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22-23 February 2018

Bombay Exhibi on Centre, Mumbai

An Infinity Expo Initiative

Building End-to-End
Supply Chains
Co-Located with: Organised by:

22 February, 2018 - CONFERENCE DAY 1

0900 Registra on & Coffee

0925 Welcome Remarks by Conference Chair:

0930 – 1000 Inaugural Keynote: Digital Global Supply Chains – The Road Ahead for India

Shri Neeraj Ambani, President Group Logis cs, Reliance Industries*

1000 - 1030 Keynote: Supply Chain Innova on – The trends that will define 2018

Dr Rakesh Sinha, Global Head Supply Chain, Manufacturing & IT Opera ons, Godrej Consumer Products*

1030 – 1100 Managing Supply Chain Risk by Becoming Demand Driven

Developing the ability to sense adapt and serve today's highly vola le and complex demand chains.
Essen als of planning process to minimize the impacts of variability.
Mastering the art of drama cally compressing lead mes and working capital requirements

1100 - 1130 Crea ng Alignment in Supply Chain Management

Building a high-performing supply chain via engagement, commitment and collabora on among all departments.
Minimising redundancies, poor communica on, lack of trust and departments that are pi ed against one another.
Iden fying and reinforcing the significance and business benefits of alignment, cross-func onal management and effec ve teamwork.

Shekhar Tiwari, Managing Director, Supply Chain & Network Opera ons, Accenture

1130 – 1200 Refreshment break

1200 – 1230 Supply Chain Analy cs for the Discrete & Process Industries
Best strategies for use of analy cs to improve performance in Manufacturing Planning & Control in both the process and discrete manufacturing environments.
Building a focus on opera onal level analy cs using historical performance and real- me status informa on.
Developing alterna ve solu ons based on planned versus actual informa on variances and live scenario descrip on.

1230 – 1300 Social Media, Analy cs and Cloud Applica ons in Supply Chain

Prasad Kurup, Partner, Digital Strategy & Opera ons, IBM India*
Pugalenthi Murugan, Director Global Planning Excellence, Johnson & Johnson

1300 -1330 Real Time, Signal Driven Analy cs

Tracking signals to all sales channels to provide deeper insight, depth, breadth and scope
Assigning tracking signals to every sales channel and possible conversion source
Be er understanding target audience behavior and what small changes can be made for healthier conversion rates

Harman Arora, CEO & Co-Founder, Axestrack So ware Solu ons

1330 -1415 Networking & Lunch Break

1415-1500 Fleet Telema cs for Logis cs Efficiency

Developing innova ve solu ons for efficient logis cs and fleet management.
Real- me visibility and data to op mize procedures and processes, maintaining product integrity, op mizing shelf-life, reducing losses and insurance risk across the
supply chain.
Address key challenges related to safety and regulatory compliance, driver monitoring, insurance and infrastructure.

Presenta on by Trimble Mobility and Web NMS

1500 -1530 Fuel Saving Solu ons to Op mise Logis cs Cost

Mohit Mehrotra, Director -Omnicomm India

1530 – 1600 Using SCOR to Drive Your Process Improvement

The Supply Chain Opera ons Reference model as a framework that enables users to address, improve, and
communicate supply chain management prac ces.
SCOR as a management tool and a reference model for end-to-end supply chain management and its applica ons for capturing business ac vi es, sa sfying customer
demand, analyzing the supply chain, and much more.
How can you apply the SCOR framework to improve inventory turns, increase system implementa on speed, and support organiza onal learning goals?

