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2/6/2018 Moment Distribution

A Beginner's Guide to Structural Mechanics/Analysis

Continuous Beam Analysis

(c) 2007, 2008 T. Bartlett Quimby

Section CB.2.1
Elastic Analysis
Moment Distribution
Last Revised: 11/04/2014

Moment distribution is a great method for quickly computing end moments on
Diagrams continuous beams. Over the years, several variations of the method have been
with End presented. These methods take advantage of various observations made about the
Moment info process. While this method can be applied to a variety of indeterminate structures,
the discussion here is limited to continuous beams that may or may not be
continuous with supporting columns.
Plastic Analysis
The moment distribution method begins by determining the relative
Envelopes stiffness, in the plane of loading, of all the elements rigidly connected to each joint.
Rotational stiffness of a member is proportional to material and geometric stiffness:
Superpostion Relative Rotational Stiffness = EI/L

Problems E is the modulus of elasticity of the material,
I is the moment of inertia about the axis of bending in the plane of the frame,
Homework and
Problems L is the length of the member.

Report Errors or The basic premise of the moment distribution method is that any unbalanced
Make moment on a joint is redistributed to the members rigidly attached to that joint in
Suggestions proportion to contributions each element makes to the total rotational stiffness of
the joint. Consequently, distribution factors are computed at each joint, one for
Make Donation
each element attached to the joint that provides rotational stiffness in the
considered plane. The equation for computing the distribution factor of the ith
member at a joint with n members is:

Note that if any of the variables is constant for all members of the joint, then the
constant variable will cancel out of the equation.

The distribution factors are computed joint by joint for the ends of each member
connected to the joint. 1/9
2/6/2018 Moment Distribution

The moment distribution method assumes that all joints are "fixed" at the start of
the problem. This means that when loads are applied to each span, fixed end
moments are developed at each end of the loaded span. The fixed end moments
are a function of the nature and location of the applied loads on the span. If there
is more than one load source on a span, super position can be used to determine
the total fixed end moment at the end of each span.

Concerning notation, in this method the end moments are considered to be

reactions. As a result, the right hand rule is used to determine the sign of the
moments. Do not use beam internal force notation.

After computing the fixed end moments (FEM) for each span, you will observe that
there is an unbalanced moment at each joint. In other words, the sum of moments
at the joint does not equal zero, a necessary requirement for equilibrium. To rectify
this problem, a joint is "released" and the unbalanced moment (i.e. the difference of
the FEMs) is divided among the members attached to joint in proportion to their
contributions to the joint rotational stiffness using the distribution factors. Once the
distributed moments are added to each preexisting FEM at the joint, the resulting
FEMs are "balanced". In other words, the sum of the moments at the joint equal
zero and equilibrium is satisfied at that joint (for now!).

The addition of moment to each element attached to the joint induces a moment on
the opposite end of each member. This is called "carry over" (CO). The carry over
moment is added to the preexisting FEM at that joint. The CO moment tends to
unbalance the joints adjacent to newly balanced joint. These joints are, in turn
released, balanced and send back CO moments to unbalance the adjacent joint.

Joints are successively released and balanced until the CO moments get small
enough to ignore. This means that this is an iterative process that looks for

An example may help to illustrate the process.

Consider the beam shown in Figure CB.2.1.1. This beam will have a constant E and
I for all three spans, so the relative stiffness of each can be computed as 1/L.

Figure CB.2.1.1
Beam Problem Definition

Compute the Distribution Factors

For Joint "A": 2/9
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Two items contribute to the rotational stiffness at A. One is the beam

AB the other is the infinitely stiff support. The distribution factor at the
left end of beam AB then is:

DFAB,L = (1/7.5) / (infinity + 1/7.5) = 0

The distribution factor for the support at A is:

DFA = infinity / (infinity + 1/7.5) = 1

For Joint "B":

The two items contributing to rotation stiffness at B are the beams that
come in from either side. The support is a roller so it does not
contribute to the rotational support of the joint. The two distribution
factors are:

DFAB,R = (1/7.5) / ( (1/7.5) + (1/5) ) = 0.400

DFBC,L = (1/5) / ( (1/7.5) + (1/5) ) = 0.600

For Joint "C":

The two items contributing to rotation stiffness at C are the beams that
come in from either side. The support is a roller so it does not
contribute to the rotational support of the joint. The two distribution
factors are:

DFBC,R = (1/5) / ( (1/6.25) + (1/5) ) = 0.556

DFCD,L = (1/6.25) / ( (1/6.25) + (1/5) ) = 0.444

For Joint "D":

There is only one item contributing to rotation stiffness at D: Beam CD.

