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HORT Credits Designed by Robert Gresham Developed By Robert Gresham, Cody Martin, Ewan Cummins, and Theron Goodwater Cover Art by: Michael Jaecks Interior Art by: Bruno Balixa, Gary Dupuis, Storn Cook, Robert Gresham, Pawet Dobosz Layout by Robert Gresham Page Backgrounds by Lord Zsezse Wayward Rogues Publishing Logo Designed by Robert Gresham Playtested by: Michael Whitney, Theron Goodwater, Sinclair Thompson Compabity wth the atfindrRalaplying Came eis th atinder Roleplaying Game fm Paizo Publeting LU Se hip/ paz. cm /patitnderRP roe Information onthe Fainder Rlrayng (Coa Pies ab gL oer pal odode ite yo Pathfinder isa reitered trader of Pio Publishing LLC andthe Pathfinder Roleplaying Came and the Pade Replying came Compatlty Loose rademari of ato Publishing Ls and are sd under the Pinder Releplying Game Competlly License Secit/ ompatibily for more information on the compatiblty Heense. Product dent: The following items ate hereby identified as Product entity as defined inthe Open Game License 1.03, Section 1) andare not Open Content: Al trademark, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, delties, etc) dlalogue, pots, storylines, lo ‘ations, characters, artworks, and trade dress (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are no acuded Inthis declaration) (Open Content: xcept for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics ofthis Wayward Rogues Publishing {ame product ae Open Game Content. as defined inthe Open Game Ligense version 1.0a Section 1(d) No portion of this work other ‘than the material designated as Open Game Content maybe reproduced in any form without written permission ATHFINDER eo Abate PO rela et SHUB-NIGGURATH She is called the Black Goat of the ods with a Thousand ‘Young. Her followers perform foul rites in the darkest of the hillside thickets dedicated to her name. She is Shub- Niggurath, the Dark Mother from beyond the veil. Men have craved her since they first carved stone. Her whispers fill hearts with carnal lust, for Shub Niggurath wants to overpop- ulate the world with her terrible offspring, and seize control so they may prosper: The Black Goat is the Matron of Monsters and from her womb craw nightmares, hub-Niggurath is one of the oldest deities worshipped by ‘mortals, Several legends suggest that all monsters inhabiting Celmae sprang from her corrupted womb. Some ‘unwanted daughter of Amaura and Krokaar, a product of the {god's forced coupling, while others insist she halls from be- ‘yond the void of both time and space, and is older than those two deities. She gathers her followers to procreate in un- speakable rituals with shapeless horrors and to spread her evil seed. Sacrifice of fellow worshippers is a common prac- tice. Despite this, depraved humans offer prayers and tribute \ Crege ay she is the to her in the hopes of gaining favor when her vile children xrrun the world. She hates harmony and delights in reading war and despair, for the more that mortals die, the more they reproduce. Ancient cultures once revered her asa war god, and she blessed these high-priests with low their enemies, Prayers to the Black Goat of the Woods ask for corrupted childbirths or to survive such a labor. Witches communing with her through familiars steal newborns from their cribs, replacing them with her murderous changelings. She fa vors her faithful by twisting them into new, more powerful forms, such as the Favore Dark Young, Rituals of summoning are performed during, the new moon phase of Celmae's twin satellite Inart, the Dark Mother is formless, most often appearing asa huge cloud of noxious smoke tentacles, and moving on a multitude of thick, hooved legs. Misshapen offspring constantly spew forth from her, and are promptly devoured by her ropy appendages. Her sym> bol isa trio of crimson crescent horns surrounding a red yrs, or the better known, Ce RES THE CULT Worshipers of Shub-Niggurath are decadent druids, backwoods hill folk and evil humanoids. They don't con- cern themselves with the laws of the lands they dwell in, Instead engaging in chaotic acts of depravity, and repro- ducing, Unions between men and beasts please the Black Goat of the Woods. leries pray for spells at dawn, symbolizing the birth of the day. Her cults are always led by a strong. fertile male humanoid, with ritual combat deciding leadership. This leader is expected to impregnate all available females, serving the cult. Many non-human races worship the Matron of Monsters, notably the hill giants of Bright Mountain, and the fungus-like Mi-go inhabiting the haunted Endiel Forest. Gnolls venerate her above all. other gods, erecting massive totem-pole idols, Intelligent evil beasts serve her. Giant wooden statues are burned in Shub-Niggurath’s honor, often with additional human, sacrifices immolated within the effigy. ‘The Black Goat speaks directly to her followers with strange omens through insanity-inducing nightmares, ‘They imbibe narcotics or over indulge in alcohol to enter unconsciousness in their eagerness to commune with the Dark Mother: Her-services include violence, sacrifice, bestial sex, and willing mutilations. Those in attendance Wear goat masks and don heavy animal furs, leaving their genitals exposed. Itis forbidden for a member to clean their furs, for the accumulating stench pleases. their god. Virile male and fertile female members are prized among the cult, though tasks are found for the impotent and barren. These members act as assassins, spies, and willing sacrifices. They usually bear the most sel-im- posed scars and mutilations. ‘The leaders of each cult aspire to be turned into one of the Favored Satyrs of Shub-Niggurath. This extensive ‘magical ritual is detailed in the cult’s holiest book, The Whispers of the Dark Mother. The unspeakable acts de- picted within have caused the tome to be outlawed and destroyed by the followers of Amaura and the Creator. UNHOLY SITES ‘The cult of the Black Goat of the Woods does not have centers of worship within the confines of civilization, in- ‘stead operating in secret on its fringes. Totem shrines to her are erected within dark