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DORMITORY AlumnaeReturnFor Thanksgiving

Four From Each Dormitol'J'Se-
lected to RepresentClass of '25 Talk a.t =============!Seniors
Membersof , Meet a.t Mansionto As-
sume Re91pOmibility
A necessary step to donnin1g t-he
emlbaemand ,ro.bewas the electio-n olf
HOLIDAY ·~seniors, Senoirs
Yes we are th'e seniors."
d,ormitory officers tby the senior Thallllcsglving festivities occasion-
nor-ma·l class. Each ctor.m1tor.y bas
Us president, vice 1president, secre-
ed the return of many ,former stu-
dents .to G. C. The annual migra~
OBSERVED Wh-at a -familiar song circulating
.the -cam-pus ,of th·e G·eor,gia !State
College for W,omen! What does it
·and -treasurer, which are elected t-ion of alumnae is be,comlng an
Spirit of Fonner Da.y-sRevived; estalblished - custom, and next to Presented by- Morning Watch mean?

from th·e,"Seniorsin t he dormUory.


•It means the seniors of the class

The girls that are elected are of Fina.IScore 6-3 in Fa.vorof Com•mencement i5 the mos-t popular Committee; Rosabelle Burch
Class of '25 of 1926 have been give,n their privil-
the finest on the cam.pus. They are seas-on ,for rvisi,tors. GivesInspiring Talk, eges, that they have- been allowed to
selected ifor their albiUty. The Tha11Jksgivingwas a day of in, A hearty ,welcome wras sign-i;fledby wear their senior sweaters with the
officer.a are the follD'Wing: to ,foo.tlba:H,fans throngbout the iJJanners ·which bore "Welicome The Methodist Church was made .red and -blaclt em1hlems and tba.t
Atkin.son state. The Army-+Na~, T-ech•Aulburn, Seniors '25", in the colors of that beauti-ful with southern smilax an·d they have !been given the opportunity
!'re,s,----m.uby Cu-I-pepper. Georgia-Alabama and many oth·er class. Th-0se :placed at the eutl"ance to don .their caps nnd gowns and be'"
• V.-Pres.-Elizabeth Coo·per. such teams ·went forth to batUe 011 of each- dormU:ory, ·gave their mes- yellow chrysanthemums for the early come 111 true sense o1 the w-orcl
Sec.----Oornelia Led.better. that day, But ithe one nearriest the sage tluou,g.hout th-e· entire week- morning watch :serv·ice 'l'hanks·givlng "Seniors",
Treas,-Ru,th Culpepper.
heart of every old ,and new .girl of end ' Day. Vi'sitors, faculty members and On Thursday night, Novem!ber 19
Emrls G. ·s.IC. w. was the annnal Thanks- On Thanlcsgiving arfternoon the students were cordiaMy invited to the dormlit.ories lbegan to go over
Pres.-Henrie,tta Boyer. giving game in which the seniors of guests were invited to attend the G. attend, to the Mansion, the home of the
V ,.,Pres.-Mary Lynn O'\vens. '2 6 me"t the seniors of '2 6 in a hard M. C...Mer.cer freshman foo,tiball game. President of the coHege, Dr. M. M.
Sec.-·Frances Bra.swe11. fough't basket •ball contest. Several hundred of them attended. The selections on th-e or,gan -created
Parlcs and sign u1p for their 1>rivtl-
Trea.s,-Frances A.!dams. ·This occurence is loolced for.ward F-riday mornin·g •at cha_pel, Dr. a true spirit of wor-shiipand thanks- eges. The seniors of Ennis and
Horne t f · b Id Parks welcomed all the visitors, arf- gi-ving, and the over.f:11owingsilence
o,d rom y.ear ·~~ ye·a~, thY.each!!0 te~· 'Wh·lch he Introduced Miss 'Sara
Parks Hall were the fi,rst to have the
Pres.-T,helma H-o]brook.
an ne,w mem.uer o~ , e ~o ege. D. Jordan,· of Stone Mountain, . Ga. was eS'pecially flttfo,g for the begin- pleasure of !being entertained so
V.RPres.-Mary Cad.well.
Sec.-Mary Fran1tlin. I
For many games, therelfor·e it cannot To th e oId g1r · 1s, 8 ara nee · de d no i n- ning of such a day, T.he usual graciously. Th-e other d,ormi-tori'eis
be .said that any of the· !anger games . . went in the follo,wing ,order: -At..
Ttrea.a~-----Mary\Summer. r tl lid tt d troduction, for as president of her musicals gave evidence of :th1:ipo,wer- k!lnson, November 20; ,'Mansion,
:ifamdon o, te 110 ay was a en ed by moire class ,both )'ears she was her-e, she rul attitude o,f the members of the
l:oya-1fans, -though by numbers was kno,wn and loved by the en.tire Novem'ber 21; Te,rrell B :and C, No- Sto11-e. choir, In the t'alk was exnressed tne vember 23i and Terrel'l and Annex
V.-P,res.-Betty Jane Pierratt. than tl1e '25-'26 ga-me. student-body. She made a s1101~t
This is not the .fl.r'Sttime the two ea·l'k o'n the privHege of -being an Idea that there is one Father of aU A, November 24.
J8ec.-Lou1se Phip,ps. On Wedm~sday nig-~; ·Nu·.,.eclli'he<r·-~--
Harris. teams have met. 1'hr:o11<ghoutthe alumna M-G .. s. c .. Q.n·dthe foY.of. nations and Olf all racos;-"a. ·G'od of
·Pw•ks past school'liere "Was'a-sPiri't of returning. ..,,.. · peace and of ,Jove, The ser.vice as 25, a'll of these giorls whose n·ame
Pres,---.Ruth M<5Lean, friend·ly t•ivail.ry among the tiw·o Miss Ruth Stokes of Bunea Vista a whole wa.s ,one of beauty and wa-s on the senl-or roH .
and honor :
clas~es, the climax coming when on a.a.,was ne,xt introduced .. She ·is n~ r.oH, these names lbe,m,g checked by
V.-Pres.-KiLtie Lee Tussen. iml.)ll'ess. The selections were as ·tile class officers, dormit,ory offl-cer.s,
Sec,--Sara Francis Hayes. field -day the senfors of '25 defeated ,teac.hing a,t Ideal, Ga., and was form-
the seniors of '2 6. erly secretary ,o.f Jier class. fo110r\VS: matrons, and Dr. Parks, 1)Ut on their
Treas.-Julia Thigpen. senior swea.ters and marched thr,ough
Te'l'l'Cll The team of '26 was not -dis- ·The other off.icers of the class ,of Organ S·Olo-Mrs. Dav,e.nport.
the d"ining room sin girug songs.

