2 Grade Social Studies: Geography Unit - Map Skills

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2nd Grade Social Studies: Geography Unit – Map Skills

Lesson 1

Objectives & TEKS: 2.5A interpret information on maps and globes using basic map elements such as
title, orientation (north, south, east, west), and legend/map keys

Activity: SW view / listen to the “Maps Feature Song”. Discuss the song with the students. Pass out a
copy of a map to each student (or a pair of students). Discuss with students what parts of the map
mentioned in the song they see. Create a checklist of the key features that a good map should include.
Group work: SW get a baggie with the definitions and the names of the elements of a map printed on
strips of paper. They will work in groups to match the definitions with the vocabulary words. They will
draw a map of the classroom in their notebooks and include the elements of a map.
Essential Questions:
 Can you name the elements of a map?
 What is a legend?
 What is a compass rose?
Assessments: Teacher observation.
Resources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4GMno9p4g4

Lesson 2

Objectives & TEKS: 2.6(A) identify major landforms and bodies of water, including each of the
continents and each of the oceans, on maps and globes.

Activity: For this lesson, students will learn a song about the 7 continents, and they will do an activity
where they imagine that their classroom is a giant map of the world. TW play the 7 continents song 2x.
Encourage students to sing along. Each student will get a card with a name of the continent or the ocean.
TW ask students to imagine that the entire classroom represents a map of the world. TW stand in the
North Pole, approximately where the Arctic Ocean is, and tell the students where you are standing if
the room were a map. TW ask students to go approximately where they think the continent on their
cards would be located in relation to the teacher. After everyone is where they think they should be,
have students check to see if they are by students who have the same continent as they do. Give them a
couple of minutes to check and self-correct. Put up a map of the world on the screen and review /
discuss as a class.
Essential Questions:
 How do maps help us better understand the world?
 What does the world look like?
 What is the location of North America?
 What is the location of the Atlantic Ocean?
 What is the location of the Pacific Ocean?
Assessments: Students label continents and oceans on a map (student handout). Exit ticket: Kahoot
Resources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqsCWZtZlk4

Lesson 3

Objectives & TEKS: 2.6B locate places of significance, including the local community, Texas, the state
capital, the U.S. capital, major cities in Texas, the coast of Texas, Canada, Mexico, and the United
States on maps and globes;

Activity: To engage students, TW show Google Earth and zoom in and out to demonstrate the
difference and connectedness between city, state, country, and continent. TW show PPT for the lesson.
First show the still photos of a continent, country, and city. Discuss with students the differences. SW
have a handout that they will complete during the presentation. Use cold calling strategy to ask
questions. Show one slide at a time, ask students questions and have students fil in the blanks on their
Essential Questions:
 What’s the difference between city, state, country, and continent?
 What is the location of the state of Texas on a map of the United States?
Assessments: SW write (in their IANs) a description of where they live using the words city, state,
country, and continent.

Lesson 4

Objectives & TEKS: 2.6B locate places of significance, including the local community, Texas, the state
capital, the U.S. capital, major cities in Texas, the coast of Texas, Canada, Mexico, and the United
States on maps and globes;

Activity: TW review the concept of a city, state, country, and continent. TW show the students the
continent of North America and tell them that the United States is located in North America. Show the
state of Texas and say that Texas is located in United States. Show Houston and say that it is located
in Texas. TW tell students that we are reading maps but now we will be able to use the globe for
information about where we live. SW work in pairs. Each pair will have an iPad and will access In My
Continent on PebbleGo.com. SW read the information and complete a Map of North America handout.
Essential Questions
 How does knowledge of the places in our country and world make us better citizens?
 What countries make up North America?
 What are some of the cities that make up Texas?
Assessments: Teacher observation.
Resources: PebbleGo.com
Lesson 5

Objectives & TEKS: 2.6B locate places of significance, including the local community, Texas, the state
capital, the U.S. capital, major cities in Texas, the coast of Texas, Canada, Mexico, and the United
States on maps and globes; 2.6C examine information from various sources about places and regions.

Activity: TW show a video segment from Discovery Education on continents. Ask for seven volunteers
that will represent each of the continents. Ask them to get in order from largest to smallest. Ask for
feedback from the class and record the answer on the board. Ask students if they think it would be any
different based upon population and why? Ask for predictions, record. SW work in groups. Give students
the Size and Population of the Continents handout. Have them discuss the results and record the order
from largest to smallest while comparing to the class prediction.
Essential Questions
 How does knowledge of the places in our country and world make us better citizens?
 What continents make up the Earth?
 How can you rank the continents?
Assessments: SW answer a reflection question: What did you notice when you ordered the continents
by size and population?
Resources: Discovery Education

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