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Volume 1, Issue 1 Pan Pacific Nirwana Bali Resort

August 2010
The New Beginning : Idea of Heaven
Special points of in- Nirwana is heaven
terest: No one litter in heaven
Guests’ ideas of No cigarette butt in heaven
heaven from their Everybody smile in heaven
Everybody has great hospitality in heaven
Associates’ ideas
No delays in heaven
of ‘heaven’ work-
place There are angels in heaven

Community Ideas Those angels are you

of partner in

Inside this issue:

From 3
General Manager
Top and Bottom 5
GHA Discovery 6

Our Vision 7

Independence Day 8-9

Tanah Lot Festival 12

Tips 13-14
Page 2


The Gatra is an internal newsletter publication which covers the news, activities and highlights
of Pan Pacific Nirwana Bali Resort. It is a bi-monthly publication with the combined efforts of
Human Capital and Development and all other departments that contribute to the success of
this bi monthly newsletter.

The Gatra is a great media to share information amongst associates. We welcome any articles,
"Be who you are tips, news, pictures, caricatures, and photos to be contributed to this Bi-monthly publication.
and say what you If you would like to contribute, please send your articles and photos (with relevant informa-
feel, because tion pertaining to the photos) to Learning and Development Department or email to ni- We wish The Gatra will cultivate talents and ideas. Our success
those who mind
depends on your contribution
don't matter, and
those who matter
don't mind." EDITOR’s Notes
— Dr. Seuss It’s been 5 months now that we call ourselves ‘I am Pan Pacific’ . One thing never changed,
this place is heaven. One question might come up: what is your idea of heaven? Well, mine is
simple: beautiful place surrounded by energetic people who are passionate of what they are
doing for a better place, a better us.
Editorial Team:
The coming programs are promising, the question is can we all cope with that and how could
we better prepare for that?
Ni Made Astiti The guests believe in us, if you believe that we can make it happen, get in line..

Ni Made Astiti
Yoyon Parjiyono
Arya Wicaya
Trianto Sutopo
Dewik Idayani

I am Pan Pacific , are you?

Page 3

From General Manager

Saya menganggap kita begitu diberkati karena I consider all of us to be very blessed as we the em-
kita adalah associates Nirwana yang membentuk ployee associates of Nirwana make up the “Heart &
‘Hari dan Jiwa’ bagian penting dari surga di dunia Soul”, the most important ingredient of this unique
yang tidak ada duanya ini. Adalah suatu kehorma- “one of a kind” heaven on earth. I find it a true
tan memenuhi tujuan Pan Pacific untuk memberi- privilege fulfilling our Pan Pacific purpose by creat-
kan pengalaman yang tidak terlupakan dalam ing memorable experiences in our Nirwana sanctu-
surga ketenangan Nirwana bagi tamu tamu kita. ary for our guests in paradise. I recognize our Bali-
Saya melihat associates Bali yang melayani tamu nese service associates as naturally pure in mind
dengan begitu alami tulus baik dalam pikiran dan and deed genuinely caring and attentive to our
perbuatan mereka dalam memperhatikan tamu— guests. One of the hallmark principles of the Bali-
tamu kita. Salah satu prinsip masyarakat Bali yang nese people I admire is respect and reference for is
saya amati adalah rasa hormat akan keberaga- diversity. Bali is magical, well known and recognized
"There are only
man mereka. Bali begitu magis, terkenal akan for its wonderful people, LOVE and Spirituality re-
orang –orangnya yang luar biasa, CINTA dan spiri- puted as The “Islands of the Gods” Our biggest as- two ways to live
tualitas dengan reputasinya sebagai The “Islands set is our GREAT PEOPLE, creating great relation- your life. One is
of the Gods” . Asset terbesar kita adalah orang- ships and great hotels brings our wondrous natural as though
orang yang luar biasa, membangun hubungan surroundings
nothing is a
baik yang luar biasa dan hotel hebat yang mem-
We are excited to embark on an aggressive en- miracle. The
bawa alam sekitar yang luar biasa.
hancement of our products and services. Services
other is as though
Kita sangat antusias untuk memulai sebuah pen- will be enhanced through strong leadership, direc-
tion, learning development and skill training. Our everything is a
ingkatan secara agresif produk dan layanan kita.
Layanan akan ditingkatkan melalui kepemimpinan physical product will be updated and improved with miracle."
yang kuat, terarah, pengembangan pembelajaran our ambitious renovation plans starting these next — Albert Einstein
dan pelatihan keterampilan. Produk fisik akan few months. We are excited to update and refresh
diperbarui dan diperbaiki dengan rencana reno- our beautiful resort giving each room a fresh Bali-
vasi yang akan kita mulai beberapa bulan men- nese contemporary look with timeless simplicity.
datang. Kita sangat senang untuk memperbaharui We will be adding our signature Pacific Club which
dan menyegarkan resort indah kita, dimana will include 60 guest rooms and exclusive lounge
masing-masing kamar memberikan tampilan kon- catering to high end loyal repeat guests
temporer Bali, segar dengan kesederhanaan yang who receive a totally personalized re-
abadi. sort experience suited to their specific
product and service preferences. We
Kita akan menambahkan Pacific Club yang men-
will bring focus to our new resort room
jadi ciri khas mencakup 60 kamar tamu dan
product with extensive improvement of
lounge eksklusif yang melayani tamu setia dan
our landscape design and architecture
high end dengan pengalaman resort yang per-
including lighting adding a “WOW” first
sonal. Kita akan memfokuskan produk baru resort
impression accentuating our lush tropi-
ini pada kamar dengan penambahan landscape
cal gardens and manicured lawns. A
dan arsitektur termasuk pencahayaan, menam-
new fleet of transportation vehicles will
bahkan kesan "WOW",menonjolkan taman tropis
enhance our initial arrival experience.
dan halaman rumput yang terawat. Sebuah ar-
We will provide VIP greeting at the air-
mada baru kendaraan transportasi akan mening-
port and personalized escort to the re-
katkan pengalaman awal.Kita akan memberikan
sort featuring checking in our guests
sambutan VIP di bandara dan mengantar ke re-
and providing a complete orientation
sort sambil menampilkan presentasi baru kita
aided by our new high tech audio visual
dengan teknologi tinggi audio visual selama per-
presentation to Bali and our Nirwana
jalanan 45 menit dari bandara.
resort during the 45 minute drive from
Kita akan memiliki dua perpustakaan yang nya- the airport.
man dimana para tamu dapat menikmati bacaan We will be converting our retail shops into two
dan mendengarkan musik dalam suasana nya- comfortable inviting libraries where guests can en-
man. Sistem Manajemen baru akan diperkenalkan joy reading and listening to music in a relaxing re-
mencakup pemesanan kamar, inventory control, fined atmosphere. New Management systems will
penjualan kamar resort, penjualan & jasa cater- be introduced that include reservations sales, in-
ing, manajemen properti mekanik termasuk fasili- ventory control, guest room resort sales, catering
tas . sales & service, financial Continued to next page
Page 4

