IES FormworkPaper (2016) (Rev)

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The Magazine Of

The Institution Of Engineers, Singapore

February 2016 MCI (P) 002/03/2016
Celebrating 50 Years of
Engineering Excellence


• Health & Safety Engineering • Construction Contracting • Project Application

SS580:2012 Code of Practice for Formwork

and Some Related Issues
by Dr N Krishnamurthy, Structures and Safety Consultant, Singapore
Three events are of significance in relation to formwork safety in Singapore. They are:
• Implementation of SS580:2012 Code of Practice for Formwork in 2012 [Ref 1]
• Solutioning Session on Preventing Formwork Incidents, organised by Workplace Safety and
Health Institute (WSHI) and held on 28 March 2014 [Ref 2]
• IES Seminar on Formwork Safety, held on 29 September 2015
Having participated in all three of these events, the author wishes to share his experiences and
thoughts on these events and related matters.
A fourth related event, of considerable personal significance to the author, was the one-day
course on SS580:2012 organised by IES and held on 23 September 2014. The course was
developed and presented by the author, with Dr Gan Siok Lin, Director of WSHI addressing the
first batch of participants.
In addition, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) came out with the two following circulars on
formwork safety:
• Circular on Safety Requirements for Formwork Structures, 31 January 2013 [Ref 3]
• Advisory For Professional Engineers On Formwork Safety, 18 January 2014 [Ref 4]
DEFINITIONS to suppor t its own weight and oth- CAUSES OF FORMWORK
Some definitions are presented be- er construction loads, the formwork FAILURES
low and illustrated in Figure 1. may be removed, unless occasion- In recent years, there has been a
‘Scaffold’ is the structure that ally it is left in place to constitute spate of formwork failures, which
provides the working platform par t of the permanent structure. reinforces the need for stricter
for workers, their tools, and some ‘Falsework’ is the suppor t for the compliance with SS580:2012 Code
materials, to facilitate the erection formwork, transferring loads to the of Practice for Formwork. Findings
of the permanent structure like a base in the same manner that the
of investigations into these and oth-
building or bridge. scaffold transfers the worker loads.
‘Formwork’ is the mould into er failures are summarised below.
‘Formwork Structure’ is the combi-
which concrete and steel reinforce- nation of formwork and falsework. MOM'S 'OPERATION
ment are placed and allowed to In casual use, the term ‘formwork’ CARDINAL'
harden and cure. Once the con- or simply ‘forms’ may be used to re- This inspection exercise in 2012
crete has gained sufficient strength fer to the formwork structure. highlighted a number of hazards
in formwork erection and use, as
shown in Table 1 [Ref 5].
The review repor t [Ref 2] by WSHI
in 2014, on this topic, details the
causes of formwork failures in Sin-
gapore. Table 2 provides a summary.
A total of 66 stakeholders at-
tended the WSHI Solutioning Ses-
sion, comprising par ticipants from
Figure 1: Scaffold and formwork structure terminology Formwork Suppliers, Main Con-



No. Observations Remarks

• Missing or ineffective barricade/guarding

• Improper access on reinforced bar cages
1 Poor fall prevention/ protection
• Inadequate clearance height for fall protection
• Improper securing of life line to reinforced bar
2 Unsafe working platforms • Unsecured metal decking used as temporary work platforms
• Improper and unsafe access/egress
3 Unsafe access & egress to formwork
• Poorly erected access/egress
• Formwork structure for casting beams of thickness ≥ 300 mm not
No PE design & Certificate of Supervision designed by PE
• Formwork not inspected by PE before casting
• Formwork shoring misused as a scaffold system
5 Formwork system used as scaffold
• System not type approved by MOM
6 Poor site documentation system • No or inadequate formwork documentations available
7 Poor supervision • Lack of supervision by formwork supervisor
Table 1: MOM findings from Operation Cardinal

Item Factor involved Deficiency

(a) Workers Inadequate training

Inadequate understanding
1. Lack of (b) Supervisors Insufficient number of supervisors
Competency Inadequate supervision
(c) Professional Engineers Inadequate appreciation of loadings
(d) Project Managers Lack of management experience
(a) Engineers & Architects Lack of coordination during design
2. Lack of (b) Professional Engineers Lack of coordination leading to incompatibility of formwork structure
Communication Lack of common forum for discussion
(c) All Stakeholders
Lack of guidance in erection and contractual requirements
Illegal mixing of components from different systems
(a) Materials
Improper installation in tight spaces
3. Poor Resource
(b) Time Insufficient time for PE to inspect
Lack of PEs to inspect
(c) Manpower
Lack of supervisors to stay and supervise a single job
Table 2: Causes of formwork failure