stretches of the forest or deep underground where the screams of sacrifices can- not be heard by outsiders. Evil humanoids and primitive beasts worship her in corrupted woods beneath the stars when the twin moons wane, Carprolcey o a The Eternal Womb: The location ofthis terrible site has been lost to time, though The Whispers refer often to it. - = Purported to be a passage that winds deep beneath the su face, twisting all the way to an immense cavern filled witha 4 viscous white lake. This milky substance births forth living horrors that thankfully cannot survive outside its fluid. Itis said that ifone takes a swim through The Dark Mothers Milk, they will be blessed with a new form pleasing enough for Shub Niggurath to materialize and consummate the transformation, ‘The Fecund Forest: This blighted wood exists deep with-/ fam in the corrupted underside of the floating continent of | Wy Corbaara. Populated by Dark Young and worse, this site is =f the location of The Sacred Teet; an udder-shaped fountain carved from alien stone expelling a substance similar to the Dark Mothers Milk. A ritual performed when the stars are 7% right, summons forth the Black Goat of the Woods, and she ‘evolves the summoner into a Favored Satyr: Legends hold that offerings of magical treasure are required for the ritual’s completion, drawing the foolhardy to traverse its recesses. CLERIC DUTIES ‘This archaic but savage religion's dogma has gone unal- tered for thousands of years. Itis brutal and straightfor- ‘wand in its practice. The Dark Mother expects offerings of carnality and flesh, and rewards their delivery. Those blessed with the divine gifts of Shub-Niggurath are ex- pected by others in the cult to both protect them from harm and heal them from injury. Its the priest's duty to keep morale high and to guide the spiritual to acts of promiscuity and reproduction. They train their followers in the way of war and how to use their goddess's favorite weapons; the kukri and longspear. , (Note: for the Pathfinder® Campaign Setting”, the favored weapon for Shub-Nigguraths clerics is the dagger.) ——_~* ‘Threats of violence both earthly and posthumously, along, with rewards of carnal pleasure, keeps the faithful loyal and obedient. Members are not expected to keep monoga- ‘mous relationships, instead taught to spread their seed far 4% and wide. The religion does not recognize marriages or perform weddings, and members that are married, do soto maintaina public persona, Children of the cult are raised by all members with the actual parentage of many forgot- 4 ten about altogether. Often the leader of each cult is the in- cestuous father of the majority ofits members. In some ala cases corrupted newborns are secretly placed in the cribs | of normal humanoids, the stolen infant then sacrificed to the Black Goat. In time the evil child’s true nature reveals iC RKBigielnige itself as it murders or impregnates its host parents. Druids and rangers that control feral beasts are among the cult’s main defenders and hold prominent roles within the group. They are tasked just as often with forcing wild animals. to couple with monsters, as they are in any martial capacity. Priests specialize in entering the dreams of their acolytes, and influencing them with nightmare. The most powerful can even kill their enemies beyond the wall of sleep. ADVENTURERS Those that worship the Dark Mother tend to be devi- ant characters devoid of purity or innocence, They can be horrific in appearance from ritual scarring or more insidious, looking like anyone ifundercover in civilized society. Half-ores embracing their bestial natures are drawn to the Black Goat of the Woods as are many evil half-elves, Because of their de- baucheries and wickedness they are often regular patrons of broth- els, street-workers, or even brutal rapists. They believe in overpopu- Tating Celmae with monsters and more worshippers of Shub- Niggurath, so they procreate as often as they can. One ofthe main {goals for her adventuring cultists is to amass greater power to return strong enough to replace the cult Jeader, most often their own father. GARB OF THE FAITH During services to Shub- Niggurath, the faithful wear solled furs and masks. Besides ‘goats, other horned animals and monsters are also represented by the cultists, They favor colors symbolic of the dark forest, such as green, brown, and black Worshipers wear clothing made from rough leather, commonly as capes, gowns, or kilts, and adorn themselves with jewelry crafted from the bones of infants. Hides, human and otherwise, are incorporated into ‘many household items and weapons, from the grip onallongspear to a quilt stitched together from the faces of fallen foes. Whenever possible, cultists go barefoot, es- chewing shoes to physically feel the earth beneath them. UNHOLY TOMES Nigzurattiand her followers below are two of the 1icssaia wide. The cover is crudely stitched together from the tions refer to the Black Goat of the Woods as a separate é entity, and the figurehead of the Dark Mothers faith on a ” Celmae. Most known for containing the correct" (Ui formulae for The Ritwal of Becoming, the book J ‘outlawed in most lawful lands and is confis- 7 iam cated and destroyed if discovered by such at- thorities. Worshippers bearing a copy ean’ Ail Big) magical beasts, and evil outsiders. ‘The Black Almanac This book routinely makes rounds through farming communities disguised asa helpful pamphlet of agricultural tips. There are recommendations on which lunar phases to plant certain vegetables for maximum yields and fertilizer recipes that increase the harvest. ‘The book also contains several odd poems that venerate the Black Goat and a handful of spells notably: blackwood screams and a special summoning Incantation that calls forth ‘one of Shub-Nigguraths planar allies. HOLIDAYS AND FESTIVALS Festival of the Moons During this mid-autumn celebration, participants dance under the twin full- ‘moons and sing songs praising the harvest. This festival ‘seems benign, with prayers to the moons as the preg: nant sisters who will soon deliver a bounty, but it hides two sinister agendas; the first is to lure new