Training Hubs (SRS-Software Requirements Specification)

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(SRS-Software Requirements Specification)

Table of Contents

1. Acronyms and Definitions ........................................................................................................ 2

2. Overview .................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1. Existing System ................................................................................................................ 2
2.2. Objective of the Proposed System .................................................................................... 2
2.3. Business Effects ................................................................................................................ 3
3. Project Scope ............................................................................................................................. 3
4. Functional Requirements ......................................................................................................... 3
4.1. Functionality ..................................................................................................................... 3
4.2. Business Events ................................................................................................................ 4
4.3. Reports .............................................................................................................................. 4
5. External Interface Requirements ............................................................................................ 4
6. Operating Environment Requirements .................................................................................. 5
6.1. Hardware ........................................................................................................................... 5
6.2. Software ............................................................................................................................ 5
6.3. Network............................................................................................................................. 5
6.4. Communication ................................................................................................................. 5
7. Performance Requirements ..................................................................................................... 5
8. Special User Requirements ...................................................................................................... 5
8.1. Security and Authentication [If applicable] ...................................................................... 5
8.2. Transaction and Data Volume [If applicable] ................................................................... 5
8.3. Backup and Recovery [If applicable] ............................................................................... 5
8.4. Distributed Databases [If applicable]................................................................................ 5
8.5. Data Migration [If applicable] .......................................................................................... 5
8.6. User Training [If applicable] ............................................................................................ 5
8.7. User Manual and Help ...................................................................................................... 6
8.8. Automated and Manual Functions [If applicable] ............................................................ 6
8.9. Additional contractual terms [If applicable] ..................................................................... 6
9. Assumptions, Risks and Constraints ....................................................................................... 6
10. Prototype .................................................................................................................................... 6
11. References .................................................................................................................................. 6

1. Acronyms and Definitions

Acronym Definition
<SDLC> Software development Life Cycle
<SRS> Software Requirement Specification
<MOM> Minutes of Meeting
<VPN> Virtual Private Network
<S/W> Software
<H/W> Hardware

2. Overview
Training Hubs provides the information about courses offered by different institutions
with their Demo timings and class timings.
It maintains day-to-day updates of various institutes’ postings, where students can receive
information easily and even can contact them through mailing so that institutes can follow-up
students regularly.

2.1. Existing System:

In present situation, users are gathering information about different courses in

various institutes. It is time taking process & very tedious to go and search.
In case of institutes they need to advertise themselves in order to recognize.
Institute registrations and approvals are done by Admin as it is time taking
process and burden for Admin.
Registration cannot be done by institutes there is no provision for registration.

2.2. Objective of the Proposed System:

Training hubs acts as a bridge between users and training institutions. By using
this site users can gather information about various institutions and courses they are
providing along with timings.

Training Hubs provides an innovative mode of training through institutions. Here

your communication with our training hub becomes your classroom.

Less time consumption in gathering and searching information for the career
building and job searching.

2.3. Business Effects
It is a quick and easy process to find institutes with their respective courses. And
even users can able to search details without roaming.

Information about the demos and tutorials are conducted by various institutes,
faculty and timings.

3. Project Scope
This project is a website to communicate and share by various training institutions about
their courses, timings and contact details provided by them. Training hubs provides more
interaction to who wants to keep consistency in their field. They can report information about
institute to training hubs by registering their account. After registration process approved by
admin they will be able to post demos and classes in it.

4. Functional Requirements
4.1. Functionality: This project contains three modules:
1) User
2) Client and
3). Admin

User Module: In this Module,

 Whenever user enters into this site, he/she can able to see all the course details
posted by different institutes.
 He/she can view their respective courses by providing details like name, email
and contact number.
Whenever he/she enters the details automatically an email will be sent to respective institutes
with all the details with respect to corresponding course as if this student is interested and a
message is sent to student that his details are forwarded to the particular institute.

