Rock Slope Stability Analyses

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LANDSLIDES – Causes, Impacts and Countermeasures

17-21 June 2001

Davos, Switzerland
pp. 615-624



Doug Stead, Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada

Erik Eberhardt, Engineering Geology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
John Coggan, Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter, UK.
Boris Benko, Golder Associates, Abbottsford, Canada


Stability analyses are routinely performed in order to assess the safe and functional
design of an excavated slope (e.g. open pit mining, road cuts, etc.), and/or the
equilibrium conditions of a natural slope. The analysis technique chosen depends on
both site conditions and the potential mode of failure, with careful consideration
being given to the varying strengths, weaknesses and limitations inherent in each
methodology. This paper presents a review of numerical techniques used in rock
slope stability analysis emphasising recent developments in numerical modelling,
including advances in computer visualisation and the use of continuum and
discontinuum numerical modelling codes.


The engineer today is presented with a vast range of methods for the stability
analysis of rock and mixed rock-soil slopes; these range from simple infinite slope
and planar failure limit equilibrium techniques to sophisticated coupled finite-/distinct-
element codes. It is less than 25 years since most rock slope stability calculations
were performed either graphically or using a hand-held calculator, the exception
being advanced analyses involving critical surface searching routines performed on a
mainframe computer and Fortran cards. The great majority of early stability analysis
programs were in-house with very little software being available commercially. Today,
every engineer has access to a personal computer that can undertake with relative
ease complex numerical analyses of rock slopes.

Given the wide scope of numerical applications available today, it has become
essential for the engineer to fully understand the varying strengths and limitations
inherent in each of the different methodologies. For example, limit equilibrium
methods still remain the most commonly adopted solution method in rock slope
engineering, even though most failures involve complex internal deformation and
fracturing which bears little resemblance to the 2-D rigid block assumptions required
by most limit equilibrium back-analyses. Initiation or trigger mechanisms may involve
sliding movements which can be analysed as a limit equilibrium problem, but this is
followed by or preceded by creep, progressive deformation, and extensive internal
disruption of the slope mass. The factors initiating eventual sliding may be complex
and not easily allowed for in simple static analysis. Not withstanding the above
comments, limit equilibrium analyses may be highly relevant to simple block failure
along discontinuities. It is the authors’ view that limit equilibrium techniques should be
used in conjunction with numerical modelling to maximize the advantages of both.

The engineer today, if he is to demonstrate due-diligence, must show he has used

both all the tools at his disposal and, more importantly, the correct tools. The
argument for the use of all relevant available slope analysis techniques in a design or
back-analysis is crystallized by the observation of Chen (1), “In the early days, slope
failure was always written off as an act of God. Today, attorneys can always find
someone to blame and someone to pay for the damage – especially when the
damage involves loss of life or property”. The design of a slope using a limit
equilibrium analysis alone may be completely inadequate if the slope fails by complex
mechanisms (e.g. progressive creep, internal deformation and brittle fracture,
liquefaction of weaker soil layers, etc.). Furthermore, within slope engineering design
and analysis, increased use is being made of hazard appraisal and risk assessment
concepts. A risk assessment must address both the consequence of slope failure and
the hazard or probability of failure; both require an understanding of the failure
mechanism in order that the spatial and temporal probabilities can be addressed.


Table 1 provides a summary of those techniques that are routinely applied in

conventional slope analyses together with their inherent advantages and limitations.
As such, the first step in any rock slope stability analysis must be a detailed
evaluation of the lithology and rock mass structure. From this follows the necessity to
determine if the orientation of the existing discontinuity sets could lead to block
instability. This assessment may be carried out by means of stereographic techniques
and kinematic analysis. For example, the program DIPS (2) allows for the
visualisation and determination of the kinematic feasibility of rock slopes using friction
cones, daylight and toppling envelopes, in addition to graphical and statistical
analysis of the discontinuity properties. It is essential that the engineer is aware that
such approaches recognise potential sliding failures involving single discontinuities or
discontinuity intersections. They do not cater for failure involving multiple joints/joint
sets or internal deformation and fracture. Discontinuity data and joint set intersections
defined in DIPS, however, can be imported into companion limit equilibrium codes
(e.g. SWEDGE (2)) to assess the factor of safety against sliding (Figure 1). These
programs often incorporate probabilistic tools, in which variations in joint set
properties and added support measures can be assessed for their influence on the
factor of safety.

