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A new perspective on microbial landscapes within food

Nicholas A Bokulich1,2,3, Zachery T Lewis2,3,
Kyria Boundy-Mills2 and David A Mills1,2,3

High-throughput, ‘next-generation’ sequencing tools offer fermented products such as wine, beer, and cheese which
many exciting new possibilities for food research. From both promote a controlled and efficient fermentation while
investigating microbial dynamics within food fermentations to simultaneously creating an environment that prevents
the ecosystem of the food-processing built environment, growth of spoilage and/or pathogenic microbes.
amplicon sequencing, metagenomics, and transcriptomics
present novel applications for exploring microbial communities Since the time of Pasteur and Lister, most of the scientific
in, on, and around our foods. This review discusses the many efforts in food microbiology have been necessarily reduc-
uses of these tools for food-related and food facility-related tionist in nature, identifying key microbial players that
research and highlights where they may yield nuanced insight influence or infect foods and characterizing their biology
into the microbial world of food production systems. and ecology. However, the tremendous advance in the
study of microbial ecosystems in the last 20 years has
Department of Viticulture and Enology, University of California, Davis, spawned a new revolution in food microbiology. New
CA 95616,United States tools and techniques to study microbial communities are
Department of Food Science and Technology, University of California, increasing the throughput and sensitivity with which we
Davis, CA 95616,United States can approach food ecosystems. These newfound capaci-
Foods for Health Institute, University of California, Davis, CA 95616,
United States
ties are answering old questions while bringing new ones
into focus, enabling exploration of microbial communities
Corresponding author: Mills, David A ( across time and space on a scale unimaginable a decade
ago. They are improving the sensitivity with which we
can probe already well-characterized systems as well as
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2016, 37:182–189
discover new ones. They are increasing sample through-
This review comes from a themed issue on Food biotechnology put, enabling systems-level investigations and promoting
Edited by Jin-Ho Seo and Yong-Su Jin meta-analyses. Furthermore, they also allow us to view
food microbiology not as an isolated phenomenon but also
as part of a complete ecosystem, answering questions
about microbial source-tracking, co-evolution, and in- ter-connectedness with human health.
0958-1669/Published by Elsevier Ltd.
New tools
The advent of massively parallel, high-throughput se-
quencing technology (sometimes referred to as next-gen-
eration sequencing) is the revolution that sparked this sea
change in our ability to conduct microbial ecology research.
Introduction Several platforms and chemistries exist (e.g. Illumina, 454/
The beneficial and detrimental contributions of microbes pyrosequencing, ion semiconductor, and nanopore se-
to food production, stability and flavor have been examined quencing) but all employ nanotechnology to tether indi-
for centuries. Indeed, this scientific path led to many of the vidual strands of DNA and detect the incorporation of
key discoveries in microbiological science from Pasteur’s individual nucleotides into each strand during polymeriza-
work demonstrating that yeast ferment grape juice to make tion events. Each system has its strengths and weaknesses,
wine [1], to Lister’s demonstration that an isolated ‘Bacte- including different sequence read lengths, number of
rium lactis’ strain was capable of souring (i.e. fermentation strands sequenced, and error rates [3] — but each has been
of) milk — an early illustration of a single microbial cause a stepping stone in advancing our ability to investigate the
for infectious disease [2]. Thus the relationship of microbes inner workings of the microbial realm. This bodes well for
to the foods we eat has had a long and notable scientific the food sciences, bringing manifold improvements over
history, enabling the development of control measures to earlier mixed- microbial detection techniques [4]
constrain and/or encourage specific microbial activity
within food production to make safer, healthier and more These new sequencing tools rely on the analysis of a
flavorful products. A good example of this is the prevalent single core molecule — DNA (and by transcription
use of starter cultures in the production of various RNA) — yet possess many applications for microbial

