Info Folder For The Certification As Senior Project Manager (IPMA Level B)

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Info folder for the

certification as
Senior Project Manager
(IPMA Level B)

1 General Information............................................................................................................................2
2 Registration for certification................................................................................................................3
3 The Report process ............................................................................................................................6
4 Certification day..................................................................................................................................8
5 Overall appraisal.................................................................................................................................9
6 pma assessors ...................................................................................................................................9
7 Appendix.............................................................................................................................................9

Basis for certification (in the following order):

Info folder
pm baseline v3.0, english
ICB – IPMA Competence Baseline, Version 3.0, english
All documents can be downloaded free of charge from the pma website:

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1 General Information
1.1 Overview of the certification process
The certification process is comprised of the following steps:
• Registration
• Admission
• Certification briefing
• Report
• Certification Day
• Overall appraisal

Figure 1: The certification process

1.2 Requirements for Certification

• Specialised knowledge in accordance with ICB 3.0 and pm baseline 3.0.
• At least 900 people days experience in project management, including
• At least 540 people days experience as sole responsible project manager in complex projects
(PM activities and other related activities will be counted).
• Attendance at a certification briefing.

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1.3 Process of Certification as Senior Project Manager

Online registration, Report Proposal, Complexity Sheets and PM self assessment

(at least 4 months before the Certification day)

Feedback on the registration forms via e-support (if required)

Admission for certification

(invoice by post at least about 2 months before certification day)

PM Qualification via further training (if required)

Duration c. 4.5 months

certification briefing
(dates will be published on the pma website)

Preparation of the Report

Submission of the Report

(at least 3 weeks before the exam date!)

Feedback from the pma assessor via the e-support system

(at the latest 1 week before the exam date)

Individual preparation for the PM certification

Certification day
(pm test; workshop & interview)

Result of the certification (by mail; within 2 weeks after the certification day)
Sending certificate (within 5 weeks after the certification day)

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2 Registration for certification
Registration is comprised of:
• Registration form
• PM self assessment
• Report proposal
• Complexity sheets (for each listed complex project)
The completed registration must be uploaded by the certification candidate to the pma website: (this process is to operate only one time; possible
completions or modifications have to be transacted via e-support; for this, please note your
username and password)

2.1 Registration form

The registration form is comprised of the following parts:
• Personal details
• School, higher education and further studies
• Previous training and studies in project management
• Previous training and studies in management and behavioural competences
• Career development
• Previous experience in projects
• Key facts to Report
The registration form can be found in Appendix 1.

2.2 PM self assessment

• Through the PM self assessment, the certification candidate evaluates his/her own project
management knowledge and experience.
• The PM self assessment is based on the ICB and the pm baseline - the project management
body of knowledge of pma.
The PM self assessment can be found in Appendix 2.

2.3 Report proposal

The Report proposal serves as a short description of the project used for the certification and is
comprised of the following:
• Description of the project
• Project organisation
• Bar chart
• Description of the role of the candidate in the project

The Report proposal should not exceed 9 pages.

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2.4 Complexity sheets
• The Complexity sheet evaluates the complexity of a project.
• A Complexity sheet has to be filled in by the certification candidate for each complex project
listed (see appendix, registration form, "Experience in projects" table) as well as for the project
selected for the report.

The Complexity sheet template can be downloaded from the pma website (area “downloads”).

2.5 Payment details

The fee for the certification as Senior Project Manager is Euro 2.020,-- (excl. 10% VAT) and for
pma members Euro 1.860,-- (excl. 10% VAT.). The certification fee is due after receipt the
If the certification is not finished one year after admission (not including repeated exams), the
admission expires. In case of a second start of the certification process the certification fee has to
be paid in full a second time.

In case of withdrawal from the certification before admission, a cancellation fee of

EUR 220,-- (excl. 10% VAT) will be charged as due; after admission, the total fee is due.

In case of the exam date being re-scheduled, an administrative fee of Euro 220,-- (excl. 10%
VAT) will be charged.

If a candidate fails to pass the pm test, it can be retaken after 2 months at the earliest. If the
examination has to be retaken due to lack of experience (report, workshop and interview), the
candidate must wait 12 months before re-applying.
The entire process must be completed within 1,5 years of attending the first exam. In case of a
second start of the certification process, the full certification fee will be charged again. In case of
certification for zSPM being retaken, a fee of Euro 140,-- (excl. 10 % VAT) will be charged for pm
test and Euro 930,-- (excl. 10% VAT) for the report/workshop/interview.

