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Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
age * the quality of 100 100.0% 0 0.0% 100 100.0%

age * the quality of notes Cross tabulation

The quality of notes Total
highly satisfied neutral dissatisfied highly
satisfied dissatisfied
below 25 year 1 2 6 5 3 17
25-35 years 4 5 7 3 4 23
35-45 years 4 4 1 4 12 25
45-50 years 1 4 7 4 3 19
above 55 0 0 7 7 2 16
Total 10 15 28 23 24 100

Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig.
Pearson Chi-Square 28.604a 16 .027
Likelihood Ratio 33.492 16 .006
Linear-by-Linear .925 1 .336
N of Valid Cases 100
a. 18 cells (72.0%) have expected count less than 5. The
minimum expected count is 1.60.

Symmetric Measures
Value Approx.
Nominal by Contingency .472 .027
Nominal Coefficient
N of Valid Cases 100


Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
education * voice 100 100.0% 0 0.0% 100 100.0%
direction son line
directions for new user

education * voice direction son line directions for new user Cross tabulation
voice direction son line directions for new user Total
highly satisfied neutral dissatisfied highly
satisfied dissatisfied
secondary 9 4 1 2 1 17
higher 0 6 8 3 5 22
under graduate 2 6 5 7 5 25
graduate 4 5 5 3 0 17
post graduate 1 2 5 2 9 19
Total 16 23 24 17 20 100

Symmetric Measures

Value Asymp. Std. Approx. Approx.

Errora Tb Sig.

Nominal by Contingency .543 .000

Nominal Coefficient

Interval by .278 .099 2.866 .005c

Pearson's R

Spearman .268 .102 2.753 .007c

Ordinal by Ordinal

N of Valid Cases 100

a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.

b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.

c. Based on normal approximation.


Reward point status
Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Between 34.805 4 8.701 5.986 .000
Within Groups 138.105 95 1.454
Total 172.910 99

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Reward point status
Tukey HSD
(I) Prepaid Mobile (J) Prepaid Mobile Mean Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Int
Recharge Recharge Difference (I- Lower Upp
J) Bound
satisfied .09028 .41427 .999 -1.0618 1.24
neutral .76705 .39615 .306 -.3346 1.86
highly satisfied
dissatisfied 1.55163* .39251 .001 .4601 2.64
highly dissatisfied 1.14583* .40010 .040 .0332 2.25
highly satisfied -.09028 .41427 .999 -1.2423 1.06
neutral .67677 .38320 .399 -.3889 1.74
dissatisfied 1.46135* .37943 .002 .4062 2.51
highly dissatisfied 1.05556 .38728 .058 -.0214 2.13
highly satisfied -.76705 .39615 .306 -1.8687 .334
satisfied -.67677 .38320 .399 -1.7424 .388
dissatisfied .78458 .35956 .195 -.2153 1.78
highly dissatisfied .37879 .36784 .841 -.6441 1.40
highly satisfied -1.55163* .39251 .001 -2.6431 -.460
satisfied -1.46135* .37943 .002 -2.5165 -.406
neutral -.78458 .35956 .195 -1.7845 .215
highly dissatisfied -.40580 .36391 .798 -1.4178 .606
highly satisfied -1.14583* .40010 .040 -2.2585 -.033
satisfied -1.05556 .38728 .058 -2.1325 .021
highly dissatisfied
neutral -.37879 .36784 .841 -1.4017 .644
dissatisfied .40580 .36391 .798 -.6062 1.41
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

Reward point status

Tukey HSDa,b
Prepaid Mobile N Subset for alpha = 0.05
Recharge 1 2 3
dissatisfied 23 2.2609
highly dissatisfied 21 2.6667 2.6667
neutral 22 3.0455 3.0455 3.0455
satisfied 18 3.7222 3.7222
highly satisfied 16 3.8125
Sig. .256 .055 .277
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 19.638.
b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group
sizes is used. Type I error levels are not guaranteed.