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2016, 37:182–189

Microbial landscapes within food production Bokulich et al. 183

ecology analysis. The first is amplicon sequencing [17], sourdough [18], kombucha [19], kefir and similar
(reviewed in [5]), whereby marker-genes are amplified fermentations [20,21], wine [22,23], and spontaneously
from mixed genomic DNA by PCR, sequenced directly, fermented American coolship ale fermentations [24,25].
and aligned against a reference dataset to identify the What types of questions can be answered from describing
taxonomic composition of whole microbial communities. the microbial succession in these fermented foods? Many
This same process can also be applied to RNA (reverse- of these fermentations involve undefined starter cultures
transcribed to cDNA) to profile the actively transcribing (e.g. traditional cheese starters) [14], undefined, adventi-
community within a sample. The taxonomic information tious microbiota (e.g. coolship beers) [24], and/or multiple
provided by amplicon sequencing is frequently lower- stages with mixed consortia (e.g. rice wine fermentations)
resolution than that delivered by metagenome sequencing [15,16]. Describing the normal and abnormal microbial
(which enables reconstruction of full-length marker genes) states at different stages of these fermentations is impor-
but is substantially higher throughput, facilitating explora- tant to characterizing consistency, identifying biomarkers
tion of massive numbers of unique microbial communities. for product quality or spoilage, diagnosing problem fer-
mentations, and learning to manipulate fermentation
The second tool is metagenome sequencing (reviewed in conditions for improved process control. For example,
[5]), or shotgun metagenome sequencing, whereby ge- we characterized the microbial consortia of American
nomic DNA not from a pure isolate but from an entire, coolship (lambic-style) beers, which are fermented en-
mixed microbial community is fragmented, prepared into tirely by adventitious microbiota over the course of 3 years
a sequencing library, and sequenced. This can result in [24]. Comparing multiple batches allowed us to identify
reconstruction of individual genomes or genome frag- the ‘normal’ microbial succession in these beers and
ments for investigation and comparison of the genetic identify off-batches. Amplicon sequencing can also be
consortia and taxonomic composition of complete com- used for biosurveillance of interesting microbes in fer-
munities and their predicted functions. mentations and to design culture strategies for isolating
these organisms that would not otherwise be detected by
Metatranscriptomics (reviewed in [5]), involves the broad-spectrum culture methods [22].
same process as metagenome sequencing, but applied
instead to RNA (reverse-transcribed to cDNA) from The utility of these tools is by no means restricted to
mixed-microbial samples. The result is a profile not of fermented foods and indeed they have been applied to
the mixed genomic content of a given sample, but its study the microbial communities and stability of fresh
mixed expression profile. This characterizes the expres- and non-fermented foods. Amplicon sequencing has been
sion behavior not of individual organisms but of entire used to study fresh fruits and vegetables [26], raw and
communities in response to different conditions. pasteurized milks [27], poultry [28], beefsteaks [29], and
Chinese marinated pork hoof [30]. Investigating non-
Application of microbial system-level tools in fermented foods with these tools offers non-targeted
food production insight into microbial conditions post-harvest and post-
Microbial community dynamics processing, with implications for food stability and safety.
Microbes play critical roles in the safety, stability, and
nutrition of all foods at some level, whether they are a Metagenome sequencing offers several advantages over
necessary processing component (as with fermented amplicon sequencing. First, as whole genomes are se-
foods) or whether they deteriorate the shelf life and safety quenced directly (following fragmentation and library
of fresh foods. Therefore, identifying, quantifying, and preparation), the possibilities for PCR amplification bias
tracking the microbial consortia of food systems has long and other methodological biases are minimized. Ampli-
been a priority in food research. con sequencing relies on amplification of marker DNA
sequences with ‘universal’ PCR primers; however, it is
Tracking complex microbial communities is fundamen- difficult to design primers that are equally homologous
tally important in food fermentations, in which mixed across broad phylogenetic groups, such as 16S rRNA
microbial communities are inherently involved in the primers for all Bacteria [31] or ITS primers for all Fungi
necessary transformations as well as spoilage of the prod- [25]. As a result, some transcripts may be preferentially
uct. Thus, high-throughput sequencing technologies are amplified while other clades (including uncultured
providing the greatest advance to this sector of research, clades) may be completely unrepresented [32]. Second,
where the increased sample throughput and detection as metagenome sequencing does not require the use of
sensitivity support analysis of larger and more complex PCR primers, it can be used to track groups for which
studies. Amplicon sequencing approaches have been universal PCR primers have not or cannot be designed,
applied to study the microbial ecology of pearl millet such as viruses. Third, full-length marker genes can be
fermentations [6], various Asian vegetable fermentations reconstructed from metagenomic data, allowing much
[7–9], seafood fermentations [10], Chinese liquor [11], more accurate taxonomic identification at species level
cheese [12–14], sake [15] and other rice beers [16], olives compared to the segments currently covered by amplicon Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2016, 37:182–189