members into the cult who believe the goal is robust and peacefil fertility. The second is to spiritan unwitting female into the shadows beyond the festival where a Satyr in service to the Black Goat will impregnate her. This half-fey child {s always stolen from the mother upon its birth, Pyres of Lastrain During the third week of the month ‘of Lightrain (the official start of the spring season), cultists celebrate the Dark Mother in a weeklong festi- val of debaucheries. Each night the celebrants gather in aplace dedicated to Shub-Niggurath, singing hymns, feasting on beast flesh, and engaging in unwholesome fornications. The week culminates with the burning of a colossal wicker effigy usually with additional suppli- cants confined within. PROVERBS Never fail to fornicate. This juvenile sounding aphorism is an important command of the cult. Procreation pleases the Dark Mother, and worshippers who willfully pass up sex risk her wrath. She watches from the woods. This proverb reminds cult members that the Black Goat is mindful of their activities, and that she both protects and guides their hand. It most often serves as.a threat to other members that they are earning disfavor somehow and to rectify their behavior. Ia la, Shub-Niggurath, The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young! This common prayer is shouted at the beginning and end of most ceremonies dediated to the Dark Mother. Itis a cheer, celebrating her continued existence, and eventual dominance over the world. Curiously, many prayers to other malign deities living between the stars also end with this aphorism. RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER GODS "Nearly all ofthe lawful and good gods despise the Black Goat of the Woods. The odd exception is the goddess Amaura whom many sages claim is her mother. The Mother of Life considers her daughter's interest in birth an exten- sion of her own and isn’t bothered by her ceremonies of procreation, Her accepted sacrifice of infants however, has caused Amaura to interfere with her goals on more than (one occasion. ‘The violent storm god Krokaar is said to be her father, her th the result of a forced union with Amaura, Certain leg- ends teach that Shub-Niggurath in turn procreated with Krokaar and begat the monstrous entity called Dagon. ‘This blasphemy is adamantly opposed by the Church of the Storm Lord and those that spread the myth find themselves enemies of a powerful faith, Many cultists deny the claims of the Dark Mother’s parentage. They insist that she hails from a dark void that exists in the space between both the stars and time, and is part ofa race of gods older than even the Creator. These worshipers consider followers of Amaura and Krokaar their sworn foes, As a patron of fertility, Shub-Niggurath opposes the creation of undead and so finds an uneasy ally with The Grey Maiden. The death god considers the practice of sacrifice tragic, but is grateful that their corpses are not raised afterwards. Because the Dark Mother cares noth- ing for souls; only their spilled blood, The Grey Maiden {s able to divert their spirits to the Dustlands where she can watch over and protect them, ‘The Chaotic God the Traveler has been a target of the Black Goats attentions since he first ascended to divinity. She not only seeks to replace him asthe patron of the oyapok, but desires a child-god that il omens say will help usher in her rule. She has purportedly mated with all ofthe terrible gods that lurk between the stars, the offspring from these unions becoming deities in their own right. The vile reptile god! Bokrug, who is worshipped by bullywugs and degenerate oyapok is one of her thousand young, his father a forgotten snake god murdered hundreds of millennia ago. REALM ‘Shub-Niggurath resides in the space between the stars, an ancient and malevolent void. In her court she is surrounded by pipe playing servitors and lesser cosmic entities copulating. From this place she guides her followers with portents revealed in dreams. She has the capability to manifestat any time at any place on the prime material plane, preferring dark woods and underground caverns, She can only remain for a few seconds unless she Is anchored with artifacts and spells. Her presence always corrupts and transforms those that glimpse her alien being. Her domain within the void is an Immense forested cave, teeming with, blighted fungoid life forms that have crawled free from her monstrous womb. No souls find their way to her realm and itis highly probable that she cares nothing for her followers. She can offer them only. earthly pleasures until they are called to be her sacrifice Paes Ses [ein DEMONIC SERVITORS Demons in the service of Shub-Niggurath often have hybrid bestial forms, such as dretches with the heads and hooves of goats, or succubi shaped into fur-covered animal ‘women, Mehrim demons, chimera, howlers, and yeth hounds are loyal to her and often are assigned to favored cults as guardians. The legendary Beast of Bright ‘Mountain, in the country of Brynndell, is rumored to be one of the Dark Mothers gifts to the old cult once active in, that region. PLANAR ALLIES Gof-Dupog A particularly nasty entity, Gof-Dupog delights in spread- ing terror among mortals. The goat demon rapes his ‘screaming victims before stripping the flesh from their surviving bodies. He takes no pleasure in dining on the dead and so pledged his loyalty to the Dark Mother in re turn for a constant supply of living flesh. Over the centu- ries his body has become gnarled and twisted due to the corruption of Shub-Niggurath’s influence, but this appar> ent weakness Is a ruse, The deformity has made Gof- Dupog quite powerful, and he enjoys high status among his fellow Mehrim, The Black Almanac contains the inc tations required to summon Gof-Dupog, but unless the voker takes the proper precautions, the demon will not be under his complete control. Several copies of the Black Almanac have incorrect phrasings concerning Gof-Dupogs ‘summoning, so it is with caution that worshipers deal swith him, Esrullix ‘This foul creature spends its time tempting mortals to ‘greater acts of savagery, including