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Benjamin M.

March 13, 2008

Designers Intent

I began studying visual communication in high school as an elective in the art

curriculum. After considerable research and some experience concerning the
career, I realized that it combines the things that interest me most like art,
literature, and photography to name a few. I enjoyed it so much that I have since
decided to pursue it as my greatest field of interest that I anticipate will eventually
lead me into a more successful career that I will continually enjoy. Now that I am
in college and I have learned much about it in quite a few different classes, I
understand it’s importance and how it can be used to benefit the things I care
about most such as our environment and the people who live in it. With graphic
design in mind, I plan to continue my studies in college so that I may be more
able to positively influence the public.
As much as I enjoy the subject however, I have come to find that it seems to
be responsible for a great many problems in our society. In my studies, I have
learned from Roland Marchands’, “The Parable of Democracy Goods,” or how
ad–men sometimes invents a cure for problems that do not necessarily exist in
an attempt to offer solutions to the problems they create. In the same way that
these problems are meant to concern society as a whole, more specifically many
of these ads are targeted towards women. Naomi Wolf writes, “The Feminine
Mystique” or how women are expected to conform to societies standard image of
beauty and all the products it takes to be a good housekeeper. Each explains
the role of advertising in today’s society and how it affects the individuals that live
in it. In my efforts, I mean to use the knowledge I have gained in college in my
career towards the better in doing a public service by educating and informing
the consumer through advertisements using good judgment in ethical practices.
Graphic design is responsible for the production of everything from the motion
pictures to magazines and other images we see that affect the way we see our
self and the way that we see others. Feminine products like cosmetics have
been designed to influence women and their self-image reinforcing a standard
that can never be reached also known as what Naiomi Wolf would call, “The
Beauty Myth”. It may be responsible, in part, for many of the problems that we
face in society including but not limited to anorexia, bulimia, etc. amongst many
others the list goes on and on. Not only is advertising responsible for this myth
but also what Wolf calls “The Semiotics of Home Décor”. In addition to being
beautiful women are expected to decorate and maintain their household.
Depending on how something is advertised in the mainstream mass media, the
politics of art and design often determine how someone or something is viewed.
In my practice, I aim to dispel these myths or at the very least do my best not to
support them since they are so unhealthy and seem to create more problems
than they actually solve.
In the same way that women are convinced to buy things that they do not
necessarily need, Roland Marchand writes in “The Parable of Democracy
Goods”, ad–men create advertisements for things that do not necessarily exist
like “halitosis” or perhaps they provide a “solution” to something that would be
considered a normal such as body odor. He was the first to coin the term “The
Democracy of Afflictions”, or rather the argument that the admen monopolize on
any and everything that can possibly be profited from. Since then there have
been a multitude of “afflictions” causing disorders like social anxiety, attention
deficit disorder and attention deficit hyper activity disorder to be over diagnosed;
many “afflictions” of this same nature that have become the hallmark of American
consumerism. The gross misuse of the knowledge in graphic design and
wrongly promoting things solely for the benefit of material gains should be
considered malpractice of graphic design and these false advertisements. I have
every intention in my career to discourage the abuse of graphic design to
promote for those things that need not be advertised.
After having realizing this, it was not long before I found that it was soon to be
an instrumental part of my life long endeavor as a graphic designer. It is my
belief that the field of graphic design can create an opportunity for more than just
what seems to be the interest of few, it can also provide a means towards a
better ends for interest of many. Through the medium of graphic design there is
potential to affect a change in the minds of many concerning what matters most;
our environment. I have since learned that graphic design has the potential to
reinforce the stereotypes that it creates in the act of advertising a product.
Although, it seems as though it has become one of the most influential careers
increasing in popularity, designing labels and brands and is not a job to be taken
lightly. I believe that it is our responsibility to promote sustainability and eco-
friendly products and services that do not harm the environment. At the same
time it is also important to maintain a code of ethics that does not manipulate the
social and economic status of its patrons in order to sell its consumer items and
With a Bachelors of Fine arts in Graphic Design I aim to use my skills for the
improvement of existing campaigns and advertisements via visual
communication By promoting a greener eco-friendly atmosphere through ad
campaigns directed at educating the global community about a healthier
alternative to the American lifestyle. As a professional graphic designer it is my
belief that there are other more worthy causes to support in society than simply
just promoting any product at the expense of the people and the environment. In
a world where the market place is dominated by corporate giants, and special
interest groups dictate the future of our economy we are subjected to its harmful
effects. In an ethical approach, I intend to affect change in the minds of many by
raising awareness of the bi-products of consumerism. Today it seems as though
the philosophy is more for another day another dollar and what is in a
corporations best interest and not necessarily the interest of what matters most
the people and our social stratosphere. I am determined to lead by setting the
example in supporting a campaign for a more sustainable means towards much
better ends and leaving behind a legacy for future generations to follow.

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