184 Food biotechnology

sequencing (which is limited by the read length of the applications toward foods, particularly as sequencing
sequencing platform). Finally, metagenomes can be used methods continue to detect organisms that have not been
to track the frequency with which different gene classes previously cultured from some foods.
are observed in samples, and hence the genetic capacity
of the complete microbial community. However, meta- Metatranscriptomics is another important, yet under-uti-
genome sequencing suffers from one major disadvantage lized, tool for food microbial ecologists. These analyses
relative to amplicon sequencing: as many entire genomes provide information not only on the taxonomic composi-
are being sequenced from each sample, the throughput is tion of samples, but also on active populations and the
very low and the cost many-fold that of amplicon se- specific gene families that are expressed under different
quencing. This makes amplicon sequencing much more conditions, different times, and different locations. Such
attractive and useful for large-scale studies, whereby is the advantage of metatranscriptome analysis — in ad-
thousands of samples can be analyzed simultaneously. dition to the advantages offered by metagenome se-
A present, metagenomic sequencing is most useful for quencing, metatranscriptome sequencing focuses solely
smaller, specific experimental questions involving a smal- on the transcriptionally active portion of the population,
ler number of samples. describing changes in behavior as well as community
structure. At the time of this writing, only one study
In kimchi fermentations, metagenome sequencing [38] has described sequence-based metatranscriptomics
revealed the involvement of a complex bacterial cohort for a food (to our knowledge), in kimchi. Metatranscrip-
and changing gene-family compositions at different tome analysis reveals that Leuconostoc mesenteroides is most
stages of fermentation [33]. Several putative phage con- active early in kimchi fermentations, with other Leuco-
tigs were also detected in the metagenome, suggesting an nostoc species, Lactobacillus sakei, and Weissella koreensis
increasing involvement of phage dynamics during the becoming dominant later in the fermentation. Expression
course of kimchi fermentations [33]. Indeed, metagen- profiles exhibit a decrease in protein metabolism over
ome sequencing reveals a rich tapestry of viral communi- time, coupled with an increase in vitamin synthesis, stress
ties in different fermented foods, primarily dominated by tolerance, and carbohydrate metabolism, especially of
bacteriophages [34]. Complex microbial communities lactic acid fermentation pathways. Importantly, transcrip-
including bacteriophages have also been detected in a tome analysis revealed that the transcriptionally active
single cocoa bean fermentation metagenome [35]. Such community of kimchi fermentations had a slightly differ-
detection of viruses represents another useful output of ent structure from the composition revealed by amplicon
metagenomics, as universally conserved marker-genes sequencing [38]. A number of earlier microarray-based
(e.g. 16S rRNA in bacteria) do not exist across viruses, metatranscriptome studies in kimchi [39] and sourdough
inhibiting the use of amplicon sequencing for ‘universal’ fermentations [40] have similarly demonstrated the
viral detection. This application is ripe for exploration of insight afforded by this type of analysis. However, meta-
the interplay between viral and cellular microbial com- transcriptome sequencing overcomes several disadvan-
munities in a range of food products, including other tages of microarrays, including probe target limitations for
fermented foods where phage activity plays a role. detecting undescribed and untargeted biodiversity in
uncharacterized samples and false-positive results from
Metagenomic analysis can also provide keen insight into cross-reactive microarray probes [41]. Metatranscriptome
the functional attributes of a microbial populations asso- analysis in general poses many advantages for food mi-
ciated with flavor production. Wolfe et al. [36] exten- crobial ecology studies, and many observations that can-
sively profiled the fungal and bacterial populations not be captured by amplicon or metagenome sequencing.
within the rinds of natural, bloomy and washed rind However, similar to metagenomics, the sample through-
cheeses. Functional reconstruction of the metagenomes put of metatranscriptomics is much lower than amplicon
of cheese rinds demonstrated an enrichment of specific sequencing, as the aggregate expression profiles of many
amino acid metabolism pathways in washed rind cheeses organisms are sequenced in any given sample.
correlated with the well-known aromas associated with
these cheeses. This analysis also revealed that the spe- Food building ecosystems
cific enzyme which converts methionine to methanethiol The microbiota of man-made structures (referred to as the
(a pungent volatile sulfur compound) resided within a ‘built environment’) is of broad and growing interest lately
bacterial population, Pseudoalteromonas sp., that was pre- due to its influence on various contributors to human
viously not overtly linked to flavor development in health (air quality, toxin production, allergy promotion,
cheese. pathogen spread) [42]. As the majority of the human diet in
developed countries is processed, packaged, stored, and
In another novel use of metagenome sequencing, transported indoors for extended periods under essentially
genome reconstructions have been used to tailor culture artificial conditions, food-processing environments and
media for isolating uncultured microbes [37], albeit not in their associated microbial ecosystems are of tremendous
food fermentations. Nevertheless, this may have many importance to food quality and safety. The selective

