Lesson Plan-Europe

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European Art Lesson Plan

Serenity Martinie

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 220 Principles of Education Psychology

Professor Isbell

April 30, 2016

Running Head: EUROPEAN ART 1

3rd Grade European Art Lesson

A. Standards-

● 1. Content Standard:

○ Criticism by identifying, classifying, and comparing characteristics of the art

elements as they share, interpret, and evaluate their own artwork and the artwork

of others. • Aesthetics by describing and ranking images, moods, and

functions in works of art for realism, expressionism, and functionalism.

○ History by identifying and discussing the materials, processes, purposes, and

functions of specific styles of artworks.

○ Production by creating works of art with a variety of lines, shapes, colors,

textures, forms, and space to create pattern, balance, value, movement, and

contrast through drawing, painting, clay, printmaking, 2-D and 3-D, weaving, and

digital and mixed media.

i. Students will be able to complete a mosaic according to the rubric standards

with at least 80% accuracy.

● 2. Multicultural Content Standard: Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and


a. know that the visual arts have both a history and specific relationships to

various cultures

b. identify specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places

c. demonstrate how history, culture, and the visual arts can influence each other in making and

studying works of art

Running Head: EUROPEAN ART 2


Auditory​: Students will be listening to the various stories presented about famous artists as well

as the stories that the art represents.

Visual​: Students will be able to see different artworks as well as create one as a class and see

how it is drawn out.

Kinesthetic​: Students will physically make a mosaic using the different materials given.

B. Materials-

● Powerpoint

● White paper

● glue

● variety of construction paper colors

● scissors

● small containers to hold the cut up pieces of paper

● paint brushes

● video

C. Instruction-

We will learn about the city Rome, discuss how art can tell stories, discuss the

importance of art before books were created, learn techniques used to create mosaics, and create

our own work of art that represents them.

D. Instruction Procedures:
Running Head: EUROPEAN ART 3

Students will be presented information about the art of rome through pictures, a powerpoint, and

other visuals. They will be given examples of the tools used and review how to use them. Then

they will complete a mosaic that represents them.

T: Show students the introduction power point about Rome (vocabulary) and start a discussion

about what art used to be used for (to tell stories before books could be mass printed.)

S: Respond to discussion, give examples that they can think of

T: Show video of mosaics and talk about what mosaics are and how they are created, ask

students what they think.

S: Respond

T: Talk about whether or not a story can be told using just one picture

S: Respond

T: Makes example on the board by starting a story but only using the pictures, and asking

students for input.

S; Respond by giving the teacher elements to the story

T: Illustrates on the board, then explain that they will be making a mosaic

S: Have a helper pass out white sheets of paper and pencils

T: Tell the students to draw a picture that represents them.

S: Draw a picture that represents them

T: Tell them to use the paper to make a mosaic.

S: Make a mosaic then have the students write their names on the back of their pictures. Have the

students clean up their areas

E. Closure
Running Head: EUROPEAN ART 4

Review Vocabulary

Have a walk around to see all the artwork and discuss a few of the artworks and their inspiration,

how they could tell a story.

Running Head: EUROPEAN ART 5

F. Evaluation
Mosaic Project Checklist

Exceeds: 5 pts Meets: 3pts Needs Improvement:


Did the student pay

attention and
participate in the

Did the student share

materials and work
well with others?

Did the student

focus on their work?

Did student draw a

picture that
represents them?

Did student zoom in

on the subject of the

Did student use

construction paper to
fill in the color?

Running Head: EUROPEAN ART 6

Young, L. E., Dr, C. G., Wright, D. L., Child, K. L., Cranor, E. E., Edwards, C., . . .

Skorkowsky, P. (n.d.). ​Curriculum Overview 2015–2016​ (K-5).

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