bestiality. He is most pleased when the union between man and beast results in the death of one of the participants. When he appears he ‘wields the two-bladed sword Savior's Sting, which causes. malign cysts to eruptall over the bodies of those it ‘wounds. Legends say that Esrullix gained the Dark ‘Mothers favor when he cursed early humanoids with ly- ‘canthropy. He sometimes appears with a more bestial head, a cross between dragon, goat, and boar. Some say_ that Esrullix is the Black Goat of the Woods, and the figure- head of Shub-Nigguraths cult, arumor that may or may not be true, SHUB-N IGGURATH GREAT OLD ONE TITLES: ‘THE DARK MOTHER. | ‘THE BLACK GOAT OF ‘THE WOODS WITH ATHOUSAND YOUNG HOME: VoID BETWEEN THE STARS ALIGNMENT: CHAOTIC EVIL WORSHIPERS: OLD CuLTS PORTFOLIO: FERTILITY, FORESTS, MONSTERS DOMAIN: ANIMAL, CHAOS, EVIL, PLANT, VOID SUB-DOMAINS: DARK TAPESTRY, DECAY, FEATHER, FUR, GROWTH, STARS FAVORED WEAPONS: KUKRL, LONGSPEAR SACRED GARB: SOILED FURS AND HUMANOID SKINS SYMBOL: THREE CRESCENT HORNS SURROUNDING A BLOODY ORB SUMMON MONSTER LIS’ (MONSTERS WITH AN BY THEIR NAME HAVE THE [ENTROPIC TEMPLATE WHEN SUMMONED. IV: MEHRIM DEMON ‘V: GNARLED SLUGSPAWN. IX: 2 DARK YOUNG OF ‘SHUB-NIGGURATH Paes ata [ein ‘CAMPAIGN TRAITS Altitude Savvy: You aren't fazed by high elevations. +1 bonus on all Fortitude saves. Bitter Rival: Whenever dealing with a character deemed ‘as your Bitter Rival you always get a +2 bonus on skills and attack rolls against that individual. Ifsaid person dies, you may pick a new bitter rival, Cliff hanger: Gain a +2 bonus on climb checks in mountains. Fated One: Once per session, you are allowed to test the limits of fate itself. Gain a +2 Luck bonus to any skill or attack roll but this honus must be applied before you roll. Fungus Friend: You have trained as an apothecary and foul substances don’t phase you. Gain a+1 against fort saves. Keep On Keep On: Gain a +2 bonus on Fort saves to resist, dehydration and hunger. ‘Overland Traveller: You know the way to take small de~ tours and get through long distance travel with ease. Add +10 mph to the distance you and your party can move per Bhours. Slash and Burn: You are used to traveling in the jungle. Gain a +2 bonus on fortitude saves for forced marching. ‘Tread Carefully: Gain a +2 on reflex saves when walk- {ng on slippery surfaces. This bonus increases to +4 on lcy or ice-covered surfaces. Trim the Weeds: A character with this trait receives: a +1 bonus to damage against anyone ofevil align- ment or part of the cult of Shub-Niggurath RACIAL TRAITS Uncanny (EIf):+2 to Intimidate checks versus non- elves -2 to Diplomacy checks versus non-elves, Elves are weird folk, with alien mindsets and some- times disturbing mannerisms. Elf characters may frighten or confuse characters of other races more easily than they can persuade them or win favor. RELIGION TRAITS By a Foulness, ye Shall Know Them(Shub- Niggurath): Once per day asa standard action, you can take a deep breath through your nose to gain the scent ability for 1 minute, Dark Whispers (Shub-Niggurath): Once per day, you can cast speak with animals. When you cast this spell it can affect animals (as normal) as well as aberrations and mag- ical beasts with an Intelligence of 2 or lower, NEw FEATS Corrupted Visage (Critical) ‘The ferocity of your attacks along with bons granted by. the Dark Mother causes you to gnarl and corrupt your op- ponents form, 7 Prerequisite: Base Attack +41, Critical Focus, Worshipper of Shub-Niggurath. Benefit: When you confirm a critical hit against an oppo- nent, in addition to dealing critical damage as normal, your strike twists and corrupts their body causing 2 points of Charisma damage and making them Sickened for 1 round. Declaration of Evil (General, Evil) Shouting your god's name in combat provides you with their favor. Prerequisite: Worship an evil god. Str 13. Benefit: Whenever you invokethe name of your evil deity and strike down a foe, you gain a +2 Profane bonus con damage. This bonus a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice. ‘The following boons are tailored for characters with the Evangelist, Exalted, or Sentinel prestige classes dedicated to Shub-Niggurath. Evangelist Boons ‘1 Watcher in the Woods (Sp) endure elements 3/day, re- sist energy 2/day, or protection from energy 1/day. 2 Child of the Dark Mother (Ex) Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a corrupted twin of your animal companion. This twin obeys your com- ‘mands, just as your animal companion would, but ig- nores those that are lawful, good, or otherwise benefi- Cial. Ibremains for 1 round for every Hit Die you pos- sess, and then vanishes. If you do not have an animal ‘companion, you instead gain the ability to cast summon nature’ ally Vas a spell-like ability once per day. 3 Dark Young Cometh (Sp) Once per day you can summon a Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath. The Dark Young follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute for every Hit Die you possess before vanishing back to its home between the stars. Commands that would cause it to act ina lawful, good, or otherwise beneficial ways earns the wrath of the Dark Young and causes it to attack you if the commands are especially egregious. Exalted Boons 1 Mother's Ire (Sp) magic stone 3/day, warp wood 2/day, deadly juggernaut 1/day. 2 Accomplice of the Black Goat (Sp) Once per day as a standard action you can summon a pair of howlers with the gnarled creature template. The howlers follow your ‘commands perfectly for 1 minute per Hit Die you pos- sess before vanishing back to their homes in the Abyss. ‘The howlers do not follow commands that would violate their chaotic evil alignments. Such commands will not only earn you scorn, but cause the howlers to attack you ifthe command is especially egregious. 