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Módulo del curso de Inglés I.E.P Silvia Ruff Prof. Edwin W.

Collahua Barreto

Present simple & Present continuous

There are two present tenses in English:

The present simple: I work

The present continuous : I am working


FORM : to think, present simple

Affirmative Form
I / You / We / They think
He / She / It thinks
Negative Form
I / You / We / They do not (don't) think
He / She / It does not (doesn't) think
Interrogative Form
Do I / you / we / they think?
Does he / she / it think?
Time Expressions
Always, usually, often, generally, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never, once a
week/a month/a year, every day, in the morning/afternoon/evening, at night.

Remember: In the third person singular the verb always ends in -s:
he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks.

But with some verbs it ends in -es:

Spelling Rules → Third person singular with -es

Add -es to verbs
Verbs ending in consonant + Verbs ending in vowel + -
ending in: -o, -ss, -
-y : the third person y : the third person
x, -sh, -ch:
changes the -y to -ies : only adds -s :
he goes, she passes,
fly → flies play → plays
he fixes, it pushes,
cry → cries pray → prays
she catches.


Third person singular with s or -es

a. He goes to school every morning.

b. She understands English.
c. It mixes the sand and the water.
d. He tries very hard.
Módulo del curso de Inglés I.E.P Silvia Ruff Prof. Edwin W. Collahua Barreto

e. She enjoys playing the piano.

The present simple is used to express:

 habits,
 repeated actions or unchanging situations,
 general truths.


1. For habits
He drinks tea at breakfast. She only eats fish.
2. For repeated actions or events
We catch the bus every morning It rains every afternoon in the hot season.
3. For general truths
Water freezes at zero degrees. The Earth revolves around the Sun.


The present continuous of any verb is composed of two parts

the present tense of the verb to be + the -ing form of the main verb.

FORM : to talk


Subject + to be + base + ing

I am ('m)
he / she / it is ('s) talking
we / you / they are ('re)


Subject + to be + not + base + ing

I am not ('m not)
he / she / it is not (isn't) talking
we / you / they are not (aren't)


to be + subject + base + ing

am I
is she / he / it talking?
are we / you / they
Módulo del curso de Inglés I.E.P Silvia Ruff Prof. Edwin W. Collahua Barreto

Time Expressions
at the moment, now, tonight, this weekend, this month, at present.

Spelling Rules to add → ing

A single -e at the end of the verb is
dropped before -ing:
The final consonant after a short, stressed
come → coming
vowel is doubled:
But -ie at the end becomes -y:
sit → sitting
Lie → lying
swim → swimming
And -ee is not changed:
See → seeing

The present continuous is used:

 to describe an action that is going on at this moment e.g.

You are using the Internet. You are studying English grammar.
 to describe an action that is going on during this period of time or a trend, e.g.
Are you still working for the same company?
 to describe an action or event in the future, which has already been planned or prepared e.g.
We're going on holiday tomorrow.


Fill the gaps

Have wears Fixes take Washes buy Cooks speaks

Choose the correct verb from the list below to complete the following sentences. Use the correct form
of the present simple tense.

 I _______________breakfast at 6:00 every morning.

 My father always ____________a suit to work.
 He_____________his teeth three times a day.
 The children _____________the bus to school everyday.
 They usually ____________ their clothes at the weekend.
 She often _____________pasta for dinner.
 My French _____________teacher three languages.
 A ___________mechanic cars.

Fill the gaps

Doesn't love don't go dont drink don't know doesn't smoke don't have

Make negative sentences using the correct verbs from the list below.
Módulo del curso de Inglés I.E.P Silvia Ruff Prof. Edwin W. Collahua Barreto

She is Chinese. She doesn't speak French.

 John and Betty are strangers. They ________________each other.

 The children ___________________to school on the weekend.
 Mrs. Harrison wants a divorce. She ___________________her husband anymore.
 Children _______________whisky.
 Susan is very healthy.She __________________cigarettes.
 Poor people ___________________a lot of money.



Listen and repeat these words connected with health, fitness and appearance:

Fat gordo Grumpy gruñon

Overweight persona con sobrepeso Outgoing extrovertido
Slim delgado Reserved reservado
Thin flaco Dark moreno
Skinny muy flaco Olive moreno de piel
Plump gordinflón Pale pálido
Stocky bajo y fornido Tanned bronceado
Well built macizo Freckles pecas
Optimistic optimista Fair rubio
Pessimistic pesimista Average height de estatura media
Módulo del curso de Inglés I.E.P Silvia Ruff Prof. Edwin W. Collahua Barreto


Imagine that you are feeling unwell. Write down at least 5 symptoms that you have.

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