All limiting equilibrium techniques share a common approach based on a comparison

of resisting forces/moments mobilized and the disturbing forces/moments. Methods
vary, however, in the assumptions adopted in order to achieve a determinate solution.
Graphical analysis using stereonet techniques can also be carried out using block
theory techniques to assess critical keyblocks. The stability of such keyblocks can
then be assessed using limit equilibrium methods such as in the SAFEX program (3)
and KBSLOPE (4).
Table 1. Conventional methods of analysis (after (5)).

Analysis Critical input Advantages Limitations

method parameters

Stereographic Critical slope and Relatively simple to use and give Only really suitable for preliminary
and Kinematic discontinuity geometry; an initial indication of failure design or design of non-critical
representative shear potential. Some methods allow slopes. Need to determine critical
strength characteristics. identification and analysis of discontinuities that requires
critical keyblocks. Links are engineering judgement. Must be
possible with other analysis used with representative
methods. Can be combined with discontinuity/joint shear strength
statistical techniques to indicate data. Primarily evaluates critical
probability of failure and orientations, neglecting other
associated volumes. important joint properties.

Limit Representative Wide variety of software available Factor of safety calculations give
Equilibrium geometry and material for different failure modes (planar, no indication of instability
characteristics; soil or wedge, toppling, etc.). Mostly mechanisms. Numerous
rock mass shear deterministic but increased use of techniques available all with
strength parameters probabilistic analysis. Can varying assumptions. Strains and
(cohesion and friction); analyse factor of safety sensitivity intact failure not allowed for. Do
discontinuity shear to changes in slope geometry and not consider in situ stress state.
strength characteristics; material behaviour. Capable of Probabilistic analysis requires
groundwater conditions; modelling 2-D and 3-D slopes well-defined input data to allow
reinforcement with multiple materials, meaningful evaluation. Simple
characteristics and reinforcement and groundwater probabilistic analyses may not
external support data. profiles. allow for sample/data covariance.

Rockfall Representative slope Practical tool for siting structures. Limited experience in use relative
Simulation geometry; rock block Can utilise probabilistic analysis. to empirical design charts.
sizes and shapes; 2-D and 3-D codes available
coefficient of restitution.

Considerable advances in commercially available limit equilibrium computer codes

have taken place in recent years. These include:
• Integration of 2-D limit equilibrium codes with finite-element groundwater flow
and stress analyses (e.g. GEO-SLOPE’s SIGMA/W, SEEP/W and SLOPE/W
• Development of 3-D limit equilibrium methods (e.g. CLARA (7); 3D-SLOPE
• Development of probabilistic limit equilibrium techniques.
• Ability to allow for varied support and reinforcement.
• Incorporation of unsaturated soil shear strength criteria.
• Greatly improved visualisation, and pre- and post-processing graphics.

These codes are extremely relevant in the analysis of soil slopes and highly altered
rock slopes, where sliding takes place on discrete well-defined surfaces. Figure 2
illustrates the use of the 2-D limit equilibrium program SLOPE/W in the back-analysis
of a failure in a kaolinised granite slope. Where it is necessary to include the stress
state within the rock mass and the influence of complex deformation and brittle
fracture, numerical modelling techniques should be used (e.g. Figure 2).

Figure 1. SWEDGE analysis (RIGHT) based on DIPS stereonet input (LEFT).


shear strain
rate contours
critical slip plane granite
(i.e. F. of S. = 1) high

Figure 2. Analysis of China clay slope using limit equilibrium to find the critical slip plane
(LEFT) and finite-difference to model shear strain development (RIGHT).