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3 The Report process
The Report process consists of:
• Verification of references (selected examples)
• The preparation and submission of the report by the candidate
• Feedback on the report by the pma assessor.

3.1 Report
The objective of the report
• In the report, the candidate is to present PM competences according to the structure table.
• The application of methods (in the project plan) should follow the guidelines of the pm
• The overall objective is to evaluate the PM qualifications (knowledge and experience) of the
certification candidate.
Criteria for selection of a project for the Report
• It must be the last completed complex project as defined by the Complexity Sheet criteria.
• The certification candidate must have led the project him/herself.
• The company which conducted the project must give its consent to the project being used for
the report.
Formal rules
• The candidate must produce the report him/herself.
• The project description must be understandable to the pma assessors.
• It must be a real project; however, project data can be anonymous.
• The finished project must be presented.
• Additional PM plans can be attached, if necessary, in the appendix.
• Selected competences will be discussed (PM technical, PM contextual and behavioural)
• The report must be uploaded via the e-support system by the specified date.
• Supported data formats: Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) or compressed files (.zip).
• Candidates must ensure that the case study can be printed (i.e. formatted to A4) before they
submit it.
• The number of pages for the report may not exceed 45.
• Files sent to pma may not exceed 5MB.
• The report must be printable in black and white in readable quality.
Report timetable
• The final submission date will be published via the e-support system.
• The report must be uploaded to the e-support system at the latest 3 weeks before the exam
• Feedbacks from the pma assessor will be given at the latest 1 week before the exam date.
• Only the first version of the submitted report will be considered - candidates should not submit
revisions of the report.

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Structure of the report for certification as Senior Project Manager
The following table lists the chapter structure, a description and the length of the various chapters.
The figures in brackets refer to the chapter in ICB which describes the relevant PM competence.
All aspects (PM context, PM technical, PM behavioural) must be considered.

Chapter Contents Length

Chapter 1: • Brief description of the project performing company 2 – 3 pages
Description of the project and are of business (3.05 Permanent organisation)
performing company and the • Description of the candidate's role in the company
candidate's own role • Relevance of the project work
• Project types and number of projects
• Observations concerning the organisational PM
• Brief description of the customer
Chapter 2: • Objectives, content, type and size (relevance, 1 – 2 pages
Brief description of the complexity), general characteristics and background
Chapter 3: • Project assignment (1.01) 9 – 10 pages
Documentation of the project in • Project environment analysis (1.02)
a short project handbook (PM • Project organisation chart (1.06)
plans) • Work breakdown structure (1.09)
• Project bar chart (1.11)
• Project responsibility matrix (1.12)
• Project personnel plan (1.12)
• Project cost plan (1.13)
• Progress report (1.16)
The reflection of these plans is to be carried out in
chapter 4
Chapter 4: The main chapter of the report should include: ca. 14 – 16
Management challenges • A description of the PM challenges of each pages
competence area
• Number of the competence elements per
each area of competence
o PM technical: 14
o PM behaviour: 8
o PM context: 6
• The competence elements are to be discussed
according to the following structure:
o Situation & challenges
o Tasks
o Activities
o Results
Chapter 5: Management Summary of the PM challenges in the 1 - 2 pages
project, the lessons learned and brief feedback
Total 27 - 33 pages
Appendix • Possible alternative plans Maximum
• Relevant company or project documentation 5 – 10 pages
• Minutes, reports, etc.

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3.2 Feedback on the report
The candidate will receive feedback from the pma assessor at the lastest 1 week before the
certification day. Only reports which adhere to the above guidelines will be evaluated.

4 Certification day
The following activities will take place on the certification day:
• pm test
• Workshop
• Interview

Objectives of the certification day

• Completion of the certification.
• Appraisal of the project management knowledge and experience of the certification candidate,
according to ICB and pm baseline.

Participants in the certification day

• Certification candidates
• pma assessors
• Staff of pma certification body

Requirements for the certification day

• Admission for the certification.
• A fully completed report uploaded to the e-support system.

pm test
• Computer-based multiple-choice test
• Duration: 1 hour
• 80 questions

• Duration: 2 hours
• Completion of PM tasks in teams
• Role plays with different PM roles
• Participants: 4 certification candidates, 2 pma assessors

• Duration: 2 hours
• Interview on PM competence (PM technical, PM context and behavioural according to ICB and
pm baseline).