3 Blessing of the Dark Mother (Sp) Once per day you can use baleful polymorph, except you change the target into a horribly mutated form of the chosen animal. The target takes a -4 penalty on its saving throw to resist your spell (if the new form would prove fatal for the creature, it still ‘grants. a +4 bonus on its saving throw, effectively negating. this penalty). In addition to the other effects of the spell, the ‘subject is in constant pain from its twisted and disfigured form, and takes 1d6 points of non-lethal damage each round. This constant agony imposes a -2 penalty on all of the target’s ability checks, skill checks, saving throws, attack rolls, and damage rolls. Sentinel Boons Out of the Aeons (Sp) entropic shield 3/day, blur 2/day, dark young’s appendages 1/day Furs of Fecundity (Su) When you wear armor made from | leather or animal hides that have been donned during rituals to Shub-Niggurath, the armor provides an extra +2, armor bonus to your AC. This bonus improves the normal armor bonus granted by the armor; in other words, it ‘stacks with the suit’s normal armor bonus. You also sub- p ‘sume some of the unspeakable body fluids that soil the fur ‘and leather, granting you the scent ability with a range of 30 feet while wearing the armor. Servant of Chaos (Su) The Dark Mother rewards your faith by impregnating you with her larvae, granting you a measure of the resilience enjoyed by those that dwell beyond time and space. Your skin takes on a touch of Jaundice and your teeth grow slightly sharper. To a casual observer you may look no different, but anyone who studies you closely notices these traits, You resistance 10 and a +4 profane bonus to saving throws against poison. Obedience Sacrifice an unwilling living creature, preferably an in- fant, in the name of The Black Goat of the Woods with a ‘Thousand Young, Draw the process out to inspire the maximum amount of terror and suffering in your victim. ‘The death blow you deal should be savage and destruc. tive-do not grant your sacrifice a clean death. Once the creature is dead, remove a piece of its entrails and con- ‘sume it while it is still warm. Leave the sacrifice ‘creature's mutilated form in the open where scavangers may devour itor travelers may see it and know of the power of Shub-Niggurath. Gain a +1 natural armor bonus to your AC. Cree ne Sa SPELLS Black Goat's Blessing ‘School: transmutation (polymorph); Level: cleric/oracle 4, druid 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, summoner 4, witch 4 Casting Time: 1 standard action |, M/DF (powdered goat's horn) ‘Target: one living creature Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Fort negates; Spell Resistance: yes You change the target's head into that of a goat. The creature's Intelligence becomes 2, and it gains a gore melee attack that it can use as a primary or second- ary attack. The gore attack uses the creature's base attack bonus, and the creature gains a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolis with the gore attack. ‘The gore attack deals a number of points of damage equal to 146 + Strength modifier if the target is ‘Small, 1d8 + Strength modifier ifthe target is Medium, and 246 + Strength modifier ifthe target is. Large or larger Black Goat's Influence School: Enchantment (Compulsion, Mind-Affecting) Level: Cleric 1, Paladin 1, Components: VS, DF Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5/2 levels) Target: 1 creature/level Duration: 1 minute/level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Recipients of this spell gain a +2 morale bonus to damage done with melee weapons and ranged weapons striking targets within 30 foot range (like the Point Blank Shot feat). Blackwood Screams School: Abjuration Casting Time: 1 Standard Action Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft/2 levels) ‘Area: 20-ft. radius emanation centered on inanimate trees and thickets. Duration: 1 hour/level (D) ‘Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No You imbue plants and bushes in the area with the abil ty to scream in terror ifa small or larger creature enters the warded area. The screaming plants are audible a mile away. This alarm warning is rather non-specific and can often be triggered by animals, such as deer that, would normally be considered harmless. Once a scream hhas been triggered, the spell ends. Invisible, ethereal, or aerial creatures do not trigger the scream. This spell fails ifcast on a sentient plant. Dark Young's Appendages ‘School: transmutation (polymorph) I: cleric 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 4 minute ‘Target: creature touched Duration: 1 hour/level Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: yes You change one of the extremities of the creature touched—arms or legs only—into another shape of approximately the same size and mass. You can choose tentacle or hoof. ‘The subject must take approximately 10 minutes to familiarize itself with the function and movement of the new extremity to use it properly. These new forms do not allow the subject to run faster or swim better; however, they do act as natural weapons of the appropriate type, and the subject can use them to make secondary attacks while making attacks with weapons asa full-attack action. The secondary attacks are made using the creature's base attack bonus -5 and adding only 1/2 the creature's Strength bonus on damage rolls, ‘The subject cannot hold a weapon or use any item that ‘would ordinarily fitinto the slot of the changed extremity. The subject can receive the benefits of this spell multiple times. Exhaust of Shub-Niggurath vocation (acid) sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2 Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: VS,M (ground goat hooves) Range: long (400 ft. +40 ft /level) Area: cylinder (30 ft. /level radius, 100 ft. high) Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Reflex half Spell Resistance: yes ‘This spell creates a vast area of airborne corrosive salts that deal 1d3+1 points of acid damage to creatures and objects. ORDER OF THE FORBIDDEN BOOK. Knowledge is the stepping stone of both insanity and power: The members of this order devote themselves to the preservation of destructive knowledge. Most ‘would protect and hide these horrific truths at all costs, but members of this order believe there is such thing as knowledge too astounding not to let loose upon the world, Edicts: An order of the forbidden book cavalier must protect forbidden knowledge at