Rockfall simulators, another conventional form of analysis, include tools used to

assess hazards of individual falling blocks. Programs such as ROCFALL (2) analyse
the trajectory of falling blocks based on changes in velocity as rock blocks roll and
bounce over a given slope geometry. Other factors solved for include block velocity,
bounce height and endpoint distance, which can be analysed statistically over a
repeated number of simulations to aid in a risk assessment. Rockfall simulators can
also assist in determining remedial measures by calculating the effectiveness and
kinetic energy of impact on barriers. Similar developments that deal with failed rock
blocks and rapid slides include Hungr’s (9) DAN code, which proposes a dynamic
analysis tool suited for the prediction of flow and runout behaviour.


Many rock slope stability problems involve complexities relating to geometry, material
anisotropy, non-linear behaviour, in situ stresses and the presence of several coupled
processes (e.g. pore pressures, seismic loading, etc.). Advances in computing power
and the availability of relatively inexpensive commercial numerical modelling codes
means that the simulation of potential rock slope failure mechanisms could, and in
many cases should, form a standard component of a rock slope investigation.

Numerical methods of analysis used for rock slope stability may be conveniently
divided into three approaches: continuum, discontinuum and hybrid modelling. Table
2 provides a summary of existing numerical techniques.

Table 2. Numerical methods of analysis (after (5)).

Analysis Critical input Advantages Limitations

method parameters

Continuum Representative slope Allows for material deformation Users must be well trained,
Modelling geometry; constitutive and failure. Can model complex experienced and observe good
(e.g. finite- criteria (e.g. elastic, behaviour and mechanisms. modelling practice. Need to be
element, finite- elasto-plastic, creep Capability of 3-D modelling. Can aware of model/software
difference) etc.); groundwater model effects of groundwater and limitations (e.g. boundary effects,
characteristics; shear pore pressures. Able to assess mesh aspect ratios, symmetry,
strength of surfaces; in effects of parameter variations on hardware memory restrictions).
situ stress state. instability. Recent advances in Availability of input data generally
computing hardware allow poor. Required input parameters
complex models to be solved on not routinely measured. Inability
PC’s with reasonable run times. to model effects of highly jointed
Can incorporate creep rock. Can be difficult to perform
deformation. Can incorporate sensitivity analysis due to run
dynamic analysis. time constraints.

Discontinuum Representative slope Allows for block deformation and As above, experienced user
Modelling and discontinuity movement of blocks relative to required to observe good
(e.g. distinct- geometry; intact each other. Can model complex modelling practice. General
element, constitutive criteria; behaviour and mechanisms limitations similar to those listed
discrete- discontinuity stiffness (combined material and above. Need to be aware of
element) and shear strength; discontinuity behaviour coupled scale effects. Need to simulate
groundwater with hydro-mechanical and representative discontinuity
characteristics; in situ dynamic analysis). Able to geometry (spacing, persistence,
stress state. assess effects of parameter etc.). Limited data on joint
variations on instability. properties available (e.g. jkn, jks ).

Hybrid/Coupled Combination of input Coupled finite-element/distinct- Complex problems require high

Modelling parameters listed element models able to simulate memory capacity. Comparatively
above for stand-alone intact fracture propagation and little practical experience in use.
models. fragmentation of jointed and Requires ongoing calibration and
bedded media. constraints.

Continuum Modelling

Continuum modelling is best suited for the analysis of slopes that are comprised of
massive, intact rock, weak rocks, and soil-like or heavily fractured rock masses. Most
continuum codes incorporate a facility for including discrete fractures such as faults
and bedding planes but are inappropriate for the analysis of blocky mediums. The
continuum approaches used in rock slope stability include the finite-difference and
finite-element methods. The salient advantages and limitations are discussed by
Hoek et al. (10), and both have found widespread use in rock slope analysis.
In recent years the vast majority of published continuum rock slope analyses have
used the 2-D finite-difference code, FLAC (11). This code allows a wide choice of
constitutive models to characterize the rock mass and incorporates time dependent
behaviour, coupled hydro-mechanical and dynamic modelling. An example of the use
of FLAC in the modelling of buckling type failures in a surface coal mine slope is
shown in Figure 3.