tractors, Formwork Contractors, cement bags, concrete and rebar (which will become load-resisting
Formwork Supervisors, Formwork bundles. ‘dead-load’ members in the perma-
Trainers, Project Managers, Profes- A bundle of 20 numbers of 15 m nent structure) are by themselves
sional Engineers, WSH Profession- long 32 mm rebars weighing about quite heavy.
als, Architects, Academia and Gov- 19 kN may be placed on formwork But often, heavier loads like ce-
ernment Bodies. designed for 1.5 kN/m2 plus a slab ment bags and rebar bundles, and
load of 8 kN/m2 – which would cer- pumps, vibrators or other erection
tainly lead to collapse. machinery would have to be placed
It will not be economical for the on the formwork. These will be as
Under-design and over-loading formwork structure to be designed heavy as or heavier than the con-
In theory, formwork must be de- to take the heaviest loading any- crete and rebar loads.
signed so that it will be strong and where on it. The concrete and rebar Hence, cer tain par ts of the form-
stable under construction loads weights themselves, acting as live work would have to be designated
which should include delivery of loads on the temporary structure as ‘heavy-load’ zones. Heavy loads


must be placed only at these spe- - One end or the other may ing the cross-sectional area, E is the
cially designed, designated zones, touch the formwork first, when Young's Modulus of Elasticity for the
spread over a wide area by means at least half the weight amounting steel, and fy is the yield stress for the
of planks, placed on or close to ex- to about 10 kN will be delivered steel.
tra suppor ts underneath. as concentrated load to the form- Practical values of critical load
These designated heavy-load work, over-loading the temporary Pcr(=A.fcr) fur ther depend on:
zones must be clearly marked on structure, at least temporarily. • End suppor t conditions
the drawings as well as at site (as - To prevent this, the design and
with ‘H’ in Figure 2), to enable crane related SWP must specifically • Intermediate bracing
operators to place the heavy loads cover placement of heavy loads Figure 3 depicts theoretical and
at the appropriate locations and not on formwork. practical stress levels in columns for
inadver tently load the formwork • Formwork is most unstable and various slenderness ratios.
structure to collapse. at its weakest during concrete
In practice, due to a lack of clear casting and in the early stages of
instructions, the design may not hardening and curing. There are
cover construction loads. On the rules for placement of concrete
other hand, in haste or due to a lack on form-work, for height of drop,
of understanding and control, heavy and spread area.
loads may end up being placed at - SWP must specifically address
locations not specifically designed this task.
for the heavy loads. Collapse will
• In multi-storeyed buildings, SWP
occur in both cases.
must also cover shoring of new
work above recently completed
work which may not have at-
Figure 3: Euler, practical curves

tained adequate strength, or may Most permanent columns are de-

not itself be adequately shored. In signed to take 60% to 80% of per-
such cases, the Engineer should missible stress, while temporary
be consulted. struts, being long slender elements
with no in-fills or moment resis-
Buckling of compression tance at the connections, can take
members only 40% to 60% of the permissible
Many failures of formwork have stress. These zones are shown as
been traced to buckling failure of shaded ovals in the figure.
slender compression members While the ends of struts may be
Figure 2: Heavy load zone marked 'H'. which may include both vertical col- free, pinned, or fixed, only the ‘both
Safe Work Procedure umns and inclined or horizontal struts. ends pinned’ condition provides the
At site, Safe Work Procedure (SWP) Tall and slender compression feasible and economical suppor t for
may not cover alternative means to members buckle – that is snap into temporary structures.
keep loads within safe bounds. SWP a curved shape, shed load, and col- The influence of intermediate
must specifically cover the infre- lapse – suddenly and without warn- lateral bracing on column capacity
quent and unusual tasks at site, as ing when loaded to their critical is indeed awesome, as depicted in
follows: value. The critical loads fall sharply Figure 4. When one lateral suppor t
with increasing slenderness. is provided, splitting the total height
• Prior arrangements made to open
Often, the material remains elas- into two equal par ts, the capacity
bundles at ground level or on
tic so that when the load is re- increases to four times. With two
strong bases and distribute them moved, the column may spring back
on formwork, may not always be lateral suppor ts dividing the height
to its original shape. into three equal par ts, the capacity
followed. Theoretical critical buckling stress
- A designer may assume that a increases to nine times. Capacity in-
on a column is given by the Euler
bundle of rebars resting on a creases as the square of the num-
formwork will be a uniformly dis- ber of braced par ts into which the
tributed load. But the crane can- fcr = π2.E.r2/LE2 = π2.E/λ2 ≤ f y, where member is divided.
not deliver the rebar bundle on to λ is Slenderness ratio = (LE/r), LE What should be frightening is
the formwork precisely flat so as being the unbraced length, r being the reverse argument. If a single
to ensure a uniform distribution the radius of gyration = √(I/A), I be- mid-height support is removed, the
of total load. ing the moment of iner tia and A be- capacity drops by 75% of designed