From General Manager

ruang tamu, pengatur suhu ruangan dan keamanan akses. accounting, property mechanical management including new
Kita akan mengirim Data & telephone kabel dengan konektivi- guest room lifestyle amenities, climate control and security key
tas teknologi tinggi memberikan kemampuan nirkabel di selu- access. We will be rewiring Data & Telephone cabling featuring
ruh seluruh resort. high tech connectivity providing wireless capability throughout
the entire resort.
Kita akan mengubah Nautilus menjadi bakery, kafe, gourmet
grocery market place dengan wine bar dengan umbrella table We will convert Nautilus pub into a bakery, coffee café, gourmet
dengan pemandangan hole 7 dengan ombak laut dan Pura grocery market place and wine bar with umbrella tables over-
Tanah Lot. Cendana akan memberikan pengalaman total looking our 7th signature golf hole, the ocean surf and Tanah lot
tamu kita dengan melalui dapur terbuka yang menampilkan Temple. The Cendana all day restaurant will be refreshed to de-
Café bergaya kontemporer, makan malam nyaman, outdoor liver a total sensory guest experience through featuring a con-
al fresco, ruang anggur dan chef’s table. kolam area kita akan temporary open kitchen, Café style, sophisticated dinner cozy, al
mendapatkan makeover lengkap dengan warna baru, pool fresco outdoor, wine room and chef’s table seating areas. Our
bar disempurnakan yang menyuguhkan Pacific Rim frozen pool area’s will get a complete makeover with new colors, seat-
drinks dan homemade gelato. Pool Grill restoran akan direno- ing styles with the heart being an enhanced pool bar featuring
vasi dengan menambahkan sushi bar dan menyorot segarnya Pacific Rim frozen drinks and homemade gelato. Our specialty
Grilled Seafood termasuk after dinner chill-out music dan kok- restaurant will be the renovated pool grill which we will add a
tail. Sunset lounge akan tampil dengan perabotan yang nya-
sushi bar and highlight fresh Grilled Seafood including after din-
man, kontemporer romantis termasuk daybeds dan mengha-
ner chill-out music and cocktail service. We will give our Sunset
dap pemandangan matahari terbenam.
lounge a new look with contemporary romantic cozy furniture
Nirwana spa kita akan segera ditingkatkan dengan menam- including day beds and possibly an extension overlooking our
bahkan pelayanan dan produk peremajaan, sementara kita famous sunset surf.
merencanakan pembaharuan jangka panjang di mana kita
ingin menyelesaikan the hot, warm and cold dipping pools Our Nirwana spa will be immediately enhanced with a quick re-
dan menambahkan steam sauna maupun kolam Tha- fresh adding services and accessories while we plan a long term
lasso . Relaxation areas, juice bar, organic café, fitness center refurbishment where we want to complete the hot, warm and
aerobics equipment, racquet courts kita dan program cold dipping pools, and add a sensual steam sauna area where
kegiatan semua akan menjadi tempat tujuan yang menarik once we planned a Thalasso pool. Our relaxation areas, juice
seperti golf. bar, organic café, fitness center aerobics equipment, racquet
courts and activity programs will all be re energized to create a
Pusat kegiatan anak-anak akan melayani aktivitas, per- destination sanctuary as appealing as our golf component.
mainan dan pengalaman pembelajaran partisipatif dinikmati
oleh anak-anak usia 3-13 tahun meliputi: kelas memasak, Our Children activity center will cater to activities, games and
menari dan memainkan instrumen Bali; fotografi dan video participatory learning experiences enjoyed by 3 – 13 year olds.
dengan latar belakang kelas profesional dan costuming; Na- Interesting and compelling activities will include: cooking
ture walks termasuk photo taking; bird watching dan temple classes; Balinese dancing and instrument playing; Photography
tours. Kita akan menambah peralatan rekreasi seperti Grand
and video classes with professional backdrops and costuming;
Prix track dan pit stop; summer camp activities, Creative
Nature walks including photo taking; bird watching and temple
Learning center dengan perpustakaan audio video; akademi
Golf dan Tennis.
tours. We will add recreational equipment including possibly a
Grand Prix track and pit stop; summer camp activities; Creative
Program aktivitas, dan lifestyle resort ini akan menonjolkan Learning center with audio video library; Golf and Tennis acad-
pemandangan laut tebing kita, surfing, habitat eksotis yang emies.
subur alami untuk fotografi, wisata candi, nature walks, wa-
tersports: berlayar, scuba diving, surfing, snorkeling, Our resort active lifestyle programming activities will accentuate
berenang, Hiking & Biking, Akademi Tenis & Golf, Seni & pro- our cliff lawn’s ocean views, pounding surf, Exotic lush natural
gram budaya: tanam dan panen padi di sawah; kelas mema- habitat grounds for photography, temple tours, nature walks,
sak makanan Bali dan prakteknya, wisata belanja ke seni Watersports: sailing, scuba diving, surfing, snorkeling, swim-
Ubud lokal dan galeri buku, tur kuliner di restoran local, tur ming; Hiking & Biking; Tennis & Golf academies, Art & culture
pabrik mebel dan pengrajin kayu. programs: Rice paddy planting and harvesting; Balanese cooking
classes and demonstrations; shopping tours of local Ubud art
and book galleries, local dine around of local restaurants; tours
Saya menghargai sambutan hangat dan luar biasa diberikan
of furniture factories and wood artisans.
kepada saya oleh kalian semua di surga Anda di bumi. Saya
senang dapat menyebut Nirwana rumah baru saya. I appreciate the warm welcome and wonderful reception ex-
tended to me by all of you here in your heaven on earth para-
dise. I am pleased to call Nirwana my new home.
John Berndt
Thank You
Page 5

