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1.Which happened earlier?

a. F. Drake was buried in Panama – He played bowls before the battle.

b. A old captain willed him a ship. – He circumnavigated the world.
c. His family moved to Kent. – He helped to see off the Spanish Armada.
d. He dined with the queen. – He raided Spanish ships.
e. He was born c.1540. – He first went to see.
f. He presented his treasure to the queen. – He died of a tropical disease.
g. He married twice. – He was willed a ship.
hHe travelled through the world. – He raided ships.
i. He was called the pirate of the queen. – He moved to Kent.

2. What is it?
a. somebody who leads /navigates ships
b. somebody who rules/leads a country
c. a place where people like going in summer to swim
d. an object what you keep in a safe place because it makes you rich
e. an object what is buried. It’s usually made of wood.
f. an activity when you go from a place to a new to live
g. something exciting what you don’t know clearly
h. something you can travel by on sea
i. somebody who raids other ships to take its gold

3. When/where/who/what/why?
a. he circumnavigated the world – when?
b.he dined with the queen –where?
c. he presented the queen – what?
d. he moved to – where?
e. he died – when? why?
f. he married - how many times?
g. he was buried – where? in what?
h. he willed him a ship – who?
i. he he was born – when? where?

4. Fill in the gaps with the right verb.

a. He first………… to sea.
b. He ………….. with the queen on the board of Golden Hind.
c. He ……………. to see off the Spanish Armada.
d. He played bowls while ………………… for the battle.
e. His family …………… to Kent.
f. He had …………….. Spanish and Portuguese ships.
g. The queen ………………….. him.
h. He ….. of a tropical disease.
i. The old captain, having no family of his own, ……….. him a little ship.

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