Admin Module: In this module,

 Admin can edit / approve / reject (if provided reason) the institutes pending for
 Admin can edit / approve / reject (if provided reason) the classifieds pending for
approval posted by institutes.
 Admin can view all the reports pertaining to institutes and classifieds. The reports
available for admin are as follows:
1. Search Classified By Institute (Displays all the classifieds posted by an institute)
2. Search Classifieds By Posted Date (Displays all the classifieds posted on a
particular date)
3. Search Classifieds By Month And Year (Displays all the classifieds posted in a
particular month and year)
4. Search Classifieds by Course And Type (Displays all the classifieds posted based
on the courses like c, java etc. and Type like class or demo etc.)
5. Search Institutes Registered By Month And Year (Displays all the institutes
registered in a particular month and year)
6. Search Institutes By State (Displays all the institutes registered in a particular
7. Search Classifieds By City And Location (Displays all the classifieds posted
based on city and location)
8. All Institute Details (Displays all the institutes registered)
9. Search Institutes By City And Location (Displays all the institutes registered
based on city and location)
10. Search Classifieds By Institute And Posted Date (Displays all the classifieds
posted by an institute on a particular date)
11. Search Institutions By Category (Displays all the institutes registered based on
category like software training, Spoken English etc)
12. Search Classifieds By Date Range (Displays all the classifieds posted between a
particular from date and to date)
13. Search Classifieds By Status (Displays all the classifieds posted based status like
approved / rejected / pending)
14. Search Institutes By Status (Displays all the institutes registered based on status)
15. Search Classifieds By Institute In A Month And Year (Displays all the
classifieds posted by an institute in a month and year)
16. Student Statistics (Displays All the classifieds and viewed student statistics)
17. Search by trainings on Projects(Displays all the institutes running Projects based on
18. Search by trainings on Projects with Class Timings (Displays all the institutes running
Projects based on Domain along with class timings)

19. Search by trainings on Projects with Demo Timings (Displays all the institutes running
Projects based on Domain along with Demo timings)

 Admin can change his / her password at any time.

Client (Institute) Module: In this module,

 Client can register in Training Hubs by providing all the required details.
 After registration a verification email will be sent to registered email ID.
 Upon successful email verification, the registration will be sent to admin approval
to activate the account.
 If admin approves the registration, client can login his / her account with their
 After login to client account, they can post / edit / delete a classified.
 Clients can see the reports of all their classifieds posted. The reports are as

1. Classifieds by Status (Approved / Rejected / Pending)

2. Student Reports (No. of students viewed classified)
3. Upcoming Classifieds
4. Completed Classifieds

 Institutes can change their password.

 Institutes can edit and update their profile.
 Training on real-time projects.

All these modules have a common functionality i.e., search

Here searching can be done by the courses (.NET, java, etc.,), city, class, demo,
category (Software Training, Call Center/BPO, Non-IT Trainings, etc.), Institute Names
and date.
From the above Category Search and Date Search comes under Advance search.
And we also have an option to pull colleges from PMS (Used for Clients).

Different Types of Categories:

 Software Trainings: Courses like .Net ,Java , J2EE, Multimedia, Hardware
Networking ,Oracle, Linux, SCJP, BizTalk Server, Unix, SAP, PHP, Tally, SQL
Server, Data Warehousing , Testing Tools, Embedded System and so on.
 Non-IT Trainings like GRE, TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, SAT, Security Analysis,
Portfolio Management and so on.

 Call Center/BPO Trainings: courses like American Accent ,Call Center, Accent
Neutralization, Language Training, Telephone Etiquette, E-mail Etiquette,
Personal Grooming, Business Etiquette and so on.
 Spoken English Trainings like Campus Recruitment Training , Spoken English,
Sales Training, Personality Development , Communication Skills and so on.
 Others Trainings like Aviation, Ground Job Handling, Hotel Management,
Hospitality & Tourism Management, Hospitality Administration and so on.

4.2. Business Events

Generates report to Client posted data, User view details and to Admin module as a
daily report.

4.3. Reports
Admin Reports:
 Generates Report on Client Registration (No. of Registrations)
 Generates Report on Classifieds (Postings) separately for demos & classes.
 Report on Student views.

Client Reports:

 Report on their Postings separately for demos & classes.

 Report on Students viewing (who are interested in that course).

4.4 Functionality Description

Student Module

A student can browse for Training Hubs and search for courses he / she intended to learn. In
Training Hubs students can search for classes or demos on a particular course to be organized in
his desired location or city.

Search Criteria’s available (Basic):

 Search by class / demo

 Search by Course
 Search by Location

Search Criteria’s available (Advanced):

 Search by class / demo
 Search by Course
 Search by Location
 Search by Category
 Search by From Date and To Date

The search results will be displayed according to Class / Demo date in ascending order. The
nearest date will come first. These search results comes with paging option.

To view the details student should provide his / her basic details such as

 Name (Required field, should accept only characters and space)

 Email ID (Required field, should accept only valid email ID’s)
 Mobile Number (Required field, should accept only digits from 0 – 9, length should be

Once the student enters all the details and clicks on “Submit”, the complete details of the
classified will be displayed. As well, an email with all the student data will be sent to the
registered email ID’s of institutes those are offering that particular course.