all costs. Some are also devoted to the preservation of proscribed knowledge and are equally zealous in copying and exploiting it. Most of these cavaliers believe that the preservation of these writings of enlightened madmen is more impor- tant than all life, even their own, as it ensures the cos- mic damnation and consumption of the mistake called reality Challenge: Whenever an order of the forbidden book cavalier issues a challenge, he and his mount receive a +1 bonus on saving throws against spells or spell-like abilities cast by the subject of his challenge and a +2 bonus on all Intimidate and Sense motive checks i volving the subject of his challenge. Skills: An order of the forbidden book cavalier adds Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), and Linguistics to his list of class skills, Furthermore, he can use Linguistics untrained. If he has ranks in Linguistics, he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1). Order Abilities: A cavalier belonging to the order of the forbidden book gains the following abilities as he Increases in level. Esoteric Knowledge (Ex) At 2nd level, an order of the forbidden book cavalier chooses either Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (religion). He can make the chosen skill checks un- trained. He cannot change his chosen skill later. fhe has ranks in his chosen skill,he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1) as long as that check involves a book, tome, scroll, or any other form of written knowledge. Powerful Knowledge (Ex) At th level, the cavalier gains the ability to read scrolls and castarcane or divine spells from a scroll as ithe had a caster level of his cavalier level ~4, He can decipher all scrolls, using his Linguistics ski in place of Spelicraft, and does not need to cast read magic n order to decipher, scroll. Which type of spell the cavalier can cast is based. ‘on the Knowledge skill he chose for specialized knowledge. If he chose Knowledge (arcana), he can cast any arcane spells from a scroll. Ifhe chase Knowledge (religion), he can cast any divine spells from a scroll. Furthermore, he gains a +1 bonus to an ability score for purposes of determining the level of spells he can cast froma scroll, and this bonus increases by +1 at 10th level and every 5 levels thereafter (to a maximum of +4 at 20th, level). The ability score that gains the bonus is dependent ‘on which skill the cavalier picked for his specialized, knowledge ability IFthe cavalier picked Knowledge (arcana), he gains the honus to Intelligence. If he picked Knowledge (religion), he gains the bonus to Wisdom, Defensive Knowledge (Ex) ‘At 15th level, an order ofthe forbidden book cavalier can rant nearby allies some of the boons of his cavalier challenge, While allies are adjacent to the cavalier, they gaina +2 bonus onall saving throws against spells or spell-like abilities cast by the subject ofthe cavalier’s challenge, In addition, as an immediate action, a number of times per day equal to the cavalier’ Intelligence modifier — (minimum 1) or Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), the cava lier can allow an ally adjacent to him to reroll a single failed saving throw against a spell or spell-like ability from the target of his challenge. The ally must be able to see and hear the cavalier in order to gain this reroll, The ability score that determines how many times per day a cavalier ‘an use this ability depends on which Knowledge skill the cavalier picked for specialized knowledge. Ifthe cavalier picked Knowledge (arcana), the number of times per day this ability can be used is based on Intelligence. Irhe picked Knowledge (religion) its based on Wisdom, @ ene, EGER It Came from Beyond (Su) > Once per day, when you cast a summoning spell, any one | age creature you summon is more powerful than normal. The SAMPLE CULT: THE EBON DAWN This group of cultists are active throughout the creature gains the advanced creature simple template. If continent of Brynndell, slowly propagating through ‘you summon more than one creature with a spell, only one kidnappings and forced births. They are led by the of the summoned creatures gains the advanced creature witch Heksos Vell, who desires to one day uncover a simple template. A summoned creature that gains the ad= copy ofthe Whispers of the Dark Mother and use the vanced creature simple template in this manner appears rituals therein to transform into one of the favored unnervingly deformed or unnaturally hideous, bringing satyrs of Shub-Niggurath, with ita whiff of the emptiness of the void. This ability works only on spelis you cast as a cleric—it does not work ‘Shub-Nij th Cultist CR 1/2 eae on spelen slits une fon any ater speleatiog CE Human Cleric 1 medium humanoid CORVAN BAERG Init-+0; Senses Perception +3 DEFENSE ‘AC 14 touch 10 Flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +0 dex) hp 9 (1d8+1) Fort +3, Ref+0, Will +5 OFFENSE Corvan Baerg CRS Speed 20 It ae | Melee Longspear +2 (148+2) or kukri +3 (14442) fuman cleric ; es Corvarionce served asa clerle ofthe Creator before being (al corrupted by Hexos Vel Now his only desire isto mate with reed Gea pect trap beeedlng exFntag children be plans to baptize inthe Black Goats name Ranged light crossbow +0 (1d8/19-20) e Meal foumen) Special Attacks Channel negative energy 3/day DC 9, Init -1; Senses Perception + 1d6) Aura enlarge DEFENSE Domain spelkealies (Lis: conenacn 4) EES Yay Id om Bayo Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4) hp 62 (6d8+24) pel Prep ist black goats influence, cure light wounds, protection Fort +8, Ref +1, Will +8 from law D, i t OFFENSE et ‘SPEED 20 ft. Bak ee ogs mending dag SPEED ZO sion \ cera Cars, Vo Special attacks channel negative energy 4/day (DC a Sub domain: Dark Tapestry ‘TACTICS Right before combat begins, this caultist casts black goat’ influence ifablee She follows up with chan: neled energy, and uses tangle-foot 3rd—cure serious wounds, 108 bags to escape cate object, magic circle against 4 law(super}D{/super), wrathful staristics 2 EY Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 12, mantle{super}APG (/super} (OG Wis 17, chr 8 16) } Base Attack: +0; CMB +2; CMD 2nd—barkskin{super)D{ +12 ‘/super}, bear's endurance, cure} Feats selective channeling, ‘moderate wounds, dread bolt{ Skills diplomacy +3, knowledge super) UM(/super} (DCL) Bene paar etait Ist_caus fear (DC 14) doom ge Co fry (B¢ 14), endure ements em Peer hs Decree oem (De 14) racking mark (DC 14 Combat Gear Potion of cure light wounds tangle-footbag (2) ig, Uist m Other Gear Mk hide ight rossbow with 20 bol gape, ; rate wale kari silver unholy symbol. 