1. Majority of 25% of the respondent are aged between their 35-40 years, 19% of the
respondent are aged between their 45-50 year
2. Majority of51% of the respondent are male
3. Majority of 53 % of the respondent are unmarried
4. Majority of 25% of the respondent are have they monthly income is 10000-20000, 22%
of the respondent are have they monthly income is 20000-30000, 24% of the respondent
are have they monthly income is 30000-40000
5. Majority of 22% of the respondent are qualification is higher secondary level, 25% of the
respondent are qualification is under graduate
6. Majority of 21% of the respondent are working in the self employee , 30% of the
respondent are working in the retired person
7. Majority of 21% of the respondent are working in the self employee , 30% of the
respondent are working in the retired person and
8. Majority of 21% of the respondent are says that trust , 30% of the respondent are says
that bank do you value the most location , 19% of the respondent are says that bank do
you value the most Type of the bank
9. Majority of 23% of the respondent are says that bank Beginner , 25% of the respondent
are says that bank used Average knowledge , 19% of the respondent are says that bank
Advanced knowledge
10. Majority of new techniques in banking is 24% of the respondent are says that Reduce
the time transaction , 31% of the respondent are says that Cost effectiveness , 27% of the
respondent are says that bank used Ease of use
11. Majority of Customer level of usage of technology is 18% of the respondent are says that
ATM / Debit card service , 21% of the respondent are says that Credit card service , 16%
of the respondent are says that Online banking services ,
12. Majority of,24% of the respondent are satisfied with the promptness of card delivery
,27% of the respondent are says that neutral with promptness of card delivery
13. Majority of 22% of the respondent are satisfied with the Number of transactions ,24%
of the respondent are says that neutral with Number of transactions
14. Majority of 28% of the respondent are says that neutral with quality of notes ,23% of the
respondent are dissatisfied with the quality of notes and 24% of the respondent are
highly dissatisfied with quality of notes.
15. Majority of,31% of the respondent are says that neutral with Conveniently located ,25%
of the respondent are dissatisfied with the Conveniently located
16. Majority of,23% of the respondent are satisfied with the information and balance enquiry
,28% of the respondent are says that neutral with information and balance enquiry ,19%
of the respondent are dissatisfied with the information and balance enquiry
17. Majority of 29% of the respondent are satisfied with the E- payments ,21% of the
respondent are says that neutral with E- payments ,21% of the respondent are dissatisfied
with the E- payments
18. Majority of 18% of the respondent are satisfied with the account to account transfer ,32%
of the respondent are says that neutral with account to account transfer ,28% of the
respondent are dissatisfied with the account to account transfer
19. Majority of,20% of the respondent are satisfied with the due installment enquiry,30% of
the respondent are says that neutral with due installment enquiry,19% of the respondent
are dissatisfied with the due installment enquiry
20. Majority of 21% of the respondent highly satisfied with the Statement request ,25% of
the respondent are satisfied with the Statement request ,21% of the respondent are says
that neutral with ,22% of the respondent are dissatisfied with the Statement request
21. Majority of 15% of the respondent highly satisfied with the Pleasant musical background
,21% of the respondent are satisfied with the Pleasant musical background, 23% of the
respondent are says that neutral with ,26% of the respondent are dissatisfied with the
Pleasant musical background
22. Majority of 20% of the respondent are satisfied with the reasonable number of voice
prompts ,26% of the respondent are says that neutral with the reasonable number of voice
prompts ,28% of the respondent are dissatisfied with the reasonable number of voice
23. Majority of 18% of the respondent are satisfied with the on clear instructions ,31% of the
respondent are says that neutral with the clear instructions , 29% of the respondent are
dissatisfied with the on clear instructions
24. Majority of 23% of the respondent are satisfied with the on line directions for new users
,24% of the respondent are says that neutral with the on line directions for new users
25. Majority of 26% of the respondent are says that neutral with the provide additional
options, 20% of the respondent are dissatisfied with the provide additional options and
20% of the respondent are highly dissatisfied with the provide additional options.
26. Majority of 29% of the respondent are says that neutral with the reward point status and
20% of the respondent highly dissatisfied with the reward point status.
27. Majority of 22% of the respondent are says that neutral with the prepaid mobile
recharge, 23% of the respondent are dissatisfied with the prepaid mobile recharge and
21% of the respondent highly dissatisfied with the prepaid mobile recharge
28. Majority of 23% of the respondent are says that satisfied, 28% of the respondent are says
that neutral, 23% of the respondent are says that dissatisfied
29. Majority of 18% of the respondent highly satisfied with the transactions status of the
service ,24% of the respondent are satisfied with the transactions status of the service ,
23% of the respondent are says that neutral
30. Majority of 35 % of the respondent are satisfied with the expensive of the service , 18%
of the respondent are dissatisfied with the expensive of the service and 23% of the
respondent highly dissatisfied with the expensive of the service .