The details which are displayed to students are:

 Institute Name
 Address
 Office Phone
 Mobile
 Website
 Email-id
 City
 Location
 Institute Description
 Course
 Duration
 Fee
 Class / Demo Time
 Class / Demo Date
 Fast / Normal Track
 Material Facility
 Lab Facility
 Faculty Name
 Experience

Apart from these facilities, whenever any user clicks on links provided such as software training,
call center / bpo, .Net, Java etc. Once the student visits the site and provides details, it should be
maintained till he / she leaves from site.

Institution Module

Institutions can register with TrainingHubs and post / edit / delete classifieds. Institutes can get
the reports of their classifieds posted and can edit and update their details at anytime.

Institute Registration:

Institutes can register with TrainingHubs with following details:

 Institute Name (Mandatory field, should accept alphabets and numbers and spaces)
 User Name (Mandatory field, Should accept only alphabets and numbers, should be
 Password (Mandatory field, Should be more than 6 characters, should contain one Upper
case letter, one special symbol and one number)
 Confirm Password (Mandatory field, Should match with password)
 Location (Mandatory field, should accept only alphabets)
 City (Mandatory field, should accept only alphabets)
 Address (Mandatory field, should accept any character, should be taken in the exact
format of user enters in the text area field.)
 Office Phone Number (Should accept only numbers and hyphen, up to 12 characters
 Mobile Number (Mandatory field, Required field, should accept only digits from 0 – 9,
length should be 10.)
 Fax (Should accept only numbers and hyphen, up to 12 characters limit)
 Email (Mandatory field, Required field, should accept only valid email ID’s)
 Website URL (Required field, should accept only valid URL’s)
 Institute Category (Mandatory field, User selects from the dropdown)
 Courses Offered (Mandatory field, should accept any character, should be taken in the
exact format of user enters in the text area field.)
 Specialized In (Should accept any character)
 Projects Offered (User selects from the dropdown)
 Corporate Training (User selects from the dropdown)
 Branch Address (should accept any character, should be taken in the exact format of user
enters in the text area field.)
 Description (should accept any character, should be taken in the exact format of user
enters in the text area field.)
 Logo (Should accept image files and image file should not exceed 100 KB)

Once the institute enters all the required fields and clicks on submit, a verification email will be
sent to registered email ID, if the user verifies the email ID successfully then the registration will
be sent to admin approval. If the admin approves the institute registration, an email will be sent
to institute saying your institution has been approved and you can login now.

At login, institute users needs to enter their username, password to login. If the username and
password are correct and valid then an OTP will be sent to registered mobile number. If the user
enters the OTP and clicks on Sign In, they will be navigated to their account page where they can
post / edit / delete classifieds, get reports and update profile.

Post Classified

 Classified Type (Mandatory field, user selects from the dropdown)

 Course Mode (Mandatory field, user selects from the dropdown)
 Classified for (Mandatory field, user selects from the dropdown)
 Course Name (Mandatory field, user selects from the dropdown)
 If Other (If the course not found in the above list, it is mandatory for an user should enter
course name in this field; it will be enabled when user selects other option)
 Class/Demo Date (Mandatory field, should accept date in DD-MM-YYYY format.)
 Class/Demo Time (Mandatory field, should accept time in 12-hour format like HH:MM
 Course Duration (Mandatory field, should accept alphabets and numbers)
 Course Type (Mandatory field, user selects from the dropdown)
 Material Type (Mandatory field, user selects from the dropdown)
 Lab Facility (Mandatory field, user selects from the dropdown)
 Description (should accept any character, should be taken in the exact format of user
enters in the text area field.)

Edit / Delete Classified

Institutes can only edit / update upcoming details at anytime.

User can delete a classified at anytime and before deleting a classifieds, a confirmation alert
should be thrown like “Are you sure, do you want to delete the classified?”.


 Classifieds by Status (Approved / Rejected / Pending)

 Student Reports (No. of students viewed classified)
 Upcoming Classifieds
 Completed Classifieds

Change Password

Users can change their password at anytime, to change the password user should enter current
password, new password and confirm password.

 Current Password (Mandatory field, Should match with current password of the user)
 New Password (Mandatory field, Should be more than 6 characters, should contain one
Upper case letter, one special symbol and one number)
 Confirm Password (Mandatory field, should match with new password and can’t accept
paste option).

My Account:

Display all the account information provided by institute at the time of registration.

 Institute Name
 Location
 City
 Address
 Office Phone
 Mobile
 Fax
 Email-id
 Website
 Institute Mode
 Courses Offered
 Specialized In
 Projects Offered
 Corporate Training
 Branch Office Address
 Institute Description
 Logo

Users can edit / update their details at anytime.

If the user wants to edit the email ID registered, then he / she need to verify new email ID in
order to login. If the user updates email ID, then an email will be sent to both old and new email
ID’s. Verification email will be sent to new email ID and intimation mail about changing of
email ID will be sent to old email ID.