value. If one out of the two inter- - To increase the weak axis ca- in Figure 6(e). This internal diago-
mediate suppor ts is removed, the pacity, one or more intermediate nal bracing system will also prevent
capacity drops by about 55%. suppor ts may be provided to re- side-sway, in the rows of panels with
Higher strength materials (espe- sist buckling about the weak axis diagonal bracing.
cially steel) lead to two penalties on (as shown in Figure 5). (f) Internal diagonal bracing may
buckling. One, the higher strength Inadequate bracing for take many forms, with the com-
will naturally lead to smaller areas falsework mon characteristic that the diago-
which generally increase the slen- Another major cause of formwork nals must be in opposite directions
derness ratio resulting in lower ca- failure is lack of or inadequate brac- in adjacent panels and/or adjacent
pacity. Two, yield strength of the steel ing against instability and sway. In- rows.
itself shows up as an adverse factor stability is due to buckling of long, (g) An alternate arrangement to (f).
in increasing the slenderness effect. slender compression members dis- (h) Diagonal bracing in opposite
So, beyond a cer tain point (such cussed in the previous sub-section. directions may be used within the
as 460 MPa), higher strength would Sway is the lateral shifting away same panel as at A, especially if ad-
make the buckling situation worse. from the original designed position jacent panels or rows cannot be
Without going into details, the under ver tical and/or horizontal braced. It is recommended that at
following may be said about slen- loads, again causing collapse. The least one diagonal bracing such as
derness ratios: following points should be read BC, or preferably a pair of diagonals
with reference to Figure 6: run from the bottom of one end
• Hollow sections are better than
(a) As mentioned in the previous to the top of another end, crossing
solid sections.
sub-section, tall slender columns two or more bays. The crossings of
• Best to worst cross-sections: Cir- such long diagonals with horizontal
cle → Square → Rectangle → 'I' → buckle and collapse.
(b) Columns under horizontal or or ver tical members may be con-
'T' → Channel → Angle nected for greater stability.
eccentric vertical loading tend to
• Unsymmetrical sections have a sway sideways, unless prevented (i) All diagonals sloping in the
strong axis and a weak axis (Figure from swaying. same direction is not recommended.
5), with quite large differences in (c) Buckling and sway can combine (j) Often, it is wrongly assumed
the radii of gyration about these that horizontal bracings can both
to collapse one or a set of columns.
axes, so that the weak axis capac- improve buckling capacity and pre-
(d) Buckling capacity may be in-
ity may be many times smaller vent sway. As shown, even with hor-
creased by providing lateral support
than the strong axis capacity. izontal bracing ABC, the columns
at intermediate points along the
length of the column. This support can buckle and sway because these
may be provided externally from ex- are possible by the braces ABC sim-
isting permanent structures or other ply shifting horizontally to the loca-
guys and anchors as at A and B in tion A’B’C’ without any change in
Figure 6(d). This external support length, and hence without introduc-
system will also prevent side-sway. ing any new forces.
(e) Lateral support against buck- It is not necessary to brace all
ling may also be provided internally panels or even all bays or rows. Ev-
by diagonal bracings as at C and D ery second or third (or other num-

Figure 4: Intermediate bracing

Figure 5:Weak axis support

Figure 6: Buckling and side-sway in falsework, and ways of addressing them.


ber) bay or row may be braced, but charges, and hence do not need and scaffolds, for the following reasons:
the shears from the bays or rows cannot afford as much attention or • Scaffolds are generally for work-
with no bracing must be taken at investment as the permanent struc- ers and tools while falsework is
the braced bay or row. tures that they help to build. for formwork and concrete casting
When a bracing is omitted or re- Nothing could be fur ther from loads.
moved for any unavoidable reason, the truth! Time and again, it has
a competent person must check • Scaffold live loads are of the order
been proved that temporary struc- of 1.5 to 2kN/m2, while falsework
and confirm that this action does tures deserve at least as much con-
not introduce any instability in any live loads are mainly concrete and
sideration, in terms of design and rebars weighing 26 kN/m3, which
bay or row. If it may be required, safety, as permanent structures, and
alternative bracings or external sup- even for a 300 mm depth slab
often even more. The argument will works out to 8 kN/m2.
por ts must be provided to prevent
be along the following lines:
the instability. • Scaffold work is generally dry, stat-
Unsymmetrical sections will need Unlike permanent structures,
ic work, while falsework is subject
more bracing about the weak-axis. temporary structures
to wet, dynamic work of concrete
• do not have assured or well-pre- casting and vibration, with very
pared foundations hazardous materials which will set
SS580:2012 WORKING
GROUP • are not designed as well or in as hard within a shor t time.
In April 2010, the Working Group much detail • Scaffold erection is relatively bet-
for Code of Practice for Formwork • are not used – or even seen – by ter organised and more visible
was constituted by the Technical the ultimate customer at all times than falsework which
Committee with the following com- • have often built-in compromises involves more components and
position: variable sizes, more adjustments
in quality and strength
Dr Ting Seng Kiong (Convenor) and actions, and components hid-
Er. Chong Chin Hin • are put together at site from nu-
den from view.
Mr C Kirubakaran merous components
• Scaffold failures may generally be
Ms Lee Guek Hoon (served until 23 • most components of which are localised while formwork/false-
June 2011) already used and some are dam- work collapse can be massive and
Ms Koh Chin Chin aged progressive.
Er. Lim Chong Sit • are erected generally by less
Dr N Krishnamur thy Applicability of Factor of
skilled temporary workers
Er. Tan Chong Lin Safety
The work was completed by the • are not checked as rigorously or The increased Factor of Safety,
latter half of 2012, and the Code as frequently termed ‘Safety Load Factor’ to en-
was approved in November 2012. • are not inspected as meticulously compass both working stress and
FACTOR OF SAFETY 2.0 • are not supervised as strictly ultimate strength approaches, ap-
SS280:5012 replaced CP23, the • are not maintained as well plies to any and all analysis and de-
earlier Code of Practice. One of sign of formwork structures. Specifi-
• do not have their faults rectified
the significant differences between cally, it mandates as follows:
as promptly or fully
the two codes is the increase of the • Factor of Safety of 2.0 for yield
• are the first to be compromised
Factor of Safety to 2.0 from the av- stress in working stress method
in terms of safety when time or
erage of 1.5 which was being fol- • Load factor of 2.0 for all loads
budget presses hard.
lowed according to BS5950 in use and loading conditions in ultimate
at the time. To justify this increase, That is why temporary structures
strength method
we must analyse the differences be- need more care, more supervision,
not less! • Ratio of failure or permanent defor-
tween temporary and permanent
mation load to worst case service
structures and between formwork Scaffolds versus falsework load to be 2.0 in any component or
structures and scaffolds. Even among temporary structures, assembly test, with all testing con-
Permanent versus temporary one must distinguish between scaf- forming to the following:
structures folds which are designed for work - Testing shall be resorted to only
There is a common myth, or at least platforms and falsework which is where no approved codes ex-
the common practice, that scaf- intended to support formwork for ist for the particular structure or
folds and formwork structures are concrete and reinforcement. The component to be used, and where
temporary, not a line item in client latter needs even more care than the structure or component is