Pres.-Kathleen Moon. couraged (by its former defeati but 1 215,wGre una,ble ;to at-tend- this V1olin ·solo-Frances O'Ke1'ly,
T-oth·c-se girls wh·o recei'Ved.prJvil•
V.-Ptres.--m.achel Branch. put up a hoard fight to redeem itself. Jee rreunion. Th0y are Miss Ueity .Chorus-Choir. eges was given a grea,t respons-Lbiltty.
Sec.--lM'arion ·Greene. Although the seniors of '25 we·re 2Ja:che.ry,of iMilledgev111e,now on the
Hymu-,Congregation. Thi:;! standards of this institution
Treae,-Odeal ·Te-nntlle, victor,ious, the score hung 6~3, the facu•lty of lt"abun Gap- Inst,itute, and
'S'crtp,ture-Loufae FrOS:t. were placed in thei,r hands to ,b'e
TCl•rell Annex A seniors of '26 played a commenda·ble Miss Fra·nces Bnrghard of Macon,
Prayer-Mi-ss ,(]-Qlodson. upheld. The banner olf the ,eeniors
P,res,-V1rginia Arnold. ga-m,e. P.raise is due 'both teams for 1'he memlbers of •the class of '•25,
Talk-filosa-hel Burch. of '26 was given to them, ,and every
V.RPres.-Lucile ScrO@!G1,ns. the s·pirit in which. they played. inclu-dlng vis1tlors and still here
The' 11ne-up for the game tor Sat- as degree students, were caUed to Orgau solo-Mrs. Davenpor.t. girl irle·ged u.,pon her 11.:onorto uv-
!Sec,-Fa1mie Mae Norman, hold ths sta-ndairds ·and to give all
Treas,-A:lyce Briown. (Continued on page 4). {Continued on page 4) Prayer-Mary Moss.
the cooperation that she cou[d to
T<l1Tell B A\ C
Pres.-H3.rl,owe Thompson,
v.-Pres.-Mwmie Isolbel. BALDWIN HOTEL SCENE OF '25 BANQUET her sc~ool.
The, priV'l.legesgiven to ,the seni-or
c-lass-of '26 are:
Sec.-Florence Nasrwo~thy.
'Dreas.-Dorot•by R,()lberts. SARA D. JORDAN, PRESIDES 1. To w:ear the Braid and gown.
2. To wear t•he,senlo1• sweaters.
3. To go to town on Mond·ay and
APPROXIMATE ATTENDANCE NEARS 100 Wedn,esday in .groups oiw tiwo',s leav-
in,g a card on ·fl.le,'Wit11the matron.
MAGICAND MUSIC , 4. 'T:o go to the aoun'try atore on
Friday evening, Nov. 27th, the Indian tribe·, Polly 'Moss, toasted Atld·ie Haislfteld, a Pil,grhn, toasted
Saturday in grou•ps of ,two's, leaving
Interested Crowd Packs House mem:bers of the ISen·l.orOlasS, 1925, Gov. Bradford, Dr. Parks, after the "Albsent ~embers". Edith
card on fll.e.
For SeBSon 's Magician held their banqbet a-t the Bal-dwfo w,hich the guests sang, ",Dr. Parks F'letcher, vice-.presiden-tof the Junior The ,fact that t•he memlbeirs of this
..- c Every year one of the- greatest Hotel. The guests went in to dinner We Love You," C-las-a,toasted the ne·ver dying class in the :preceeding year have
V rowds -ls· attra-cted to the Lyx;eum at 8 o'cloclt, Sara D. Jordan was in- Another Indian, Hazel Hogan, s:pirit. shown such he·arity cooipera'tion, un ..
•tiring eITor:ts to uphold the college
on the particular night f.or which .troduced hy Polly M!osswho request- toasted the matrons. The officers of the Sen:ior Class,
and such a mar]rnd -e1' alone-
the mn·gician ho.s •been announced. ", ,
This year, w,ith the many v1si,tors 13d tha.t each person -tune in on Then a Pilgrim, Ruth 'Stokes, '25, w.ere .. toasted by Ruth Moran. ensures us that the ·standards wHl /be
and the enthus.JaHtlic student -body Jhe banquet n.t ·M'11-led,gevi'lle." made a s·hor-t tal·k toas-tin'g the ideals Lucne·'~wmams toasted •the Junior upheld an-d that the lbanner will
here, the K:a~t'or Duo Company had Sara presid·ed at toas,tmiistress for of the college, With ;'.MaryEverett Clas's '26 officers. continue to wave on high.
a most responsive audience. the rest .of the evenin,g, She first F'inn a.t the p-ianlO,t~e guests sang, By request the sou-g, "'Senior ClBB!
., .
From: the time "h-e fir 5t walked toasted Poldy Moss as Presidl3nt of "We',re the .Se'Jliorsof G. IS. C." Yo~'re a Wonider"t was sung, PoHy MERCER RATS AND
on the stage a11d began his first ,tlle ipr,es-entJunior Class. D-r. Park,:; G. M, C, MEET IN GAME
Annie Candler then toaeted the Moss then offered a toast to "our own
ser i es o·! t r lcIcs, I1e ·h e.,Id ti1e en ti r • AT !DAVENPORTFIELD
group completely S'pe11 ..1Jound. He wae introduced as Governor Bra.d- development Qlf the college, and S-ara Jordan." ,
was especially rwit:ty; and tbls gl·ft ,fo1•d, "the one who has mad'e our Lillian McMicha·el the class. This was foHowed (by a talk by M8roer Scores,46~0; Both Teams '
oit cleverly e~1lp·essi1'dgMmseH\ a,s p-llg1;imag,e, one of wo1,thiness." Tlt-e T,he Clns·s .c·.o,lors, pur,p1-e and Dr. Parks, He commended the class Show Fine Spirit
well as his unusanl skHl and dexterLty returning Sen-ors i of th-e class of ',2,5 lavell'd·ar, were toBf!ted,,by an Indi an, .on Uieil' strength 1n knO:wledge nn.£1