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Microbial landscapes within food production Bokulich et al. 185

pressures exerted by building materials, substrates, and humidity are known to influence the microbial commu-
physiochemical conditions on the omnipresent microbial nities in man-made structures [46]. The origin of
milieu contribute to the quality of the final product. This microbes, both undesirable, benign and beneficial, found
growing field of ‘built environment’ microbiology has in buildings is mostly unknown, though humans are
been enabled by the advances in DNA sequencing ability, known to be major microbial vectors to the spaces they
as well as the advent of ‘big data’ technologies such as the inhabit [47].
monitoring of environmental conditions and the analysis
of large, diverse datasets. Methods of incorporating mi- Regardless of the original source of microbes, efforts to
crobial data and metadata have matured over the past evaluate their impact will be facilitated by understanding
decade, and hold immense promise to answer questions their transfer through food processing facilities. Several
which were previously impossible to consider [5]. In- investigators have used amplicon-based sequencing to
deed, initiatives such as the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s investigate how food spoilage organisms move through
Microbiology of the Built Environment program have the environments of cheese and meat processing plants
sought to take advantage of these new abilities to tap [29,48]. In wineries, seasonal fluctuations alter the mi-
the potential of the field [43]. crobial communities detected on equipment surfaces
[49]. The organisms on different equipment surfaces
Aside from hospitals, few buildings have stricter building reflect the substrate encountered at that site, demonstrat-
code requirements to minimize transmission of harmful ing bi-directional transfer of microbes between fermenta-
microbes to humans than food facilities, including both tions, vectored by key equipment surfaces. Likewise, in
food processing facilities and restaurants. Though the beefsteak processing plants, bi-directional transfer of
importance of controlling microbial sources, vectors, bacteria occurs between carcasses, processed meat, and
and reservoirs in food processing facilities have been environmental surfaces, increasing the likelihood for
understood for more than a century, high-throughput, product contamination [50]. In cheesemaking plants,
non-targeted analysis can reveal the behavior of complete substrates and processing steps shape the microbial com-
microbial communities across much larger spaces than munities of equipment surfaces, interacting with the
afforded by the lower-throughput techniques of the past, developing fermentations [51]. The aging-room surfaces
yielding perspective on global population dynamics with- of different cheesemaking plants harbor distinct, indige-
in food facilities as microbial ecosystems. nous microbial communities that dominate the surfaces of
the cheeses aged therein, forming the basis for a ‘house’
Detailed guidelines for building layouts, construction microbiome involved in regional cheesemaking [51]. We
materials, and food processing practices (including sani- see a similar situation in a kimoto (uninoculated) sake
tation) have evolved over the past century. The current brewery, where the bacteria and yeast conducting these
incarnation of these policies in the United States is the fermentations are vectored on equipment surfaces [15]. In
FDA Food Code, which was first published in 1993 and is beer breweries, season, substrate, and human processes
updated every four years (most recently in 2013), pro- all shape the microbial communities of equipment sur-
vides very extensive and detailed guidelines for facility faces [52]. This study of breweries also tracked the flow
construction, waste handling, product labeling, safe food of hops-resistance genes through the facility, along with
storage, handling and preparation, and much more [44]. the information on the microbial community [52].
FDA and USDA guidelines cover both the design of the
built environment, and processing procedures, to mini- Outside of commercial facilities, domestic food prepara-
mize transmission of harmful microbes from humans tion areas are also of interest to those who study the built
themselves, or from raw materials, into the final ready- environment microbiota. One study mapped the micro-
to-eat products. These facilities and procedures are biota of kitchen surfaces [53], while others have investi-
designed with an improved understanding of the sources, gated the impact of food preparation hygiene and
vectors, reservoirs, and characteristics of microbes in cleaning [54,55]. In addition to the microbiota of food-
various types of food and beverage processing facilities. preparation surfaces, the ambient bacterial levels of food
Other guidelines such as Sanitation Performance Stan- storage areas such as refrigerators are also of note [56].
dards pertain to ventilation, plumbing, sewage disposal, Several studies have looked at meat storage over time and
water supply, flow of operations, location of restrooms, under various conditions via pyrosequencing-based mea-
dedicated hand wash sinks, building materials, and much sures of the associated microbial communities [57–59].
more [45]. Similar efforts have been made with vegetables [60–62].