GUESTS Ideas of Heaven

What do our valued guests think of our resort ? Let’s celebrate your individual and department con-
tribution and let’s work in collaboration on some challenging things. Remember “we work better to-

Customer Satisfaction: Last 12 Months

"The only true

wisdom is in EGCC—TOP 5 Scores
knowing you
know nothing." Ambience appeal of the outlet (dinner) 100.0
— Socrates
Lounge Host/Hostess greeting friendly
and welcoming (no meal period)
Restaurant Host/Hostess greeting
friendly and welcoming (no meal period)
Restaurant Service personnel friendly,
helpful, and efficient (no meal period)

Overall quality of the pool area 93.8


Business/Meeting facilities 55.0

Satisfaction with internet charges 57.8

Cleanliness of the outlet (lunch) 62.5

Food/beverage presentation (lunch) &

( (meeting/banquet)

Food/Beverage quality & Food/beverage

taste and quality (lunch)
Page 6

GUESTS Ideas of Heaven– GHA Local Experience

GHA ( Global Hotel Alliance) is Created in 2004, it offers greater choice and enhanced recognition
to customers in a growing collection of hotels, managed by individual regional brands, which are
respected in their home markets for reflecting and respecting local traditions and culture through
their hotels’ products and services. Pan Pacific Hotels and Resorts is one of the founding members
of GHA. Global Hotel Alliance currently has 12 independent hotel brands and the headquarters is
in Geneva, Switzerland.
GHA Discovery is a Guest Recognition Program involving all properties within GHA, focusing on
providing and establishing local connection and experiences.
Level Local Experiences Short Description

GOLD benefits: Choice of Balinese Flower Arrangement Enjoy an idyllic Gebogan ar-
Newspaper, Internet Connec- rangement class learning the
tion, Complimentary Water, intricate art of Balinese flower
Membership Profile Preference arrangements.
and Gold Local Experience

Golf for the rookie Suitable for rookies or even

players who want a refresher,
spend half a day going through
The only source of the moves with a resident pro-
knowledge is fessional before taking a shot
experience. on the course.
Albert Einstein
A Tribute to Rice A staple of the Balinese, enjoy a
glimpse into the process of pro-
ducing rice and garner some
hands-on experience at this
time-revered tradition.