too complex for practical generic formwork structure and whichever essary to stabilise connections and
analysis. analysis, design, or test procedure reduce unbraced strut lengths.
- When site commissioning tests is used to suppor t its validity, there Bracing shall be provided as nec-
are required, a validation cer tifi- shall be a reserve of 100% between essary in all three planes of the
cate issued by a testing laboratory the worst service load and failure or formwork structure - longitudinal,
accredited by the Singapore Ac- permanent deformation load. transverse, and horizontal, as dis-
creditation Council (SAC) or their During the IES Seminar on 29 played in Figure 7.
Mutual Recognition Agreement September 2015, a well-known • ABCD is the longitudinal plane for
(MRA) Par tner shall be acquired manufacturer of formwork compo- bracing, and LD is a diagonal brace
before formwork erection can nents made a presentation on how in it.
commence. the company was addressing the
requirements of the new code. The • CDEF is the transverse bracing
- In any case, the structure or
author hopes all manufacturers and plane, and MJ is a diagonal brace
component shall demonstrate a
suppliers will follow suit! in it.
Load Safety Factor of 2.0 at struc-
tural or functional failure. • GHJK is the horizontal bracing
- For proprietary or contractor- plane, and NJ is a diagonal brace
To address the many deficiencies in
proposed formwork structure, or in it.
formwork stability, SS580 includes a
components, the prototype struc- Falsework braces should be able
number of stipulations and guide-
ture or component, as complete to resist a minimum of 2.5% of axial
lines, as follows:
in all respects similar to erection, force in the braced strut. For system
use, and dismantling conditions at
Resistance to horizontal formwork, documentation should
site as possible, shall be tested to
actions include all bracing.
The formwork structure shall be Temporary bracings may have to
no less than twice the worst com-
designed for safety, to ensure stabil- be designed and provided during
bination of service loads.
ity against overturning, uplift, sliding erection and dismantling, to cater
- Erection, alteration, use, and dis-
and side-sway, taking into account for unbalanced forces and to pre-
mantling of test components shall
the sequence of construction under vent excessive displacement or col-
be done by personnel as similar to
the action of the most adverse load lapse.
those available at site as possible.
combination. There shall be a mini-
- Testing shall be conducted under Diagonal braces for multiple
mum Factor of Safety of 2.0 against
controlled conditions in an ap- bays
over turning and sliding.
proved testing facility. Where bracings span more than one
In the absence of sufficient infor-
- A cer tificate and repor t shall bay, the shears in the bays covered
mation on horizontal forces, hori-
be issued with all details, includ- should be collected cumulatively
zontal forces equivalent to 2.5% of
ing how superimposed loads were and transferred to end anchors or
the applied ver tical loads considered
simulated. the ground, with all crossing points
to act at the points of application of
- Stress, deflection and sway histo- being properly clamped.
the ver tical loads on the formwork
ries shall be included.
shall be provided for.
- Test results may not be accepted
When horizontal deflection ex-
if some valid theoretical analysis
ceeds 0.15 % of the height of false-
shows that the structure or com-
work or other tolerance specified
ponent may not be able to take
by the designer, the P-Δ effect of
loading as claimed.
ver tical forces shall be taken into ac-
- Proration to 2.0 when any other
count. These horizontal forces shall
code is used in the absence of
be transferred to a completed par t
applicability of SS580, where the
of the permanent structure or suf-
factor is less than 2.0 in the other
ficiently strong anchors.
- Certification of the Factor of Bracing for stability
Safety for proprietary formwork Bracing shall be provided primar-
products, and proration to 2.0 if ily to transfer horizontal forces to
the product's Factor of Safety is ground. Even where horizontal forc-
less than 2.0. es are transferred to anchors at the
Thus, whatever product is used in formwork level, bracing may be nec- Figure 7:Three bracing planes