Our knowledge of how to control environmental condi- At present, no metagenomic or metatranscriptomic

tions in the built environment to manipulate the analyses in built environment food systems have been
indigenous microbiota, whether through original archi- published. The lower sample throughput of these tech-
tectural design or periodic intervention, is still limited. niques currently limits their use for visualizing whole
However, air flow, temperature, cleaning procedures, and microbial landscapes. However, amplicon sequencing Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2016, 37:182–189

186 Food biotechnology

could be used for landscaping and sample dereplication, SourceTracker enables the detection of directionality of
followed by targeted metagenome and metatranscrip- transfer of microbes or genes [67]. By profiling various
tome sequencing to observe changes at critical sites. brewery substrates (grain, hops, yeast and beer) as well as
Continuous improvements in sequencing technologies public human-associated microbiomes, Bokulich et al.
are bound to increase sequence yield and decrease cost, [52] employed SourceTracker to visualize global
increasing the sampling capacity of these techniques. contamination routes within a brewery (Figure 1). This
type of tracking has also been used for investigating the
In lieu of food-associated studies of these types, non-food source of hospital acquired infections [68], and to
associated built environment studies are illustrative of complement older methods of tracking target genes
what is currently possible. Strain-level monitoring of through an environment, such as monitoring carbapenem
pathogens or spoilage organisms in a food-associated en- resistance in hospitals through whole genome isolate
vironment is now possible, as has been done in sewage sequencing [69].
systems and neonatal intensive care units via metage-
nomics techniques [63,64]. Correlating behavior of food A good example of incorporating metadata into a built
preparation employees with the aggregate microbial trans- environment study can be found in a recent study of a
fer through the food processing environment may reveal hospital microbiome [70]. With the use of extensive
contamination sources [65]. A recent study examining the metadata such as relative humidity, humidity ratio, indoor
shifting microbiome of a metropolitan subway [66] illus- dry-bulb temperature, illuminance, differential pressure
trates how large-scale studies of food supply chains could between rooms and hallways, human occupancy and
be possible. Input ingredients to food facilities that contain activity in the patient rooms via indoor air CO2 concen-
spoilage or pathogenic microbes may be identified using trations and infrared doorway beam-break counters, out-
the same metagenomic methods used to identify marine door air fractions in the heating, ventilating, and air-
microbes uniquely found in flooded subway stations. conditioning systems, this study is a model for fine-
Evaluating the influence of contaminated ingredients is grained analysis of the effect of environmental conditions
analogous to tracking the flow of genes and strains through on the microbiota. Many of these measurements were
the built environment, as has been done with methicillin made at 5-min intervals for almost one year, providing a
resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) [66]. total of 8  106 data points. This massive number of
observations demonstrates the detail at which researchers
New bioinformatics tools are also improving the are currently able to monitor our built environments and
opportunity to examine food facilities. Software such as would be of clear relevance to food production facilities.

Figure 1

/ / / S / / / S
Conditioning Tanks Conditioning Tanks
/ V / V
Outside Br H Outside Br H
D Packaging D Packaging
S Kegs S Kegs


Barrel Room Barrel Room



/ D S S / D S S
/ / F Office / / F Office
Fermentation Tanks S S Fermentation Tanks S S
FAN D Outside FAN D Outside
Coolship GT Coolship GT

Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Mapping microbial contamination sources inside the brewery as presented in Bokulich et al. [52]. Maps of brewery indicate the predicted relative
contamination of brewery surfaces by incoming microbial sources (i.e. grains, hops), estimated by SourceTracker [67]. Increasing color intensity of
each surface indicates an increasing relative degree of microbial contamination from that source type.

