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HOLES As DATUM, — “The two parts below mount in an assombly with bolts In the holes. ‘The two parts aro ‘goomotrically toloranced in a different mannor, but both have an identical final Interpretation. Seo tho functional gago or 3D solid bolow. Tho top partis cortainly more ‘complicated and has more symbology and yet obtains the same results. The top part ‘givos tho improssion that tho loft hole is moro important than the right holo._ In fact, both holes will locato tho part equally in the assembly. Il the MMC modifor is referenced on the datum foaturos in the foature control framos, the datum precedence of datum foaluros B and C becomes irrelevant as both datums are established at their virtual sizo. Tho point is: KEEP 1T SIMPLE. {iho part bolts and is located on the two holes equally, then merely identity both holes as ‘a datum, The vorfication inspectors stil might choose to set-up on one hole or both. Its their choice, Tho object is to balanco or shift the pattorn using the MMC modliiors to bing the part to conformance. INDIVIDUAL. HOLES. gae B) {AS DATUM | (aa 4 SAME FUNCTIONAL GAGE ON 39 SOLD Fon boin Pants wo pals ao both goometially 2% 400A ab tho op pats mre ooeerne tented The ‘Sng in holes natu Porn zoNe proteved: KEEP IT SIMPLE! [nt anouno sou parrenn 10 ‘ASA DATUM 2 B40 (o1g5008 091) (Z7ee| COMPOSITE PROFILE - TWO DATUM FEATURES. ‘Tho upper entty on composite tolerancing controls localion to the DRF.. The lower ontiy ‘on composite tolerancing controls size/shape and orientation (perpendicularty, parallelism or angularly) to tho DRF established by the specified datums. = ‘CAM BLOCK 7 peor ‘nus on me RAW 250 008 \. (aloe HAE) aoe, supscnncsoouncn = ARE BASIC eANS TH (001 ZONE I§ BASICALLY ORIENTED TO THE DA. May HOVE UP AND DOWN, BACK AND FORTH HUT MAY NOF TILT OW ROTATE RELATIVE To THE Dar 1020 Z0NE 18 ‘BNSICALLY LOCATED. ESTABLISHED BY DATUM FEATURES A AND B. ‘TO THE DAF OS oe o | oF t “The composite tolerance specitication above allows the .001 zone to “oat” up and down and back and forth within the confines allowed by the .020 zone. Tho .001 folorance zone, however, may not tit or rotate, ‘The datums in the lower entry control the otiontation (paralloistn/ porpendiculatity) of the .001 zone relative to the DAF ‘established by datum features A and B. The surface of the part must fe in both zones simultaneously and meet both requirements. 12.19 COMPOSITE POSITION APPLICATIONS - COAXIAL HOLES Composite position tolerancing may be used to control coaxial holes as shown in the ‘accompanying figure. In scenario #1 bolow, the position symbol is entered once and applies for both the upper and lower segment. The uppar segment or .010 dia. tolerance zone controls tho location and orientation of the four holes to the specified datum roforence frame established by datum features A and 8. ‘The lower segment or 004 dia tolorance zone controls the location between the holes (coaxially). Since datums are not entered in the lower segment, the orientation of this zone Is not Controlled and is froe to tit or skew within the confines of the .010 dia upper segment zone, Tho axes of the holes must li in both zones simultaneously. See the following ago for sconarios #2 thru 4, ‘THIS ON THE DRAWING. — xg 886 a (ra}-+-—| ® [lp con ® |*[gtor rae} BH VIEW SHOWS TOLERANCE ZONES ONLY. EOENARIO [4250] ‘THE HOLES HAVE BEEN OMITTED FOR ae CLARITY. THis! t _ 4 | | __} {010 DIA TOL ZONE BASICALLY LOCATED [AND ORIENTED TO THE DAF. = 1004 DIA TOL ZONE BASICALLY Fp LOCATED TOUSELE Tray FLOAT TILT OR SKEW WITHIN THE ‘CONFINES OF THE .010 TOL ZONE. Bp [AXES OF THE HOLES MUST LIE WITHIN BOTH ZONES SIMULTANEOUSLY, 13.22

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