Two-dimensional continuum codes assume plane strain conditions, which are

frequently not valid in inhomogeneous rock slopes with varying structure, lithology
and topography. The recent advent of 3-D continuum codes such as FLAC3D (11)
and VISAGE (12) enables the engineer to undertake 3-D analyses of rock slopes on
a desktop computer. An example of a FLAC3D analysis of a china clay slope, which
incorporated distinct zones of alteration along strike, is shown in Figure 4.

buckling of bed at
curvature in footwall

Figure 3. FLAC model of buckling failure in a surface coal mine slope.

highly kaolinised granitic section

of slope bordered by less altered
granite (i.e. stiffer material)

Figure 4. FLAC3D model of china clay slope.

Although 2-D and 3-D continuum codes are extremely useful in characterizing rock
slope failure mechanisms it is the responsibility of the engineer to verify whether they
are representative of the rock mass under consideration. Where a rock slope
comprises multiple joint sets, which control the mechanism of failure, then a
discontinuum modelling approach may be considered more appropriate.

Discontinuum Modelling

Discontinuum methods treat the rock slope as a discontinuous rock mass by

considering it as an assemblage of rigid or deformable blocks. The analysis includes
sliding along and opening/closure of rock discontinuities controlled principally by the
joint normal and joint shear stiffness. Discontinuum modelling constitutes the most
commonly applied numerical approach to rock slope analysis, the most popular
method being the distinct-element method (13). Distinct-element codes such as
UDEC (11) use a force-displacement law specifying interaction between the
deformable joint bounded blocks and Newton’s second law of motion, providing
displacements induced within the rock slope.

UDEC is particularly well suited to problems involving jointed media and has been
used extensively in the investigation of both landslides and surface mine slopes. The
influence of external factors such as underground mining, earthquakes and
groundwater pressure on block sliding and deformation can also be simulated. Figure
5 shows an analysis of the Frank Slide, a major rockslide that occurred in Alberta,
Canada. This modelling investigation is described in detail by Benko and Stead (14)
and illustrates the possible role of underground coal mining at the foot of the
mountain slope on the initiation of the rockslide. Figure 6 illustrates the use UDEC in
the modelling of a major toppling instability at the Luscar Mine, Alberta, Canada. This
analysis was able to simulate the progressive development of a basal flexure surface
as mining proceeded with depth from the surface (15). By undertaking a program of
numerical analyses on both observed stable and unstable slopes, the modelling was
able to provide valuable information for future mine planning.

Figure 5. Schematic cross-section of Frank Slide (LEFT) and UDEC model showing shear
along bedding and joints (RIGHT).


Figure 6. UDEC model of flexural toppling in a surface coal mine slope.

The engineer must again be cautious that the structural input into the distinct-element
analysis is representative. Hencher et al. (16) illustrated the importance of bedding
spacing on predicted failure mechanism. Stead and Eberhardt (17) showed the
importance of discontinuity orientation on failure modes observed in surface coal
mine slopes. It is stressed that tailoring the structure of the model to accommodate
the low random access memory of a laptop computer, for example by using
unrepresentative discontinuity spacing, may lead to unrepresentative results.
Simulations must always be verified with field observations and wherever possible
instrumented slope data. This becomes even truer with the development of 3-D
discontinuum codes such as 3DEC (11). Only when a confident portrayal of the 3-D
characteristics of a slope has been obtained, can the results be considered
representative. This in turn requires the undertaking of an extensive and in-depth site
investigation beforehand.