The support is a roller so it does not contribute to the rotational support
of the joint. The two distribution factors are:

DFCD,R = (1/6.25) / ( (1/6.25) + (0) ) = 1.000

DFD = (0) / ( (1/6.25) + (0) ) = 0.000

Table CB.2.1.1 summarizes the progress to this point.

Table CB.2.1.1
Distribution Factors

Span AB Span BC Span CD Units

Span 7.5 5 6.25 m
1/L 0.133333 0.2 0.16
Joint A B B C C D
DF 0.000 0.400 0.600 0.556 0.444 1.000 3/9
2/6/2018 Moment Distribution

Compute the Fixed End Moments

The fixed end moments are computed span by span using the given loading for
each span and considering the ends of the beam to be fixed.

Any number of sources can provide Figure CB.2.1.2

equations for fixed end moments. Fixed End Moments
Maybe, we'll eventually add a table
of them here. For now, you can use
the beam tables found in the Steel
Construction Manual, the
Fundamentals of Engineering (FE)
exam reference manual, or derive
your own.

Figure CB.2.1.2 shows each of the

spans, their loading, and the
definition of the FEMs. Note that
each of the right end FEMs are right
hand rule negative moments. It is
important to keep the sign.

For Span AB, the FEMS are:

FEMAB,L = + PL / 8 = + (10 kN) (7.5

m) / 8 = + 9.375 kN/m

FEMAB,R = - PL / 8 = - (10 kN) (7.5

m) / 8 = - 9.375 kN/m

The two FEMs have the same

magnitude since the load is centered
on the span. They would be
different otherwise.

For Span BC, the FEMS are:

FEMBC,L = + wL2 / 12 = + (2 kN/m) (5 m)2 / 12 = + 4.167 kN/m

FEMBC,L = + wL2 / 12 = - (2 kN/m) (5 m)2 / 12 = - 4.167 kN/m

For Span CD, the FEMS are:

FEMCD,L = + wL2 / 12 = + (1.5 kN/m) (6.25 m)2 / 12 = + 4.883 kN/m

FEMCD,L = + wL2 / 12 = - (1.5 kN/m) (6.25 m)2 / 12 = - 4.883 kN/m

Table CB.2.1.2 show our spreadsheet table expanded to include the initial FEMs.

Table CB.2.1.2
Distribution Factors 4/9
2/6/2018 Moment Distribution

Span AB Span BC Span CD Units

Span 7.5 5 6.25 m
1/L 0.133333 0.2 0.16
Load 10 kN 2 kN/m 1.5 kN/m
Joint A B B C C D
DF 0.000 0.400 0.600 0.556 0.444 1.000
FEM 9.375 -9.375 4.167 -4.167 4.883 -4.883 kN-m

Balancing the Joints and Doing the Carry Over

At this time, all joints are said to be fixed. In other words, it is as if an invisible lock
has taken the imbalance at each joint. This explains why equilibrium is not satisfied
at a joint. Lets take each joint and do a balance.

Joint A:

The table that we are developing does not show the support side of the
joint. This is common. Joint A is always balanced because the fixed
support moment matches (with opposite sign) the beam end moment.
This joint does not require balancing.

Joint B:

The unbalanced moment a this joint equals (-9.375 kN-m + 4.167 kN-m)
= - 5.208 kN-m. To balance this joint we need to add + 5.208 kN-m to
the joint. This is done by adding to each beam end in proportion to its
contribution to the rotational stiffness of the joint. This is what the
distribution factors are for.