We reserve the right, to suspend you from the certification, if the invoice(s) are not paid.

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5 Overall appraisal
The overall appraisal covers the entire certification process meaning the report, the pm test, the
performance during the workshop and in the interview.
The ICB guidelines for knowledge and experience will be the criteria on which the level of
certification will be based. Competence will be evaluated in the fields of technical, contextural and
behavioural competences.
In case the criteria for Level B, Senior PM are not met, the assessors may offer the certification
candidate the chance to repeat the process (report, pm test, workshop and interview), or
alternatively offer a pass at Level C, PM.
In case of failure, the pm test can be repeated after 2 months at the earliest. If the examination has
to be retaken due to lack of experience (report, workshop and interview), the candidate must wait
12 months before re-applying.
The result and the certificate will be sent to the candidate by the pma certification body within 5
weeks after the certification day.

6 pma assessors
A full list of the pma assessors can be found on the certification page of the pma website.

7 Appendix
• Registration form
• PM self assessment

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7.1 Registration Form
Registration for certification as
Senior Project manager (IPMA Level B) on: __________________________
7.1.1 Personal Details

First and last name / Title

Date and place of birth

Home address

Billing address (*)

UID Number (*)

Order number for invoicing (*)

Company name (*)

Company address (*)



(Passport or driving license number)

(*) in case of company payment

7.1.2 School and higher education, further education

From/to Institution Qualification

7.1.3 Project management training and studies

From/to Institution Course Title

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7.1.4 Previous training and studies in management and behavioural competences

Behavioural competences (e.g. moderation, group dynamics, presentation skills) and leadership
tasks (e.g. conducting personal appraisals, giving presentations, team leadership).

From/to Institution Course Title

7.1.5 Career Development

From/to Position/role Company

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7.1.6 Current Project Experience

Experience in projects (Table reference projects, Programs and Portfolios, sorted in descending order, beginning with the most recent):
Nr. Project/program/portfolio Project performing Start (mm.yy) & Budget Phases Complexity1 Role2 and Actual PM efforts3 Contact reference
name company / finish (mm.yy) (1000 Euro), (Quantity) Responsibilities of (people days)
customer Effort the candidate
Example Example pma 01/08 – 12/08 10.000,-- 5 32 PM incl. PM- 30 pd PM Mag. Brigitte Schaden
(180 PT) (180 PT) activities + 60 pd PM-

1 According to the Complexity Sheet

2 PS (Project Sponsor), PM (Project Manager), PTM (Project Team Member)
3 In people days; calculate pro-rata (e.g. a project with a 12 month duration (180 people days) and 10% PM effort equates to 18 people days PM- activities) as well as
relating to project content (e.g. 6 months project work). One year is calculated as 180 people days.

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7.1.7 Key facts to report

Project name

Project duration (mm/yy – mm/yy)

Project type

Project goals

7.1.8 Will your company pay the certification fee?

ο yes ο no

7.1.9 Are you or your company member of pma?

ο yes ο no

7.1.10 Are you already a Certified Project Manager?

ο yes ο no

7.1.11 Reasons why you want to get certified?

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7.1.12 Payment details

The fee for the certification as Senior Project Manager is Euro 2.020,-- (excl. 10% VAT) and for
pma members Euro 1.860,-- (excl. 10% VAT.). The certification fee is due after receipt the
If the certification is not finished one year after admission (not including repeated exams), the
admission expires. In case of a second start of the certification process the certification fee has to
be paid in full a second time.

In case of withdrawal from the certification before admission, a cancellation fee of EUR 220-
- (excl. 10% VAT) will be charged; after admission the total fee is due.
In case of the exam date being re-scheduled, an administrative fee of Euro 220-- (excl. 10%
VAT) will be charged.

If a candidate fails to pass the pm test, it can be retaken after 2 months at the earliest. If the
examination has to be retaken due to lack of training experience (report, workshop and interview),
the candidate must wait 12 months before re-applying.
The entire process must be completed within 1.5 years of attending the first exam. In case of a
second start of the certification process, the full certification fee will be charged again. In case of
certification as zSPM being retaken, a fee of Euro 140,-- (excl. 10 % VAT) will be charged for pm
test and Euro 930,-- (excl. 10% VAT) for the report/workshop/interview.

Place, date Signature

This registration is contractually binding.

