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J Oral Pathol Med (2009) 38: 150–159

ª 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S Æ All rights reserved doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0714.2008.00725.x

Granular cell tumor of the oral cavity: updated

immunohistochemical profile
Marilena Vered1, William M. Carpenter2, Amos Buchner1
Department of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine, The Maurice and Gabriela Goldschleger School of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv
University, Tel Aviv, Israel; 2Department of Pathology and Medicine, University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry,
San Francisco, CA, USA

BACKGROUND: Granular cell tumor (GCT) is a benign Introduction

lesion that occurs at different body sites with prepon-
Granular cell tumor (GCT) is a benign lesion charac-
derance to the oral cavity. It is generally believed to be of
terized by the accumulation of plump cells with abun-
schwann cell/neural cell origin. We used a large panel of
dant granular cytoplasm. The lesions tend to be poorly
both traditional and recently developed antibodies in an
circumscribed and extend into adjacent soft tissues.
attempt to trace the origin of GCTs on the basis of their
GCTs may arise in the skin, soft tissues, breast and
lungs, but over 50% involve the head and neck, with the
METHODS: The patients’ demographic data and the
tongue being the most common single site (1). GCT was
cytological and architectural features of the lesions were
originally described by Abrikosoff in 1926 and believed
analyzed in a large series of oral GCTs (n = 68). Forty-
to be of muscular differentiation (2), a theory that was
two lesions were also submitted to a panel of immuno-
subsequently abandoned. A wide variety of cell types
histochemical stains with antibodies against S-100, CD-68
have been proposed as the cells of origin, including
(KP-1 and PG-M1), vimentin, calretinin, NKI ⁄ C3, PGP9.5,
histiocytes, fibroblasts, myoblasts, neural sheath cells,
p75/NGFR and inhibin-a.
neuroendocrine cells, and undifferentiated mesenchymal
RESULTS: The tongue was the most common location of
cells (3–5). The histogenesis of GCTs has remained
oral GCTs (81%). The granular cells demonstrated a wide
enigmatic in spite of a vast number of immunohisto-
array of cytological features in terms of cell shape and
chemical and ultrastructural studies. A neural origin or
position of the nucleus. In addition, the lesions showed
differentiation, in particular of the schwann cell type, is
different architectural patterns, including infiltration’
currently in favor. This is based on the close anatomical
with satellite nodules. Interestingly, no recurrences were
relationship of GCTs to peripheral nerve fibers, on the
reported, even in lesions that were not completely
ultrastructural demonstration of myelin figures and
excised. Granular cells were usually found to be strongly
axon-like structures, and on its immunohistochemical
and diffusely positive for p75, vimentin, calretinin and
reactivity with S-100 protein, neuron-specific enolase
NKI/C3, inhibin-a, PGP9.5, and S-100.
and myelin proteins (6–8). GCTs from various sites of
CONCLUSIONS: Immunoreactivity of the granular cells
the body were recently found to be positive to a number
to a broad panel of antibodies that characterize different
of new markers of alleged neural differentiation as well
tissues does not confirm any particular cell type for the
as to several non-neural markers, such as inhibin-a (9).
histogenetic origin of GCTs. Furthermore, GCTs could
The aim of this study was to expand the present
be regarded as lesions that reflect a local metabolic or
knowledge on GCTs involving the oral mucosa by
reactive change rather than a true neoplasm.
reassessing the morphological features of a large series
J Oral Pathol Med (2009) 38: 150–159
of cases and delineating the immunohistochemical
profile of the lesional cells in light of recent observations
Keywords: granular cell tumor; immunoprofile; origin
from other sites of the body that revealed reactivity to
various new immunohistochemical markers.

Correspondence: Dr Marilena Vered, Department of Oral Pathology Materials and methods

and Oral Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Case selection
Tel Aviv 69978, Israel. Tel: +972 3 640 9305, Fax: +972 3 640 9250, The files of the Pacific Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
Accepted for publication September 13, 2008
Laboratory of Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry,
Immunoprofile of oral granular cell tumor
Vered et al.