The new FEMs are:

FEMAB,R = - 9.375 kN/m + DFAB,R (+5.208 kN-m)

FEMAB,R = - 9.375 kN/m + 0.400 (+5.208 kN-m) = -9.375 kN-m +

2.083 kN-m
FEMAB,R = - 7.292 kN/m

FEMBC,L = + 4.167 kN/m + DFBC,L (+5.208 kN-m)

FEMBC,L = + 4.167 kN/m + (0.600) (+5.208 kN-m) = + 4.167 kN/m +

3.125 kN-m
FEMBC,L = + 7.292 kN/m

Note that the sum of the two FEMs is zero. The joint is balanced.

The result of the balancing creates moments at the far ends of Beams
AB and BC equal to half the balancing moments. Table CB.2.1.3 shows
the balancing moments at joint B and the resulting carry over moments
at joints A and C. The summation line shows the sum of the FEM, 5/9
2/6/2018 Moment Distribution

balance, and CO lines to show the current end moments on each span.
Note that only joint B is "balanced" at this point.

Table CB.2.1.3
Joint B Balance and Carry Over

Span AB Span BC Span CD Units

Span 7.5 5 6.25 m
1/L 0.133333 0.2 0.16
Load 10 kN 2 kN/m 1.5 kN/m
Joint A B B C C D
DF 0.000 0.400 0.600 0.556 0.444 1.000
FEM 9.375 -9.375 4.167 -4.167 4.883 -4.883 kN-m
Balance 0.000 2.083 3.125 kN-m
CO 1.042 0.000 1.563 kN-m
Sum 10.417 -7.292 7.292 -2.604 4.883 -4.883 kN-m

Joint C:

Ignoring the carry over moment from the prior joint, the unbalanced
moment at this joint equals (-4.167 kN-m + 4.883 kN-m) = + 0.716 kN-
m. To balance this joint we need to add - 0.716 kN-m to the joint. This
is done by adding to each beam end in proportion to its contribution to
the rotational stiffness of the joint. This is what the distribution factors
are for.

The new FEMs are:

FEMBC,R = - 4.167 kN/m + DFBC,R (-0.716 kN-m)

FEMBC,R = - 4.167 kN/m + 0.556 (-0.716 kN-m) = -4.167 kN-m - 0.398

FEMBC,R = - 4.565 kN/m

FEMCD,L = + 4.883 kN/m + DFCD,L (-0.716 kN-m)

FEMCD,L = + 4.883 kN/m + (0.444) (-0.716 kN-m) = + 4.883 kN/m -

0.318 kN-m
FEMBC,L = + 4.565 kN/m

Note that the sum of the two FEMs is zero. The joint is balanced, if you
continue to ignore the carryover from joint B. Table CB.2.1.4 shows the
balancing moments and carry over moments (highlighted in yellow)
resulting from this operation.

Table CB.2.1.4
Joint B Balance and Carry Over

Span AB Span BC Span CD Units 6/9
2/6/2018 Moment Distribution

Span 7.5 5 6.25 m

1/L 0.133333 0.2 0.16
Load 10 kN 2 kN/m 1.5 kN/m
Joint A B B C C D
DF 0.000 0.400 0.600 0.556 0.444 1.000
FEM 9.375 -9.375 4.167 -4.167 4.883 -4.883 kN-m
Balance 0.000 2.083 3.125 -0.398 -0.318 kN-m
CO 1.042 0.000 -0.199 1.563 -0.159 kN-m
Sum 10.417 -7.292 7.093 -3.002 4.565 -5.042 kN-m

Joint D:

As we did for Joint C, we ignore the carry over moment from the prior
joint. As we did at joint A, we did not include support moment in the
table. For this case the joint is a pin, so no moment can be there when
we end. The unbalanced moment a this joint equals -4.883 kN-m. To
balance this joint we need to add +4.883 kN-m to the joint. This is
done by adding to each beam end in proportion to its contribution to
the rotational stiffness of the joint. This is what the distribution factors
are for.

The new FEM is:

FEMCD,R = - 4.883 kN/m + DFCD,R (+4.883 kN-m)

FEMCD,R = - 4.883 kN/m + 1.000 (+4.883 kN-m) = -4.167 kN-m +

4.883 kN-m
FEMCD,R = 0 kN/m

Note that the FEM is zero. The joint is balanced, if you continue to
ignore the carry over from joint C. Table CB.2.1.5 shows the balancing
moment and carry over moment (highlighted in yellow) resulting from
this operation.