5p ee ee @ a y @ rpigecloey 6 14, 346) Domain Spell-like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration 6/day—touch of chaos Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 6th; concentration +9): e j (OOOO w REL sTarisTics Str 14, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 13 Base Attack+4; CMB +4; CMD 15 Feats Cornugon Smash, Furious Focus, Power Attack, Weapon, Focus (spear) Traits axe to grind, tireless avenger Skills intimidate +7, Perception +9, Survival +9 Languages Common $Qaura, bramble armor (146+3, 6 rounds/day) Other Gear +1 lamellar (steel) armor, +1 spear, cloak of protection +1, 1,400 gp HEXOS VELL, THE SKINLESS ONE ‘The Skinless One leads the Ebon Dawn with one goal in ‘mind: finding a copy of the Whispers of the Dark Mother and using the ritual contained therein to become one of the Favored Satyrs of Shub-Niggurath, Secretly sterile, he is ashamed that he cannot bear offspring, and fears being re- placed by a more virile member ofthe cult before his plan, of transformation come to fruition. When he oversees ritu- als, his immobile, fleshless form, sits atop a pile of rancid animal furs, while his consciousness inhabits his skinsend. body, performing the unholy sermon. ‘The Skinless One CR 11 XP 12,800 Half-Ore Witch 12 Medium Humanoid (human, ore) Init 4; Senses darkvision 60; see invisibility; Perception +i DEFENSE ‘AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 deflection) hp 102 (12d6+58) Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +11 Defensive Abilities orc ferocity: DR 10/magic (ranged weapon attack only; 100 points); Immune fire (120 points) OFFENSE Speed 30. Melee +1 Longspear +9/+4 (1d8+3/x3 brace,reach) Special Attacks Hexes (blight, cauldron, disguise, light, slumber, tongues, ward) Witch Spells Prepared (CL. 12; concentration +18) ‘6th—cloak of dreams* (DC 23), mass suggestion (DC 23), unwilling shield* (DC 22) 5th—haleful polymorph (DC 21), cure critical wounds, mass pain strike* (DC 21), mind fog (DC 22) 4th—charm monster (DC 21), confusion (DC 21), di- ‘mension door poison (DC 20) 3rd—blink, dispel magic, extended false life, lightning bolt (DC 19), suggestion (DC 20) 2nd—cure moderate wounds, hold person (DC 19), ex- tended mage armor, skinsend, vomit swarm", web (DC 18) Ast—burning hands (DC 17), charm person (DC 18), command (DC 18), ill oment, ray of enfeeblement (DC 17), unseen servant 0 (at will) daze (DC 17), detect magic, message, read magic Patron Shub-Niggurath (Deception) ‘tactics ‘The Skinless One casts, skinsend on himself every day after preparing spells. His ratling familiar, Black Tom, watches over his helpless body, protecting him should trouble arise. Before Combat The Skinless One casts extended mage ‘armor protection from arrows, protection from energy (fire), and see invisibility along with imbibing a potion of bull's strength During Combat The Skinless One casts cloak of dreams: on the first round of combat, followed by mass pain strike, confusion, mind fog, mass suggestion, or lightning bolt. Once anyone closes with him in melee, The Skinless One casts blink and unwilling shield, then targets his opponent with ill omen followed by baleful polymorph or charm monster Base Statisies without extended mage armor, protection, from arrows, and protection from energy (fire), nd see. invisibility The Skinless One's stats are Senses darkvision 60 ft; AC11, touch 11, flat-footed 11; DR none; Immune none. STATISICS. Str 16, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 22, Wis 12 Cha 8 Base Attack +6; CMB +9; CMD 20 Feats Brew Potion (B), Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item, Extend Spel, Improved Familiar, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Toughness Skills Bluff +10, Craft (alchemy) +25, Diplomacy +10, Fly +19, Intimidate +19, Knowledge (arcana) +21, Knowledge (history) +21, Knowledge (nature) +21, Knowledge (planes) +21, Perception +10, Spelicraft +21, Stealth +10, Use Magic Device +15 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblinoid, Ore SQ permanent spells The Skinless One benefits from the following permanent spells cast on himself: darkvision and see invisibility; witch's familiar (ratling named Black ‘Tom [stores all prepared spells and patron spells, plus be= guiling gif, glyph of warding, spite, summon monster V), Combat Gear Potions of bear's endurance (4), potion’s of, bull’s strength (4), potion of cure moderate wounds, po- tions of invisibility (4), scroll of greater dispel magic, scroll of transformation Other Gear +1 longspear, cloak of resistance +2, gloves of. arrow snaring, headband of vat intellect +4 (history, planes), ring of protection +1, 930 gp 7 Gwilvmashtu, Fvored Satyr of Shub-Niggurath Escape Artist +18, Intimidate +26, Knowledge (arcana) XP 51,200 421, Knowledge (planes) +24, Perception +36, Sense CE Medium outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar) Motive +28, Stealth +26, Survival +21; Racial Modifiers +8 Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft, true seeing: Perception Perception $36 Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Goblin, Infernal DEFENSE SPECIAL ABILITIES AC 40, touch 25, flat-footed 32 (+7 Dex, +1 dodge, +15 Dominating Gaze (Su) natural, +7 profane) ‘Three times per day, 30 feet, DC 25 Will save or dominated hp 184 (16410496) as per the dominate person spell (CL. 20th). The save DC Fort +16, Ref +14, Will 417 Charisma-based, Poison (Ex) DR 15/cold iron and good; Immune electricity, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; SR 26 OFFENSE Speed 40 it Melee 2 claws +22 (1d6+6 plus poison) or twin anarchic short swords +22/+22 (1d6+6+2d6 vs, lawful) Special Attacks