University of the Pacific at San Francisco, CA, USA, Immunohistochemical stain assessment
served as the source material for this study. Files were Immunoreactivity was semi-quantitatively scored acc-
systematically searched for all cases of oral GCTs ording to the method used by Laskin et al. (10): 0 = no
during a 20-year period (1987–2006). A total of 68 cases detectable immunoreactivity, 1 = 1–10% of the tumor
were retrieved and information on the patient’s age, cells are reactive, 2 = 11–25% of the tumor cells are
gender and lesion location was obtained from the biopsy reactive, 3 = 26–50% of the tumor cells are reactive,
submission forms. There were paraffin blocks from and 4 = >50% of the tumor cells are reactive. In
various oral sites for 42 of these cases and so detailed addition, immunoreactivity was graded according to the
histopathological and immunohistochemical studies staining intensity, as performed by Williams and
could be carried out on them. Williams (5) and Fine and Li (11): )’ = negative,
+’ = weak; ++’ = moderate, and +++’ =
Morphological assessment strong.
The following morphological parameters were assessed
on the hematoxylin and eosin-stained slides.
• Architecture of the lining of the oral epithelium –
Clinical findings (n = 68)
normal width and regular rete ridges, acanthosis,
The clinical findings reported in this study are based on
pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia (PSE), and
68 cases of oral GCT. The patients ranged in age from 7
florid PSE.
to 82 years (mean 38.3 years and median 36 years).
• Lesions’ relationship to the lining of the oral epithe-
There were 46 (68%) females and 22 (32%) males,
lium – direct contact with it or separated from it by a
yielding a female-to-male ratio of 2.1:1. The tongue was
band of connective tissue.
the most common oral location (55 cases, 80.8%). Of
• Lesions’ architectural pattern – circumscribed nod-
those lingual lesions, 33 (48.5%) were located on the
ule, poorly circumscribed, infiltrative. In the infil-
dorsal surface, 19 (27.9%) on the lateral border and
trative pattern, the granular cells appear to infiltrate
three (4.4%) on the ventral surface. Of the remaining
or invade’ between the muscle fibers to a consider-
tumors, four (5.9%) involved the lower lip, three (4.4%)
able distance, and satellite nodules that are remote
the upper lip, three (4.4%) the buccal mucosa, two
from the periphery of the main lesion can be
(2.9%) the soft palate and one (1.5%) the floor of the
• Surgical margin status – either free of tumor or
involved by tumor.
Morphological findings (n = 42)
The GCT cells were observed as being round, oval,
Immunohistochemical stains polygonal, or slightly elongated. The cell borders tended
A panel of nine commercially available primary anti- to be indistinct, often giving the impression of a
bodies was used (Table 1). Immunoreactivity was syncytium. The nuclei ranged from small, dark and
detected using a SuperPicTure polymer kit (Zymed- hyperchromatic to large with a vesicular chromatin
Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) according to the pattern, and their location was in a peripheral or central
manufacturer’s recommendations. For negative con- position. The cytoplasm was eosinophilic with fine-to-
trols, the slides were treated with the same procedures, coarse granules. Smaller cells containing granules were
including antigen retrieval, except for the application of occasionally found to be interspersed between the large
the primary antibodies. granular cells (interstitial cells).

Table 1 Source of antibodies and laboratory procedures

Antigen retrieval
Manufacturer Type of antibody procedure Concentration Control tissue
S-100 Dako A/S, Glostrup, Denmark Rabbit polyclonal Protease K 0.1% 1:500 Malignant melanoma
CD-68 DakoCytomation, Mouse, clone KP-1 Protease K 0.1% 1:100 Lymph node
Carpenteria, CA, USA
CD-68 Dako A ⁄ S, Glostrup, Denmark Mouse, clone PG-M1 Protease K 0.1% 1:100 Lymph node
Vimentin Dako A ⁄ S, Glostrup, Denmark Mouse, V-9 Citrate buffer pH = 6 1:500 Malignant melanoma
Calretinin Zymed, San Francisco, Rabbit polyclonal, Pressure cook, Nuclear Ready to use Mesothelioma
CA, USA ready to use Decloaker,a pH 9.5
NKI ⁄ C3 Biogenex, San Ramon, Mouse, clone AM077 – Ready to use Malignant melanoma
PGP9.5 Diagnostic BioSystems, Rabbit polyclonal Pressure cook, Nuclear 1:60 Adenocarcinoma of
Pleasanton, CA, USA Decloaker pH 9.5 pancreas
p75 ⁄ NGFR Diagnostic BioSystems, Mouse, clone ME 20.4 Protease K 0.1% 1:50 Malignant melanoma
Pleasanton, CA, USA
Inhibin-a ABD Serotec, Mouse, clone R1 Pressure cook, Nuclear 1:50 Normal human testis
Oxfordshire, UK Decloaker pH 9.5
Biocare Medical, Concord, CA, USA

J Oral Pathol Med

Immunoprofile of oral granular cell tumor
Vered et al.