The present study has some limitations and it is very essential to recognize them to refine future
researches. First the study is limited in three cities which do not represent the all branches and
outlets across the country. Second, the survey questionnaire was given during bank hours;
respondents may not have had time to respond because of the lack of time, stress and pressure at
work. For the future research, more related at 52 tributes can be added to make the survey more
precise and more applicable to the bank industry. Constant research is recommendable as
customer needs and expectations constantly changes over time and new technological inventions
and products keeps on changing. The research form can take the same method as this research or
modified to fit the own criteria more specifically. The further research should be conducted
continuously being based on both employee and customer satisfaction and then the data should
be stored in their in-house system over time in order to monitor the changes. Different customers
have different perceptions and expectations towards service quality, products, price, value and
atmosphere. Therefore, implementation of this study to the banking industry might yield
different results, which might be fruitful to the industry.


This research articles highlights the need of customers towards the banking services Having
considered the demographic factors of age, sex, marital status, educational qualifications and
monthly income of 150 respondents, a final data has been arrived and it point out that there is a
medium level of satisfaction on the customers’ side.

With factors like employee behavior, banking services and banking performance affecting the
level of customer satisfaction, the banking has to implement prompt customer friendly schemes /
portfolios as an initiative go. These would thereby go a long way to enhance the level of
customers’ satisfaction thereby rectifying customer worries and alleviate the number of
customers as well. Perhaps this would definitely lead to a flourishing economy, since customer
satisfaction is the pivot of a successful banking structure.

Customer service must match with marketing efforts, otherwise a customer would remain a
dissatisfied soul and all marketing efforts will go down the drain. The process of fulfilling
customer needs, therefore, requires tailoring bank services to what customers want, rather than
making them accept whatever banks can conveniently provide. Today, customers are exposed to
the standards of international banking and expect the same range of service quality from Indian
banks. If public sector banks fail to regulate the quality and efficiency of their financial services
to match or surpass those of private banks or foreign banks, time is not far away when they will
lose substantial market share to private and foreign banks.

Banks must pay attention to potential failure points and service recovery procedures, which
become integral to employees' training. In other words, it amounts to empowering employees to
exercise responsibility, judgment and creativity in responding to customers' problems.

Banks should continually assess and reassess how customers perceive bank services so as to
know whether the bank meets or exceeds or is below the expectations of their customers. Such
an appraisal, however, is a tedious task because customer service is complex in nature and
dynamic in action. Moreover, it can vary greatly from one branch to another. Also, what is 'good
service' today may become 'indifferent service' tomorrow and 'bad service' the next day.


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1. Name

2.. Age

a) Below 25 years
b) 25-35 years
c) 35-45 years
d) 45-55 years
e) Above 55 years

1. Gender

a) Male
b) Female
2. Marital status

a) Married
b) Unmarried
c) Other
3. Monthly Family income

a) Less than Rs10000

b) Rs10000-20000
c) Rs20000-30000
d) Rs30000-40000
e) More than 40000

5. Education

a) Secondary
b) Higher secondary
c) Undergraduate
d) Graduate
e) Post Graduate
6. Occupation

a) Home maker
b) Service
c) Self employed
d) Retired
e) Students

7. Which category of the banks do you consider as most technologically advanced?

a) Public sector bank

b) Private sector bank
8. Which attribute of the bank do you value the most?

a) Quality of Service
b) Technology used
c) Trust
d) Location
e) Type of the bank
9. Which factor promotes you to use the new techniques in banking?

a) Reduced time of transactions

b) Cost effectiveness
c) Ease of use
d) Technology savvy
10. How familiar are you with computer usage level of your bank?

a) No knowledge of computer
b) Beginner
c) Average knowledge
d) Advanced computer knowledge
e) Expert
11. Customer level of usage of technology

a) Connected to the Internet at home or work to do their financial transactions

b) Uses E – mail
c) ATM / Debit card service
d) Credit card service
e) Online banking services
f) E – payments
g) Electronic Fund Transfer (EFTs)/NEFT/RTGS


SL Highly Satisfie Neutral Dissatisfie Highly
.N satisfied d d dissatisfied
ATM services
12 promptness of card delivery
13 number of transactions
14 the quality of notes (currency)
15 conveniently located
Internet banking Services
16 Account information and balance
17 E- payments
18 Account to Account transfer
19 Due installment enquiry
20 Statement request( by email, fax, mail)
Telephone Banking Services
21 Pleasant musical background
22 Reasonable number of voice prompts
23 Clear instructions
24 voice directions / on line directions for
new users
25 Provide additional options
Mobile Banking services
26 Reward point status
27 Prepaid Mobile Recharge
28 SMS alerts about specific information
to the bank services / new products
29 Transactions status

30 Expensive

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