dominating gaze, seduction ‘Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th) Constant—true seeing Atwill—blasphemy (DC 24), charm monster (DC 21), deeper darkness, desecrate, detect. ‘00d, detect law, fear (DC 21), ‘greater teleport (selfplus 50 pounds of objects only), polymorph, tongues (self only), unhallow 3/day—greater dispel magic, ‘Suggestion (DC 20), wall of fire 1/day—fire storm (DC 24), ‘wail of the banshee (DC 26), summon (level 9, 1d4 chaaor ‘demons or 1 entropic dark ‘young of Shub-Niggurath, 100%) TACTICS Claw—injury; save Fort DC 24; frequeneyy Lround for 4 rounds; effect 144 Str a damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DCs Constitution based ‘Seduction (Su) ‘Through body language and movement, Gwllvmashtu can fascinateall creatures ofthe opposite sex (whichcouldbeethersex, ill depfidng on her ctrrent ob within 30 fet that observe heal dancing. Those viewing this dance must screed on a DCAM Will save or fall under her ie ence for 146+ hours asf aoe Giby cada monster sce Ot), The save DC is Charisma sealafclinchades 242 bool from her Ability Focus fat ‘ ECOLOGY ab Environmen any (Void > Between the Stars) a 4 Organization solitary or troupe (Gwilvmashtu plus 144 chaaors or 1 entropic dark ‘young of Shub- Niggurath) ‘Treasure double / standard as % Gwilvmashtu prefers subterfuge rather than directly assaulting an ‘opponent. She usually alters her appearance to appear as an attractive member of a potential victim's race; once the victim is lured in, she assumes her true form and attacks. If combat goes against her, she flees, but only after summoning lesser demons to cover her es- cape and kill her opponents, STATISTICS ‘Str 22, Dex 24, Con 22, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 24 Base Attack +16; CMB +22; CMD 47 Feats Ability Focus (seduction), Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Deceitful, Dodge, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Two-weapon Fighting is Acrobatics +18, Bluff +30, Diplomacy +26, Disguise Gwilvmashtu is one of the favored satyrs of Shub-Niggurath, She is known as the Whore Temptress for she knows thatall mortals, in their hearts, always sive in to their true desires—be it power, greed, lust, or one of many countless other sins, She often accompanies gsrullix to rituals especially pleasing to the Dark Mother acting as the cult’s unholy altar: Gwilvmashtu rarely wears clothing, but at times when she does, she. enjoys gowns and robes of gold, white, andred. (9) 6x IP AL ox ENTROPIC DARK YOUNG OF SHUB-NIGGURATH . isthe Lord of the Woods, even to... and the gifts of. the men of Leng from the wells of night to the gulfs of space, and from the gulfs of space to the wells of night, ever the praises of Great Cthulhu, of Tsathoggua, and of. Him Who is not to be Named. Ever Their praises, and ‘abundance to the Black Goat of the Woods. 1d! Shub- ‘Niggurath! The Goat with a Thousand Young!” -HPLovecraft, “The Whisperer in Darkness” Entropic Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath CR 13 XP 25,600 CE Huge aberration Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft. tremorsense 30 Its, Perception +21 ‘Aura frightful presence (30 ft, DC 24) DEFENSE AG 27, touch 11, flat-footed 24 (+3 Dex, +16 natural size) hp 161 (1448+98) Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +13 DR 15/slashing and DR 10/lawful; Immune acid, electricity fire, poison SR18, Defensive Abilities all-around vision (cannot be flanked) (OFFENSE Speed 30 ft Melee 4 tentacles +19 (148+10/19-20 plus grab) Space 15 ft; Reach 15 f. Special Attacks constrict (148+10), sucking maws, trample (ad8+15, D¢27) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th; concentration +17) | Constant—freedom of movement At will air walk, tree shape 3/day—entangle (DC 16), ‘command plants (DC 19) A/day—insanity (DC 22), tree stride STATISTICS Str 30, Dex 17,Con 24, Int 16, Wis 19, Cha 21 Base Attack +10; CMB +22 (+26 grap- ple); CMD 35 (cantt be tripped) Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Critical (tentacles), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (tentacles) Skills Knowledge (arcana) +17, Knowledge (nature) +17, Knowledge (religion) +17, Perception +21, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +12 9% (+20 in forests); Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in forests Languages Aklo SPECIAL ATTACKS. target is dead or the entropic creature rests ‘Sucking Maws (Su) ‘Adark young of Shub-Niggurath that successfully pins a crea ture itis grappling automatically infiets 144 points of Strength drain on that creature. A DC 24 Fortitude save reduc: es this effect to 1 point of Strength drain, A creature drained O Strength does not de, but must make a DC 24 Will save at that point to resist being driven mad by the experience, as the foul green waste exuded from the same sucking mouths that —falg drink life implant in the emptied shells strange visions and horrifying certainties. This madness manifests as schizophre- nia, but with a save DC equal to the dark young's Strength drain save DC listed above (DC 24 for most dark young). One common result ofthis unfortunate madness isa strange desire to return tothe site oftheir original encounter in hopes of being consumed entirely by the creature that only drank a part oftheir body and mind—many of those who survive this horrific ordeal go onto found dark young cults of their ape own. The madness aa element of a dark ‘ giyoung’s sucking ‘maws is a mind-af- | fecting effect. The save DC for all of the saving throws in- volved with this spe~ cial ability is Constitution-based, ELDRITCH ARCHEOLOGIST Preekend NOwW AVAILABLE gr aati UNWHOLESOME ALLIES F > SHU ieee vcia PERFORM BUstaise airs ea re Taw rN) ouel ECS & ) fa CONTAINED fete aia ARE Me ae page IbP aN SECRETS, THEIR DEBASED f PRACTICES, AND A COLLECTION Ow = BEYOND. .THE WALLS OF SPACE. A | FEATURING OVER A DOZEN NEW,T : AND! FEATS*‘FOR CAMPAIGNS SET | + aed ~ AGAINST THE;BLACK GOAT aaau st AY f cicnt 4 THOUSAND YOUNG. Se Sarena SONI MoN TIN IST, ¥ D BOONS PNTTon tis) zene EVANGELISTS, aatauey AND Bie PRESTIGE DO

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