PLATINUM benefits: Choice of Indulging Palates Guided by the resort's Execu-

Newspaper, Internet Connec- tive Chef, enjoy a tour of the
tion, Complimentary Water, local market and cooking dem-
Membership Profile Preference, onstration of a traditional Bali-
Platinum Local Experience, nese meal thereafter.
Late check out until 15:00pm,
Local Amenity, Room upgrade
to next category and Guaran-
Pejaten Clay Pottery Have fun with a unique class
teed room availability 48 hours
that imparts the skills of clay
prior to arrival date.
pottery making that the Village
of Pejatan is renowned for.

BLACK benefits : Choice of Painting a Thousand Words Enjoy a day under the tutelage
Newspaper, Internet Connec- of leading Balinese painter, I
tion, Complimentary Water, Putu Pager and create your
Membership Profile Prefer- very own masterpiece
ence, Platinum Unique Local
Experience, Late check out un-
til 18:00pm, Early check in at
09:00am, Choice of Local
Amenity, Double upgrade at
check in and Guaranteed
room availability 24 hours
prior to arrival date
Page 7

OUR VISION Creating Memorable Hotel Experiences

What does it take to create memorable hotel experience? It
takes two : Products and people

The products and facilities are no doubt become the key

driver of the memorable experience of stay in the hotel. One
of our customers suggested in his comment, why the hotel
did not build the pool on the same level with the lobby to
get the best view of Tanah lot temple and the ocean. Yes, it
is true that our customer demands excellent facilities not
just average. For our guests to memorize their experience in
us, they must have a unique and different experience during
their time with us. In term of products, the products we of-
fer to our customers must be unique and different from the
competitors. We have all the facilities but we need to build
the facilities which are unique and different with other ho-
tels. These are the requirement of positioning the hotel. We
need to position the hotel to a certain level that other hotels
cannot reach. This can be achieved when we have a strong, unique and different products. Excellent
products drives the confidence and motivation of our sales people when selling the rooms. They
will feel confident in negotiating the rate with the clients, not just lowering the rate in every negotia-
tion but can convince that the customers will enjoy the products and the money they spend will get
"Darkness cannot
the return of valuable products.
drive out darkness;
People ~ The other key driver of creating memorable hotel experience is people, the associates. We
only light can do
should remember the lesson of 5 Human Truth, teaching us to treat the guests with understanding,
need to belong, treat them special, letting them in control, and helping them reach their potential. that. Hate cannot
drive out hate; only
In regards to the first need, all human beings want to be understood, including our guests who come
from far away home country, spending hours in the plane and spend a lot of money to stay in our love can do that."
hotel. We need to understand what they need, what they want, when they arrive in the airport, — Martin Luther
when they arrive in the lobby, when they enter the guest room, when they eat in the restaurant, King Jr.
when they play golf, etc.
Secondly, our guests, as human being, they also need to belong. Social creature like us, need sociali-
zation. We need to invite them for cocktails, for a cooking contest, for a golf tournament, make
them feel involved and engaged.
The 3rd human truth is human being need to be treated special. Any guest will feel happy if we treat
them special as VIP. Human being enjoy spontaneous, and surprises. In many forms, we can do to
treat the guest special, wow and surprise them.
The 4th human truth is human being need to be in control. No exception with our guests. For us as a
service provider, we need to give as many options as possible to our guests in every activity they do.
We have to create an atmosphere where the guests can always choose, for instance the menu
choices, the shuttle schedule, the TV channel, the golf tee time and the method of billing settle-
ment. Given a choice, they will feel in control not in our control.
Helping our guest reach their potential ~ This is not an easy way to identify the guest potential as
not every guest like showing their talent, their knowledge and their skills.
Inviting guest for a cooking contest, golf tournament, volley ball game, tennis, soccer, can be parts of
helping them reach their potential. One day, in my previous hotel, I invited one of the hotel guest to
give an hour lecturing on the leadership, he was very happy. Why? Yes, because his need is fulfilled.
Trust, when you understand well the five human truths, you will become a reliable service provider.
If you are reliable, you will most likely be able to help create memorable hotel experience.

Summarized by Yoyon Parjiyono

Page 8

Indonesia Independence Day - 65 years of Freedom

Volley Ball Match Sport and Social Activities

on Independence Day Cele-

Celebrating Independence day

this year was full of competitive
sport matches such as golf, bad-
minton , volley ball, and fun
Associates’ sport clubs organized
Badminton Match
matches between departments
and the loud supporters defi-
nitely brought joy and fun along Individual
the way. commitment to a
Social activities such as Cleaning group effort - that is
Blitz for Tanah Lot community, what makes a team
Blood Donation as well as visit to work, a company
leprosy people in Tabanan were
work, a society work,
very much supported by Pan Pa-
a civilization
cific Nirwana Bali Resort Manage-
ment and associates. work. ~Vince
Blood Donation Lombardi


Visit to leprosy People

Fun Bike
Page 9

Indonesia Independence Day - 65 years of Freedom

Inspektur Upacara: Pak Redika Security Dept. perfect line

Change does not roll

in on the wheels of
inevitability, but
comes through
continuous struggle.
And so we must
straighten our backs
and work for our
freedom. A man can't
ride you unless your
back is bent.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Independently wearing Batik

