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Explained by the Lives and Legends of the Saints

By Fr. F X Schouppe, S.J.

“But I say unto you that every idle word that man shall speak, they shall render an
account for it in the Day of Judgment.”

Excerpts from Purgatory by:

Filomena E. Lim, Ubay, Humay2x

1-29-93 (Ray’s b-day)
The Dogma of Purgatory is too much forgotten by the majority of the faithful, The Church
Suffering. This deplorable forgetfulness was a great sorrow to St. Francis de Sales. “Alas”, he said, “We do
not sufficiently remember our dear departed. This memory perish with the sound of the funeral bells.”
The principal cause is ignorance and lack of faith, our faith is too feeble. In order that our ideas may
become more distinct and our faith more enlivened, we must take a closer view of this life beyond the
tomb, just souls not yet worthy to enter the heavenly Jerusalem. We propose not to prove the existence
of Purgatory to skeptical minds, but to make it better known to the pious faithful who believe this Dogma
revealed of God.

Particular revelations are of 2 kinds:

1. Visions- subjective lights infused by God into the understanding of His creatures to
discover to them His mysteries. Such are the visions of the prophets, of St. Paul, St. Bridget
and many others. They are things purely spiritual of which ordinary language is incapable
of conveying an idea.
Apparitions of the souls that are in Purgatory are of frequent occurrence. We find them
in the “Lives of the Saints” they happen sometimes to the ordinary faithful. God permits
apparitions for the relief of souls in order to excite our compassion and to make us sensible
of how terrible are the rigors of His justice against those faults which we consider trivial.
The vision of Purgatory has been granted to many holy souls, St. Catherine de Ricci
descended in spirit into Purgatory every Sunday night; St. Lidurina, during her raptures,
penetrated into the place of expiation and conducted by her guardian angel visited the souls
in their torments. Blessed Veronica and several others had visions exactly similar with
impressions of terror.
More frequently it is the souls themselves that appear to the living and implore their
intercession. Many appeared in this manner to blessed Margaret Mary Alcoque and to many
The departed souls frequently besought the intercession of Denis the Carthusian. This
great servant of God was one day asked how many times the holy souls appeared to him “Oh!
Hundreds of times,” he replied.
St. Catherine of Siena, in order to spare her father the pains of Purgatory, ordered herself
to the Divine Justice to suffer in his stead during her whole life. God accepted her offer
inflected the most excruciating torments upon her, which lasted until her death and admitted
the soul of her father into eternal glory. In return this blessed soul frequently appeared to his
daughter to thank her and to make to her many useful revelations.
When the souls in Purgatory appear to the living, they always present themselves in an
attitude which excites compassion with the features which they had during life or at their
death with a sad countenance and imploring looks, in garments of mourning with an
expression of extreme suffering, then like a mist, a light, shadow, or some kind of fantastic
figure, accompanied by a sign or word by which they may be recognized. At other times they
betray their presence by moans, sobs, sighs, or hurried sighs and plaintive accounts. They
often appear enveloped in flames. When they speak, it is to manifest their sufferings, to
implore their past faults, to ask suffrages, or even to address reproaches to those who ought
to succor them.
2. Another kind of revelation is made by invisible blows which the living receive by violent
shutting of doors, the rattling of chains, and sounds of voices.
In the case of a notorious sinners, carried away by a sudden death, comes to implore the
prayers of the living that he may be delivered from Purgatory. The devil is interested in
making us believe that we can leave in the greatest disorders until the moment of our death
and yet escape hell.
“The Catholic Church”, says the Council of Trent, instructed by the Holy Ghost has from
the sacred writings and the ancient traditions of the Fathers, taught in sacred councils and
very recently in the Economical Synod, that there is Purgatory and that the souls detained
these are helped by the suffrages of the faithful but principally by the sacrifice of the altar.
This work has been translated into English at the request of the author. Wishing that
devotion for the holy souls might grow and flourish in many hearts, he considered that his
purpose would be best attained his work translated into English for the benefit of English
speaking readers. The learned author is at present laboring for the salvation of souls among
the pagan people of India.

First Part-Purgatory
The Mystery of God’s Justice

Purgatory occupies an important place in our holy religion, it forms one of the principal
parts of the work of Jesus Christ and plays an essential role in the economy of the salvation of
Let us recall that that the Holy Church of God is composed of 3 parts: The Church Militant,
The Church Triumphant and The Church Suffering or Purgatory. This triple church constitutes the
mystical body of Jesus Christ and the souls in Purgatory are no less His members than are the
faithful upon each and the elect in Heaven. In the Gospel, the church is ordinarily called the
Kingdom in Heaven, now Purgatory, just as the Heavenly Church is a province of this vast
The 3 sister churches have incessant revelations with each other, a continual
communication which we call the Communication of Saints. The object is to conduct souls to
eternal glory. The 3 churches mutually assist in peopling Heaven, the permanent city, the glorious
Jerusalem. The members of the Church Militant have to alleviate their sufferings. Prayer is the
key of this mysterious prison, Purgatory.

Chapter 2
Prayer for the Dead, Fear and Confidence

Prayer for the departed, sacrifices, and suffrages for the dead form a part of Christian
worship. It is a holy and wholesome thought, says Holy Scripture to pray for the dead, that they
may be loosed from sins ( 2 Mach 12:46 )
The Justice of God is terrible and it punishes with extreme rigor even the most trivial
faults. The least sin displeases Him infinitely and the slightest transgression assumes enormous
proportions and demands enormous atonement. This explains the terrible severity of the pains
of the other life and should penetrate us with a holy fear. The fear of Purgatory is a salutary fear
its effect is not only for the poor souls but also with a vigilant zeal for our own spiritual welfare.
Think of the fire of Purgatory and you will endeavor to avoid the least faults, think of the fire of
Purgatory and you will practice penance that you may satisfy Divine Justice in this world rather
than in the next. Let us however guard against excessive fear and not lose confidence. “Thy mercy
Lord is great above the Heavens “(Ps. 144) “ In Thee O Lord I have hoped, let me never be put to
confusion.” (Ps 70)

Chapter 3
The Word Purgatory- Catholic Doctrine
Council of Frent- Controverted Questions

The word Purgatory properly speaking, is the condition of souls which at the moment of
death, are in the state of grace, but which have not properly expiated their faults, not attained
the degree of purity necessary to enjoy the vision of God. Purgatory is then a transitory state
which terminates in a life of everlasting happiness. It is not a trial by which merit may be gained
or lost, but a state of atonement and expiation. Since he is burdened with certain debts of
temporal punishments, she must satisfy Divine Justice by enduring this punishments in all its
rigor. The church proposes 2 truths defined as dogmas of faith: First, that there is Purgatory:
Second that the souls which are in Purgatory may be assisted by the suffrages of the faithful
especially by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
There are several doctrinal questions which the church has not decided and more or less
clearly solved by the Doctors. They are (1.) location of Purgatory (2.) nature and sufferings (3.)
number and conditions of the souls in Purgatory (4.) certainty which they have of their beatitude
(5.) duration of their sufferings (6.) intervention of the living in their behalf and the application
of the suffrages in their behalf and suffrages of church.
Chapter 4
Location of Purgatory, Doctrine of Theologians, Catechism of the Council of Frent, St. Thomas

Theologians are almost unanimous, says , in teaching that Purgatory is situated

in the interior of the earth, that the souls and the reprobate are in the same subterranean space
in the deep abyss which Scripture calls Hell. One prison is dark and gloomy , where they are
continually tormented by evil spirits, and by a fire which is never extinguished. There is another
Hell which contains the fire of Purgatory. These are the souls of the just suffer for a certain time,
that they become entirely purified before being admitted into their heavenly fatherland, where
nothing can enter. A third Hell was that into which the souls of the saints who died before the
coming of Jesus where received and in which they enjoyed peaceful repose, exempt from pain,
and sustained by the hope of their redemption. They were those holy souls which awaited. I,
Christ in Abraham’s, and which were delivered when Christ descended into hell.

