Ozer Moidel Kuter-Arnebeck Survey Report

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Micro/Nano Robotics; M.

Sitti; 3/2/9 1

Water Actuation of Micro Robotics

J. B. Moidel, J.D. Ozer, O. Kuter-Arnebeck

The principles and methods of microfluidics are discussed and compared in this survey. Moving minute quantities of fluids
accurately is of interest to many different sciences. Pharmaceutical industries are interested in devices that can accurately and
efficiently transport reagents in an inert liquid medium [19]. Robotic applications of microfluidics and micro robotics are also being
studied. The principles of controlling flow in microchannels can be applied to micro robotic actuation. A group from the University of
Pittsburgh, led by Sung Kwon Cho, is working on designing a robot that moves on the surface of the water using Marangoni effects,
inspired by locomotion of small water insects [24]. In this survey, we investigate microfluidic actuation by electrokinetics, surface
effects, and piezoelectrics. Additionally, a brief summary on remote powering is included. Weight and size restrict the powering
options of microrobots operating on the water surface or sub-surface, so it would be advantageous to use remote powering.

Index Terms— micro-robotics, microfluidics, piezoelectrics, electrokinetics, Marangoni effects

has a correlation to the nature of the surface and gas interface.

I. INTRODUCTION Each of the two body interactions has its own surface tension.
Micro-robots for application in water environments have From this, the contact angle can be calculated as a function of
a large set of potential uses. Interested fields in the the three surface tensions, known as the Young equation,
development of underwater robot technology include where  SV ,  SL , and  LV denote the surface tension values at
environmental outfits, the military, oil and ocean mining, the solid-vapor, solid-liquid, and liquid-vapor interfaces,
and geological surveys, among others [22]. In their own, respectively [19].
micro-robotics in or on the water have the potential to be
used as remotely operated and distributed sensor and Equation 1
communication networks that would not be easily detected  
by sonar or sight. However, due to difficulties in powering  SV SL
and design of micro-robots, most of the research on LV
underwater robotics is being focused on larger robots. Changing the liquid-vapor pressure or humidity or other
Some of the problems include powering of robots and the property such as the polarity of the materials will change the
principle of locomotion [16], [22]. Most methods of robot surface tension energies and thus the contact angle [23].
actuation utilize moving parts to create drag and lift forces
associated with traditional water based propulsion, such as a However, the properties of the solid interface are more
piezoelectrically actuated tail [22]. This method is commonly tailored to affect the contact angle, [12]. Generally,
relatively power consumptive and relies on moving parts surfaces are easier to structurally alter with a high degree of
which introduces the possibility of mechanical failure and control. A variety of different techniques for accurately
dependence on one particular viscosity regime for micro- controlling the solid-liquid surface tension have been
robots. Using electrokinetic based actuation would be developed. One such technique is to change the surface
adaptable to any range of surface interactions. However, geometry. Creating periodic micro features on an otherwise
the problem of powering still exists as both methods require flat surface can achieve the effect of a super hydrophobic
relatively high voltage. Remote laser powering or an surface. The nano featured roughness of the surface creates
induction coil approach could solve this problem. hydrophobic capillaries which support the droplet by capillary
pressure, increasing the solid-liquid interfacial energy and the
II. ACTUATORS contact angle [3]. A surface can be created with a gradient in
The following sections are a discussion on the methods of the solid-liquid interactions along its length. Then the
actuation of liquids different than classical solutions, such as permanent surface tension gradient will passively move the
screws and piston pumps. surface over a bulk fluid, which is a technique used by small
water insects, though they do not achieve this effect with a
hydrophobic surface patterning.
A. Methods of Liquid Actuation by Surface-Liquid
Interactions. Another way to change the surface tension values is to
control the solid-liquid interaction with electrostatic effects,
An interesting option for transport of and on water is to take which effectively changes the two body solid-liquid potential
advantage of the phenomena of surface tension, γ [23]. [3]. This can be accurately controlled and is a variable method
Surface tension exists for liquid exposed to at least a three for tuning the hydrophobicity or hydrophilicity of a surface
body interaction potential and is best described as a function and can be dynamically controlled at voltages as low as 22V
of liquid contact angle, θc, of the water at the three body [12]. Equation 2 gives the relation for the voltage dependence
interface. On droplets, the surface tension has a direct of the interfacial energy [17], [3]. The voltage is V,  is
correlation to droplet spreading and rounding, which in turn permittivity of the insulating surface that is in direct contact
Micro/Nano Robotics; M. Sitti; 3/2/9 2