In his m1ysttryl11gtricks, •kept eve.ry ·Se¥eral hundred students O'l Uie

on-e en-tranced. .His 1:n•o1gramwas -were referred ·to as the Pilgrims, Lo,·nne ·1 Teave1·. F1-nces
~ Thaxton 1 cl1arm • H e paid ,·'spe cla! ·t rI"but· e t O Georgia State .Cole,ge for Women,
vnt'ied and now, ·The unexpected whHe those who are at the, college .'rreasurer ·or the 11ldi'~ns,toasted the ,the, alb1Utyoif thG claB1sofficers. l11c.ludin1
g meimlbers of aU ihe claeses
wa.s aJ,ways In evidence. as JunlOIJ'sor Seniors re-pJ•esentedthe class memories, iCollne Reed, a PHgr.J1m 1
ottered a o..ttended the foot lbaU game ibetrween.
1\fr. I{nstor bas made previouB Native· Ind·Jans. Field Day, on 1wh{Ch·-thie, seniors to the Bald,w·ill Hotel. Mercer and G, M. IC, a.t the Geongt-a
vl&lts to us, here h1 Milledgevme, and fylllitary Colleg"e on 'Thankisgiving
The first ·pHgr,im tnitt•oduced was or '2·6 were vic.toriou's, was remem- A fl.1mleong, HY-es,W·e've Had a Day, Novemiber 26, 1925.
his pcrformnnce1 hove o.lways been
bered by a P.Ugrll.tll, Annie Lou Lovely Time" conduded th-e p1~ogram on tMs ooo'asion the iMl3t'·Cer Fresh ..
ill'teresting .and entortll.inlng. This Rwbye Dixon who honored the occa- '!'
(Continu~d on page 4) alon. The chief of the- .Massasoit Archer-, ror the most .memoN1ibJeevening. (Con-tinned on 4)
·-· ......- ._,·--··- ....... ..·····•····
',.-, ,,
' .
CLUB CONTINUES ,-. ---.-s--...• ....,;,o-.
-0-.- ,-,-y;,,.
. .;,.
--I-B--,,-:..;.'1..,..· HERE
"What is so r-are -as a day in
Puhlished. bHnonthly by ithe .students of the <Georgia State College. for June!" eo s-ing,s the .p,oet-and we SCRAP
BOOK Year Book ,ChiefAccomplishme11t 1. Nationa·l Education Week was
observed 'by the col-lege last ,week,
Friday a-fbernoon, Nov. 27, t·he Vesper servlc-es on Friday evening,
Nov. 20, were, l'ed by Miss ·Ruth
Women. m,ight ans-wer and say~ sen-ior '-----------------~ of 19116 PRESIDENT OF STATE HOMEECONOMIC$SOCIAL Nov. 16 to Nov. 21. Engllsh Senior ·Club held its bi-moth- Scardrett, Y, W. C. A. -General-
\Jt'ates: $LOO rper year, without a thrill on emlblenr day. THE SHOES OF A ALUMNAE NEWS HOMEl!lCONOMlCS ASSO- 1'he spirit and puripos-e of this ly meeting. This week the .pro- secretary a-t the Florida State Wo-
Adverti-sing rates fu·rnlshed upon request. There are dnys and days of thrrns- GOVERNOR'SDAUGHTER CIATION IS HONORED 'J.'he members o,f the Home Eco- w8ek wa~ ·exemplifie·d in the tallts gramme was "The Tr}al of Shapes- man's Co~lege.
the day you c-ame back Sep~ember Of -interest to students and alum nomi'cs Clu:b were entE!rtll·ined with made ·by the prnfessors of the various peare". The judge Marjorie Den- Mis·s} •Scandrett ·has recent-ly, re-
STAFF and saw all the ·old girls, the da,y How· lbea.m:ing w-a-sthe countooianoe nae, is the contilnued suc~-aa o!f ,the -The Home Economics Club inter· departments. mark, called the court to· order. turned from a student pilgrimage
Auna Eliza-beth Branch _______________________________ .Edi tor-Jn..Chieif senior rings and pins came, the day of one Jacques Lamont ,on a morning O. S, 1C. W. Olu'b of Atl,anta, tained with a tea, Saturday evening, a dellghtflil social on ,M.o.nday even- Monday morning in the Fresh- a'broad, With twenty-.Qwo others she
Hazel Hogan, Marguerite Jackson, Ellen M-cKee________ Associate Editors the follts ca-me to see you, the day in June! -Ho·w Hght Ms feet! How This clulb is a memlbe·r of :the city, Nov. 28, in h'Ol10ro.f 1MissClara =Cone. ing, Noveilllber 23, at seven o'clock, man chapel, Dr, Parlts expla-ined t'he The prisoner, Caroline Wa-lsh, as toured Europe investigating foreign
Irene Lamldn, M'artha Hendric-ks.______________ .______ iBustness, you 1-ett ,for home ;Christmas-but of exultant his heart! Pa-ssers-lby slate, and national Federat-ion otf Presid'ent ,of the Geor·gia Henne Eco- The -guests assembled in the Ter- punpose of the educational program Shakespeare, was summoned by the student activities.
'Mat'garet Meaders ________ .__.__________________________ society Editor all these days there is one ju,s.t a chec-Jced their hurried steps to cast Wo·men'iS Clulb-s. It was or,gan·ized nomics Association ·and -Su1pervisor rel'l ·Hall gymnasium where. they en- pla.iined for this week, In addition hailiff, Evelyn Owens, and accuse-d T-he oibservations made on thfs
11.,rancesHarris ________________________________ -----Al uimnae Editor little more thrill-Ing: It is the 'first questioning ,g,lan.ces at this young in 1May 192·2 and one year la,ter be- of Home Economics in the Atlanta of Jiving on a past reputation w,hich trip enaibled her to ·give muC'h valu-
joyed p Op Ular mu'' ·c. ,·ender•d,, by tlie to tl1is, rbe gave a .short talk on ·Edu:
Margaret Hightower _________________________________ Exchange Ediotor day you wear the ,erniblem and· JXlbe. man 'W·ho, they reasoned, either came federat,ed. Hig·h Schools. cation. nu no longer deserved. ·T·he trial able information concerning the
Lucetta L11!\vrence______________________________________ Joke Edi.tor It is certainly 11·for- he an a·bsolute lunatic or its equlva- Tl1e idea of .the clu'b originatetl in 'The guests were received in th'f: Jolly Strummers. Dr. W:e'b;ber presented the Consti- then proceeded in regular order, Student Friendship Fund, and the
K'athleen Monts, S)1>per Younrans _________________ c-irculation Managers got,ten day, Last Wednesday was lent, a lover .. H quesUorned rthe 1921·, but definite steps were not dining room of the Househo1d 'Science Later, refresl1ments were served. tutlo11 of t·he Unite-cl States Tuesday The 'Witnesses for de.feuce were worlt !being done by the Student
Eleanor· Hatcher ___________________________________ seni•or Reporter 'J'rHiEday for the senJors, and' Jndeed young Appolo would prab'a:bJ.y h·ave realized until several months later Department by Miss Clara Has.stock, The Thank-sgiving spirit was carried morning, and explained briefly t'he r Julia 1Marlo-we,Lorene Bro-wn, David Relief.
i\fary Hyrna 11---- ___________________________________ Junior Rep'or,ter f.t was a sight for all to see the red answer·ed: when a nurmlber o1f the alumnae met head 0 f the department,
and th't' out with dainty hand painted cards vi,tal ,points, 1 Belasco, Katherlne Stovall, Ja·cque, During her visl.t to t11e campus
Jerry Harris, Amy Dickson ______________________ sophombre Report-er11 and black embl•ems and the smiling "'Mou ami! Have I not ze cause together 1for tea. Over ,t,he tea- h-onor guest. 'Miss Ta;?Jh presid-e'd plac·ed on each plate. On Wednesday mornings in the Chri.stine Montgomery. Miss :Scandr,ett tal.ked to a number
M:r, W. H. Wy1m ___________________________________ :Fa-culty Advisor faces of the senior normals. And to ;he so happ.y, yes? Have not ze taihles, ·p.lans were ma-de If-orthe club. o:ver the tea talble. The predominat- albsence o,f Dr. Parks, Dean Beeson The witnesses for prosecution were of 'Clifi'erent groups including, the Y.
my! what a d.tstinctly in.divtdual noted ,Meester Bake1· give to me one The clulb has s-ince .instituted a ing color ·scheme of the dining room 1-edthe chapel exercises, After an im- Hamlet, Ruth Harris; Cecil B. De- W. C. A. Ca1binet, the Sophomore
was green a11d g.old.
feeling you have when you hear a parcel w'foh I carry to 'hees 'Ill·OS' loan fund for the puripoae of aiding
.A:fter an informal reception Miss .
CLASS TAKES TOUR prom.ptu taillt 011 Education week, Mille, Grace Taylor; Douglas Fair- Commission, and those girls who are
freshman say: excellent •Governor of Oee-or.gia? worth.y students in a.btending G. s, C. Dr. Beeson introduced Mr, Wynn, ,banks, Virginia Ware . interested in industrial work, besides
Louise Lamar, Margaret Lewis, Eleanor Olliff, O-la Mann, LCJlllieCarmichael, C-oll'e gave an interesting and inspir- The prosecuting attorney was Mar-
"I didn't knorw she was a senior!" Oh think, rnon am!, how ze great w. A very unique party was given as the for the morning. Mr. having conferences wtih individual
~Jleanor Mills, LiUian Donnell, Marcelle Johnson, Katherine West, Gladys governor he ·pra:t.s,e Jacques pufl'- ing tal·k. Sh-e,told of t-he work being garet Hightower, while the attorn,ey students.
l\foMichael, Cornelia Lorwe, Flora Pi"ckr-on, Leolene .Chapman, Sunora During the ·present adminis-trati"On, Saturday afternoon iby Rosa'bel Wynn discussed The 'fenchet• nnd the
so!" done in Atlanta and throughout the for t'he defence was Cliff Taylor,
Du.mas, Mary J. Parker, Kayte •Sbrickl-in, Sad,i·e·Kate Courson, Odessa Gillis,