Chapter 5
Location of Purgatory- Revelations of the Saints, St. Therese, St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi

St. Teresa had great charity towards the souls in Purgatory and assisted them as much as
lay in her power by her prayers and good works. In recompense God frequently showed her the
souls she had delivered, she saw them at the moment of their release from suffering and of their
entrance into Heaven. “I received tidings”, she writes, “of the death of a Religious who had been
parochial of that province. A religious said he was detained in Purgatory an account of a few slight
faults which remained to be expiated and begged that saints to recommend him to the
community who prayed for him. Six days later the soul of Fr. Clement appeared to him. He saw
the earth open and the soul come forth all glorious, like a star.
“A religious of my community, a great servant of God had been dead 2 days. We were
saying the office for the Dead, a sister was reading the lesson and I was standing to say the
vernicle. When half of the lesson had been said, I saw the soul of the Religious come forth from
the depths of the earth, like the one of which I have just spoken and go to Heaven.
“In this some monastery there died at the age of 18 or 20, another religious, a true model
regularity and virtue. Her life had been but a tissue of maladies and sufferings partially endured.
I had no doubt that she had more than sufficient merits to exempt her from Purgatory.
Nevertheless, while I was at office, before she was interred and about a quarter of an hour after
her death, I saw her soul inane from the earth and rise to Heaven.” Behold what St. Teresa writes.
A religious of the community wishing to prepare fervently for death, made a general
confession of his whole life to the saint and on leaving him said, Fr. If it should now please God
to call me. I shall return and make known to you my condition in the other life. “He died a short
time afterwards and the following night he appeared to the saint. He told him that he was
detained in Purgatory in account of a few slight faults which remained to be expiated and begged
the saint to recommend him to the community, St. Louis communicated the request to the Prier
who hastened to recommend the soul to the prayers and Holy Sacrifices of the brethren
assembled. Six days later a man who knew nothing of what had passed at the convent, come to
make the confession to Fr. Louis and told him “that the soul of Fr. Clement had appeared to him.
He saw the earth open and the soul of the deceased Fr. Come forth all glorious; it resembled a
resplendent star, which rose through the air towards Heaven.”
We read in the life of St. Magdalene de Pazzi that this servant of God was made witness
of the deliverance of a soul under the following circumstances. One of her sisters in religion had
died when the saint being one day in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament saw from the earth
the soul of the sister, still captive in the dangerous of Purgatory. She was enveloped in a mantle
of flames, a rake of dazzling whiteness protected her from the fierce heat of the fire, and she
remained an entire hour at the front of the altar, adoring God of the Eucharist. This have of
adoration was the last of her penance, she arose and took her flight to Heaven.

Chapter 6
Location of purgatory- St. Frances of Rome, St. Magdalene de Pazzi

It has pleased God to show in spirit the gloomy abodes of Purgatory to some privileged
souls, who were to reveal the sorrowful mysteries for the edification of the faithful of this was
St. Frances founder of the Ablates who died in Rome in 1440. God fussed her with lights
concerning the state of souls in the other life. She saw Hell and its horrible torments, she saw
also the interior of Purgatory and the mysterious eider.
Now, the saint said that after having endured with unspeakable horror, the vision of
Hell, she come out of the abyss and was conducted by her celestial guides into the regions of
Purgatory. She saw their souls which suffered cruelly but angels visited and assisted them in
their sufferings.
Purgatory is divided into 3 distinct parts which are the 3 large provinces of that Kingdom
of suffering. They are situated the one before the other, occupied by souls of different orders.
These souls are buried more deeply in proportion as they are more defiled and farther removed
from the time of their deliverance. The lowest region is filled with a fierce fire but which is not
dark like that of Hell, it is a vast burning sea, throwing forth immense flames. Enumerable souls
are plunged into its depths: they are those who have rendered themselves guilty of mortal sin,
which they have duly confessed but not sufficiently expiated during life. The servant of law then
learned that for all mortal sin there, remains to be undergone a suffering of 7 years. Although
the souls are enveloped in the same flames, their sufferings are not the same, they differ
according to the number and nature of their former sins.
In this lower Purgatory, the saint beheld laics and persons consecrated to God. The laics
were those who, after a life of sin had the happiness of being converted, persons consecrated to
God were those who had not lived according to sanctify of their state. At the same moment, she
saw descend the soul of a priest whom she knew. The upper purgatory which the saint does not
describe is the temporary abode of souls which suffer little, except the pain of loss and approach
the happy moment of their deliverance.
Farther on she perceived souls which had been too much attacked to the goods of this
world and had sinned by avarice. She said that these souls had a share in the chastisement of all
vices, in a moderate degree, because these faults committed only from time to time rendered
them less guilty than those committed through habit.
The saint left the garden begging God never again to let her see so heartrending a
spectacle. Her ecstasy still continued and said to Jesus, “Tell me Lord what was your design. You
worked to give me knowledge of your infinite sanctity and to make me detest more and more
the least stein of sin, which is so abominable in Your eyes.”
This noise was such that all the tumult of the world, in tempest or battle, would bear no
comparison to it.

Chapter 7
Location of Purgatory- St. Lidisma

This admirable virgin was a prey to all the pins of the cruelest maladies for the period of
38 years. Her suffering rendering sleep is impossible to her, she passed long nights in prayer and
in spirit, she was conducted by her angel into the mysterious regions of Purgatory. There, she
saw, dwellings, prisons, dangerous, she also meet souls too that she knew and their various
“But this part of purgatory is bordering upon Hell’’. Looking, she saw an immense prison,
surrounded with walls of a prodigious height, the blackness inspired her with horror. Approaching
this dismal enclosure, she heard a confused I of lamenting voices, cries of fury chains, instruments
of torture, violent blows which the executioners discharged upon their actions. The noise was
much that all the torment of the world could have no comparison to it.
Chapter 8
Location of Purgatory- St. Gregory, etc.

According to St. Thomas and other doctors Divine Justice in particular cases assign a
special place upon Earth for certain souls. St. Gregory said, “Here and expiate, said the apparition,
“the wrong I did by adhering to the wrong party, I heard of you, pray to the Lord for me, you will
know that you have been heard when you shall no longer use me in these places.
“He had to undergo a temporary punishment in the same places where they have
committed their sins.
Thanks to the Divine bounty, I am saved and it was the Bl. Virgin to whom I had great
devotion who obtained for me this happiness. When death struck me, I was in the state of mortal
sin, but the merciful Virgin Mary obtained for me perfect contrition and there saved me from
eternal damnation.
“Oh my dear niece, ‘’ replied the apparition, “my real body is on the tomb where it will
remain until the resurrection’’. As regards my irritable disposition 17 years of terrible suffering
have taught me patience and meekness.

Chapter 9
The Pains of Purgatory-their Nature, Doctrine of Theologies

There in Purgatory as in Hell is the pain of loss and pain of sense. The pain of loss consists
in being deprived for a time of the sight of God, the beatific and for which our souls are made as
our eyes are for the light. It is a moral thirst which torments the soul. The pain of sense or sensible
suffering, is the same as that which we experience in our flesh.
As regards the security of these pains, they are proportioned to the nature, gravity and
number of sins committed. Each one receives according to his works, each one must acquit
himself of the debts of which he is charged before God. These debts differ greatly in quality. Some
which have accumulated during a long life have reached the 10 thousand talents of the Gospel,
while others are reduced the trifling remainder has not been expiated on Earth. The soul undergo
various forms of sufferings with immeasurable degrees of expiation in Purgatory and that some
more severe than the others.
The writer of the Imitation says, that their one hour of torment will be more terrible than
a 100 years of rigorous penance done here. It is true that the torments are so great that the most
acute sufferings of this life has no comparison to them, but the interior satisfaction enjoyed is
such that no prosperity nor contentment upon each can equal it.
The souls are in a continual unison with God and are perfectly resigned to His will. They
purify themselves willingly and lovingly because such is the Divine good pleasure. They are
consoled by angels and are assured of their eternal salvation.