with the liquid, and d is the thickness of the insulating surface. generated. The deformation of the crystal lattice causes the
This energy relation to the electro wetting can be described in dipoles, usually randomly distributed through the crystal, to
terms of contact angle also. The Maxwell Stress induced by align, creating a charge difference between one side of the
the electrostatic effect is concentrated in a very small region material and the other. The converse piezoelectric effect,
on a water droplet's edge, about the thickness of the insulating which is when an applied voltage causes a material to deform,
surface, and changes the contact angle by acting as an is observable in all piezoelectric materials [5].
additional force into the surface tension force balance [10].
Thus, to maximize the electrostatic manipulation of water, the Piezoelectric materials are often used in micro scale robots.
insulating layer should be made as thin as possible and the They offer many advantages for small scale applications.
electrodes spaced as close as possible [3]. Specific geometries Piezoelectric materials can be made in a variety of shapes and
of electrode placement have been recommended in several sizes, increasing their range of applications. They are also
different sources to minimize the spacing between electrodes very efficient at converting electrical potential into pressure.
and more accurately control the droplet velocity. Droplets can They are now without their downsides. For one thing,
be moved over surfaces, known as the Marangoni effect, by an Piezoelectric materials offer only linear motion, they do not
imbalance of the surface tension on the leading edge of the rotate. They also only create very small deformations,
droplet to the back, with electrowetting [23]. Detailed studies meaning that a mechanical amplifier is necessary when large
have been conducted that utilize the passive effect of surface displacements are needed. Piezoelectric materials require
interactions to induce flow in microchannels with very high large voltages to operate, which requires additional volume
efficiency by creating a difference in surface tension between and weight for electronics.
the ends of the bulk water flowing through a channel [6], [19].
However, some research has indicated that electrowetting on a
super hydrophobic surface is more difficult to do because the
degree of surface roughness causes separation between the
water and the electrodes [12]. Note that the inducing the flow
of water in microchannels by this method still requires at least
a three body interaction.

Equation 2

) (
V Figure 1: An Example of a Piezoelectric Fin System Being
d Used for Propulsion [13]

Equation 3 In swimming robots, piezoelectric actuators are often

cos V
cos 2
used to move fins back and forth [13], [16]. In these robots,
the piezoelectric elements are attached to mechanical
amplifiers such as simple pivots, or more complicated Grashof
linkages. These linkages are attached to the fins used for
Another method of actuating water through a channel is to
propulsion. The piezoelectric element is then driven with a
manipulate the electrical double-layer field at the solid-liquid
sinusoidal input to create a traveling wave in a flexible fin [16]
interface [21]. The electric double layer is described as a
or tail [13], depending on the scale of the robot, and the
force balance between the electrostatic charges on the surface
significant forces used for propulsion.
with the charges in the liquid. Flowing ions in the fluid induce
an electrical current to flow in the direction that the water is
moving [15]. So, running a current through the channel
surface can induce the water to flow in the same direction.
Modified Navier-Stokes equations are available in literature to
describe and accurately predict volume flow rates. In addition
to electrokinetic driven flow, micro-featured 'ribs' can be
patterned on the surface orthogonal to the axis of flow to
reduce friction and energy requirements [8]. This has an effect
similar to the discussed method of altering the liquid-solid
interface by increasing the nanoscale surface roughness.
Figure 2: Deformation Caused by a Traveling Sine Wave
in a Piezoelectric Motor's Stator [14]
B. The Piezoelectric Effect.
Despite their popularity when used in linear motion, clever
The piezoelectric effect is a phenomenon observable in many usage of piezoelectric elements can create other types of
crystalline and ceramic materials. When pressure, and mechanical work. Piezoelectric motors are a good example of
therefore strain, is applied to the crystal, a voltage is this trend [14]. Piezoelectric motors use a series of pie-slice
Micro/Nano Robotics; M. Sitti; 3/2/9 3