1600 – 1630 Refreshment break

1630 – 1715 Fostering A Next-Gen Customer Experience

Mee ng the heightened expecta ons of digitally savvy customers through differen a on and innova on
Crea ng a seamless journey that reflects how customer want to shop across devices and channels: browsing, seeking peer influence, comparingprices
Fostering be er shopping experiences and streamline a vast matrix of interac ons
Evolving from a customer service to customer centric mentality

Ravindra Tulsyan, Chairman & Chief Mentor, Knowerex Educa on*

Prof Sajeev George, SP Jain*
Umesh Joshi, Pidilite*

1715 Closing remarks and end of day 1

23 February, 2018 - CONFERENCE DAY 2

0900 Registra on & Coffee

0925 Welcome Remarks by Conference Chair:

0930 – 1000 Supplier Lifecycle Management: A Growing Sourcing and Procurement Trend
Proac vely ensuring supplier compliance to corporate standards, policies, and regulatory requirements
Encouraging supplier development to cul vate a high-performing and collabora ve supply-base
Accelera ng innova on in lifecycle management through a cross-pollina on of ideas among business partners

1000 - 1030 Supply Chain Collabora on: Enhancing Visibility & Mi ga ng Risk

Aanand Pandey, Apna Media

Mahesh Padoshi, General Analy cs Manager, Johnson & Johnson

1015 – 1100 Indirect Procurement: The Vital, Subtle Work of Keeping Everything Else Running
Under standing the role in direct procurement plays within both a supply chain organiza on and the larger company as a whole
Discussing how indirect procurement differs from other SCM disciplines in its approach to risk, visibility, flexibility, cost control, and rela onship building over me
Making the business case that indirect procurement should have a larger voice in the decision-making process of supply chain strategies
How do you improve processes and performance in the work that supports every other aspect of the business without

1100 - 1130 Refreshment break

1130 – 1215 The Process Improvement Conundrum: Standardizing Before Outsourcing, or Outsourcing Before Standardizing?
Driving regional requirements within a broader global/na onal supply chain eco-system
Tangible benefits of process automa on and robo cs
Deba ng the pros and cons of insourcing and outsourcing
Process automa on as a bridge to future state design and ul mately, Supply Chain as a Service

Neeraj Balani, Vice President, Sales & Business Development, Mahindra Logis cs

1215 – 1300 The Rise of Machine Learning

Unifying data from disparate channels for a more holis c view of performance
Making be er predic ons to control spending and increase returns
Understanding the rela onship between online and in-store behaviour, shopper journey analy cs no ma er the path to purchase
Embedding machine learning algorithms in legacy systems

1300 -1430 Networking Lunch

1430 -1515 Next Genera on Cogni ve Enterprise: Supply Chain and Opera ons Reinvented in the Cogni ve Era
What is a Cogni ve Enterprise, and how can AI solu ons change the way businesses func on?
Discussing cogni ve analy cs and best prac ce in implementa on of a Cogni ve Enterprise Data Lake
Mapping out the journey of a Cogni ve Enterprise: What are the new supply chain capabili es and the business value being

1515-1600 Transporta on Spend Op miza on – A logis cs user perspec ve

Transporta on and shipping costs represent one of the largest spend categories for companies.
Sourcing and managing this category is very complex for many reasons, including effec vely managing various modes of transporta on, inbound Consignments from
suppliers, outbound to customers, ongoing vola lity in fuel costs and a dynamic supplier base…
Cost management on this is a key impera ve for every supply chain manager

Nektarios Triantafyllidis, Regional Director Logis cs, PTV MENA REGION DMCC

1600 -1630 Refreshment break

1630 – 1715 Local Heroes Vs Incumbents: Choosing the Right Delivery Partners
Ensuring seamless, simplified and reliable interna onal delivery services
Customer is king: selec ng partners, 3PLs and carriers that meet customer expecta on and drive market share
Maintaining brand pres ge when working with mul ple transporta on partners
Assessing produc on processes, technology and methods of processing

Abhishek Prakash Rao, Varuna Integrated Logis cs

1715 Closing remarks and end of CONFERENCE

February 2018

Gold Associate Warehouse Management

Partner Partner Solutions Partner

Truck Network Mobility Travel

Partner Partner Partner


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