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Garrett Elementary


February 5-February 9

Mrs. Walker’s Weekly Newsletter

Math Corner Science-Life Science
Fractions Living and Nonliving Things
How Animals Live
Standard: 3.NF.1 Standard: 3.5-3.12

Monday: Divide models to make equal shares. Monday: Introduce vocabulary and concept web

Homework sheet due Wednesday Tuesday: How are animals grouped? Students will
identify the needs of animals.
Tuesday: Use a fraction to name one part of a
whole that is divided into equal parts. Wednesday: How do animals grow and change?
Students will recognize that animals go through
Wednesday: Read, write, and model fractions that cycles.
represent more than one part of a whole that is
divided into equal parts. Thursday: How do adaptations help animals?
Students will know plant and animal adaptations
Thursday: Represent and locate fractions on a in their environment
number line
Friday: How are animals from the past like
Friday: Review Mid-chapter Checkpoint today’s animals? Students will recognize that
fossils provide evidence of the animals that lived
long ago.

Social Studies-Research Your State

Week 18: Research Issue

Standards: 6, 6b, 11, 13, 13a

Monday-Friday: Students will be given the opportunity to do research on their own state in
many areas. They will use research and writing skills to create newspaper articles about
their state.

This will be a Social studies Project. Please see project paper for more details

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