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Hypothetical Situations

1. If a building were on fire, would you save a sibling or 4 strangers?

2. For $35,000 USD, would you go for three months without taking showers,
brushing your teeth, or using deodorant? Assume you could not explain your
reasons to anyone until the three months period is over.
3. If it had to be one of Winter, Autumn, Spring or Summer for the rest of time,
which would you choose?
4. If Jurassic Park were real, would you visit it?
5. If someone offered to tell you accurately exactly where you’d be in 20 years, but
you’d be powerless to change what they tell you, would you want to hear it?
6. If you got to choose between fifty years of being incredibly happy or to live
forever and be unhappy what would you choose?
7. If you had 1 million dollars to spend, but were going to die in 7 days, what
would you do with your money?
8. If you could “steal” 20 years of extra life by letting a stranger die, would you do
9. If you had to describe your life in 20 words or less, what would you say?
10. If you had to lose 2 limbs (whole legs or arms), which 2 would you choose?
11. If you knew you were going to go blind in 2 months, what would you do?
12. What Object (not animal) would you want to be reincarnated as?
13. Would you accept a $30k/week job offer where you get paid to sit in a pitch
black room and do nothing for 8 hours a day?
14. Would you be willing to have your left middle finger surgically removed if it
‘somehow’ guaranteed you immunity from all diseases?
15. Would you rather be bald or have a huge mullet for the rest of your life?
16. Would you rather be deaf or blind?
17. Would you rather end all wars or world hunger?
18. Would you rather forget who you were or who everyone else was?
19. Would you rather get uglier or dumber?
20. Would you rather have to say everything that comes to your mind or never say
anything again?
21. Would you rather live for another 60 years but not be able to leave your house
ever again, or live for 10 more years and be free to go where you wanted?
22. You could cure all disease in the world forever, but to do so you have to murder
one innocent child, would you do it?
23. Would you like to spend one night in a haunted house?
24. If your boyfriend/girlfriend had an accident and became paraplegic, would you
still love him/her?
25. Would you go watch a movie at the cinema by yourself?
26. Would you accept $1,000,000 in U.S. dollars (or the equivalent in your country)
to leave your country and never set foot in it again?

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