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2016, 37:182–189

Microbial landscapes within food production Bokulich et al. 187

A new concept of ‘microbial terroir’ point at which the value proposition of microbial moni-
Microbes play important roles in food quality and safety toring of food and food preparation systems justifies its
both pre-harvest and post-harvest. Consequently, under- expense is rapidly approaching. We anticipate these
standing what factors shape the microbial consortia of analyses will reveal new layers of the microbial dynamics
agricultural products may yield benefits to any food. In of food ecosystems. Investigating the effects of environ-
California wine grapes, we observe clear microbial pat- mental conditions, cleaning strategies, processing condi-
terns associated with regional, varietal, and climatic fac- tions, human activities, and substrates on the composition
tors [71]. Soil serves as a reservoir for many of the and especially the expression profiles of ambient microbial
bacteria that colonize grapevine surfaces [72], and vine- communities offers exciting possibilities for understand-
yard soils exhibit similar microbial biogeographic pat- ing microbial behaviors in food processing. Moreover,
terns, suggesting that edaphic factors also influence this comparison of many different food facilities microbiomes
phenomenon [73]. Many of these regionally discriminant on a global scale using tools such as Qiita (qiita.micro-
bacteria and fungi have well established roles in grape and may allow more generalized conclusions.
wine qualities, including potential grapevine pathogens,
wine spoilers, and beneficial fermentative organisms The mounting evidence suggests that a complex scenario
[71]. Hence, these patterns potentially contribute to plays out in food processing facilities: production activities
the expression of regionally unique wine characteristics, and environmental conditions in all steps of the production
or terroir [74]. This concept was recently extended by chain shape the microbial communities inhabiting surfaces
Knight et al. [75] who performed a chemical analysis on and interacting with foods in these spaces. As many of these
Sauvingnon Blanc fermentations carried out by specific processes are human-controlled, it may be possible to
Saccharomyces cerevisiae subpopulations previously shown actively cultivate beneficial microbial communities within
to be regionally distributed within six of New Zealand’s the processing environment, though precise controls for
wine growing regions. These different S. cerevisiae strains microbial community structuring have yet to be deter-
drove different metabolic outputs in the resultant wines, mined. The food facility of the future may be envisioned
showing, for the first time, a direct link between regional as a ‘smart’ ecosystem, which incorporates thoughtful
microbiota content and the chemical attributes of a fin- architectural design cognizant of the flow of microbes
ished wine. through the system, continual systems level monitoring
of potential contamination points, evidence-backed tar-
Does a similar microbial terroir exist among other fer- geted interventions where issues are identified, and rapid
mented products? Some dairy fermentation products do quality assurance of the final product. The insights obtain-
exhibit a similar regional character. Bokulich et al. [21] able from such data-rich facilities have the potential to
demonstrated that both production region and milk type innovate equipment and facility design, sanitation prac-
influence the microbiota content of fermented matsoni (a tices and routine microbial monitoring, leading to safer,
fermented milk in the Caucasus region), suggesting that more efficient, and sustainable food-production practices.
the traditional production methods preserve the transfer
of unique regional microbiota from batch to batch. How- Acknowledgements
ever, other aspects of dairy products do not show similar NAB was supported by theSamuel Adams Scholarship Fund (awarded by
regionality. Wolfe et al. demonstrated that cheese rinds the American Society of Brewing Chemists Foundation), the John E.
Kinsella Memorial Award, the American Wine Society Educational
from geographically distant regions (Europe and United Foundation Endowment Fund scholarship, an American Society for
States) have quite similar microbial communities where- Enology and Viticulture scholarship, and Grant Number T32-GM008799
by environmental factors (i.e. humidity, pH, salinity) from NIGMS-NIH during the completion of this work. ZTL is supported
by an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Microbiology of the Built Environment
appear to be more important drivers of rind community postdoctoral fellowship. We also acknowledge funding from the Sloan
composition [36]. Further elaboration of the relation- Foundation Microbiology of the Built Environment program (DAM and
KBM) (Grant Number 2014-3-03) and the Peter J. Shields Endowed Chair
ship between regional traits (e.g. climate, agricultural in Dairy Food Science (DAM).
traditions), plant and/or animal biology, microbial pat-
terns, and food product qualities may enable greater
control and decision-making in agriculture with consum- References and recommended reading
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