Table CB.2.1.5
Joint B Balance and Carry Over

Span AB Span BC Span CD Units

Span 7.5 5 6.25 m
1/L 0.133333 0.2 0.16
Load 10 kN 2 kN/m 1.5 kN/m
Joint A B B C C D
DF 0.000 0.400 0.600 0.556 0.444 1.000
FEM 9.375 -9.375 4.167 -4.167 4.883 -4.883 kN-m
Balance 0.000 2.083 3.125 -0.398 -0.318 4.883 kN-m
CO 1.042 0.000 -0.199 1.563 2.441 -0.159 kN-m
Sum 10.417 -7.292 7.093 -3.002 7.006 -0.159 kN-m 7/9
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Adding the original FEMs to the corresponding balancing moments and carry over
moments we arrive at a new FEM state. Notice that the imbalance at each joint is
significantly less than what the original FEMs provided. We are starting to converge
on the solution.

At this point we repeat the balance, carry over and sum steps until the imbalances
become small enough for our purposes. Generally, this occurs when the
unbalanced moments are about 1% of the end moments. With a spreadsheet,
repeating the steps is simply a matter of copying the balance, carry over and sum
steps once the formulas are all set up. Table CB.2.1.6 shows the results of nine
balancing cycles.

Table CB.2.1.6
The Full Solution

Span AB Span BC Span CD Units

Span 7.5 5 6.25 m
1/L 0.133333 0.2 0.16
Load 10 kN 2 kN/m 1.5 kN/m
Joint A B B C C D
DF 0.000 0.400 0.600 0.556 0.444 1.000
FEM 9.375 -9.375 4.167 -4.167 4.883 -4.883 kN-m
Balance 0.000 2.083 3.125 -0.398 -0.318 4.883 kN-m
CO 1.042 0.000 -0.199 1.563 2.441 -0.159 kN-m
Sum 10.417 -7.292 7.093 -3.002 7.006 -0.159 kN-m
Balance 0.000 0.080 0.119 -2.224 -1.780 0.159 kN-m
CO 0.040 0.000 -1.112 0.060 0.080 -0.890 kN-m
Sum 10.456 -7.212 6.100 -5.167 5.306 -0.890 kN-m
Balance 0.000 0.445 0.667 -0.077 -0.062 0.890 kN-m
CO 0.222 0.000 -0.039 0.334 0.445 -0.031 kN-m
Sum 10.679 -6.767 6.729 -4.910 5.689 -0.031 kN-m
Balance 0.000 0.015 0.023 -0.433 -0.346 0.031 kN-m
CO 0.008 0.000 -0.216 0.012 0.015 -0.173 kN-m
Sum 10.687 -6.752 6.535 -5.331 5.358 -0.173 kN-m
Balance 0.000 0.087 0.130 -0.015 -0.012 0.173 kN-m
CO 0.043 0.000 -0.008 0.065 0.087 -0.006 kN-m
Sum 10.730 -6.665 6.658 -5.282 5.433 -0.006 kN-m
Balance 0.000 0.003 0.005 -0.084 -0.067 0.006 kN-m
CO 0.002 0.000 -0.042 0.002 0.003 -0.034 kN-m
Sum 10.731 -6.662 6.620 -5.363 5.369 -0.034 kN-m
Balance 0.000 0.017 0.025 -0.003 -0.002 0.034 kN-m
CO 0.008 0.000 -0.001 0.013 0.017 -0.001 kN-m
Sum 10.740 -6.645 6.644 -5.354 5.383 -0.001 kN-m
Balance 0.000 0.001 0.001 -0.016 -0.013 0.001 kN-m
CO 0.000 0.000 -0.008 0.000 0.001 -0.007 kN-m
Sum 10.740 -6.645 6.637 -5.370 5.371 -0.007 kN-m
Balance 0.000 0.003 0.005 -0.001 0.000 0.007 kN-m
CO 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.003 0.000 kN-m
Sum 10.742 -6.642 6.641 -5.368 5.373 0.000 kN-m 8/9
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Notice that the changes to the end moments have become "small". It is time to

With these end moments, the remaining shears and moments can be found using
equilibrium equations. 9/9

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