Braces intended to stabilise mul- will have to demonstrate compli- Then, the maximum load that
tiple bays shall be inclined between ance with all requirements includ- can be placed on section over a
30° and 60° to the horizontal, and ing the temperature criterion. 3 m span will be 10.5×0.9 = 9.45
shall preferably be in pairs, with • Wind loads, to be as per SS CP14 kN/m, which is < 10 kN/m required
each pair being inclined in the op- In addition to the primary com- – which is not good.
posite direction to the other, to pression and bending checks, the Note that this is the same as re-
provide for change in the direction code requires checking and satis- ducing the load capacity by 10%, i.e.
of applied forces. factory compliance of shears and 10.5×0.1 = 1.05, giving again, 10.5–
SS580 suggests that there shall deflections of the components. 1.05 = 9.45 kN/m – which is not
be a minimum of one pair of braces good.
approximately for every 2h of verti- We now have to choose the next
lf and where this code does not
cal suppor ts, where ‘h’ is the height higher section, say ‘T130’, whose ca-
cover any aspect of structural analy-
covered by the brace, in metres. pacity may have been listed as 12
sis or design of the formwork struc-
For example, if h is 4 m, one pair of kN/m in the catalogue, for which,
ture or any of its components, the
braces may be used for every eight the SS580 adjusted capacity will be
relevant SS EuroCode and corre-
suppor ts. 12×0.9 = 10.8 kN/m, > 10 kN/m –
sponding Singapore National Annex
DESIGN shall govern. which is acceptable.
CONSIDERATIONS Where this code differs from SS This is also the same as increas-
For steel, SS580 has adopted the EuroCode or Singapore National ing the service load by the ratio 2.0/
EuroCode, along with the Singa- Annex, this code shall prevail. the cited value 1.8, that is, take the
pore National Annex. However, Where no guidance is available design load as (10.0×2.0/1.8) that
there is one impor tant stipulation from this code or the SS EuroCode is, 11.1 kN/m. Again ABC’s 'T120'
in formwork design, that all load and Singapore National Annex, and value of 10.5 kN/m will not suit, but
factors (which are widely variable some other code is used, and the ‘T130’ with 12 kN/m will.
in EuroCode for permanent struc- Safety or Load Factors in that code An alternative would be to re-
tures) shall be taken as 2.0. are less than 2.0, such factors shall duce the suppor t spans to bring
be upgraded to 2.0. up the Safety Factor to 2.0. But this
DESIGN LOADS would involve the nature of the
Allowance for heaping of wet con- Any and all proprietary or man-
ufactured items used in the form- loading. For instance, the reduction
crete = casting layer depth
work structure shall satisfy the cri- would be (1.8/2) i.e. 0.9 of span for
If concrete heaps to greater
terion of Load Safety Factor of 2.0 concentrated load, but (1.8/2.0)2 i.e.
depth = Average Depth in 1 m2
in actual use. The author suggests 0.81 for uniformly distributed load.
Live loads for personnel = 0.75
kN/m2 over areas not occupied by the following method to upgrade to GENERAL DESIGN
concrete being cast, machinery, or the 2.0 Safety Factor requirement PROCEDURE FOR
equipment for a proprietary product. COMPRESSION MEMBERS
Total imposed load i.e. wet con- Example of the use of a The code stipulates that the fol-
crete, personnel, machinery etc, not proprietary product with lowing shall be assumed and imple-
less than 1.5 kN/m2.. SS580 mented unless the contrary can be
Suppose we want a section to carry proven and implemented:
Horizontal loads
10 kN/m over a 3 m span. Let us • All compression member ends are
• Lateral load of concrete dumping,
say we have been using Company pin-ended and fabricated to be dis-
wind etc not < 1.5 kN/m of floor
ABC’s section ‘T120’ which propos- placement-free at supported ends.
edge, or 2.5% of total ver tical load
es, according to its catalogue, that • All connections are pinned and
• Lateral concrete pressure on it be used for a 3 m span for load
form, p = w.H, where H is smaller non-moment-resistant.
of 10.5 kN/m. Now on enquiry, the
of the depth of formwork or of As in SS580, there is no distinc-
company may cite the Safety Factor
concrete casting above the cold tion between working stress design
against failure – with proper docu-
joint. The CIRIA formula that was (WSD) and ultimate strength design
mentation – as 1.8.
in CP23 has been omitted be- (USD) approaches, a designer may
To modify its use to comply with
cause of the difficulty of control- use either of the following methods
SS580, we may pro-rate the Factor
ling the parameters and because and arrive at the same answer :
of Safety from 1.8 to 2.0, by modi-
the formula was not applicable fying the load capacity by the ratio • WSD: Take the worst case service
above 30° C. If someone wishes 1.8/2.0 = 0.9, that is, reduce the load as the design load P, and de-
to use the CIRIA formula, they load by (1– 0.9) i.e. 0.1 = 10%. termine a cross-section which will