Chapter 10
Pains of Purgatory- Pain of Loss

St. Catherine say, “The souls endure a torment so extreme that no tongue can describe it.
No tongue can express, as to the suffering it is equal to that of Hell.”
St. Therese in the Castle of the Soul says, “The pain of loss, is the privation of the sight of
God exceeds all the most excruciating sufferings we can imagine coz the souls urged on towards
God as to the center of their aspiration, are continually replaced by His Justice”.

Chapter 11
The pain of Sense-Torment of Fire and Cold

On leaving my body, I was received by a benevolent person who took me under his
guidance. His face was brilliant and surrounded with light. He arrived at a large deep valley all
fire in one side, ice and snow on the other, on the one hand braziers and caldrons of flames, on
the other intense cold and glacial wind. “This mysterious valley was filled with enumerable souls
tossed by a furious tempest, threw themselves from one side to the other. “I thought I saw Hell
but my guide said, “No, this valley is so much ice and much fire, is the place where the souls of
those punished who during life have neglected to confess their sins and have deferred their
conversion to the end. Thanks to the mercy of God, they reported before death, confessed and
detested their sins. This is why they are not dammed and will be to Heaven. Several of them will
obtain deliverance before judgment time by the merits of prayers and fasts offered for them to
the living and especially in virtue of Holy Mass offered for their relief.

Chapter 12
Pains of Purgatory-Bellarious and St. Christine

She said, “As soon as my soul was separated from my body, it was received by angels who
conducted it to a way gloomy place entirely filled with souls. The torments they endured
appeared to me so excessive that it is impossible for me to give on idea of their rigor. I saw among
them many of my acquaintances, and deeply touched by their sad condition I asked for the place.
My guide told me it was Purgatory where sinners were punished who before their death had
repented of their faults, and had not worthy satisfaction of their faults to God. Then I was brought
to Hell and saw some whom I had formerly known. The angels then transported me to Heaven,
even to the throne of the Divine Majesty. The Lord regarded me with a favorable eye and I was
glad because I thought of dwelling eternally with Him. But my Heavenly Father said to me
“Assuredly my Daughter will one day be with me, now, however, I allow you to choose, either to
remain with Me or to return again to earth to accomplish a mission of charity and suffering. To
deliver from the flames of Purgatory those souls which gave inspired you with so much
compassions you shall suffer for them, you shall endure great torments without dying. And not
only will you relieve the departed, your examples and sufferings will lead sinners to be curveted
and expiate their crimes. You shall return here loads with merits.

Chapter 13
Pains of Purgatory- Brod. Anthony Prayers, etc.

Angela Fhalems a Dominican nun was raised from the dead by her own brother and gave
a testimony of the rigors of God’s judgments. Another saint said, “If you knew the rigors of the
judgments of God, you would not speak thus. What are my trifling penance compared with the
torments reserved in the other life for those infidelities which we so easily permit ourselves in
the world? Would that I could do a hundred times more. You will shudder of the chastisements
which God inflicts upon a fervent Religious for the slightest fault. Fr. Pinheyro said after his
terrible agony, “They led me then by turns towards a place of delights, where they showed me a
crown of incomparable glory but which I have not yet merited, then to the fink of an abyss where
I saw the reprobate souls fall into the eternal fire, crushed like the grains of wheat cast upon a
millstone that turns without internes sin. The infernal gulf was like one of those where at times,
the flames are stifled by the mass of materials thrown into them, but which feeds the fire that it
may burst forth with more terrible violence. “When by the command of God, his soul had been
reunited with his body, the tortures for 6 entire months caused the flesh to fall in pieces, yet not
this nor the frightful penances to which he delivered himself during the 46 years of his new life
could appease his thirst suffering and expiation. “All this is nothing in comparison and what the
justice and mercy of God has caused me to witness and endure.
Chapter 14
Pains of Purgatory- Apparition of Faligno, etc.

A good Italian Sister Teresa, a model of fervor and charity died suddenly leaving the core
of the sacristy to Anne Felicia. Upon entering she heard news which came from the interior of
the room. More moans were heard, she found no one when she opened the door and fearing
said,” Jesus, Mary, what can that he? “Before finishing, she heard a painfully sigh in Italian, “O
my God how I suffer.” Then the room was filled with thick smoke and the spirit of Sis. Teresa
appeared moving torments the door, gliding along the wall and cried aloud, “Behold a proof of
the mercy of God. “At the same time, she struck the panel of the door and there left the print of
her right hand, burst in the wood with a red hot iron and disappeared. One day upon entering
her cell, her name was called by Teresa accompanied by a brilliant light saying in joyful and
triumphant voice.” I died on a Friday and behold on a Friday. I enter into eternal glory.
Be strong to bear the cross, be courageous to suffer lame poverty”, said Adhers; rose
towards Heaven and disappeared.
Thus we see Divine Justice punishes most severely the slightest faults. God urges us to
raise the poor souls in the most efficacious manner and to be in or own regard.

Chapter 15
Pains of Purgatory- the Brother of St. Magdalene

St. Magdalene de Pazzi in her vision were the different prisons of Purgatory were shown
to her, saw the soul of her mother who died after living a most fervent Christian life. However,
the soul was detained in suffering for certain faults which it had not sufficiently expiated upon
earth. There, the saint says are the most intolerable sufferings.
“Oh “she cried, “All the fires of Earth compared to that of Purgatory are like a refreshing breeze”.
``I wick,’’ he said to have a proof. If God will permit for your relief and for the good of my soul I
consent to suffer a part of your pains. “Alas! You could not do this. Know that no human being
could endure each torment and leave. “If we know the security of the Divine chastisements, we
should never commit sin, nor should we cease to do penance in this life, to avoid expiation. Until
that time Catherine had always devoted herself with charity to the relief of souls.

Chapter 16
Pains of Purgatory, Fr. Rosignali on a Quarter of an Hour in Purgatory

One saint said, “Pray God, my good angel to pardon me and permit me to return to earth.
I am ready to submit to the cruelest maladies not only for 2 yrs. But as long as it shall please Him.
Rather 6 yrs. Of horrible suffering them one single hour in this abyss of unutterable agonies.

Chapter 17
Pains of Purgatory- the Emperor of Maurice

We must hasten to make satisfaction for our sins in this life.

Chapter 18
Pains of Purgatory-St. Perpetua, etc.
The pain of sense has different degrees of intensity. It is less terrible for souls who have
no grievous sins to atone for, as who being completed the most rigorous part of their expiation,
appeared the moment of their deliverance. Many of these souls suffer than no more than the
pain of loss and even begin to perceive the 1st rays of heavenly glory.
Purgatory appeared to St. Perpetua under the figure of an avid dessert, where she saw
her brother Dimocrates who died at 7 after praying for him in a midst of lovely gardens with
shining rake and beautiful like an angel.
“And yet I see you surrounded with light and glory. What you see is but the border of the
garment of glory. To wear this celestial rake we must not retain even the shadow of sin”.

Chapter 19
Pains of Purgatory

The Bl. Sister saw the departed in the place of expiation. Our Lord showed her the
sufferings which she endured and know greatly she was relieved of the sufferings and good works
daily offered for her.

