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-Laws for starting a Business-

David lynch
1st Block
20 important laws for your business

1. Business license| Chop’n Chip cookies

<Employment laws>

2. Fair Labor Standards Act

This act regulates federal minimum wage, overtime rules, child labor bans,
and record keeping requirements.
3. Federal Equal Employment Opportunity laws
This set of laws prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion,
sex, or national origin. It also includes equal pay for men and women, and
protects people with disabilities.
4. Family and Medical Leave Act
If an employee is dealing with a medical condition, or a family member with a
medical condition, there are rules an employer must follow. From time off to
5. Occupational Safety and Health Act
This law guarantees employees a safe work environment, free from recognized
health hazards.
6. At-Will work doctrine
In all states except Montana, there is an at-will work law in place. This
means employers can fire an employee at any time for any reason, unless it’s
an illegal one. Likewise, an employee can leave the job at any time.
7. Workers’ compensation
Most states require employers to buy an insurance policy that compensates
employees if they get hurt or become ill from workplace exposure.

<Tax laws>

8. Obtain an employer identification number

To file your business taxes, you’ll need an employer identification number.
Visit the IRS website to get your number, and you’ll get the number
immediately after filling out the necessary forms online.
9. Know the taxes you have to pay
-Laws for starting a Business-
David lynch
1st Block
Whether your business has a staff of one or 100, Uncle Sam says you have to
pay certain taxes. Take some time to review the federal tax, social security,
Medicare, and federal unemployment tax requirements. The IRS has a breakdown
of your tax responsibilities as an owner. You’ll also want to talk with an
accountant about these obligations and figure out a budget.
10. Hiring employees
When you plan to bring on an employee, it impacts your taxes. The amount of
time an employee works for you will make a difference when it comes to taxes,
so research the difference between a W-2 employee and a 1099 employee before
making any hiring decisions.
11. Truth in Advertising and Marketing
This law requires all advertising or marketing efforts to be truthful. In
addition, if you make any claims during an advertisement, you must have proof
to back it up. You can’t ever be misleading or unfair. This rule becomes even
more specific when you market to children or use endorsements.
12. CAN-SPAM Act
The CAN-SPAM Act regulates commercial emails. The law requires honesty and
bans deceptive subject lines. In addition, you must tell recipients where
you’re located and give them an easy way to opt-out of your email messages.
13. Telemarking Sales Law
If you plan to sell products by mail, phone, or online, you’ll need to brush
up on the FTC’s telemarketing rule. Under this rule, businesses must ship
products within 30 days, provide delivery notices if a product is delayed,
and give refunds if an order can’t be filled. You’ll also want to check out
the rules surrounding the Do Not Call Registry.

<Online business laws>

14. Sales Tax Collection

According to the FTC, if your business has a physical presence in a state,
such as a store, office, or warehouse, you must collect applicable state and
local sales tax. Of course, some states don’t have any sales tax. You’ll want
15. International sales laws
With a website, any business can sell their products internationally. It
instantly opens your business to a new audience, but that exposure comes with
regulations. It poses questions about shipping, various taxes, and customs.
16. Data security
-Laws for starting a Business-
David lynch
1st Block
If your business collects sensitive personal information from its customers,
you must have a sound security plan in place. Aside from keeping the data
under lock and key, you should only collect the information that you need,
nothing more. The FTC has a guide to help businesses put a plan in place.
17. Affordable Care Act
Healthcare laws have drastically changed. The new Affordable Care Act impacts
every business. Prepare your startup by reading about the new healthcare
18. Healthcare privacy
If you’re small business offers healthcare policies that can be accessed
online, you’ll need to come up with a security plan for this data as well. If
the information is ever breached, there are rules in place to notify those

<Intellectual property>

19. Protect your intellectual property

If you develop a new product, you’ll want to protect it with a patent. You
can also protect your business name, symbols, and logos by applying for a
20. Bankruptcy
New businesses hit financial roadblocks. If your business has cash flow
problems and is exploring the possibility of bankruptcy, there are several
laws you’ll want to familiarize yourself with before filing the paperwork.
The Small Business Association has the resources you’ll need to review.

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