"IMPORTAN,CE OF HEALTH under Mrs. Ja•me's H. Bowden (Ma.r- Burch's Bi'ble .Stu-d,yrClass. Members Im1,ol'tance of tho P1-ofosston.
.state in t-he ,field otf Home IDeonomics, The verdict was rendered in PROF, WYNN ADDRESSES
STUDY BEING REALIZED" To a young man of the nineteenth q·uerite Russell, '15), 1pl•esident, the o,f the class received invitations Mr. Scott gave a delightful talk
Margaret Miller, Helen Waller, Err,oll McDaniel, Buna Gl'adin, Leila 1\'Iay
Brooks, Harriet Berry, 1Lucy HemphHl, Laura Lee Oi1bson, Marie Tuclcer,
Says Mrs, Wooten, Head of the
century i,t was obviously a great
honor to be chosen ,as au "amba.s- yeal·-<boolc.
c'hief a-compHshment
has ;bee·n the
\ ,She ,gave t'his 1boost to girls graduat-
fo.g from G. S. IC, W., "out of twenty- reading thus:
on Thl'ift at the chapel hciur Thurs-
day morning.I
Mr. Scott emphasized honorwbly dismissed.
of Shakespeare who
Court was
Mary Peace, Flrances Raven, F-ranKie Raines. Helen Greene, Alline Ryat,s, "Willing adjourned.
Health Department .seven .teaC·hers of Home, Economics the pact that thrift should ,be observ- "·The Early Child of the United
Vivian Reeves, Ellza'beth Johnston,· Clemmie WUUnglt'am, Katherine sad,or'' to a governor of -one of the "It gives ,the clulb unity and R.R.
Weaver, Rulby Bohton, L-ily Lowe, Mory Frances :Cowan, M-able Stovall,
Original Thirteen. ·True, had it not
strength of 1purpose, as -a wheel of
in Atlanta, sixteen are G. S. C. W.
g·irls. IJu the campaign d,uring
Train 1eaves 5:30 ed in the spending of .our resources ================ States"-sounds interesting. Thus
Mrs. Wooten, head .of the health !been for ILa-mont',s rernar.k in Mr. as well as in the savin~ of money, sister class knows just exactly how thought the mem;bers of the Guild on
Mary Lehmann, Bessie Cook, Camilla Herring, Louise ·Mo:Mekin, Frances many strong spokes revolving Saturday
de·1>artmen,t of the Geor-gla State Bakrer's presence that he rwas leaving Bettea• Hoines Wook, the four mod.el time, or la1bor. you feel alb-out it. their way to enjoy the most unnsual
G,ill, Mar,gairet Vl-ckery, Pat Lilly, around a hub. "To kee-p the fires of Destinatlon--Oym Room
College for Women in an interview at an early d·ate for certain sou.thern homes on exhi,bition were each under Dr. Parlts closed the series Of We know that when you donned program presented so far.
-------0-------,------ devotion ltindled at our Alma Mater, the supervi,sion of a ,girl from this Terrell 1C
stated that the study of health is cit·ies, Milledgeville,, ·Geor,gia, to lb-e Education tal1lts with an interesting your robes for t-he first time you Mr. Wynn talked on the child Hfe
and to further the dntere-st of ,the Baggage ch..eck·ed at Station
THANKSGIVING DAY llRINGS )!.-\SY ALUUNA!s he-coming one o.f t-he most im{l)ortant hi.:; fl111a.ldestina-tion, .the precious college." lecture on general educational lines, accepted more fuUy the responsibili- of early America. Glimpses of its
college b'y lo)'"'al sup.port and keen in- N. B. T1cket
sulbjects in the sc.hool. par-eel would never hlave started on Miss .cone is a M!Hedgeville girl Fri-day morning. ties Which go handwin-hand With cares an<l joys, homes, schools, and
terest,' as is set .forth in our con-sti- Not redeemable, i-f lost. '
The yearly inevitaible -h-as happened! The old git·ls hav,e returned to "·Parents and students, as well as'[
its adventurous joui·ney. -Mr. Baker
,tu-tion. T-he commtttees are the
8.nd a graduate O'f G. .S. C. W. .She Misses Dorothy Parham and Lucil'le being Seniors-that now, as never churches proved the children to be
spend their 'l'hanltagivlng w·ith their Alma Mater. 'They could no more teachers are realiz·ing more an'O.miore was delighted -to learn af Jacques' first receiv,ed a two-year diploma. Draw were ,the ·porters and toolc care DEGREE SENIORS before, you love your colege, which very 11-ke those of today, and yet
res·ist this can than ,the hungry little boy can Jisten unmoved to the tbe impo1itance of ,health courses,i intended vis-it to the little Georgia s:pokes that ma·ke it possible ,for the The next year she returned as a o,f the baggage. EXPRESS GOODWISHES this time next year wil-1 :be your very, very diff.erent.
clinner bell. They wer_e like a river alter the ·first ra.ins of the ·fall; it es·pecially in the grad-es", she sa1d, ca-pi~l. He .had .endeavored /for 1wheel to :be of servlce, and tbe loyal Junior Student Assistant. After she FOR SISTER CLASS Alma Mater. The schools, the various laws, the
uner.rinrgly seeks the old bed ma'Cle barren 'by the }tot suns of summer. and they are realizlll@"that is ,should sever-al week's to find a person on cooperation of each ·commltee has Money ,was given to all of the medical treatment, the customs in
received .J1er degree -sJ1e remained To you we extend congratulations
Th_ey were like the boy who, ·hav,lng gone ou,t to seelt h-ls .tor.tune in the come fl~t in the curriculum. m:ade it possf.ble for -u great year tao with the department ·as a menLber of travel-ers ·before they started on the the '11omelife of those far away days
ever,y stage out of the c-ity ot New Aud you are really weal'ing the and the asurance of our support,
world, r-eturns to the Old Home T.own to see and to be .seen. he .pla1mecl", says Mrs. w_.Frank trip, and with this they purchased are rather strange and somerwhat
Mrs, Wooten also added that the Y,01,k whom he con-sidered w·orthy WeHs, in respec,t to ithe year book. the faculty. ·She attended Columbia robes! Itsn't it "a grand and our love, and our loya~ty,
Had these girls not listened to thi,s cal-I, •G. S. C. W. s,tud-ent bod')-' teaching of health, espec.tally in t>he of trust but had not found such a Univer-si-ty two years. Since then food at each st op, glorious .feeling," Seniors? Your -1Senlor Degree Class, ridiculous in the eyes of modern 11fe,
would have .gone hungry fo1· i'aclt of a "fea·st of love, loyalty and friend- grades, is most -interesting. 'The year ·boolt ou,U,ines .b-tJE!lfly, the she 'lias been iconnected wi:th the At- •Mu·chfun and laughter was afford- The courting stick through which
Tb ere person. ·business and soci'a•l meetings sehed-
~hip." Had some brid,ge of misfortune turned the current ·of the r,iver, lis so much ma.terial -coming out Janta PulbHc School System, Sh·e ed 1by the costume;; an:l bll.~gages of the young people, wl1en the famil-y
J-acqueis ,Larnont'-s journey South uled for the year ending May, 1926.
th-e calllIDUSwould have been dry and banren, Had .they not decided to every day, which adds to ,the interest was ·first head of Home Economics at t'he many travele-rs. vni.s ;>resent, whis-pc!'ed their l:::r-:c;-··-··---·-··
-1·~turnto t11ei:· Alma Mater, eyf's wouM havf> J.o:1tthe lm~ter and brightness and also to fot: e1itlmsiasr.l of the
whi-~h they have gained from look·ing at the familiar faces of returned Children.
w;as tron,g and dusty with frequent It ·includes a history of the clu·b,
inLerwi.J-s of ,wait-ing for delayed J.ts constitutions and by, and
Girl's High. At pre.sent she is super-
visor of Home Economics in all the
Sadie ·Coran ,gave two readings,
whfoh were enjoyed by all. After '----------------,-----------------llweddlng
EXCIIANGE the five hour sermons; the queer
ens-toms; and the unusual
coaches. Jacq.ues sensitive soul finally a list of the members and one lwur of extensiv-e travel, the
i,lu.mnae. "He.alth COU'l'.S'e'S can be correlated reveled in the lbeauty of SOU'thern .their ndresses, high schools t>f A tlanta.
What .students can do to aid the Winthrop College, is the author of namE;is ·Of ehi:ldren, s. u c h as-
May there_ never. be a Than,ksgiviug wi•thout a re:presentation of 0. S. with most o'f the other su'bjects s-cenery-it,s moun,ta.ins, the valleys Miss Cone urged the ch.lib to travelers returned home aud report- World Court. the book, "Found-ation of the Public "Tremible", "Experience,'' "Believe",
C. W. alumnae on the campus. taught, addln,g more in.tere-st to the· streams o,f .pure sHver ! The affiliate again Uris year with the ed a fine trip and ln·ought many L Discussion groups, Regular Schools of South ,Carollna" that has (Continued on page·-~)··--~.
--------,0,-------- both," .she said.
ALUMNI NEWS Georgia Ho,mie.Economics Assoeiation souv,enirs by which to remember the and specinl. recently been pu,blisbed by the State
inns, as yet were very crude but .
CONGRATUI.ATIONS, SE~'IORS! "To me, health is the mos.t in- Jacques ,enjoyed them as a delight~ Er-ma 1Slg.ler 1s -employed in the She outlined t-he work of the Associa- trip. 2. Have the topics used in de- Company, Columbia, S. C,

