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Bloom’s Taxonomy Action Verbs (adapted from http://www.clemson.

Definitions Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

Bloom’s Remember previously Demonstrate and Apply knowledge to Break down objects or Compile component Make and defend
Definition learned information. understanding of the actual situations. ideas into simpler ideas into a new judgments based on
facts. parts and find whole or propose internal evidence or
evidence to support alternative solutions. external criteria.

Verbs  Arrange  Associate  Add  Analyze  Arrange  Appraise

 Count  Classify  Apply  Arrange  Assemble  Argue
 Define  Compute  Calculate  Breakdown  Categorize  Assess
 Describe  Convert  Change  Calculate  Collect  Compare
 Draw  Defend  Choose  Categorize  Combine  Conclude
 Duplicate  Discuss  Classify  Combine  Compile  Contrast
 Identify  Distinguish  Complete  Compare  Compose  Criticize
 Label  Estimate  Compute  Contrast  Create  Critique
 List  Explain  Demonstrate  Criticize  Design  Defend
 Match  Express  Examine  Design  Develop  Determine
 Memorize  Extend  Facilitate  Detect  Devise  Discriminate
 Name  Extrapolate  Graph  Develop  Explain  Estimate
 Order  Generalize  Illustrate  Diagram  Formulate  Evaluate
 Outline  Give examples  Interpret  Differentiate  Generate  Explain
 Point  Indicate  Manipulate  Discriminate  Group Integrate  Grade
 Quote  Infer  Modify  Distinguish  Modify  Interpret
 Read  Locate  Operate  Illustrate  Order  Judge
 Recall  Paraphrase  Prepare  Infer  Organize  Justify
 Recite  Predict  Produce  Model  Plan  Measure
 Recognize  Rewrite  Show  Outline  Propose  Rank
 Relate  Review  Solve  Point out  Reconstruct  Rate
 Recall  Summarize  Subtract  Question  Reorganize  Select
 Translate  Translate  Relate  Revise  Summarize
 Use  Select  Rewrite  Support
 Separate  Summarize  Test
 Subdivide  Transform  Value
 Test  Specify

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