not be stressed more than the section chosen, calculate, or from - Rather than blindly checking the
limiting stress value (f) of half the the par ticular curve in the char t, stresses and revising the section,
yield stress, or read off the Critical Stress Ratio it would be wor thwhile to check
• USD: Take twice the worst-case ‘χc’ (Xi). the load capacity from (A.f) be-
service load as the design load - Then, the critical stress fcr = χc.fy. cause a little shor tfall in the stress
P, and determine a cross-section • If fcr is more than 2f in the WSD may be compensated by a larger
which will not be stressed more approach or more than f in the area.
than the limiting stress value (f) of USD approach, the chosen sec- - Likewise, it is not just the area
yield stress. tion is safe. If the difference is too that influences the limiting stress.
To be on the safe side, stick much, a smaller size may be tried. The key factor in buckling is the
throughout to one or the other radius of gyration r [=√(I/A)]. So,
• If fcr is less than 2f in the WSD ap-
method in any single project! in every revision, check if you can
proach or less than f in the USD
Design of compression members retain the same A with increased
approach, the chosen section is
is generally an iterative process and r, as for instance from a pipe with
unsafe, and a larger section must
not a one-shot solution, simply be- larger diameter but thinner wall
be tried.
cause the critical buckling stress de- thickness.
pends on cross-sectional properties • The process is continued until a
- When nearing convergence, it is
which will be known only after de- section's capacity matches or just
better to give up the stress-check
sign. The usual procedure is as fol- exceeds the design load.
approach, and simply choose the
lows, keyed to Table 3: • Some finesse, learnt by experi- next bigger or smaller section. You
• Assume a star ting stress value be- ence, may be used to reduce the will never get the exact capacity
tween half and one-third of limit- number of iterations. you need and will be invariably
ing stress value, say ‘f ’. - If you assume 80 MPa as per- picking a section as close to but
missible stress and the actual somewhat more than required
• Find area ‘A’ required as (P/f), and
limiting stress turns out to be 20 capacity.
select a section which would give
MPa, there would be no point in • Considerable savings may be
the required area.
repeating the cycle again with 20 obtained by trying to place ad-
• Find the critical buckling stress fcr MPa, because we know that the ditional lateral supports to ver ti-
for the chosen section. result will shoot up. So a wiser cal standards as long as enough
- With rolled steel sections, the move would be to take something working clearance (say 3 or 3.5 m)
section width and depth ratio, the between 80 MPa and 20 MPa for is provided at the base level for
component length to thickness the second try, say the average of workers to move around with
ratio, whether strong or weak axis 50 MPa. materials and tools.
bending, and the material yield
stress, will influence the limiting
stress. These are addressed by
means of Table 3 which will direct
the user to use one or the other
of five curves, corresponding to
five ‘imperfection factors’ which
enter the formulae on which the
curves are based.
- SS580 provides three options
for finding the critical buckling
stress fcr, namely (i) Formulae and
coefficients, (ii) Char ts for the five
different imperfection factors, and
(iii) Tables from which intermedi-
ate values may be interpolated.
- Find the Slenderness Factor ‘λc’
(lambda) from the formula, select
the curve which applies to the Table 3: Buckling curves applicable to various sections in compression