Chapter 20
Diversity of the Pains-St. Lidurina

According to the saints, there is a great diversity in the corporal pains of Purgatory.
Although fire is the principal instrument of torture, there is also the torment of cold, the torture
of the members and the torture applied to the different senses of the human body. This diversity
of suffering seems to correspond to the nature of sins, each one demands its own punishments
according to the words. “By what things a man by the same also is the tormented.” It is just that
it should be with regard to the chastisement, since same diversity exist in the distribution of the
reward. In heaven, each one receives according to his works and his rake of glory. For the martyr,
this rake is of a rich purple color, while that of the confessor who has the brilliancy of a dazzling
``Ask if you knew what I suffer”. Said a husband to his wife who died. By the bevels of
Divine Mercy, help me dear Guda for I am devoured by this flames. “The queen redoubled her
prayers and good works, she distributed alms among the poor, caused Masses to be celebrated
and give alms. After 40 days the King appeared again and said, “Behold me dear Guda, thanks to
your prayers. May you be blessed forever? Persevere in your holy exercise often meditate upon
the severity of the pains of the other life and upon the joys of Paradise whether I go to await
you”. He left learning the pious Guda overflowing consolation.
Chapter 21
Diversity of the Pains-Blasio raised from the Dead by St. Bernardine

In Hell, Blasio saw indescribable horrors and the diverse torture by which the proud, the
avaricious, the impure and other sinners are tormented. He recognized several whom he had
seen during life and even witnessed the arrival of two who had just died. Fraccha was dammed
for having for having kept ill-gotten goods into his possessions. Blasio was led to Purgatory and
saw the dreaded torments, varied ascending to the sins of which they were the punishment. He
rearranged a great no. of souls and several begged him to acquaint their parents and relatives
with their sufferings condition, they even indicated the suffrages and good works they need.
The life of Mother Frances presents facts which show that the pains of Purgatory are
suited to the faults to be expiated. This servant of God had the most intimate communication
with the souls in Purgatory so that they came in big numbers.
Blasio saw in Purgatory the most dreadful torments, varied according to the sins of which
they were the punishment. He recognized a great number of souls and several begged him to
acquaint their parents and relatives with their suffering conditions; they even indicated the
sufferings and good works of which they stood in need. When asked about the state of a soul, he
answered and said, “Your father has been in Purgatory since he asked you to pay a sum of alms
and you have neglected to do so”. Your brother asked you to have so many Masses celebrated;
you agreed to do so, and you failed so many masses remain to be said.
Blasio also spoke of Heaven, the last where he was brought there, heard mysterious
words which no mortal tongue could repeat. What was most attracting was the immense
multitudes of angels that surrounded the throne of God and the incomparable beauty of Bl. Virgin
elevated above all the chairs of angels.
In her book, Ma. Frances presents facts which show that the pains of Purgatory are suited
to the faults to be expiated. She had intimate communication with the souls so that they came
in great numbers and filled her cell, humbly awaiting each one in turn to be assisted by her
prayers. They appeared with the interments of their sins, now become the interments of their
torture. One day, she saw a Religious surrounded by costly pieces of furniture which she collected
in her cell contrary to her vow of religious poverty, after her death they became her torment.
A notary appeared to St. Frances, the flames heaped around him causing him to the most
intense suffering said, “I have used this pen, ink, paper to draw up illegal deeds. I also had a
passion for gambling and these cards I am holding constitute my sufferings.
Chapter 22
Duration of Purgatory-Opinion of Dom. etc.

Faith does not teach us the precise duration of Purgatory. We know in general that they
are measured by Divine Justice and that for each one they are proportioned to the number and
gravity of the faults which he has not yet expiated. God however abridge these sufferings by
augmenting their intensity, the Church Militant also may obtain their remission by the Holy
Sacrifice of the mass sand other sufferings offered for the departed.

Chapter 23
Duration of Purgatory

St. Vincent’s sister was full of the spirit of the world, intoxicated with its pleasure and
walked towards her eternal ruin. The saint prayed for her conversion and was answered. The
sinner got sick and made her confession at the moment of death. Ten days after her death while
celebrating Holy Mass, she appeared to him in the midst of flames. “Alas dear brother I am
condemned to undergo these torments until the day of the Last Judgment. The efficacy of Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass is so great; offer for me about 30 Masses and I may hope the happiest result.

Chapter 24
Duration of Purgatory- the Dullist

Seeing that a Religious is condemned to Purgatory for 77 yrs., let it suffice for us to learn
the necessity of reflecting in the duration of future punishment for priests and religious ordinary
A too frequent cause of the long continuance of Purgatory is that many deprive
themselves of a great news established by Jesus Christ for shortening it, by delaying when
dangerously sick, to receive the last Sacraments. These sacraments destined to prepare souls for
their last journey, to purify them from sin, to spare them the pains of the other life. The result is
that if the deceased is not dammed, he is plunged into the deepest shyness of Purgatory loaded
with all the weight of his debts.
Chapter 26
Duration of Purgatory, Catherine Palazzi and Sr. Bernard

Examples which will serve to convince us still more of the long duration of the sufferings
of Purgatory. We see that Divine Justice is severe towards souls called to perfection. Does not
Jesus say in the Gospel, unto whom much is given if Him much shall be reacquired and to whom
they have committed much, of Him they will demand the more?

Chapter 27
The Cause of Suffering-Matter of Expiation

The stains left by their sins is the reason why souls suffer before being admitted to see
God. Stains in the debt of pain proceeding from pain. Remember that sin produces a doubts effect
on the soul which we call debt of guilt and debt of pain, it renders the soul not only guilty but
deserving of pain to chastisement. Now after being pardoned the pain remains to be undergone,
either entirely or in part, and this must be endured either in the present life or in the life to come.
This debt proceeds from all the faults committed. All stains of guilt has then
disappeared but the pain remains to be endured in all its rigor and long duration, at least for
those souls that are not assisted by the living. They cannot obtain the least relief for themselves
coz the time of merit has passed, they can no longer merit, they can but suffer and pay the terrible
justice of God all that they done even to the last farthing. Since the souls in Purgatory are freed
from the guilt of sin, there is no other barrier, the remains of sin from which they must be

Chapter 28
Matter of Expiation, The remains of Mortal Sin

We have said that the total amount of the debt of suffering for Purgatory comes from all
the faults not atoned for upon earth, but especially from mortal sins remitted to their guilt. Men
who pass their whole lives in a habitual state of mortal sin and who delay their conversion until
death will have to undergo the most frightful punishment.
St. Lidurina saw in Purgatory, a soul that suffered also for mortal sins not sufficiently
expiated on earth.
Chapter 29
Matter of Expiation, Worldliness-St. Bridget

Souls that allow themselves to be dazzled by the vanities of the world will have to undergo
terrible punishment.
“My only serious thought was to further the worldly interest of my family”. See now how
I am punished: they bestow not so much as a passing thought upon me: my parents, children,
friends with whom I was most intimate –all have forgotten me.

Chapter 30
Matter of Expiation-Sins of Youth

It often happens that Christians do not sufficiently reflect on the necessity of doing
penance for the sins of their youth, they must one day be atoned for by the most rigorous
penance of Purgatory.