shaped piezoelectric elements arranged in a circle. A rigid viable is nuclear energy, but unfortunately is to dangerous to
rotor is placed on top of the stator. When each piezoelectric put onto these robots at least until control methods for them
element is fed a sine wave (each section receiving a slightly become much more advanced. Radioisotope thermoelectric
different phase), a traveling wave effect is created on the generators have been used in pacemakers and other small, self
stator. Friction between the stator and rotor causes the rotor to contained devices. However, they are very inefficient in terms
turn. These motors are especially good for micro scale of power per volume, and also somewhat dangerous. Fuel
robotics. Unlike classical, electric field driven motors, a cells also may be an option but again may be too big for
piezoelectric motor’s efficiency scales with surface area applications at the micrometer scale. Table 1 Shows an energy
(friction, or L2), not volume or even higher order effects (L3 or to weight comparison for various batteries and fuel cells so
higher). At small scales, conventional motors run at very high based off of the amount of energy we predict the robot will use
speeds, often necessitating a very complicated gearbox if low we can tell if one of these options would be viable and how
speeds are desired. Piezoelectric motors inherently run at long the robot would work off of this power.
lower speeds, and the speed is adjustable to a great extent
without effecting the torque (by adjusting the speed of the Table 1: Specific energy comparison of batteries and fuel cells
traveling wave in the stator) [14]. Piezoelectric motors do [22]
have their share of disadvantages. Since they use piezoelectric
elements, the driving voltage must be very high. They also
require complex driving signals, since a separate sine wave
input is needed for each element in the stator.

Figure 3: Pumping Compartments in a Peristaltic Pump

Another common option for small robots is an external
Another novel application of piezoelectric technology is for power source attached by wires. This option is viable, but has
peristaltic pumping [4]. In a piezoelectric pump, two long the drawback of being tethered which would affect the motion
strips of piezoelectric elements are pressed together. Each of such small robots and could have connection failures that
strip has many short piezoelectric elements arrayed across its would be difficult to fix. The last option is wireless energy
length. Each of these elements is actuated to make the strip transfer which is the option we would like to explore.
bend in a traveling sine wave shape. When the two strips are
fed sine waves 180 degrees out of phase, it creates a series of There are many different ways to transfer energy wirelessly,
compartments within the strip that form at one end, travel the “Electromagnetic induction works on the principle of a
length of the pump, and empty on the other end [4]. These primary coil generating a predominantly magnetic field and a
compartments can be used for pumping fluid. The secondary coil being within that field so a current is induced
piezoelectric pump moves small amount of liquid rapidly, so within its coils.”[20] This only works over a short range due to
the fluid flow is relatively steady, unlike conventional piston the amount of power required to produce an electromagnetic
pumps, which cycle much more slowly. The piezoelectric field.
pump also has a high back pressure, since there is never a
continuous path from the input to output. “Various methods of transmitting power wirelessly have been
known for centuries. Perhaps the best known example is
III. REMOTE POWERING electromagnetic radiation, such as radio waves. While such
There are three main options for powering micro-nano radiation is excellent for wireless transmission of information,
robots. The first is onboard power, but battery technology is it is not feasible to use it for power transmission. Since
not advanced enough to optimize the energy vs. weight ratio at radiation spreads in all directions, a vast majority of power
such small scales. For micro-nano robots on-board battery would end up being wasted into free space.”[3] In laser based
power sources would end up being to big for the robot to be wireless power systems, electricity is converted into a laser
efficient, thus it is safe to remove this option from beam which is then pointed at a photocell which converts the
consideration. Another on-board power option that may be light energy back into electricity. Directed electromagnetic
radiation, such as lasers, are not very practical and can even be
Micro/Nano Robotics; M. Sitti; 3/2/9 4