Training on Real-Time Projects:

 Classified Type (Mandatory field, user selects from the dropdown)

 Project Training Mode (Mandatory field, user selects from the dropdown)

 Project Training on Which Domain (Mandatory field, user selects from the dropdown)
 If Other (If the course not found in the above list, it is mandatory for an user should enter
course name in this field; it will be enabled when user selects other option)
 Project Training Class/Demo Date (Mandatory field, should accept date in DD-MM-
YYYY format.)
 Project Training Class/Demo Time (Mandatory field, should accept time in 12-hour
format like HH:MM AM/PM)
 Project Training Duration (Mandatory field, should accept alphabets and numbers)
 Training Type (Mandatory field, user selects from the dropdown)
 Lab Facility (Mandatory field, user selects from the dropdown)
 Description (should accept any character, should be taken in the exact format of user
enters in the text area field.)

Admin Module

Admin can approve / reject / edit an institution or classified. The features provided to Admin are:

- Pending Institutes
- Approved Institutes
- Rejected Institutes
- Pending Classifieds
- Approved Classifieds
- Rejected Classifieds
- Reports
- Change Password

Pending Institutes

Admin can approve / reject / view institutes registered and pending for approval.

The details shown in pending institutes are:

 S.No
 Institute Name
 User ID
 Email ID
 Registered Date
 Email Status
 Approve
 Reject
 View

Approved Institutes

Admin can reject / view institutes which are approved.

The details shown in approved institutes are:

 S.No
 Institute Name
 User ID
 Email ID
 Registered Date
 Approved Date
 Classifieds Posted
 Reject
 View

Rejected Institutes

Admin can approve / view institutes which are rejected.

The details shown in rejected institutes are:

 S.No
 Institute Name
 User ID
 Email ID
 Registered Date
 Rejected Date
 Reason for Reject
 Approve
 View

Pending Classifieds

Admin can approve / reject / view classifieds posted by registered institutes which are pending
for approval.

The details shown in pending classifieds are:

 S.No
 Classified Type
 Posted By

 Course
 Posted Date
 Approve
 Reject
 View

Approved Classifieds

Admin can reject / view classifieds posted by registered institutes which are approved.

The details shown in approved classifieds are:

 S.No
 Classified Type
 Posted By
 Course b
 Posted Date
 Approved Date
 No. of visitors
 Reject
 View

Rejected Institutes

Admin can approve / view classifieds posted by registered institutes which are rejected.

The details shown in rejected classifieds are:

 S.No
 Classified Type
 Posted By
 Course
 Posted Date
 Rejected Date
 Reason for Reject
 Approve
 View


Student details

Change Password

Admin can change their password at anytime, to change the password Admin should enter
current password, new password and confirm password.

 Current Password (Mandatory field, Should match with current password of the user)
 New Password (Mandatory field, Should be more than 6 characters, should contain one
Upper case letter, one special symbol and one number)

Confirm Password (Mandatory field, should match with new password and should not accept
paste option).

5. External Interface Requirements:

Req # Requirement Description External System(s)

To generate Client would post To mailing

the Classifieds, Demos, timings
Client Classifieds and contact details

6. Operating Environment Requirements:

6.1. Hardware
Intel[R] Core[TM] 2DUO CPU, 2.80HZ, 1.99GB of RAM
6.2. Software
IIS Web Server running on Windows, SQL Server 2008, .net3.0
6.3. Network
6.4. Communication
This project associated with
Web browsers: Internet Explorer 6.0 onwards, Mozilla Firefox
Network server communication: http

7. Performance Requirements
Req # Performance Requirement Description External System(s)

1 Caching Applied Caching Admin, Client, Users


8. Special User Requirements
<For any section which is not applicable for your project state “Not Applicable”. Do not
delete any section>
8.1. Security and Authentication [If applicable]
Windows Authentication
8.2. Transaction and Data Volume [If applicable]
Not Applicable
8.3. Backup and Recovery [If applicable]
Not Applicable
8.4. Distributed Databases [If applicable]
Not Applicable
8.5. Data Migration [If applicable]
Not Applicable
8.6. User Training [If applicable]
Not Applicable
8.7. User Manual and Help
User will get documentation and tutorials about courses in Client module
Classifieds and they can get help also.
8.8. Automated and Manual Functions [If applicable]
Not Applicable
8.9. Additional contractual terms [If applicable]
Not Applicable

9. Assumptions, Risks and Constraints

Information about demos conducted by various institutes and timings.
Less time consumption in gathering and searching information for career building and
job searching.

This project developed features like users can able to view information regarding various
Institutions provided by clients.

Not Applicable

Not Applicable


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