Chapter 31
Matter of Expiation, Scandal given-Immodest

Those who have had the misfortunes top give bad examples and to wound your cause the
perdition of souls by scandal must take care to repairs all in this world in order not to be subjected
to the terrible expiation in the other world. Jesus cried out. Was to the world because of scandals.
Was to the man by whom the scandal cometh (Matt. 18:7)
True art is an inspiration from Heaven which elevates the sault to God; profane art which
appeals to the sinners only is an inspirations of the evil spirit, his works are the infamous
productions of a corrupt imagination.
The soul of a good man who died a good death said to a religious. “Alas it is an account of
the immodest picture that I painted some years ago, when I appeased before the tribunal of the
Sovereign Judge, a crowd of accusers came to give evidence against me. In consequences with
those bad thoughts same were in Purgatory, others in Hell. The Bl. Virgin and the saints when I
glorified by my pictures took up my defense. “This poor soul unpleased the religious to have the
painting destroyed.
Chapter 32
Matter of expiation, Life of Pleasure, Pursuit of Comfort

In our days, there are Christians who are strangers to the cross and the mortification of
Jesus Christ. Their life is built one chain of pleasures, scarcely do they observe the laws of fasting
and abstinence prescribed by the church. Since, they omit to do penance, no part of the debt is
paid. Frances Pampeluna who was furred with visions of Purgatory saw a man of the world
although a tolerably good Christian pass 59 years in Purgatory on account of seeking his ease and
comfort. Another who had a passion for gambling was detained there for 64 years.
If God is severe towards the rich and the pleasure-seeker of this world, He will not be less
so towards prisons, magistrates and all those who have the charge of souls and authority over
others. A severe judgment shall be for that bear rule. (Wis. 6:6)
A saint narrates that the daughter that the daughter of Gertrude, Queen of Hungary, gave
abundant alms, redoubled her prayers and mortifications, exhausted the resources of her charity
for the relief of that dear soul. God revealed to her that she had not done too much. She appeared
and knelt before her daughter to implore for help and said, “Oh how much are those to be pitied
who exercise authority over others? I expiate now the faults that I committed upon the throne”.

Chapter 33
(No Title)

Tepidity, good Christians, parents and religious, who wish to serve God with their whole
hearts must avoid the rock of tepidity and negligence. God will be served with fervor, tepid and
careless inmates His disgust. He will severely punish in Purgatory all negligence in His service.
Sr. Villas, a religious in the monastery at Purgatory had died about 10 years previous to
this vision. The apparition said not a word but showed by her countenance how greatly she need
of assistance.

Chapter 34
Negligence in Holy Communion

If the church calls her children to the Holy table and communicate frequently, she desires
that they go communion frequently and intends to do so, with that fervor and piety which so
great a mystery demands. All voluntary neglect in so holy an action is an offense to the sanctity
of Jesus Christ which must be repaired by a just expiation.
Chapter 35
Matter of Expiation-Want of Respect in Prayer-Mother Agnes of Jesus

We should treat holy things in a holy manner. All irreverence in religious exercises is
extremely displeasing to God. In general, priests remain in Purgatory longer than laymen and that
the intensity of their torments is in proportion to their dignity. God revealed to Sr. Pampeluna,
the fate of several deceased priests. One of them had to undergo 40 years of suffering for having
by his neglect, allowed a person to die without the sacraments. God wills that we should serve
Him with our whole heart and that we should avoid the slightest imperfections. Jesus Christ
admonished us to hear those whom He has appointed in His place to be our spiritual guide.

Chapter 36
Motives for assisting the Holy souls, intimate ties which write us to them, Filial Pity

Yes, there are in Purgatory souls-united to us by the closest family ties. It may be a father
or mother, extend their arms in supplication towards me.

Chapter 37
Motives for Assisting the Souls, Facility in Relieving Them

St. Catherine while praying was rapt in ecstasy and saw a long procession of persons robed in
white garments of radiant with light. They were annoying the emblems of the passion and entering into
the glory of Paradise. The saint knew that they were the souls delivered by her fervent prayers and the
merits of the Passion of Jesus Christ.
Amongst the multitude of suffering souls, she saw one more grievously tormented than the others
and which expiated her most tender compassion. She asked why she had to suffer such excruciating
torture. The soul replied, “I have been a great length of time in this place, enduring the most frightful
torments in punishment for my former vanity and scandalous extravagances. I have not received the least
relief coz God has permitted that I should be forgotten by many parents, children, relatives and friends,
they offer not a single prayer for me. When I was on earth, being occupied on my extravagant toilet and
worldly vanities, my feasting and pleasure I cast, but a passing thought upon God and my duties. My only
desire was to further the worldly interests of my family. I am well punished for you see I am entirely
forgotten by all”. With prayers and other good works this soul was saved and the scar on the forehead
disappeared. This scar was due to the finger of fire which was touched on her after asking the soul to
allow her to feel something of what she suffered.

Chapter 38
Matter of Expiation, Failure in Matters of Justice

We are 2 merchants, they told her ‘Who has been assassinated on the road by brigands. We could
not go to confession or receive absolution, but by the mercy of our Divine Savior and His Holy Mother,
wished the time to make an act of perfect contrition and we have been saved. But our torments in
Purgatory are terrible.
Chapter 39
Matter of Expiation, Sins against Charity

Charity is the virtue which is dearest to the Heart of our Divine Master and which He recommends
to His disciple is that which must distinguish them in the eyes of men. By this, He says, shall all men know
that you are My disciples, if you have love one for another? (John 13:35)

Chapter 40
(Lack of Charity and of Respect) Motives of Assisting the Holy Souls, Obligation not only of

It is not in vain that the author of the Imitation counsels us to make satisfaction for our sins during
our life and not to depend too much upon our heirs, who often neglect to execute the pious endowments
made by us for the relief of our poor souls.
What then shall we say those who rob the dead, who unjustly deprive them of their suffrages
and leave them without assistance in the torments of Purgatory? Moreover those who under themselves
guilty of their infamous theft are frequently most severely punished by God even in this life. We are
astonished to see a considerable torture melt away in the hands of certain heirs, a sort of malediction
seems to hover over certain inheritances. In the Day of Judgment when that which is now hidden shall be
made manifest, we shall see that the cause of this sins has frequently been the avarice and injustice of
the heirs, who neglected the obligations imposed upon them in regard to pious bequeaths when
succeeded to the property.
We knew that there are spoken of haunted houses rendered uninhabitable to the great loss of
their proprietors. If we went to fathom the cause of this, we shall generally find that a soul forgotten by
its relations return to claim the suffrages justly due to it. It will remain a well-proved fact to teach unfeeling
heirs how God punishes such unjust and sacrilegious conduct even in this life.
A man said to his nephew, ‘’My son, you knew that I have no riches to bequeath to you, I have
nothing but my weapons and my horse, they are for you. For my horse, sell it when I die and distribute
the money among the priests and the poor that the former may offer the Holy Sacrifice for me and others
may assist me by their prayers”. But the nephew differed the promise after his uncle died with so many
pretext. Six months had elapsed when one morning the deceased appeared to him addressing in terms of
severe reproach, “Unhappy man you have forgotten the soul of your uncle by violating the promise you
made at my deathbed. Where are the masses you would have offered the alms that you should have
distributed to the poor for the repose of my soul? Because of your negligence I suffered much torments
in Purgatory. But God took pity on me. I am now to enjoy the company of the blessed in Heaven. But those
shall die in a few days and be subjected to the same torture which would have reminded for me to endure,
had God not shown mercy to me. Then shalt suffer for the same length of time that I should have suffered
then though shalt convince the expiations of their own faults. Later, the nephew died full of repentances.
Chapter 41
Disguised Restitutions, Neglect to Execute the Last Will

Injustice towards the dead and fraudulent maneuver to escape the obligations of executing their
pious legacies are grievous crimes which merit the eternal punishment of Hell. Unless a sincere confession
and restitution he made this sin will meet chastisement not in Purgatory but in Hell.
Also, yes it is especially in the other life that Divine Justice will punish the guilty usurpers of the
property of the dead. Judgment without mercy to him that had not done mercy, says the Holy Ghost.
(James 2:13)
It is the fault of the heirs that ill-gotten goods remain in the family and they will not cease to cry
and against them as long as restitution be not made. Property cries out against its unjust possession.