1Congratulations Seniora of '25-'26. You have reached a mo st becoming

teresting of aLI courses and -i-s fast fu-1 necesrsUy in his course of ad- .Savannah
among the most im- venture.
PulbJ.ic iSc:hool System.
She is' teaching ,rourth grade in· the
tion. Each year the association
sponsors an essay contest for hi~h PERSONALS
3. -Keep special tables for th e T.winkle, ti\vlnkle little bell
We Recommend
looked-f-or,ward·\to occa·sion. You have put on your rCJlbes,.and with th em, portant," ·said Mrs. Wooten in clos- At Ieng-th, the last stage arrived Pt. Wen-tiworth school. Erma wias school girls o-f Georgia. The G. S. 1C. Wor1ld Court literature in the Ubrary.
your dignity. It is indeed a privilege to be thus dis,tinguisl1ed from it.he in:g, Among the vi,sitors on the campus How I wish you were in-well,
at the UttJe Georg-la capital. Jacques Pre1si-dent of Y, W, C. A. last year C'lu1b is honored .by .ha:ving a'S its 4. Hold Wol"ld Court forums.
An·y place :but where you are,
oth·er hundreds of girls here at G. S. C. Yit. We lrnow how you have eyed the homes w.ith inte~est. That and. one of the most popular girls on vice-president a first-.prize winner. the past •weelt-end were the follow- 5, Send. de.putations to hig·h
China would he none too far.
·waited patiently, /but eagerly for the day to come w-hen you would don AN INTERVIEW st'ately 'building wi,th th·e doric .the ca>mpus. :She was formerly Wynell,a ·Otwell rece·ived her scholar- ing memb-e·rs of the 1925 Se-ni,or schools and clUibs.
When at night I hit the hay,
your cap.s and gow11s and bec,ome, at last, full-fledged seniors.
WITH DR, BEESON Treasurer of the Georgia Student ship to 1G. S. :C, in the contest of Normal class: Frances Burghard, IL Aslc the Dramatic Clurb io Tired and weary fro-m the day
(Con,tinued on page 4)
Many g•irls look 1fo1"Wardto the d·ay when they too w-111'be the d-ignift,ed v.ol-untC?ers. 1924, Annie Lou Archer, Virginia Foy, presen,t .suoh plays as "What Price
Gwendolyn Tony, Lois Hendon, Glory.'' Scarcely do I close my eyes
!=.eniors,. while others loo·k back and exiperience a :f0el-i11g.ot extreme One of th·e most pleasin·g pen,on- abou.t ' t•we.nty dHferent kinds of -steel,
7, Organize an International Re- When you .tell me I must rise,
pl-easure upon remembering that day,

