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A meeting of the Steering Committee of The Sierra Project was held on Monday, February 5, 2018, at
4:45 PM at the home of one of its members.

The meeting was called to order by Secretary of the Corporation Carson Brown at 4:45 PM. A quorum was
deemed present, and the roll was formed as:

Gabe Colon, Moderator of the Advisors
Carson Brown, Secretary of the Corporation
Spencer Barney, President of the Corporation (present by proxy)

Stevens Tovar, Selected Mediator

Gabe Colon MOVED to fill the interim seat on the Board of Directors by appointing Marilyn Sporn for a
term serving until the next annual meeting. The motion was SECONDED, and PASSED without dissent.

Gabe Colon MOVED to fill the vacant seat on the Board of Directors by appointing Madison Franz for a
term serving until the next annual meeting. The motion was SECONDED, and PASSED without dissent.

Carson Brown MOVED to fill the vacant seat on the Board of Trustees by appointing Karyn McKinley for a
term serving until the next annual meeting. The motion was SECONDED, and PASSED without dissent.

Gabe Colon MOVED to fill the remaining seat on the Steering Committee by appointing Madison Franz for
a permanent term. The motion was SECONDED, and PASSED without dissent.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 PM by Carson Brown, Secretary of the Corporation.

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