Chapter 42
Barren tears, Thomas of Contimpre and His grandma

Another duty of strict justice is children are obliged to pray for their deceased parents.
Reciprocally in turn, parents are bored this natural right not to forget before God their children who have
preceded them into eternity. Alas there are parents who bestow upon a dead shield nothing but a few
fruitful tears instead of praying for them.
Bl. Margaret of Cartona was at 1st a great sinner but after conversion she did great penances and
works of mercy. Her charity towards the poor knew no bounds, she sacrificed everything, time repose,
satisfactions to obtain their deliverance from God. Her 1st object towards the holy souls were her parents,
her father and mother being dead, she never ceased to offer for them her prayers, mortification, vigils,
sufferings, Communion and Masses. In reward for her filial piety, God revealed that by will her prayers,
she had shortened the long terms of sufferings which her parents worked have had to endure in Purgatory.

Chapter 43
Prayer for departed parents, St. Catherine of Sienna and her father, Jacomo

She asked God to grant her father not only the pardon of all her faults but that at the hour of
death he might be admitted to Heaven. She was answered. “Your father?” said the Lord, “He led a good
life in the married state and has done much that was very pleasing in My sight; above all, his conduct
towards that his soul should pass through fire, to purify it from the stains which it contracted in the world.
`My loving Savior uphold Catherine, how can I bear the thought of seeing him who has been good to me,
tormented in the cruel flames? I beseech You want to permit his soul to leave his body until in some way
it shall have had to endure in Purgatory.

Chapter 23-24
Duration of Purgatory

Chapter 25
Duration of Purgatory 100 years of Suffering for delay in Reception of Last Sacrament

Does not Jesus said, unto when much is given of him much shall be required and to whom they
have committed much of him the demand is more”.

No Chapter 26

Chapter 27
Cause of Suffering, Matter of the Expiation of Purgatory

All stains of guilt has disappeared but the pain remains to be endured at least for those souls that
are not assisted by the living. They can’t obtain the relief for themselves.

Chapter 28
Matter of Expiation, Remains of Mortal Sin

We have said that the total amount of the debt of suffering for Purgatory comes from all the
faults not atoned for upon earth especially from mortal sin. Men who pass their life in habitual state of
mortal sin and who delay their conversion till death if God grants them that rare grace will have to

undergo the most frightful punishment.

St. Lidurina saw in Purgatory a soul that suffered also for mortal sins not suffering expiated on

Chapter 29
Bl. Mary Villani had a devotion to the holy souls and it often happened that they appeared to her
either to thank or beg assistance of her prayers and good works.
My only thought was to further the worldly interests of my family.

Chapter 30
Christians do not reflect on the necessity of doing penances for the sins of their youth; they must
rigorous penance of Purgatory. The beautiful gold crown of a princess was sold and the money used for
masses and good works for the repose of the soul of the deceased.

Chapter 31
Those who gave bad example, wounded or cause the perdition of souls by scandal, most take care
to repair all in this world. True art is an inspiration from Heaven which elevates the soul to God; profane
art which presents to the eye, nothing but the beauties of flesh and blood but an inspiration to the evil
“What?” said the Religious, “have you to endure such pain, after leading so good a life and dying
a holy death?” Alas” he replied, “it is an account of the immodest picture that I painted some years ago.
A crowd of accusers came to give evidence against me. They declared that they have been excited to
improper thoughts and evil desires by a picture, the work of my hand. In consequences of those bad
thoughts somewhere in Purgatory, others in Hell. The latter cried for vengeance saying that having been
the cause of their eternal perdition, I deserved the some punishment. Then the Bl. Virgin and the saints
whom I had glorified by my pictures took up my defense. In consideration the Sovereign Judge declared
that, on account of my repentance and good works, I should be exempt from damnation, but He
condemned me to those flames until that picture should be burned so that it could no longer scandalize
everyone. “Then the poor suffers implored to have the paintings destroyed. (Matt 18:7)
In our days, there are Christians who are total strangers to the cross and mortifications of Jesus.
Their sensual life is a chain of pleasures, they fear sacrifice, and scarcely do they observe the strict laws of
fasting and abstinence. It is certain that in this worldly life, they do nothing but accumulate debts. Since
they omit to do penance no debt is paid. St. Frances of Pampeluna was favored with visions of Purgatory,
saw one day a man of the world who although a good Christian passed 59 years in Purgatory for seeking
his ease and comfort. Another due to gambling was detained for 64 years.
In the spirit of a holy Christian’s daughter, she gave abundant alms, redoubled her prayers and
mortifications, and exhausted the resources of her charity for the relief of that dear soul, her mother.

Chapter 32
Relief of the Holy Souls, Sinners in Dying without the Sacrament

By these word, faithful as they departed, the church means all those naturally in Purgatory, those
who are neither in Hell nor in Paradise. Who are these souls, can we know them? God has reserved this
knowledge to Himself and except as He is pleased to show us, we should remain in total ignorance of the
State of soul in the other life. He rarely make known that a son is in Purgatory or in Heaven, still more
rarely does He reveal the expectation of as soul. In this uncertainty, we must pray in general for all the
departed without prejudice to those souls whom we wish to prow aid in particular. If God grants the
privilege He accorded to St. Andrew of knowing the conditions of souls in the other life, we may restrict
intentions to those among the dead who are still on need our assistance. Thus, a saint ceased not to pray
for whom he knew to be suffering until the souls come to thank him, giving him the assurance of their
deliverance. We must pray for all the destructed, for a great sinner and most virtuous Christian St. Agustin
did so far, her mother St. Marissa Faith Reaches was that ill-man dying in the state of mortal sin near
eternal damnation, but who are those that in reality die in the state? God alone, who reserves to Himself
the judgment of the living and the dead.

(No Chapter 33)

Chapter 34
Motives for Assisting the Holy Souls

Are we as rich in charity as God is rich in mercy? Alas! How many Christians do little or nothing
for the departed? St. Frances de Sales said, “We do not sufficiently remember our dear departed friends.
Their memory seems to perish with the sound of the funeral bells, “To assist the poor souls is to perform
the most excellent of the works of Mercy, visit the sick, juice drink to the thirsty, feed the hungry, ransom
prisoners, clothe the naked, comfort the afflicted, instruct the ignorance. Our Lord Regards mercy, work
of mercy exercised towards our neighborhood as dare Himself.
Chapter 35
Motives for Aiding the Poor Souls
The debts they have contracted diminish each day and will soon enjoy eternal light while sinners are
continually menaced with damnation.

St. Denis assures us that the most divine of all divine things is to work with God for the salvation
of souls in Purgatory. They are safe, their salvation is secure. They suffer and is a prey to great torments,
but they have nothing to fear from Hell and their sufferings will have an end. The debts they have
contracted diminished each day and will soon enjoy eternal light while sinners are continually menaced
with damnation, the most terrible misfortune that can befall one of God’s creatures. Sinners are slave of
Satan of their own free will. Their yoke is if their own choosing, they could break their chains, if they
pleased, whereas the poor souls in Purgatory can, but sigh and implore the assistance of the living. It is
impossible for them to break the fetters which held them captive in those penal flames. They can no
longer help themselves, the time of prayer, confession and good works is past for them, we alone are
able to relieve them. It is true they have deserve these sufferings in punishment for their sins, but they
now bewail those sins. They are in the grace and friendship of God whereas sinners are his enemies.