GENERAL DESIGN 2.0, its formulae, charts, tables etc ing forms or table forms, scaffold
PROCEDURE FOR BENDING shall be pro-rated to give a Factor regulations in force will apply to
MEMBERS of Safety of 2.0. the working platform extensions.
Bending members, especially of
thin-walled metal sections, have an
DESIGN Both designer and fabricator must
additional complication of lateral
Special attention shall be paid to know what the strength of the
torsional buckling (Figure 8) which
design and erection of formwork formwork material is so that a Fac-
will involve a bending capacity cal-
components by the Engineer in the tor of Safety of not less than 2.0 can
culation as follows:
following cases: be obtained.
• Cantilever spans Particularly in wood, the designer
must specify and occupier must re-
• Heights exceeding 9 m ceive the particular grade of wood
• Slabs thicker than 300 mm or as chosen. Many users do not know
Although the expression is ‘fright- per regulation whichever is more the strength of the grade of timber
ening’, all the terms are known and stringent they are using.
sectional dimensions are tabulated.
• Beams exceeding cross-sectional Table 5 shows that timber
The general procedure for design
area of 0.5 m2 or as per regula- strength (according to BS5268) can
is quite similar to that for compres-
tion whichever is more stringent vary from 2.8 MPa to 20.5 MPa. It
sion members, with a similar table
illustrates how dangerous it would
and set of five curves (this time • Columns or walls exceeding 2 m
be to use a grade that is two classes
grouped as rolled and welded sec- in height lower than designed, and conversely,
tions) or coefficients available as • Formwork structure in two or how wasteful it would be to use a
shown in Table 4. more tiers grade that is two classes higher.
DESIGN FOR NON-STEEL • Layer casting of concrete, for Developers and contractors
MEMBERS which, unless the sharing of sub- must insist on specifying the grade
Members of wood, plastic, alumini- sequent layer loads by supporting to designers and receiving that
um or any other non-steel material columns is justified by calcula- grade from the vendors.
shall be designed by applicable Sin- tions, the entire layer load shall be As already mentioned, chasing
gapore Standards or other relevant borne by the formwork structure high strength steel may not always
codes/regulations, or shown by ge- be good. Higher strength will mean
neric methods or tests to be satis- • Working platforms for formwork,
designed and erected indepen- less material, but it will also reduce
factorily designed. buckling capacity.
All such designs shall be demon- dently of the formwork and the
strated to have a Load Safety Fac- reinforcement on it SAFETY
tor of 2.0 against collapse under the - However, where working plat- CONSIDERATIONS
worst design loading. If any code forms form part of integrated SS580 provides extensive guidelines
adopts a Factor of Safety less than formwork systems such as climb- on safety, highlighting many items

Figure 8: Lateral torsional buckling Table 4: Lateral torsional buckling curves applicable to various sections
(Updated after printing - NK)


that can go wrong and suggesting Strength Bending Strength • Provide adequate shoring or re-
solutions. Class N/mm2 shoring.
RISK ASSESSMENT SC1 2.8 • Avoid using a prop directly on top
On the matter of Risk Assessment SC2 4.1
of another prop.
(RA), which is very critical for form- SC3 5.3 • Ensure that adequate temporary
work structures, SS580 refers to the bracings are in place while setting
SC4 7.5
Code of Practice for Risk Manage- up the formwork.
ment [Ref 6]. SC5 10.0
• Ensure that anchoring of the system
However, MOM, in its Circular SC6 12.5
formwork can be visually ascertained.
of 2013 [Ref 3] lists the items that SC7 15.0
should be considered, among oth- SC8 • Ensure adequate provision for lat-
ers, as follows:
17.5 eral pressure on forms.
SC9 20.5 • Control lateral pressure on forms
• Formwork structure erection, alter-
ation and dismantling procedures Table 5:Timber strength by ver tical rate of concrete place-
MODULAR AND SYSTEM ment by adjustment of slump, type
• Base suppor t capacity
FORMWORK of vibration, admixtures etc.
• Formwork structure stability
Persons involved in erection of • Regulate horizontal sequence and
• Placement of rebar these systems shall be trained in safe rate of placing concrete to avoid
• Concrete casting erection, alteration and dismantling unbalanced loading on the form-
• Working at height of the system, as well as inspection work structure.
• Monitoring of formwork criteria such as defects precluding • Control loadings that may cause
use of certain materials and compo- vibrations and shock.
• Formwork leakage
nents. System formwork suppliers
• Formwork structural failure • Prevent premature removal of
shall provide documented instruc- suppor ts.
• Settlement of formwork structure tions and training on erection, use,
• Repair of formwork structure transfer, alteration and dismantling • Comply with recommendations
of the formwork system. of manufacturers of components
• Emergency escape route and keep within limits set by the
The training should include, but
• Emergency response plan designer.
not be limited to, the following:
SAFE WORK PROCEDURES • Maximum loadings that can be ap- • Ensure proper field inspection by
Safe Work Procedures (SWP) shall plied to various areas of the form, formwork supervisor to see that
be written soon after RA. Apar t with areas of heavy loadings and form design has been properly
from method statements for routine the material storage specifically interpreted and implemented by
work, SWP should include responsi- designated on drawings and the the formwork erectors.
bilities of all stakeholders, Personal actual formwork • Ensure that formwork compo-
Protection Equipment (PPE) to be nents, not designed by analytical
• Restricted access areas and pro-
used and emergency measures. methods or not cer tified as safe
cedures for erection and removal
SWP should cover all anticipated by suppliers, are validated for use
of edge protection
activities during the work, particular- by testing.
ly the infrequent and unusual ones. • Emergency evacuation proce-
They shall be strictly followed and all dures for those required to work • Ensure that interactions between
PPE should be correctly worn all the on the form. formwork, falsework and perma-
time the workers are carrying out SAFE FORMWORK nent structure are taken into ac-
their tasks. count in planning and construction.
TO DESIGN • Provide safe means of access, ade-
quate edge protection, perimeter
Work at height is unavoidable in Safety aspects shall be considered
containment screening etc, to en-
most formwork activity and special and controls implemented at every
sure a safe work zone.
safeguards shall be implemented to stage in the life-cycle of the form-
avoid accidents such as falling from work structure, including planning • Provide temporary catch plat-
height. All criteria should be checked and inspection, and during construc- forms as fall arrest for fall distanc-
and all requirements fulfilled as in the tion. Some common measures for es shor ter than required for body
Code of Practice for Safely Working good construction practice to en- harnesses.
at Height [Ref 7]. A fall prevention sure safe formwork design, in addi- • Disallow any field repair of modular
plan must be prepared and followed tion to those already mentioned, are or system formwork components
by the occupier of the workplace. as follows: without manufacturer's approval.