Scholarship Program presented by Mr. Berndt Golf Course Maintenance Team

Page 10

Associates Movement—June—July 2010

June 2010 June 2010

New Hires : Separations :

1. Nanda Adi Gazali/SM 1. Irwan Dian Kurniawan/Kit
2. I Wyn Eka Suardiana/HK 2. Ni Wyn Diani/GOP
3. I Wyn Andika Setyawan/HK 3. Ni Ngh Kublek/Lds
4. Pande Md Sukadana/HK
4. Moh. Eidri/SM
5. Amir Faisol/GOP
5. Randy Dipo/RBE
6. Md Edy Hermaputra/SM
7. Selvi Hartanto/SM 6. I Pt Erawan/FO
8. I Kd Edi Purnawan/GOP 7. Sukanadi/GOP
9. John Berndt/EO 8. Ni Wyn Murtini/SM

July 2010
“Some people come
into our lives and
New Hires :
1. I Pt Witawan, RBE quickly go. Some stay
2. Ni Wyn Puspita Sari, GOP for awhile and leave
3. I Md Suarnaya, RBE
footprints on our
4. Agi David, Kitchen
5. Ni Luh Pt Sariasih, SM hearts. And we are
6. I Wyn Hari Yanta, RBE never, ever the
7. G.A. Pt Purwa K. Dewi, RBE
8. I Pt Gd Agus Purnawan, Electrician same.” [Anonymous]
9. Ni Pt Ika Partiwi, GOP
10. I Km Ardi Nugraha, RBE
11. Michael Danella, RBE
12. Alfan Januar Abidin, TS
13. I Md Merta Astina, TS
14. I Kt Adi Wardika, TS
15. Ni G.A. Pt Lestari, EO

July 2010 July 2010

Separations : Tranfer
1. I Wyn Mariana, FO 1. I Gd Pt Sudana, RBE-Acc
2. Dsk Gd S.S. Wulandari, FO 2. Ni Pt Cici Arsini, Golf-Hotel
3. Ony Eko Foedjajanti, SM
4. I Md Sulasma, Sec
5. I Kt Kasta Wijaya, TS
6. Ni Md Kartini, GOP
7. I Wyn Budi Artana, Acc
8. Stephen Elder, Kit
Page 11