Chapter 36
Intimate Ties which Unite Us with Them
Are we not obliged to deliver them at the cast of the sacrifices?

Chapter 37
Facility of Relieving them-Example of The Saints and of all Fervent Christians

Servant of God, Mary Villani offered all her bitter paws and instruments of her passion during long
time of prayer beseeching Lord to alleviate their offerings. During her prayer, she was rapt in ecstasy and
so with a long passion and persons ached in white garments carrying emblems of the Passion and enter
into the glory of Paradise. These were the souls delivered by her fervent prayers and by the merits of the
Passion of Jesus Christ.
These amongst the multitude of suffering souls, she saw one more grievously tormented them
the others when she asked why she has to suffer. The soul said, “I have been in this place a length of time
in punishment for my former vanity and scandalous extravagance. Thus, for I have not received the least
relief coz God permitted that I should be forgotten by all, they offer not a single prayer for me. When I
was on Earth being occupied with my extravagant toilet and worldly vanities with feasting and pleasure, I
cast but a passing thought upon God and my duties. My only serious desire was to further the worldly
interests of my family. I am well punished for you see I am entirely forgotten by all.

Chapter 38
Motives of Assisting Holy Souls, Examples of Holy Persons

‘’He who forgets his friend, after death has taken him away from his sight”
In recompense Fr. Fabricious had several apparitions of the suffering souls. Some besought him to hasten
deliverance, others thanked him for the relief he had procured for them; others announced to him the
happy moment of their deliverance.
Chapter 39
Examples of Generosity

“Behold the generosity of the poor! What an example and reproach to so many of the rich,
extravagant to luxury and pleasure but miserly when there is question of giving an alms to have Masses
for their deceased relatives. Although it is prayer to give alms by offering Masses, it is proper to use a
portion for the relief of the poor or for other good works such as for the benefit of Catholic schools, the
propagation of the Faith and other purposes according to circumstances.

Chapter 40
Obligation not only of Charity, but also of Justice, pious legacies, etc.

It is not in vain that the author of the Imitation counsels us to make satisfaction for our sins during
our life and not to depend too much upon our heirs who often neglect the poor souls.
Those who are guilty of the infamous theft of robbing the dead are frequently punished by God
even in this life. We are astonished to see a considerable fortune melt away in the hands of certain heirs,
a sort of malediction seems to hover over certain inheritance. In the Day of Judgment when that which is
never hidden shall be made manifest, we shall see that the cause of this ruin has frequently been the
avarice and injustice of the heirs who neglected the obligations imposed upon them to pious bequests
when they succeeded to its property. It is so hard to explain the phenomenon when an apparition of a
soul from a purgatory revealed that it was a chastisement inflected upon ungrateful culpable children,
who neglected the last will of their departed father relative to works of mercy. We know of places, these
are spoken of haunted houses rendered uninhabitable to the great loss of their proprietors. If we try to
fathom the cause of this, we shall find that a soul forgotten by its relatives returns to claim the suffrages
justly due to it.

Chapter 41

Injustice towards the dead of which we have just spoken and fraudulent maneuvers to escape
the obligation their pious legacies are grievous sins, crimes which merit the eternal punishment of Hell.
Alas, it is especially in the other life that Divine Justice will punish the guilty usurpers of the
property of the dead. (James 2:13)

Chapter 42
Motives of Justice, Barren Tears

There is another duty of strict Justice which regards children, they are obliged to pray for their
deceased parents. Reciprocally in turn, parents are bound by natural rights not to forget before God those
of their children who have preceded them into eternity. Alas, there are parents who are inconsolable at
the loss of a loved one who instead of praying for them bestow nothing but a few fruitless tears. After
grieving for her son, Thomas’ grandma, his soul languished amid the flame of purgatory replied, “Mother,
it is you, it is these tears which you shed over me that sort my garments and retard my entrance into the
glory of Heaven, Cease to abandon yourself to a blind and useless grief. Open your heart to more Christian
sentiments. If you truly love me, relieve me in my sufferings apply some indulgences to me, say prayers,
give alms, obtain for me the fruits of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is by these means that you will prove
your love and you will deliver me from prison where I languish and bring me to eternal life rather than the
life terrestrial you gave me”.
Then the vision disappeared and that mother, thus admonished instead of giving way to
immoderate grief practiced every good work which could give relief to the soul of his son.
Blessed Margaret of Cartona was at first a great sinner, but after her conversion, she blatted out
all her past disorders by great penances and works of mercy. She never ceased to offer for them her
prayers, mortification, vigils sufferings, communions and the Masses. In reward, God revealed to her that
by all her prayers, she had shortened the long term of suffering which her parents would had to endure
in Purgatory.

Chapter 43
Prayers for departed parents, Catherine of Simon and her father Jacomo

St. Catherine of Sienna’s father lived a good life in the married state and had done much that was
pleasing to God. But God’s Justice demands that his soul should pass through five; to purify it from the
stains contracted in the world. The saint was favored by God for exempting her father’s soul from all
expiation; but she shall suffer as long as thou lives the pain that was destined for him. Full of joy, Catherine
was thankful. Immediately the saint returned to her father and left him only when he had breathed forth
his soul. At the same moment that his soul left his body, Catherine was seized with most violent pains
which remained after his death without alluring him live a moment of repose. Unlike others, she was
unaffected by her father’s death coz she had seen that beloved soul came forth triumphant from the
person of the body and pass without any hindrance into eternal beatitudes.

Chapter 44
St. John of God, Give Alms for your own Sake, St. Bridget

“All that we offer to God in charity to the dead”, says St. Ambrose, is changed into merit for
ourselves and we shall find it after our death increased a hundredfold. Generosity towards the poor soul
is always repaid; it finds its recompense in all kinds of graces. St. Bridget declares in her Revelations and
her testimony is quested by Benedict XII that she heard a voice from the depths of the Purgatorial flames
pronouncing these words; “May those be blessed, may those be rewarded who relieve us in these pains!”.

Chapter 45

A Franciscan father added that the souls had come to meet him on his departure from this world
to introduce him to the Heavenly Jerusalem. There were souls whose spiritual guide he had been during
life and whom by his sufferings he had delivered from Purgatory.

Chapter 46

These souls are holy and pray for us not only when after their deliverance, they are with God in
Heaven, but even in their place of exile and in the midst of their sufferings. They can’t pray for
themselves, yet by their supplication, they obtain great grace for us. St. Catherine of Bologna says.
St. Bridget in one of her ecstasies heard several souls cry aloud, “Lord God, all powerful reward a
hundredfold those who assist us by their prayers and who offer to you their good works in order that we
may enjoy the light of your divinity.
In the life of St. Catherine of Bologna, she said, “When I wish to obtain any favor from our Father
in Heaven, I have recourse to the souls that are detained in Purgatory and I feel that I am heard through
their intercession”. Last words of venerable Grammy says, we must pray much for us.
Chapter 47
Advantages, Gratitude of the Divine Spouse

If the souls are so grateful towards their benefactors, Jesus will bestow an abundant recompense
very often in this life and always in the next.
An angel told Vin Archangel, “You saw how your father was tormented and benumbed in a lake
of ice, this was the chastisement of his tepidity in the service of God and indifference with regard to the
salvation souls. Your father was not an immoral man but he shamed little inclination to acquire virtue and
for the practice of those works of piety and charity to which the church exhorts the faithful. This is why
God permitted that he should be forgotten even by you, who would have given him too much relief. This
is the chastisement ordinarily inflicted by Divine Justice upon those who are lacking in fervor and charity.

