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Course Topics & Readings


– Scott C. Beardsley, Sheila Bonini, Lenny Mendonca and Jerry Oppenheim “A New Era for
Business” Stanford Social Innovation Review, Summer 2007
– Rishikesha T. Krishnan “How to Manage Government and Influence Politics” Sensex, April-
June 2009

The Corporation
 Milton Friedman “The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits”, New York
Times Magazine, September 13, 1970.
 Joel Bakan “The Corporation’s Rise to Dominance” [Chapter 1 from Joel Bakan The
Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, Free Press, 2004]
 Ian Davis “The Biggest Contract” The Economist May 26, 2005
 Merck Case A

Role of Government
 Joseph Stiglitz “The Public Sector in a Mixed Economy” [Chapter 1 in Joseph E. Stiglitz The
Economics of the Public Sector (3rd edition), W.W. Norton, 1999
 Milton Friedman Excerpts from Capitalism and Freedom (2d Ed.) University of Chicago
Press, 1982.
 Northcote Parkinson C “Parkinson’s Law” This article first appeared in The Economist,
November 1955.

 Michael Lewis, “The End,” Conde Nast: Portfolio, December 2008. Available at:
 David Leonhardt, “The Looting of America’s Coffers,” New York Times, March 11, 2009
Available at:
 Rob Norton, Unintended Consequences. Available at:
 CUTS Centre for Competition, Investment and Economic Regulation, Status of Competition
and Regulation in India, 2007.

Interest Groups
 Mancur Olson “The Logic” [Chapter 3 in The Rise & Decline of Nations: Economic Growth,
Stagflation, Social Rigidities, Yale University Press, 1982] pages 17-29.
 Pranab Bardhan “Sharing the Spoils; group equity, development and democracy” [From Atul
Kohli (ed.) The Success of India’s Democracy, Cambridge University Press, 2001]
 Rajeshwari Deshpande “Social Movements in Crisis?” [From Rajendra Vora and Suhas
Palshikar (eds.) Indian Democracy: Meanings and Practices, Sage Publications, 2004]

Social Capital
 Robert Putnam “The Prosperous Community,” The American Prospect, Vol. 4, No. 13,
March 21, 1993.
 Deborah Stone. “The Market and the Polis” from Policy Paradox WW Norton, NY, 1997.
 Ashutosh Varshney “Introduction” [In Ethnic Conflict & Civic Life]
 David Baron “News Media & Nonmarket Issues”, Business and its Environment, 3rd edition,
Prentice Hall, 2000.
 Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky “A Propaganda Model” [from Edward Herman &
Noam Chomsky Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media]
 Mukul Sharma “Media and Governance” Seminar [From]
 Siddharth Varadarajan “Caste matters in the Indian media”, The Hindu, 3 June 2006.
Available at:

Sense Making by the Public

– Deborah Stone. “Equity, Symbols, Numbers, Rights” from Policy Paradox WW Norton, NY,

– Harper “Environmentalism: Ideology, Action, and Movements”
– Bjorn Lomborg “The Truth about the Environment” The Economist, August 2, 2001.
– Al Gore “A Global Marshall Plan” Earth in the Balance
– M.E. Porter and Claas van der Linde “Green and Competitive: Ending the Stalemate”
Harvard Business Review, September-October 1995.
– Enkvist, Naucler and Oppenheim “Business Strategies for Climate Change” McKinsey
Quarterly, 2008, No. 2.


Indian Politics
– Shashi Tharoor “From Midnight to the Millennium and Beyond: Democracy and Identity in
Today’s India”, Center for the Advanced Study of India, Occasional Paper No. 21, July 2004
– Ramachandra Guha “Ideas of India”, “Rights” [From India After Gandhi, Macmillan, 2007]
– Rajeev Gowda and E Sridharan (2007). “Political Parties in India.” In State of India's
Democracy, Larry Diamond, Sumit Ganguly, and Marc Plattner (editors), Johns Hopkins
University Press.