By signing this document, the applicant hereby confirms that all the above data provided is correct.
The applicant explicitly approves of the electronic processing and storing of this data (personal
data, exam and test documents, project report, etc) by pma.
The applicant agrees to the evaluation of his/her behavioural competences by the pma assessors
during the course of the PM certification.
The applicant has read and accepts the pma Code of Ethics (available on the pma website) and
agrees to comply with this code as certified project manager and pma member.
In case of a successful certification the applicant’s name may be published on the pma and IPMA

The IPMA Level B certificate is valid for 5 years. After this time the certificate must be renewed or,
by fulfilling the relevant requirements, an IPMA Level A certificate may be obtained.

 next step: Please fill in the table below describing how you estimate your knowledge
and experience with regard to the corresponding competence elements (for
the whole 3 competence elements incl. the interpretation to knowledge and

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7.2 PM Self-Assessment

Certification candidate
Name and title ………………………………………………………………………………………
Current employment ………………………………………………………………………………………
Company ………………………………………………………………………………………

General notes on self-assessment of PM competence:

PM competence is divided into three competence areas :
• Technical competences
• Contextual competences
• Behavioural competences

Each PM competence element combines both knowledge and experience.

The PM self assessment must be completed accurately and truthfully. It therefore requires some
The level of PM competence is calculated in the self assessment by means of a taxonomy scale
(see ICB) from 0 to 10, where 10 is the highest possible level. In order to perform a meaningful self
assessment, it is necessary to read and understand completely the description of each PM
competence element in the ICB Version 3 and the pm baseline. On the basis of these descriptions,
the candidate's competence with regard to knowledge and experience is to be assessed. The
taxonomy table in the ICB supports the evaluation and assignment of values.
The requirements with regard to knowledge and experience can be viewed in Appendix 2 of the
Please fill in the table below describing how you estimate your knowledge and experience with
regard to the corresponding competence elements.
Summarize, by using keywords, how you estimate your knowledge and experience for each
individual competence area (approximately half a page for each); for very high and very low
values, please provide an explanation.

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1 Technical Competence Knowledge Experience

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1.01 Project management success x x
1.02 Interested parties x x
1.03 Project requirements and objectives x x
1.04 Risk and opportunity x x

Interpretation with regard to knowledge (extract of an example):

I have constantly increased my PM knowledge prior to and during projects, via corresponding courses and
literature. Especially in the area of risks and opportunities, since I have already carried out various risky
projects abroad, under difficult economical and political conditions.

Interpretation with regard to experience (extract of an example)

I have less experience when it comes to the concrete definition of project goals on the basis of customer
requirements, or with the development of a business case, since our company-internal structures and
approaches do not necessarily allow for this, and the assignment of the project manager is carried out
exclusively via an internal project sponsor in the line.

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1 Technical Competence Knowledge Experience
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1.01 Project management success
1.02 Interested parties
1.03 Project requirements and objectives
1.04 Risk and opportunity
1.05 Quality
1.06 Project organisation
1.07 Teamwork
1.08 Problem resolution
1.09 Project structures
1.10 Scope & deliverables
1.11 Time & project phases
1.12 Resources
1.13 Cost & Finance
1.14 Procurement & contract
1.15 Changes
1.16 Control & reports
1.17 Information &documentation
1.18 Communication
1.19 Start-up
1.20 Close-out

Interpretation with regard to knowledge:

Interpretation with regard to experience:

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2 Behavioural Competence Knowledge Experience
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2.01 Leadership
2.02 Engagement & motivation
2.03 Self-control
2.04 Assertiveness
2.05 Relaxation
2.06 Openness
2.07 Creativity
2.08 Result orientation
2.09 Efficiency
2.10 Consultation
2.11 Negotiation
2.12 Conflict & crisis
2.13 Reliability
2.14 Values appreciation
2.15 Ethics

Interpretation with regard to knowledge:

Interpretation with regard to experience:

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3 Contextual Competence Knowledge Experience
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3.01 Project orientation
3.02 Programme orientation
3.03 Portfolio orientation
3.04 Project, programme & portfolio
3.05 Permanent organisation
3.06 Business
3.07 Systems, products & technology
3.08 Personnel management
3.09 Health, security, safety & environment
3.10 Finance
3.11 Law

Interpretation with regard to knowledge:

Interpretation with regard to experience:

 next step: Please upload the completed registration incl. report proposal and complexity sheets to the pma

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