alities living in M-illed,gevme is Dr.
Again we congratulate you and· wish for you ev-ery h&ppiness and J. L. Bee:Son, head O'f the Chemistry each adaipted to given ipur:poses,
"Ca.n chernist,s make synthetically
ME,rle P.i111kston of Parrott, Ga.,
who re·ceived a t:wo~year diploma in
dep·ar,tme11t and ,also vice--presio.ent many compounds found in nature?" Art wi.t'h the class o'f •2,2, is teaching
MOORE-BELLWl!lDDING Lucill-e· English, Catherine Hu d son,
ON NOVEMBER23 Clyde McWhite, Gladys Gammage, lation ,Clt.tib.
Addi.e Hal.sfield, Lillie Du,Pree, Cor- 8. Talte a straw vote b-efore
Someday when I've lots of ka.le,
Then revenge will sure be mine,
I'll set you for half-past nine.
T HE chocolates that
have entered into
the best society ever
-------o---~--- of G, S. C. W. was my next question.
Interior Decorating a..t Cornell. Unl- M-onday morning, Nov. 23, just nelia Montgomery, Lillian McCicbael, Thanlcsgivlng and interpret the re-
LIVING W,lum a memiiel' oo'..the journaUsrn vel'lSitY, A'f.ter flnishiug a,t 0, S-. C,, before noon, Mrs, Ophelia Moor-e and Ruth .Stokes, Emma Stevens, Sara D, suits. since 184:i.-
"Indago, genuine, madder (dye), Miss Pinkston studied ait Parson's Mr, J. F, Bell, ,'Sr., were married Joi·dan, Lucille Wiliams, Mar-y 9. Disrtri:bute liiterature through
We-y;ou and I, are forever ,tallcin,g albou,t preparing to ~ive.
class at G . .S, 'C. W. r-an,g .the .bell a.t
his home she was u1:het"e<lfnto bis
ammonium compound ifor fertilizer \School o, Fne -and Ap·plied· Ar,t, N,ew here, Re·v. H, D. ~Warnoc-lcoffl'C'iatin,g.MoLain, Colene Reed, Margu-er~te I the high schools. Fred: "I had a date with a mind-
When asked the value of taking certain cour,s·es o! study, we f.requently library, a de-Iightirul l'oom, the w.alils made from the nitrogen of the air Yor,lt City,
repl,y, "T-hat we ma')-'learn to Hve.", and add, "·'J.'he youth of today reipre- of which were lined with 'boo.ks. The and hydrogen, and ,wiood alcohol
Mrs .. Bell has ,be'en ·f.or Miner, Rubye Dickson, Marguerite!
years t>he popular dietician at the Lehman, Francis Mcwhorter, Mary student in it's straw vote.
10. Co-operate with the new re:ading lady last night."
Red: "Ho•w did she enjoy her
sent the men -and women, the ci-t,iz,ens, of tomorrow, Therefore we· must Doctor wa'S seated before a cozy fire are made &Ynthetica.lly at a1bout one- Annie Lou MaX!wiell,'17 of E1ber- ·Georgia ,State College for Women Kate Bartley, Helen Davis, Florence (1Suggestions ·from WorI-cl Court vacation?"
pr·epa·re .for that 1-ife." fourth of the usual cost. In iaddi- .ton, is now a,n extension worker in here, and was one of the most ,popu- Hogan, Elsie Ragland, Lola Deldf1. Confereuce.) -Blue and Gold.
while his charming little w1fe fliHed
All this is well enough i·f in spending much time in learning how to in and out. tion D1bout 200,000 compounds arre the Department ot Interior Deoora- lar women ever connected with that ·Rulby Mnlt·on, Marian Pierce, Ger-
!ive tomorrow, we forget not the value of learning h.ow to live .today! A!tter the. -pleasautries o.f the day syntheHcwlly made bmt nev-er be.fore Mon of Universlty of Illinois. M-lss
Indeed, do we not learn to do, by -doing? Then wl1y not apply the we1-e passed I a'Sked 'W·hYhe chose existed,"
same princJ;p1e to life. The clean and wholesome l-if-e.of tomorro:w depends chemistry as his life work,
Maxwell was a teacher in ,the Manual
"Why .should girls study chemis- ·Training and Art Department of G,
lnstitn-tion, IS'he cwme here .from trude Berke, Bernice Vlclcery, Vir•
White Plains to talce up her· duties ginla Bussey, Attie Gladden.

at the college, and her unusua·l·· - ,

•Southem College, Florida, w-a.sthe "The Whole Town Is Talking" is
hostess o·f the Ep-worthian union that the play the Mercer players will give
met there recently, The main point at their first Macon pe11formance 0£
u,pon the extent to whic'h we realize the sam0 quaUtieR today. Dr. :a0esOn said, with his charac- try?" I asked, s. C. W, for five ,years after her bi'lity and her .poipularity wHh -the Mr~. G. W. •Clegg and Nell Cleg·~1·of cUs-cussion was ,the movement ·for the season, at he Wesleyan College
-If w'e would be happy, one, tiwo, a dozen· years from now-we must be tert.stic smUe, · "Chemistry is a ,fuuda- "Veny few of them do b-ut they a11 graO.uation, She studied one year students rapidly gained for her a of V1Ha iRica ·we1ie the guests of league cha,peI at the college. Auditorium on Dec. 14.
joyous today, and tomorrow, and the next d,ay, menttal scJ-ence which goes to the should" and as his eyes· twlnk,led I at Parsou's SchoQll of Fin8 and Ap-
'rhe life we live noiw, acts a~ a mirror wh·ich will refleot throughout the bottom o1' ·things." thought may:be ·it was •because he ·plied Art, New York C'1-ty.
place ·of value on the official .board
o.f the iil~tituti,on. No one ever left
Ellen Clegg la,st
weelt-end. Emory Non-Frats have launched a
I Dr. Isaac Yonan, a former teac,her naw pu;blica-tion, T.ltey are to be l\u~ttraft
long .tomorrow, the deed·s and thoughts of today. "Is it a real science f'' I aslted. teach·e.s it but before we left the sub- the college -since its •beginning who Eunice Phiili·ps had as her gnest in a Persian College and UOIW a congratulated on their first edlt'io11.
1· Gift !Vovelties
--------0----- "Yes, It i.s oue O·f tlte most exact ject he thoroughly convinced me that -Nora Ivey o! Boston, Ga., w.h,o left bell-Ind t-hem more sincere or f-or the past weelc Miss Anni·e Bur- national speaker for the Near East Tl1eir •purpose may be quoted as fol-
110 JCEE'P IT HOLl~ O'f all science. It makes use of tho it wasn't. "Food-a ea.ten are cbemf,. graduated with the cla·ss of 1912, i's widespread regret at their d0par-tur-e, gess of Decatur, Ga. 1 Relief, gave n brief discussion o'f the lorws: MemoryBooks,Kodak Al-
other two sciences, iphy.sics and oats. Our bodies -are m.ade of chemi- head ot Physicail Educatioll for · Mr, Bell is one of MiUecl-gev!Ue's • - Iwork of the United ·st-ates govern- "We inten-d to laud the things bums, Christmas Box Paper,
In His goodness, nnd iniflnite knrnw,ledge ot man's needs, .the Heavenly mathematics. l,t ls so much of a cal compound'B. The ene,r,gy by 'Women, Peab-ody College, most ,po•pufat· merthants, and is well Miss Harriet Faust o! ·Covington· ment in the east and ma-de a plea which are good, We propose to en- Books, FountainPens, Seal-
Fwthor set aside one day in, the we.elc in /\vit,i-chwe may rest from all our science th at chemists predicted .th•e whicl1 we carry on 1-i-feprocesses is Nashville, Tenn.
1 known tb'roug.hout t-he state. He has was t·he guest o.f Sara Faust, .ror the stuppor-t of this worthy cause. courage ,those who are striving to ing Wax Sets, Picture&,Mir-
existence of elements before -they txroduced by lche111ica:l actfon., ·So oue o,f the lar,g, gr.ocery stor,es He vividly pictured the suffering make better men O·f themselves and rors, Picture Frames, Elec-
work. tric Portables, ,CandleSticks, is no one a;ware oif the corning or thls day, or more grateful discovered them," one needs to Jmow .the ch-eml•st-ryof Peaco o.nd Quiet · he1•e-,and has· been in !business her-e Mr, and Mrs. W · 'J.'. Kitchens and sacrifices of these people, trwo to 1be a credit to their Alma Mater,"
·'J.'hen he told of its .practica·biJity. foocls and prope-rrties lu order It waa during the impaneling of 1·or rnan.y years. v·islted Sara Kitchens Thanltsglving million of whom ·have died as Musical Instruments, Atom-
for ibs· arrival, than the student.
!Sunday means tha,t we arl?. alble to .put wway the results of other's Ho,w nearly -every manufactnrl111g Jlroµerl~· to llO'urlsb the •body. They- a jury the following colloquy ooour- ·Mr. and Mrs. Bell wlll reside on day, martyr.a since 1914, The United .,l'he pu'bllcatious · received this izers, Playing Cards in leath-
thlnkiu.g and think only -as we will. It is a day on which we ·may bring plant in the U, S. emplol)-'s a chemist. learn that rouge is red iron ·ore or red: South L\'berty street.-The Milled.g.e~ Sta,tes is sup.porting a'bout 10,000 week are:
er cases, Book Ends, Wall
~tit all latent thoughts, that have been ']_Jackeda1way for fu,tur,e meditation, They analyze ant, ,study 'tho h·ww challc, coJored with d)'e. It ena•bles "You are a. ·p1•operty owner?" ville Times. Mlss El'izalbeth Ta1~bet, of Greens-I in 01,phannges but some 23,000 re- '11110Emory Wheel,
Vases, Serving Trays, China,
aiid review them. It is a da..y In whl-c:h we are at leisure .to forget tlrnt mraitorlal, analyze and stu-dy the the girl to dlstln.gnisb lbebween "Yes, your honor." •boro, visited Leila Doswel'l the ·past main uncared ifor, He also t,old of
The Mercer Cius.tar,
Gla.ssware,a.nd many other
BOOSTERSGIVEN TEA w-eelt-end, useful and beautiful ,anioles
f.liere -was a yesterday and tha-t there ~viH be a tomorrow. But in this proporUes in various rnanuifnetnrlng n nncl rent sUk and tell the '~Married or single?" the work of the United 1Stntes in 'The .Red and Black,
' proc0'Sses and 1then nnn.lyzo tho difference <between all wool and wool .. I have !been mar1•ied for five li'beratlng Fren'clt git'Js and saving The Watchtower,
in out mammothstock to se.
dn.Y He gave to us w.elwciuld not forget to:
"IS.pend tthe· da,y With God, flnisbed product. Some ox11m11les are: mixed goods." years, your honor." · On .Fr1tlny afternoon, Novefltlber They -gathered in the Colounnd-e them from slavery. The· Florida Fla·mbeau,
lect from,
Ktieel·down to Him in .prayer,
thP- mauuir.neture of swgar a.nd in
him and .steel out of iron
"Do gMs lllce to st1:1dychemistry?"
He said the interviewer mus.t 1111
.iHave you ,to~med or ~xipressed
"-.,. ,,·
.·20, Anna ElHza.beth Branch enter- office to discuss over theit· ten cups·t
tained the Bo-osters Cl.ulbat 1~ea from the Interest and e-nthusias'ln a
---<Side L·lnes.
·Professor Jobn Furman T,homason,
'l'he Independent J.ournat,
S-icle L1nes,
Lift' our 'h13arts to His n.!bod·e,
And seek 'Hts lov.e to share," I
ore l~ave ,been able to mnlro U-116'\\'erthat q uest-lon, "'Not for five years, your honor."
• ·four until six o"cl'ock, Booster's work coutalus. [ the -professor of rural educa.tion at The F'lorida Arlligator, R. H. WOOTTEN