• Provide cable-guided or suppor t- - Chemicals used in formwork to be followed, the responsible
ed systems with integral free-fall erection and oiling person(s) cannot plead ignorance
breaking devices. - Cement, which is corrosive to of those laws as a reason for their
• Disallow use of form panels such the skin and damages eyes and not implementing them.
as from wall or column formwork, lungs In practical terms, it means that
for purposes other than those for - Abrasive or sharp-edged objects although SS580:2012 is one of the
which they were designed for, such • Noise leading to Noise-Induced few standards for which one has
as ladders, walkway bridges etc. Deafness (NID) to pay, it would be wise to buy a
• Unsafe acts and unsafe conditions copy, at a cost of S$36, and circu-
• Ensure specific industrial stan-
arising from extensive human in- late it to those who must deal with
dards are observed for hydraulic
and electrical equipment used for tervention and the simultaneous formwork design, erection, use, or
operating system formwork. interaction of many trades, re- dismantling, so that any violation
quiring strict and often continu- cannot be hidden behind adminis-
• Ensure rotation of workers, rest trative lapses.
periods, and other safeguards ous supervision at every stage of
erection, use, alteration, and dis- (More information on the author
against fatigue and Musculo-Skel- and his work can be obtained from
mantling of formwork structures
etal Disorders (MSD) due to re-
petitive work. • When various types of works by
steel fixers, plumbers, electricians, REFERENCES
SAFETY-RELATED and other trades are ongoing, [1] SS580:2012, Singapore Stan-
CONCERNS IN FORMWORK strict segregation of the form- dard Code of Practice for Form-
ACTIVITIES work construction zone and the work, SPRING Singapore, 2012,
Among the many hazardous ac- zone for other trades 40 pp.
tivities and situations in formwork • Impact of vehicles / machinery
erection, use, alteration and disman- [2] ‘Preventing Formwork Incidents
adjacent to formwork structures
tling, the following deserve special – Repor t on 28 Mar 2014 Solution-
attention: CONCLUSION ing Session’, WSHI, Singapore, July
Formwork structures have been in 2015, 8pp.
• Movement of vehicles at the en-
the news in recent years for the
trance to and within the site [3] Circular on Safety Require-
wrong reasons, with reports of nu-
• Movement of large and heavy ob- ments for Formwork Structures, 31
merous collapses, injuries and fa-
jects, involving cranes, fork lifts etc talities. The new Code SS580 may Jan 2013, 9 pp.
• Manual handling of heavy objects not solve all the problems but will [4] Advisory For Professional Engi-
conforming to relevant regula- hopefully eliminate the risks of un- neers on Formwork Safety, 18 Jan
tions limiting the load to be lifted der-design, over-loading, and inad- 2014, 4 pp.
by a worker on a regular basis equate workmanship and supervi-
to 25 kg [5] Ng, Anderson: ‘WAH Enforce-
sion, as causes of the accidents.
ment Findings on Formwork Erec-
• Ergonomic hazards in general, Formwork design by the Euro-
Code should be much simpler than tion – Operation Cardinal’, MOM,
which may lead to MSD
for permanent structures, although Singapore, 20 Jul 2012. Retrieved
• Working at height, for which vari- (in 2014) from: https://www.
ous measures for fall prevention it may be marginally costlier than
earlier. However, the increased cost
such as edge protection, and work e v e n t / f i l e / 2 0 1 2 / WA H % 2 0 E n -
restraint should be adopted first will be spread over multiple uses of
the components, and in due course forcement%20Findings%20by%20
rather than fall arrest measures MOM.pdf
such as body harness, or catch net will pay off in improved safety, with
consequently decreased expenses [6] Code of Practice on WSH Risk
• Working in confined space, in tun- and compensation as well as disrup-
nels or other areas where natural Management: 2011, Revised 2015,
tion of work from accidents. WSH Council in collaboration with
light and ventilation are not avail- One last piece of advice: An un-
able, for which various measures the Ministry of Manpower, Singa-
written but irrevocable law is "Igno- pore, 31 pp.
such as toxic gas and oxygen defi- rance of the law is no excuse". What
ciency checks and rescue systems this implies is that if after an acci- [7] Code of Practice for Working
should be implemented dent, the investigation reveals that Safely at Heights: 2009, Revised
• Storage and handling of hazard- it happened due to the violation of 2013, WSH Council, Singapore,
ous materials such as: a law or laws that were required 69 pp.


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