Chapter 48
Advantages, charity towards the Holy Souls

God is more inclined to reward than to punish. Very often in this life, Jesus rewards the
compassionate and charitable souls by the bestowed of many favors. Catherine of Sienna by her charity
had converted a sinner named Palmarine who died and went to Purgatory. The saint gave herself no rest
till she delivered this soul. In recompense, our Lord permitted her to appear to the saint.
St. Margaret of Pazzi, devoted to the saints prayed much for her dead mother. A fortnight after
her death, Jesus console his spouse, showed her the soul of her beloved parents. Magdalene saw her in
Paradise, arrayed in dazzling splendor and surrounded by saints.

Chapter 49
Means to Avoid Purgatory, Privileges of the Holy Scapular

1st: The exemption from the torments of Hell- “He who dies wearing this habit shall not suffer the
fire of Hell’’. It is evident that he who dies in mortal sin, even while wearing the scapular will not be exempt
from damnation, such is not the meaning of Mary’s promise. If one dies in sudden death without benefit
of confession, he will have the time to and will to make an act of perfect contrition. Miraculous events
have proved this promise.
2nd: Privilege consist in being released from Purgatory by the Bl. Virgin in the 1st Saturday after
death. To enjoy this privilege conditions are to be fulfilled: observe charity of our state, recite the Little
office of the Bl. Virgin. Those who can’t read instead observe the fasts prescribed by church and abstain
from flesh meat on all Wednesdays.
3rd: Instead of above privileges maybe committed into their pious works.

Chapter 50

We have seen the 1st means of avoiding purgatory, a tender devotion towards Mary. The 2nd
consists in charity and works of mercy. The rich of this world have much to fear. Woe to you that are rich
for you have had your consolation. Woe to you that are filled for you shall hunger. Woe to you that laugh
now for you shall mourn and meek. (Luke 6:24). How great them is the fully of the rich, who have so easy
a means of ensuring their future spiritual welfare and yet neglect to employ it.
Chapter 51
Means to Avoid Purgatory, Bl. Virgin Margaret Mary and the Suffering Souls, the No-vice and her

Among the revelations of our Lord to Margaret Mary about purgatory are the punishments
inflicted for faults against charity. Says Mnsgr. Languet “Our Lord showed His servant a number of souls
deprived of the assistance of the Bl. Virgin and the saints and even of the visits of their angel guardians in
punishments for their want of union with their superiors and certain misunderstandings. Many of those
souls were destined to remain for a great length of time in horrible flaws. This sister also recognized many
souls who had lived in religion and who had done to their lack of union and charity with others were
deprived of their suffrages and received no alleviations. God will be infinitely merciful towards those who
have practiced this virtue. He says through St. Peter, his apostle, have a mutual charity among yourselves
for charity covereth a multitude of sins. (1 Peter 4:8)

Chapter 52
Means to Avoid Purgatory- Christian Mortification .St. John

The 3rd means of satisfying in this world is the practice of Christian mortification and religious
obedience. The 1st and best mortification is that which is attached to our daily duties, the pains we have
to take the effort, we must make to acquit ourselves of the duties of our state and to bear the
contradictions of each day. A saint said that his chief mortification was the common life. He who sanctifies
the duties and sufferings upon himself to escape the pains in the other life.
The slightest mortifications, the most trifling sacrifices especially when done through obedience
are of great valve in the sight of God.

Chapter 53
Means to Avoid Purgatory, the Sacraments Receiving them promptly, Medical Effect of Extreme

A 4th means of satisfying in this world is the use of the Sacraments and especially holy reception
of the Sacraments.
It is not necessary that there should be an imminent danger of dying and that all hope of recovery
be lost, nor the danger of death be certain. The effects of the sacraments well received correspond to all
the needs and desires of the sick. These divine remedies purifies the soul from her sins and increase her
treasures of sanctifying grace, they fortify the sick person and enable him to bear the sufferings with
patience to triumph over the assaults of the devil at the last moment and make a generous sacrifice of his
life to God. Moreover, it comforts the sick person and alleviate his sufferings, even restores him to health.
It is then for the faithful an immense assistance, an inestimable benefit. The demon endeavors to keep
them from the sick either by making them neglect to receive them, or that they receive them so late, as
to lose all their benefit. Alas how many souls for not promptly receiving the Sacraments fall into Hell or
into the deepest abyss of Purgatory? St. Alphonso speaks of a sick man who delayed to receive Extreme
Unction and died shortly afterwards would have been restored to Health if he had received the Sacrament
Chapter 54
Means to Avoid Purgatory, Holy Acceptation of Death, Fr. Aquitanus

What happiness to quit this miserable life, to enter the only true and blessed one. We all will enjoy
this if we employ the means which Jesus has given us for making satisfaction in this world and to prepare
our souls to appear in His presence. “Perfect love of God renders death agreeable making the soul taste
the greatest and sweetest therein.


An indulgence is the remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt
has already been forgiven. A partial indulgence frees one from part of the temporal punishment due to
sin(punishment which must be undergone either in this life or in Purgatory) and a plenary indulgence frees
one from the whole of the temporal punishment due to sin. Both plenary and partial indulgences can be
applied to the departed by way of suffrage. A prayer or good work itself is more precious than the
indulgences that may be attached to it; for an indulgence is merely the remission of, while a prayer
devoutly said, means an increase of grace and merit for eternity.
In order to gain a plenary indulgence, one must perform the prescribed work (reciting rosary
under circumstances and also fulfill 3 conditions; sacramental: confession, Holy Communion and prayer
for the intention of the Pope.

Four Ways of Gaining Plenary Indulgence:

1. To one who visits the Bl. Sacrament to adore it for at least half an hour
2. To one who spends at least half an hour in reading Sacred Scriptures
3. To one who performs the way of the Cross
4. To one who recites the rosary of at least 5 decades and devout meditation on the mysteries in the
church or public oratory or family group or religious community

Plenary Indulgence at the Moment of Death

Our church grants plenary indulgence to be acquired at the point of death if during their lifetime
have been in the habit of reciting some prayers during life. The use of a crucifix or cross to gain this
indulgence is praiseworthy.

3 Ways to Gain a Partial Indulgences:

1. Is received by one who raises his mind to God in the performance of his duties in humble trust
adding even mentally some pious invocation. “One ought always to pray and not to faint”.
Invocation maybe very short like, “My God, I Love You”. “Jesus” “All For Thee”. They are as salt
which gives savor to much activities.
2. Not every work of charity is indulgenced but only those that are for the service of those who are
in need, such as food or clothing for the body or of instruction or comfort for the soul. Since such
good works are pleasing to God, they bring great merit to the one who performs them, they also
pay for the temporal punishment due to sins.
3. Partial indulgence is granted who abstain from something permitted and pleasing to him in a
penitential spirit of his own accord.
In addition to these 3 general ways of partial indulgences are also many prayers and
works of piety for which one may gain indulgence:

- A visit to Bl. Sacrament

- Angel of God, My Guardian dear...
- Praying the Angelus
- Visiting the community
- Spiritual Community
- Reciting apostles creed
- Tracking as studying Christian Doctrine
- Prayer before a crucifix
- Litanies
- The Mamore
- Devoutly seeking one of objects of piety
- Spending time in devout mental prayer
- Attending sermons
- Prayer of Rosary

- Reading Sacred Scripture

- Hail Holy Queen
- Come Holy Spirit


The promise of the Bl. Virgin is, “Whoever dies wearing the scapular shall not suffer eternal fire”.
The 2nd promise is, “I, the mother of God shall descend on the Saturday after their death and whomsoever
and I shall find in Purgatory, I shall free”.

3 Conditions for obtaining this privilege:

1. Wearing the scapular
2. Practice of chastity according to state of life
3. Daily recitation of the little office of Bl. Virgin. Those who can’t read can abstain from meat on
Wednesday and Saturday.

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