The discontinuous deformation analysis, DDA, developed by Shi (18) has also been
used with considerable success in the modelling of discontinuous rock masses, both
in terms of rockslides (19) and rockfalls (20). An important recent development in
discontinuum codes is the application of distinct-element methodologies and particle
flow codes, e.g. PFC2D/3D (11). This code allows the rock mass to be represented as a
series of spherical particles that interact through frictional sliding contacts. Clusters of
particles may be bonded together through specified bond strengths in order to
simulate joint bounded blocks. One major advantage of such an approach is that high
stresses induced in the rock slope will break the bonds between the particles
simulating, in an approximate manner, the intact fracture of the rock.

The use of discontinuum methods in association with continuum methods has been
shown by several authors to provide an instructive approach to rock slope analysis.
Board et al. (21) illustrate the analysis of complex deformation within the 650m high
Chuquicamata pit slope, Chile, using a combined approach which utilises both FLAC
and UDEC analyses. Similarly, Benko and Stead (14) used an approach adopting
FLAC for the initial investigation of Frank Slide and UDEC for the in-depth analysis.
The latter study integrated results from limit equilibrium, continuum and discontinuum
analyses using each technique as a tool to provide a step in the overall rock slope
Hybrid Techniques

Hybrid approaches are increasingly being adopted in rock slope analysis. This may
include combined analyses using limit equilibrium stability analysis and finite-element
groundwater flow and stress analysis such as adopted in the GEO-SLOPE suite of
software (6). Hybrid numerical models have been used for a considerable time in
underground rock engineering including coupled boundary-/finite-element and
coupled boundary-/distinct-element solutions. Recent advances include coupled
particle flow and finite-difference analyses using FLAC3D and PFC3D (22). These
hybrid techniques already show significant potential in the investigation of such
phenomena as piping slope failures, and the influence of high groundwater pressures
on the failure of weak rock slopes. Coupled finite-/distinct-element codes are now
available which incorporate adaptive remeshing. These methods use a finite-element
mesh to represent either the rock slope or joint bounded block. This is coupled with a
discrete -element model able to model deformation involving joints. If the stresses
within the rock slope exceed the failure criteria within the finite-element model a crack
is initiated. Remeshing allows the propagation of the cracks through the finite-element
mesh to be simulated. Hybrid codes with adaptive remeshing routines, such as
ELFEN (23), have been successfully applied to the simulation of intense fracturing
associated with surface mine blasting, mineral grinding, retaining wall failure and
underground rock caving (24). The authors are currently exploring the use of this
code in the modelling of varied rock slope failure processes.


The analysis of complex landslides can now be undertaken routinely using state-of-
the-art numerical modelling codes on desktop computers. If the benefits of these
methods are to be maximized then it is essential that field data collection techniques
are more responsive to advances in design capabilities. Much of current data
collection methodology has changed little over the last decade and is aimed towards
limit equilibrium analysis. Data including rock mass characteristics, instrumentation
and groundwater must be collected in order to allow more realistic modelling of rock
slope failure mechanisms. The practising engineer and the research scientist must
make efforts to think beyond the use of stand-alone desktop computers and embrace
the rapidly developing technology of parallel computers. Several decades ago
engineers in industry accepted the need to run slope analyses on mainframe
computers, as they could not be done by hand or calculator. The analogy exists today
that in order to fully exploit the developments in 3-D coupled models with adaptive
remeshing we must use parallel processors where personal computers are no longer
sufficient. Such an approach has now been accepted by industry in the 3-D modelling
of underground potash mines and in the simulation of petroleum reservoirs.

The next decade holds enormous potential in our ability to model the complete failure
process from initiation, through transport to deposition. This will provide a far more
rigorous understanding on which to base risk assessment. The advent of virtual
reality programming will allow the engineer to convey the results of simulations in a
powerful and graphically efficient manner. It is essential however that quality/quantity
of both input data and instrumentation data for modelling purposes be improved
concomitantly in order to provide the requisite validation.

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