dangerous. They require an uninterrupted line of sight between droplet on a surface without guiding channels, as is the
the source and the device, as well as a sophisticated tracking technique now. Theoretically, the droplet could even be made
mechanism when the device is moving. to spin.
For an underwater robot, the piezoelectric actuator and the
An MIT research team has come up with a better way of elecrtokinetic propulsion of water through a channel has
wireless energy transfer called WiTricity, a more modern promise. If the body of the robot could be optimized to reduce
implementation of some of Nikola Tesla’s ideas, which we will drag, the robot would essentially pull itself through the water
be exploring further for our particular uses. in contrast with classical notions of pumped water propelling a
craft via momentum flux. Piezoelectric actuators have been
A. WiTricity used to great effect in robots requiring linear motion. Newer
WiTricity is based off of the fact that “if two resonant applications have not received such thorough research, and
objects are brought in mid-range proximity, their near fields much groundwork remains to be done. Piezoelectric pumps
(consisting of so-called 'evanescent waves') couple and can have only been demonstrated a handful of times, and many
allow the energy to tunnel/transfer from one object to the other aspects of their design are yet to be optimized, such as the
within times much shorter than all loss times, which were surface coating, wave shape, and size optimization. One major
designed to be long, and thus with the maximum possible hurdle faced by all projects involving piezoelectric elements is
energy-transfer efficiency. Since the resonant wavelength is the large voltage needed to drive them. Work on miniaturizing
much larger than the resonators, the field can circumvent the electronics, or on lowering their power requirements would
extraneous objects in the vicinity and thus this mid-range dramatically expand the number of applications they could be
energy-transfer scheme does not require line-of-sight. By used for.
utilizing in particular the magnetic field to achieve the For any robot, whether operating on the surface or
coupling, this method can be safe, since magnetic fields subsurface, the power needed for operation becomes a
interact weakly with living organisms.”[20]. Also magnetic problem. Micro-robots optimally function with little or no
fields do not interact with most common materials, which battery weight. So the use of remote powering is of interest.
reduces energy losses to the environment, thus adding to the Depending on how far of a range we need to send energy
efficiency of this system. across we will decide whether to use resonant inductive energy
transfer or WiTricity. “Some of these wireless resonant
Electricity is sent out by a transmitter through a nonradiative inductive devices operate at low milliwatt power levels and are
electromagnetic field and is only picked up by receivers that battery powered. Others operate at higher kilowatt power
are designed to resonate with the field. The energy not picked levels. Current implantable medical and road electrification
up by the receiver is reabsorbed back into the transmitter. The device designs achieve more than 75% transfer efficiency at an
way that this works is that the transmitters coil is coupled operating distance between the transmit and receive coils of
inductively to an oscillating circuit and the receivers coil is less than 10 cm.”[20]. Researchers working on WiTricity have
coupled inductively to a resistive load. “The coils are made of found that it is powerful enough to run a laptop over a room
an electrically conducting wire of total length l and cross- sized distance even with objects obstructing a direct pathway.
sectional radius a wound into a helix of n turns, radius r, and Soljacic’s group was able “to transfer 60 Watts with ~40%
height h.”[1] “Self resonant coils rely on the interplay between efficiency over distances in excess of 2 meters.”[1] Other
distributed inductance and distributed capacitance to achieve researchers suggested this technology to be used on
resonance.”[1]. This concept works based on the principle that applications such as “electric-engine buses, RFIDs, and
two objects with the same resonant frequency exchange energy perhaps even nano-robots.”[11]

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