Associates Birthday September—October

I Nyoman Kagen 1-Sep Technician Civil
I Ketut Subrata 1-Sep Security Team/Shift Leader I Gede Agustina Wijaya 1-Oct Waiter / Waitress
Michael Frank Danella 2-Sep Director RBE I Made Sujawi 2-Oct Laundry Attendant
Bambang Sumitro 2-Sep Equipment Operator
Ni Luh Ekariani 2-Oct Sales Manager
Ni Made Mentri 3-Sep Steward/Stewardess
Ni Kadek Saniastuti 3-Oct Reservation Agent
Wayan Sudarma 3-Sep Electrician
Ni Wayan Romiasih 3-Sep Player Assistant / Caddy A.A. Ayu Dewi Purnamawati 3-Oct FB Cashier
Ni Luh Gede Armini 3-Sep Player Assistant / Caddy Olvin 4-Oct Room Attendant
Si Putu Wiragama 4-Sep Room Attendant Sagung Anom Lastri 4-Oct Hostess
Ni Nyoman Ayu Kusumahathy 4-Sep Player Assistant / Caddy Ni Wayan Sutini 4-Oct Golf Maintenance Crew
Selvi Hartanto 4-Sep Membership Coordinator Putu Wisnu Putra 4-Oct Laundry Manager
I Ketut Wistra Wijaya 5-Sep Equipment Technician
I Wayan Sunarwika 4-Oct Receptionist
Ni Nyoman Seni 5-Sep Golf Maintenance Crew
Putu Eka Purnamawati 5-Sep Spa Reception I Made Suarya 5-Oct Security Team/Shift Leader
I Made Sunantera 5-Sep Duty Manager Ketut Hari Endrawan 5-Oct Credit Manager
Ni Wayan Martini 5-Sep Hostess Ni Ketut Suliasih 5-Oct HK Order Taker
I Ketut Sumitra 6-Sep Security Guard I Wayan Suartika 5-Oct Laundry Supervisor
I Made Parnata 6-Sep Outlet/Rest. Manager Anita Okta Yulian 5-Oct HR Coordinator
Nengah Widiana 6-Sep Technician Civil
I Wayan Sudena 6-Oct Supervisor AC & Refrigeration
I Wayan Suasa 6-Sep Recreation Attendant
I Gede Wira Putra 7-Oct Telephone Operator
I Nengah Binawa 7-Sep Security Guard
Gede Semadi 7-Sep Bellman Ni Wayan Suparti 7-Oct Laundry Attendant
Ni Wayan Suarnita Wati 7-Sep Public Area Attendant Sri Kwartanty Trayono 7-Oct Director of Sales Hotel & Golf
I Ketut Arya Putra 8-Sep Laundry Attendant Ni Wayan Sumiati 8-Oct Hostess
Nanda Adi Gazali 8-Sep Sales Manager I Made Suryawan 8-Oct PA / Caddy Master
I Wayan Suwendra 9-Sep Outlet/Rest. Manager
I Wayan Rustana 8-Oct Security Guard
Budi Siswantoro 9-Sep Receptionist
Ni Wayan Suarnasih 8-Oct Player Assistant / Caddy
I Ketut Supama 11-Sep Security Guard
Stevie G. A. Lumowa 11-Sep Bartender I Ketut Budiarsa 9-Oct Recreation Attendant
I Wayan Suwirya 11-Sep Accounts Supervisor I Wayan Budra 9-Oct Steward/Stewardess
Ni Nyoman Astiti 11-Sep Player Assistant / Caddy Ni Made Sukariani 10-Oct Player Assistant / Caddy
Ni Made Pusi 12-Sep Landscape Crew A.A. Mayun Astawa 11-Oct Security Guard
Wayan Sudarsih 12-Sep Room Attendant
Agustinus Wayan Dedi 11-Oct Public Area Attendant
Made Muliyawan 12-Sep Steward Supervisor
Ni Wayan Suastini B. 12-Oct Player Assistant / Caddy
Ni Wayan Suitiasih 12-Sep Guest Service Agent
I Made Suasa 13-Sep Butler I Made Sunata 13-Oct Security Guard
I Ketut Sudiartha 13-Sep Assistant Housekeeping Mgr. I Ketut Muliarta 13-Oct Waiter / Waitress
I Wayan Sumaada 13-Sep Electrician Ni Wayan Nuriasih 13-Oct Laundry Order Taker
I Wayan Sumega 14-Sep Guest Service Agent Ni Nyoman Sri Santini 13-Oct Guest Service Staff
Ida Ayu Gayatri 14-Sep Proshop Manager Ni Ketut Nerti 15-Oct Golf Maintenance Crew
I Gede Wayan Arsa 16-Sep Irrigation Assistant
I Nyoman Suarsana 15-Oct Electrician
I Gusti Ketut Suyadnya 17-Sep Security Guard
Dewa Putu Balik Indrawan 15-Oct Senior Crew Foreman
I Gusti Ngurah Doster 17-Sep Head of Civil
I Nengah Wana 17-Sep Shuttle Shift Leader Ni Wayan Taman 15-Oct Room Attendant
Ni Made Puriasih 17-Sep Waiter / Waitress Nyoman Listari 15-Oct Hostess
I Made Suparta 18-Sep Gardener I Putu Sudarsana 16-Oct Room Attendant
I Nyoman Gede Arta 18-Sep Security Guard I Wayan Subandi 16-Oct Security Guard
Ni Nyoman Karmini 18-Sep Player Assistant / Caddy
I Wayan Widana 16-Oct Commis 3
I Nyoman Sutrisna 19-Sep Security Guard
I Made Wardika 16-Oct Commis 3
I Nengah Derlan 19-Sep Technician General Maintenance
I Made Artatenaya 19-Sep Assistant Outlet Manager Ni Wayan Suwiti 17-Oct Golf Maintenance Crew
Ni Kadek Yayuk Gardiani Dewi 19-Sep Waiter / Waitress I Gusti Ayu Putu Muliati 17-Oct FB Cashier
Ni Wayan Sunarsih 19-Sep Public Area Attendant I Made Sutarma 18-Oct Steward/Stewardess
Ni Nyoman Arni 19-Sep Player Assistant / Caddy I Wayan Putera 19-Oct Public Area Attendant
I Nyoman Sunada 20-Sep Sous Chef Otto Rivanto 19-Oct Asst. Financial Controller
I Wayan Putra Atmaja 20-Sep Room Attendant
Ni Wayan Budiarni 19-Oct Commis 3
Ni Luh Alit Puspawati 20-Sep Spa Attendant
I Wayan Sutama 20-Oct Steward/Stewardess
I Ketut Sudiana 22-Sep Room Attendant
I Nengah Darma 22-Sep Golf Professional Ni Wayan Rusmini 20-Oct Player Assistant / Caddy
Ni Putu Puji Astuti 22-Sep Spa Therapist I Wayan Jangkep Arnaya 21-Oct Sr. Equipment Operator
Ni Wayan Supari 23-Sep Golf Maintenance Crew I Nyoman Sunaba 21-Oct Receiving Supervisor
I Nyoman Gunada 23-Sep Butler I Wayan Gede Arya 21-Oct Waiter / Waitress
I Made Sugiarta 23-Sep Steward/Stewardess
Ni Made Remiati 22-Oct Guest Service Agent
I Gusti Nyoman Yoga Sentanu 23-Sep Receiving Clerk
Wayan Suratmi 23-Sep Laundry Attendant Ida Bagus Gede Suarsusila 24-Oct Security Guard
Ni Wayan Seniwati 25-Sep Public Area Attendant Dewa Ayu Sri Laksmi 25-Oct Waiter / Waitress
Ni Made Erni Wati 25-Sep Clerk Administration
I Made Darmada 25-Oct Commis 2
I Wayan Sugiana 26-Sep Sr. Gardener
Ni Made Dasmini 26-Sep Golf Maintenance Crew Octavianus Leanti M 25-Oct Commis 3
I Made Suamba 26-Sep Security Guard I Wayan Suardana A. 27-Oct Security Guard
Ni Nyoman Surini 26-Sep Golf Maintenance Crew Agus Suryanto 28-Oct Guest Service Team Leader
I Wayan Budiana 26-Sep Sr. Security Officer Ni Made Suwarniti 29-Oct Laundry Attendant
Made Osmon Suyasa 26-Sep Steward/Stewardess I Gusti Ayu Putu Suryani 29-Oct Pastry Cook
I Made Sudiarta 27-Sep Laundry Attendant Ida Bagus Dhana Efindhy 29-Oct Membership Coordinator
I Wayan Sudiarta 27-Sep Technician Civil
Leonardus I Wayan Sujadi 30-Oct HR Officer / Timekeeping
I Made Sudina 27-Sep Waiter / Waitress
I Made Arna Armika 28-Sep Electric Supervisor I Nyoman Budiasa 30-Oct Room Attendant
I Wayan Sukatama 28-Sep Buttler Villa I Gusti Bagus Seputra 30-Oct Steward Supervisor
I Made Parwatha Giri 29-Sep Health & Safety Manager I Gst. Ngr. Budi Satria 30-Oct Telephone Operator
I Gede Oka Yasa 29-Sep Security Guard Ni Wayan Suartini 30-Oct Waiter / Waitress
I Ketut Sudira 29-Sep Airport Representative
Ni Putu Dina Mardyani 29-Sep Guest Service Agent
Ni Wayan Novayanti 30-Sep Receptionist
I Made Merta Astina 30-Sep Mechanic / Utility
Page 12