Indian Economy
 Barbara Harriss-White “India’s Informal Economy: Facing the Twenty-First Century” [In
Kaushik Basu (ed.) India’s Emerging Economy: Performance and Prospects in the 1990s and
Beyond, Oxford University Press, 2004]
 Sunil Bharti Mittal “India’s New Entrepreneurial Classes: The High Growth Economy and
Why it is Sustainable”, Center for the Advanced Study of India, Occasional Paper Number
25, February 2006
 Shyam Babu. D “India’s liberalisation and the Dalits”, Chatham House, August 2004.
Available at:
 Leela Fernandes, India’s New Middle Class, Selected Sections
 Harish Damodaran, “Banias and Beyond: The Dynamics of Caste and Big Business in
Modern India,” Working Paper, Center for the Advanced Study of India, University of
Pennsylvania. Available at:
Indian Society
 Madhu Kishwar “Traditional Female Moral Exemplars in India”. This article is reprinted with
permission of the Association for Asian Studies, Inc., the publisher of Education About Asia
Available at:
 MN Srinivas “Pangs of Change” Frontline, Vol. 14: No. 16 : Aug. 9-22, 1997. Available at:
 Amartya Sen, “Democracy and Secularism in India”[In Kaushik Basu (ed.) India’s Emerging
Economy: Performance and Prospects in the 1990s and Beyond, Oxford University Press,
 Pratap Bhanu Mehta “Affirmation without Reservation” Economic & Political Weekly July 3,
 Yogendra Yadav and Satish Deshpande “Redesigning Affirmative Action” Economic and
Political Weekly

India: Women’s Issues and Movements

 Madhu Kishwar
 Feminization of Poverty
 Glass Ceiling and the IT workforce
 Missing Girl Child

India on the Global Stage

 Sumit Ganguly and Manjeet S. Pardesi “Explaining Sixty Years of India’s Foreign Policy,”
India Review, 8:1, 4-19, 2009.
 Harsh Pant “Indian Foreign and Security Policy: Beyond Nuclear Weapons,” Brown Journal
of World Affairs, Spring/Summer 2009, Vol. XV, Issue II
 Q&A with Tarun Khanna, “Billions of Entrepreneurs in China and India”: HBS Working
Knowledge, Jan 28, 2008. Available at:
 OR
 Tarun Khanna, and Yasheng Huang, Can India Overtake China, Foreign Policy, 2003.

– Samuel Huntington “The Clash of Civilizations” Foreign Affairs, Summer 1993
– Thomas Friedman “It’s a Flat World After All” New York Times April 3, 2005
– Jagdish Bhagwati “Corporations: Predatory or Beneficial?” From In Defense of Globalization
Oxford University Press, 2004.
– Ronald Inglehart and Pippa Norris “The True Clash of Civilizations” Foreign Policy
March/April 2003
– A.R. Vasavi, Serviced From India : The Making of India's Global Youth Workforce" in
Upadhya and Vasavi (eds) In an Outpost of the Global Economy: Work and workers in
India's Information Technology Industry. (Routledge, 2008)
– Supriya RoyChowdhury, " Labour and Globalization", Economic and Political Weekly,
January 3, 2004.

– Dunu Roy “Imaginary Cities” Combat Law, Vol. 3, Issue 3, September-October 2004
 BATF Team “Bangalore: Urban Lessons”
– Richard Florida “The Rise of the Creative Class” Washington Monthly, May 2002.
– Asian Development Bank: Managing Asia’s Cities. Chapter 1: Asia’s Urban Challenge. 2008.
Agrarian Crisis and the Rural Economy
 P. Sainath, Everybody Loves a Good Drought, Penguin University Press, 1996, p. 317-324.
 Jeffrey Sachs “The End of Poverty” Time, March 14, 2005.
 Knowledge@Wharton interview with M. Yunus, Founder of the Grameen Bank.
– C.K. Prahalad & Allen Hammond “Serving the World’s Poor, Profitably” Harvard Business
Review September 2002

Innovation and the Knowledge Economy

 Rishikesha T. Krishnan, “The Indian Innovation System.”
 Jan Fagerberg “Innovation: A Guide to the Literature” Oxford Handbook on Innovation. 2004
 Eric Raymond “The Cathedral and the Bazaar”. Available at:
 Carl Dahlman & Anuja Utz “India & the Knowledge Economy: Opportunities & Challenges”
World Bank Institute, 2005
 Peter Drahos with John Braithwaite “Who Owns the Knowledge Economy?” This is an edited
extract from Information Feudalism: Who Owns The Knowledge Economy? Earthscan, 2002

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