SOCI1001A Outline

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Department of Sociology, CUHK

1st Term, 2010-2011

Introduction to Sociology (SOC 1001A – Chinese Session)

TCWLT1 Instructor: Prof. Chan Kin-man (陳健民) Off: Sino 438 (Tel: 26096610)
W 7-8 email: fb:

Tutor: CD, Sze Tak On, OFF: Sino 424(Tel: 26096625/26096627) email:
Gigi, Lo Sin Chi, OFF: Sino 424(Tel: 26096625/26096627) email:
Yip Chun Ting Patrick, Sino 411(Tel: 26961205) email:

Discussion(Face book):

Tutorial Enrollment :
Expected Learning Outcome (what students should have learned after taking this course):
1. overview of sociology as a discipline; 2. basic understanding of important sociological concepts and theories;
3. basic understanding of sociological research method; 4. thinking critically; 5. reflection on one’s values and
way of life.
Textbook: Schaefer, Richard T. Sociology (Boston: McGraw Hill)
Supplementary Readings:
Mills, C. Wright, The Sociological Imagination (NY: Oxford University Press, 1959);
Berger, Peter, Invitation to Sociology: A Humanistic Perspective (Garden City: Doubleday,

1. Sociology and its Promise (8/9)

Schaefer: Ch. 1, pp.1-9; Mills: Ch. 1; Berger: Ch. 2

2. Founding Fathers and Sociological Perspectives (15/9;22/9)

Schaefer: Ch. 1, pp.10-23

3. Research Methods and Ethics (29/9)

Schaefer: Ch. 2

Basic Concepts and Theories

4. Culture and Society (6/10, 13/10)

Schaefer: Ch. 3

5. Socialization and Social Interactions (20/10, 27/10)

Schaefer: Ch. 4, Ch. 5

6. Groups and Organizations (3/11)

Schaefer: Ch. 6

Social Institutions
7. Families and Intimate Relationships (10/11)

Schaefer: Ch. 14

8. Economy and Work (17/11)

Schaefer: Ch. 18

Structure of Inequality

9. Social Stratification and Mobility (24/11)

Schaefer: Ch. 9 & 10

10. Sex and Gender (1/12)

Schaefer: Ch. 12


Final exam (55%) - All students are required to take a sit-in exam by the end of the semester.
Forms of exam include long questions and multiple-choice questions.

Writing assignments (30%) - All students are required to write two short papers. These
papers require students to observe and reflect sociologically in their daily lives. Each report
should be around 5 – 10 pages long.

Tutorials (15%) - all students are required to attend tutorials. They are set up to help students
understand the reading assignments for their papers and share their papers with fellow
Writing Assignments*

1. Read C. Wright Mills (1959) Ch.1. Pp. 3-22., "The Promise". Mills argues that
sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between
the two within society. What does it mean? Contemplating your own biography, discuss how
history has shaped your characters and life choices through the institutions, organizations and
groups that you belong to. For example, you can study how the change in educational policy
or the historical context of your parents' adulthood has impacted on your socialization
process. You may collect data by reviewing documents or interviewing your parents or

2. Read Zygmunt Bauman “Thinking Sociologically” in Anthony Giddens (1997) Part I, Pp.
12-18 and Peter L. Berger (1963) Ch. 2 "Sociology as a Form of Consciousness". Berger
argues that there is a debunking motif inherent in sociological consciousness. What does it
mean? Cite one "common-sense" explanation of a social phenomenon that you find dubious.
What alternative sociological analysis can you offer that may help people think beyond the

* Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary
guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at . With each assignment, students will be required to submit a
statement that they are aware of these policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures.

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