BELl ..'S Read This, Girls! fxcf.Jangt
.(Continued from page 2) Plrotographs, the most precious .
Specialsale of ladiea' :tinepme MILLEDGEVILLE,GA.
columl)"S-it must be-ah yes, it was! gifts of .all, that are made on
So there ts was that His ExceHence silk, regula.rma.dehose. Just the Monday . the 14th, will be
restd•dl thing for Chriatmas gifts. Chit- proofed the 16th and mailed to 11.eso=ea$700,000.00
~acques alighted 1befor.e the ,inn, tom in blaok, guDlllew.l &lid all your lrome address not later
'paid the stage driver, lifted h1s leading shad- FOUR PER CEN1
Eberhardt's Studio ________
than the 22nd.
luggage and stepped gtng,erly within.
Atter shown :bis room by the
aged inn-Gteepe-r be ,bathed and
dressed :with meUculous care an'd.
descen-ded to thie bar to enqu1re in
$1.85 ________ __._
and Safety

ra'p-id ,syl-la,bles .w,here be might see

U you want the best,shop a.t G. S. C. -VV.
"Hees Excellen-ce, ze Governia.ire." Monogram8ta.tionery-Envelopesto !Match•Greyand White
"WaJ, ;he's m·os-talrways t'home on
RAALTE ·<ICulber
anb!ttbbmrug <ICompanp
T-uesdays, sub."
Jacques set off. Ais he neared oilk r5toch.ings E. E. BELL'S
the mansion his hea1't quailed. (fu/l liu'"'-1) Phone224 "OF COURSE" Phone240
Bravely he taaiped 1the ·brass ltnocker. -------------~--------------
The huge ,door was &w1rng open by
such a vision ,of loveliness as he h-ad
never seen before, How daiinty flhe
AT DAVENPORTFIELD Miller I. Bell, President
was! How equ-lsltel-y turned were (Continued from page 1) E. E. Bell, Vice-President
here delicate features! OFFICERS.
"'I desfre for to see Hees Excel- (,C011tintied from page one.) the platform. An "e~perience meet-
1 { E. Kidd, Vice-President
n1-an f-Oot'ball team to·ok the, strong ing" followed, each ·girl telling w iat Chas. M.Davis,Asst. Ce.shier
Jenee, mademoiselle, 011 a matter of 1 i t t·
ver' great importance. Perha-p.s-?" G. ,1\L
~· ·C. team -in t,o,w b,y a score o·f &he i-s doin-g, and g1v n,g n eres ·1 ·mg ------,---------,--------------
The girl smiled ancl -led him 45 to o. Both teMns pu.t, up un- inC-ldie.nts concerning her wor
I d
throu-g.b spacious •rooms. As he
usually good .fights and ,the p-Jayerrs Among· others who ta_l re were:
fll Lilli
We have ll full line of toys and
Should be comme11d,ed 'for their re- Margaret Holman, Grn n; e Meet Me at Christmas gifts. Make your se-
followed, Jacques uttered involun- ddi
markable strength. · DuPree, Georgetown, IS. iC.; A e
tary ex-clamiaUons of -pleasure •over Tl M ., t., d' d thei Haisfleld, Griffin, Ga.; MaI\Y M-cLa-in, lections early and avoid the ru&h.
the lovely paintings the rotunds the 1e ercer ra s 1sp1aye
tracery and the ,girl hers.elf I~ an strength at ·the beginnin,g of the TG!~nallC,
GIa.; HRelend DaSmvis, KiugsGaton_,
FRALEY'S If not convenient to pay cash, we
, , · . a.; 1 o ene ee , yrna, ., will hold goods for you.
incredibly short time he found him- game a nd .tlus con.tinued th roughout Lucile wma:ms, Stone Mountain, Ga.;
seU .facing a di-stinguished, dignLfied the eut1re game. .A:nnie Lou _Archer, Atlanta, Ga.; Pharmacy
old man of genial m-ien who rose and Atlthough G. M. rC. was defeated Lmtan McM1olchael SheUrnan, Ga.j 1
com~teom3ly awaited his daughter's badly they .g, the spi,rit of Ruby Diclrson, Zebulon, Ga.; Kather-
w,ords. 1s1mpresented Jacques as a good l1oosers, and the M·ercer team ine Hudson, Newman, Ga.; Vir,ginia
Pe.1,800 ·on a m'i'ssi·on of gi·eat im • aliso . seemed to show ,the 1bast spirit Bussey, Egan Park, Ga.; Gertrude "Hurry Back" Chandler'sVariety
Bur'Jc,e, Ideal, Oa.; and ithe·g
portan'ce. The governor -smile·d o.f victors. . students at G. s. C: Jamye w,ee-lr-s,
graciously and exte11ded his hand .to The game was very il)J::errestmgfor P.oHy Mo&S, Mary Hyman, Augusta -----------------------------
Jacques, begging him to lbe seated footlball fans and qu1,te an -enthusi- Methvin, Mar:y J,o W-ood, Audrey
antl' slate hls m-iss-ion. astic crowd attended the -game. Morgan, Rii.cha-el Branrch, Mary B v G
Newsome, Dorothy Bell, Lorene uy ~ our roceries at
"Your Excellence" Jacq,ues began, KASTO"DVOCO,ENTER- Teaver, Jos0J)hine ,Robinson, Fnnce,, MJLLEDGEVJLLE'SBUSIEST STORE
t 1'll t di "ill! 1 B 1 "" Thaxton, ·Sara B-ighMD Annie Cand-
s • an rug, ons eur a rer, once TAIN WITH Pl!.OGl!.AM !er, Ellen McK.. , Anna D,.ant, Mary 1
and Be Satisfied
a citizen of your city, learned zat I OF MAGWANDMIRTH Louise Warren, Callde ·Platten, Mollt,e
contmnplat• ze. visit to ,Milledge-vi,lle
and he entrust to me z,e precious
Carr, Gladys Paine, anu Ruth Reid.
on Friday night ,t:he class •banquet
Chand'er's Grocery
1 1

