
brillation [43], pulmonary edema [5, 16], and transvenous obliteration with endoscopic n-
anaphylaxis to ethanolamine oleate [19] have butyl cyanoacrylate injection and found the
also been reported. Changes in pulmonary latter to have a significantly decreased prob-
function parameters can occur after balloon- ability of rebleeding-free survival. That study
occluded retrograde transvenous oblitera- also showed significantly higher probabil-
tion even if clinical symptoms are not pres- ity of survival among patients treated with
ent; thus careful respiratory monitoring is transcatheter therapy and rescue transcath-
recommended [55]. Although balloon rup- eter therapy after failed endoscopic therapy
ture has not been reported as a complication than among patients treated with endosco-
in most series, in one series [56] it occurred py alone in the acute phase. In a recent ret-
in 9% of patients. Although not yet reported rospective study comparing balloon-occluded
with transcatheter variceal obliteration but retrograde transvenous obliteration with en-
seen with use of foam sclerosant elsewhere doscopic sclerotherapy, Akahoshi et al. [45]
in the body, air in the foam can embolize to found that transcatheter obliteration required
the lungs or to the systemic arterial circula- significantly fewer treatment sessions, had a
tion through a patent foramen ovale [57, 58]. significantly higher eradication rate, and re-
For lower extremity varicose vein sclerother- quired a significantly shorter hospital stay.
apy, side effects are markedly decreased with Worsening esophageal varices occurs in
the use of carbon dioxide, a more physiologic 10–68% of patients and has been found to be
gas, instead of air in the foam [59, 60]. significantly more likely to occur when those Fig. 10—43-year-old man with cirrhosis and chronic
varices are already present [24, 43]. These var- bleeding gastric varices. Venogram shows balloon-
Outcomes ices are most often successfully treated endo- occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration after
The details and outcomes of the reviewed scopically, but a single patient death has been continued bleeding after placement of transjugular
intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) 9 months
studies are shown in Table 1 [5, 9, 14–19, reported [16]. Overall survival rates are re- earlier. TIPS was confirmed to be widely patent on
21, 24, 32, 42, 43, 45, 46]. Technical suc- ported to be as low as 65% [46], but this same previous studies.

726 AJR:199, October 2012

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TABLE 1: Summary of Published Reports of Balloon-Occluded Retrograde Transvenous Obliteration

Class Nature of Procedure (no.)
Technical Esophageal Adjunct
No. of Active, Elective, Success Obliteration Follow-Up Rebleed Varices Technique Survival
Reference Year Sclerosant Patients A B C Emergency Urgent Prophylactic Rate (%) Dwell Time (%) Period Rate (%) Worse (%) (%) Rate (%)
Akahoshi et al. [43] 2008 Ethanolamine 68 27 28 13 20 48 92 24 h 97 Mean 3 22 41 78.1
oleate–iopamidol 62 mo
Akahoshi et al. [45] 2012 Ethanolamine 42 8 20 14 42 100 24 h 95 Mean 5 26 100
oleate–iopamidol 66.2 mo
Arai et al. [15] 2005 Ethanolamine 11 5 4 1 11 91 1h 100 Mean 0 55 18 64
oleate–iopamidol 1136 d
Cho et al. [16] 2007 Ethanolamine 49 17 23 9 4 45 84 Mean 12.8 h 95 Mean 0 68 83
oleate–iopamidol 637 d
Fukuda et al. [17] 2001 Ethanolamine 43 6 29 8 43 100a ≥1 h 100a Mean 0 10 98
oleate–iopamidol 30 mo
Hiraga et al. [18] 2007 Ethanolamine 34 12 18 3 12 22 93 20 h 91 Median 0 29 71
oleate–iopamidol 33 mo
Hirota et al. [19] 1999 Ethanolamine 20 4 11 5 20 100a 1–3 h 100 Mean 0 16 70 95
oleate–iopamidol 16.6 mo
Hong et al. [32] 2009 Ethanolamine 13 5 6 2 13 77 4h 100 Median 15 31 77
oleate–iopamidol 14 mo
Kanagawa et al. [14] 1996 Ethanolamine 32 16 13 3 32 97a 30 min 97 Mean 0 19
oleate–iopamidol 14 mo
Kitamoto et al. [21] 2002 Ethanolamine 24 8 13 3 11 13 88 ≈20 h 100 Mean 0 35 33 96
oleate–iopamidol 21.2 mo
Ninoi et al. [24] 2005 Ethanolamine 78 52 24 2 11 67 87 Overnight 95 Mean 1 37 76
oleate–iopamidol 837 d
Sonomura et al. [42] 1998 Ethanolamine 14 1 6 7 1 13 100a 30 min 86 Mean 0 14
oleate–iopamidol 24 mo
Takuma et al. [46] 2005 Ethanolamine 17 7 10 0 17 100 Overnight 82 Mean 6 50 65
Transvenous Obliteration of Gastric Varices

oleate–iopamidol 35.5 mo
Choi et al. [9] 2011 Polidocanol 16 7 8 1 14 2 94 1h 91 Median 7 50
273 d
Sabri et al. [5] 2011 Sodium tetradecyl 22 22 91 4h 89a Mean 0 41
sulfate 130 d
aProcedure repeated multiple times.

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