Community Ideas of Heaven

Our support at Tanah Lot Festival—26 July—1 August 2010

Beautiful hosts

Our support

Klepon Cook-Offs

Inside Story Headline

A new idea of ‘Putri Klepon mandi salju’

Opening with klepon

It is our collective and individual responsibility to protect

and nurture the global family, to support its weaker
members and to preserve and tend to the environment
in which we all live.
- The Dalai Lama
Page 13

GREEN LIVING for Everybody

Orang yang peduli terhadap

lingkungan hidup namun
merasa tidak menjadi bagian
dari sistem yang bekerja untuk
kelestarian lingkungan tam-
paknya perlu menoleh sejenak
ke belakang.
Beberapa hal sederhana soal
gaya hidup dan sama sekali ti-
dak baru perlu kembali dilihat
dan diterapkan, kalau sudah
ditinggalkan, sehingga kalan-
gan awam bisa memberi sum-
bangan yang besar bagi pe-
lestarian lingkungan bila dit-
erapkan orang banyak.
1.Gunakan transportasi yang
What we are tidak menimbulkan pencema-
doing to the ran udara. Tips pertama dan
forests of the paling sulit. Itu tidak mungkin
world is but a dilakukan 100 persen di kota
besar, tapi minimal anda bisa
mirror reflection
mengurangi penggunaan mo-
of what we are tor dan mobil untuk perjalanan pendek. Anda tidak butuh mobil untuk mengajak kucing
doing to ourselves anda keliling kompleks bukan?
and to one
2. Pakai cangkir dan tempat makan anda sendiri saat ke kantor atau bepergian, jangan se-
another. - Gandhi lalu pakai kemasan makan yang sekali pakai lalu dibuang bila tidak terpaksa.
3. Gunakan serbet dan kurangi penggunaan kertas tissue atau paper towel sebanyak mung-
kin. Semakin banyak kertas yang anda gunakan semakin banyak pohon yang dirajang men-
jadi bubur. Ini berlaku juga untuk popok bayi. Kalau sedang di rumah pilihlah yang bisa
digunakan berulang kali, bukan yang sekali pakai.
4. Cabut kabel peralatan listrik saat tidak digunakan. Kabel yang tercolok menyerap arus se-
berapapun kecilnya. Semakin besar konsumsi listrik semakin banyak batu bara, bahan bakar
minyak dan sumber energi lain yang dibakar untuk memasok listrik.
5 Gunakan produk pembersih yang ramah lingkungan. Butuh pengetahuan untuk mengeta-
hui kandungan bahan kimia berbahaya dalam sebuah produk yang tidak selalu bisa diverifi-
kasi, tapi anda bisa memilih produk dengan kadar formalin, plastik, organoklorin, pestisida,
dan Alkylphenolethoxylates yang paling rendah di antara pilihan yang tersedia. Perhatikan
label peringatan: Caution (hati-hati) memiliki tingkat bahaya paling rendah, kemudian
Warning (awas), dan yang paling fatal Danger (bahaya).
6. Beli barang bekas. Poin ini sangat mungkin tapi belum tentu semua mau melakukannya.
Pasar loak sekarang tidak hanya ada di trotoar atau garasi ruamh orang, bahkan Amazon su-
dah punya "rak" untuk buku, cakram digital musik dan video bekas. Kenapa tidak?
7. Beli makanan organik, atau tanam sebanyak mungkin sesuatu yang bisa anda makan
sendiri di lahan yang anda punya, dan berhenti merokok.
Source: TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta
Page 14

PHOTO Corner—Tips Photography

Gemar photografi ~ Apabila anda menggemari photo, jadikanlah photography se-
bagai suatu kegiatan menyenangkan dapat dilakukan kapan saja kemudian anda
bisa menjadikan photo hasil karya yang menarik untuk ditampilkan atau dilihat.