---·.:pa"1"·ce"'l--W.bich ,he saiy eez ver- im- (Continued from page one.) was given at ,the Bald-win-Hotel. As--------------------------- .......--...,..._.
portant. lam delight with ze honor
and have journey these, m:any mHes
time, ho,wever, there was an extra a ge,t-to-ge.ther, the· evening was
attraction w-htch added much ,to greatly enjoyed.
BAL· DWIN ..1..-: JL
liLJO"]J'!EL I

guard.fn1gzo pac.ket with ze U.fe,so!" the enjoyment of the .grou1p, Mrs. Prior to the departure of the
guests, a baskecbaH .game was sta·ged MILLEDGEVILLE'S BEST
Jacques produced. ,the parcel and Kastor took .part on the program ;between the el-asses of '25 and '26.
stood waiting proudly as -the gover- giving. servera-1 groups of selecrt.ions These teams met in combat at the Reasonable Ra,tes--CourteousService
nor than·ked him, snapp-ed the bind- on the P.iano-Acc.ordion, She is an last. Field ,Day. Although the '25's
ings, removed the wra.prping-s,reveal-
a-ccom1>Ushe'C'i lir:tfst, and played both ha·ve been! outt~h,fs.chool ftiolrl
fe:w mont 1s, ey arre s
tkhe p,ast
:eep ng
OfficialDixie Highway Hotel '.
ing an oblong ~ox :Jalbeled: M. popular and· clwssical numbers. Her the1r title clear. The ifinal sc-ore was --------------,--------------
Cort'e, 1Rue V1-gnon, Paris, France. a.ttra.ctiven,ess and charm were sup- 6-3, wHh the '25 team victorious.
J,a;cques j8.IWfell. His- eyes stared plements to her ability as a magician. I========~===== Bell Grocery
Her .pa\l"tin en,'terta1ning was greatly TEAMS COMBAT
w.fcie. A 'Shoe ihox! 1But why-!
The governor lilted .the lid. There enjoyed. IN BASKETBALL Company ALWAYS
rePosed bwo iHl!,Y,creaUons of pale All in aU, it was -a pleasant even-
blue satin, too till'y .f-or mortal f,oot i·ng, and the girls who went, -into the (Continued from page 1) WHOLESALEAND RETAIL AT
snre1y! The g.overnor's daug,hter enjoyment o'f the entertainment d·O urday, Nov. 29, was:
cried 'With Jacqnes g·azed,
ga-s·pedand s wallctwed hard. Was it
not reg.ret havinig clone &0.· We are
gl~d that rMr. and Mrs. K:a-stor came,
Sen.lot'S '25
Cornelia Montg,omery, Center.
Potato Chips, Gelfand's Relish, jl-}l{ii1.tUl jHQQtt'i
Mayonnaise, Merit~ Bread, Cakes,
f-or thi-s, then, .tha.t he had .made tha,t and hope that .they will come again. Ellen .McKee, Sid~Center. Salted Peanuts, Fancy Groceries,
haz-ardous journey · Naw York to ____________ _ Clyd-e Mc.White, ForJWard. Assorted Cakes. •at i>boppt
Geo1igia? 10on'1dit be? Fury seized Frances Mc·Wli.or,ter, For.ward.
thE:1soul of J,acques Lamont. With KENNETT'S Annie Candler, Guarid. 263 - PHONES- 498
an icy though ciourt'eous ,bow to the Rachel 'Branch, ollard.
girl and -an acocnowledigement to the
.governor he wheeled and started \J'elbetlfce€ream Sen.loi•s '20
Mae Evans, ·Center.
from the room. B'lanch Hearn, Side-Center. TO MILLEDGEVILLE'S BUSIESTBAKERY
HBaih! These .Aimericans!
Gee I But It's Good I Ve,ra Johnson, Fonward .
sense o.'f justeez! They !l!een4< only
01f ze j o,lte! •Bah! And aga·in I say,
Kennett-OdumCo. Sy,pper Yoeman-s, Far.ward.
Rebecca Higgison, ,Guard.
bah!" Doro-thy R01berts, Guard. JS A GOODBAXEl!.Y-Tl!.YVS
"Wasn't he .furious., ·father, ,to
Macon, Ga. Referee: M-iss Mary Oandle-r.
learn his great 'meesion' was only a
pair of adorable .-slippers! Aren't BOAZ SI-IOE CO.
they bea.utilful? mat-ch my
evening g!Own!"
"Bah!" s,ajd the governor.
Hotel Darlen To dress in keeping with the times be,glinwith a pair of
shoes from Boaz Shoe Store. In our stock you will find only
the latest styles in footwear, reasonably pi:iced.
Where College Folks Are Welcome A PLEASURETO SHOWYOU
( Continued from page three.) Enclosedfind $1.00for which ple!Mle
send me "The Oolou-
A Gift of Jewelry BVY A'l'
"Return"; all these things kept each Is a gift that lasts longer than yon
one woncle1;ng wl1at wai-:i coming
nade" for one year.
live. Seleet them now from
11he talk wns thoroughly Interest- Name -------"·------------------------------------------
Ing und amusing. 'i'he Guild mom-
hers have come to the conclusion tlmt Addres• __.'.:.
....' ~---------------
,·... , ---------- -------- --··-· ----
Williams & Ritchie
and feel that you have a true
their early American ancestors could
not frn.wn o.ny deeper :over 'the man- P O
' . .
_. . ...
. ___
. .
':..-;. ' ________
... ____________________
_..,;.__________________ · .', .. ,
value for every cent spent.
ner ot today tlrnn up-to-date young (·CIISh
people laugh ove1·..,the queer customs
of the past. ,.,/." ..

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