Kamera ~ Saat ini begitu mudah memiliki kamera digital yang dapat dibawa setiap
saat, telepon genggam hampir pasti tersedia kamera walaupun beragam kualitas
kerapatan gambar (megapixel),makin tinggi makin halus hasil cetak photo dan bisa
diperbesar tanpa pecah. Kamera saku rata2 saat ini sudah memiliki mp mulai dari
8 sampai 12 mp dengan kualitas lensa yang baik. Kamera DSLR (Digital Single Lens
reflex) kamera yang berukuran lebih besar dan bisa berganti ganti lensa, dengan
focus yang tinggi, baik itu lensa macro (jarak sangat dekat), Normal atau Tele
(potret jarak jauh). Semua kamera digital saat ini memiliki cara pengaturan auto-
matis baik untuk cahaya, kecepatan dan kedalaman. Tetapi untuk kamera DSLR
tetap disediakan fitur untuk pengaturan manual dan proses edit dikamera.

Alat Perlengkapan ~ Untuk membantu kegiatan photo diperlukan beberapa alat

penunjang dasar yang sangat membantu tergantung penggunaannya, seperti : Tri-
pod alat untuk dudukan kamera agar tidak goyang, terutama pada saat anda men-
gambil photo dengan kecepatan lambat. Lensa, berbagai pilihan lensa terutama Reflection by Trianto
untuk kamera DSLR sesuai kebutuhan kualitas photo. Pilihan lensa Macro, Normal,
Tele sesuaikan kebiasaan anda memotret. Sedangkan lensa sebagai lapis juga dibutuhkan yang paling mendasar yaitu lensa UV
untuk mengurangi efek ultraviolet. Lampu Kilat, sangat membantu memberikan cahaya penerang saat pengambilan photo
disaat gelap. Beberapa kamera sudah temasuk lampu kilat walaupun beberapa pengambilan photo kita perlu tambahan lampu
kilat selain memberikan cahaya juga bisa digunakan menghilangkan bayangan.

Objek ~ Berbagai objek photo bisa didapat dari sekeliling kita,gunakan minat anda untuk memotret baik kegiatan manusia, pe-
mandangan alam, benda, tanaman ataupun hewan. Sering-seringlah memotret dan mencoba berbagai sudut ambil untuk
menghasilkan berbagai photo. Bisa dilakukan dengan objek yang sama dari sudut ambil yang berbeda beda dan lihat hasilnya
mana yang terbaik. Coba juga dengan kualitas cahaya yang berbeda atau jarak photo yang berlainan. Apabila kita selalu siap
dengan kamera, kita terkadang bisa memotret kejadian menarik terjadi sehari hari
atau mungkin sedang dalam perjalanan, atau situasi saat itu. Anda juga dapat me-
manfaatkan kamera untuk menghasilkan objek yang bersifat jurnalis/berita dan
bisa bermanfaat bagi dunia jurnalis. Objek photo dapat pula diatur dengan suatu
konsep menurut keinginan anda sehingga menjadi photo tematis khusus yang
ingin disampaikan.

Kegiatan photography ~ Untuk lebih mengembangkan minat photo and bisa terga-
bung dengan klub photo yang biasanya memiliki kegiatan rutin diskusi photo dan
photo bersama sembari melakukan perjalanan wisata. Lomba photo sering diada-
kan juga, bisa dijadikan ajang untuk menghasilkan photo dan bertemu dengan
photographer lain sambil bertukar pengalaman dan pendapat. Media Koran atau
majalah ada yang menyediakan kolom untuk photo, sehingga anda dapat men-
girimkan hasil photo hasil karya agar bisa dimuat. Misalnya Koran Kompas (klinik
foto Kompas) setiap minggu memuat photo hasil karya dengan tema berganti

Etika Photography ~ Sajikan photography yang berkualitas &memberikan apresiasi

bagi yang melihat. Jangan membuat photo yang berkonotasi negatif yang men-
gusik ketenangan orang maupun umum seperti kesusilaan atau SARA. Ada be- When the sun goes down by Trianto
berapa photo yang perlu dimintakan ijin apabila memotret seseorang/
kelompok,apabila akan disajikan kepada umum.Pastikan objek yang akan anda photo bukan keadaan/tempat terlarang dan
apabila ragu ragu minta ijin kepada pemilik atau yang bersangkutan memastikan apakah anda boleh mengambil photo objek
yang ada di tempat tersebut. Mudah mudahan ulasan ini berguna bagi penggemar photography. Selamat memotret…!
Source : Trianto Sutopo

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