The cells were arranged in sheets, ribbons, and islands assessment of the relationship of the lesions to the
separated by fibrous tissue septa. The granular cells lining epithelium revealed that 28 (70%) lesions were in
appeared to involve or replace the muscular tissue. They direct contact with the epithelium: 10 of them were
grew along the muscle fibers and seem to merge with associated with PSE and florid PSE, 10 with acanthosis
them. There appeared to be a transition from normal and eight with normal appearing epithelium. In the
skeletal muscle fibers to granular cells. The granular remaining 12 (30%) lesions, a band of connective tissue
cells appeared to be streaming off or metaplastically was interposed between the lining epithelium and the
arising from the muscle fibers. The granular cells lesions: the lining epithelium had normal architecture in
enveloped small nerve bundles in only nine (21.4%) 10 lesions and it was occasionally acanthotic in two.
cases, and replacement of nerves by tumor cells could be There was a direct contact between the lesion and the
observed in five of them. lining epithelium in all the cases with PSE and florid
We analyzed the morphology of the lining epithelium PSE.
in 40 cases (two lesions were devoid of epithelial lining). Twenty-four (57%) lesions were poorly circum-
Normal architecture was seen in 18 (45%) cases, scribed, 14 (33.3%) had an infiltrative pattern, and
acanthosis in 12 (30%), PSE in four (10%) and florid only four (9.5%) appeared as a circumscribed nodule.
PSE, mimicking squamous cell carcinoma, in the The lesions involved the surgical margins in 23 (55%)
remaining six (15%) cases (Fig. 1). There were eight cases, and the surgical margins were clean in the
cases of PSE and florid PSE in the tongue, one in the remaining 19 (45%). Among the cases with involved
soft palate and one in the lower lip mucosa. An margins, one lesion showed a circumscribed architec-
tural pattern, nine were poorly circumscribed and 13
were infiltrative. Among lesions with clean margins,
three were circumscribed, 15 were poorly circum-
A scribed and one was infiltrative. No recurrence was
reported for any of these cases, irrespective of the
margin status.

Immunohistochemical findings (n = 42)

The results obtained with the nine immunohistochem-
ical markers we used in this study are summarized in
Table 2. Vimentin, S-100, calretinin, NKI ⁄ C3, p75, and
PGP9.5 and inhibin-a produced a strong and diffuse
staining of the granular cells (Fig. 2A–G). The immu-
noreactivity of the granular cells for the various
antibodies highlighted the architectural pattern of the
lesions, either as a circumscribed nodule or as an
extensive infiltrative lesion with deposits of tumor cells
remote from the main mass (Fig. 3). Furthermore,
transition between the muscle fibers and the granular
cells could be easily identified with the aid of the
B immunohistochemical stains (Fig. 4).
Most of the lesional cells had a staining score of 4 in
p75 (98%), vimentin (93%), calretinin and NKI/C3
(90%), inhibin-a (86%), PGP9.5 (81%) and S-100
(79%). In contrast, only 26% cases demonstrated a
staining score of 4 with KP-1, while a majority (71%) of
them were immunonegative. Interestingly, the interstitial
cells among the larger granular cells were KP-1 positive
in 46% cases. None of the lesions reached a staining
score of 4 when PG-M1 was used: 36% had a staining
score of 2 (11–25% stained cells) and 45% had a
staining score of 1 (1–10% stained cells), with 19% of
the lesions being immunonegative for PG-M1.

Characterization of the selected antibodies and their

expression in GCTs from various body sites and from
oral mucosa
Figure 1 (A) Florid pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia (PSE) asso- For the purpose of comparing the immunohistochemical
ciated with granular cell tumor (hematoxylin and eosin, original findings of the present study with those of other studies
magnification ·40). (B) An area from A at a higher magnification that
highlights the apparent similarity between PSE and well differentiated in the literature, we considered only articles published in
squamous cell carcinoma (hematoxylin and eosin, original magnifica- the English-language literature from 1990 to the present.
tion ·100). In the following brief overview, we first discuss the most

J Oral Pathol Med

Immunoprofile of oral granular cell tumor
Vered et al.

common immunostains that have been traditionally

Total (%)

Score 0


used for identification of GCTs (i.e. S-100 and CD-68)
followed by a description of the stains that have been


recently added to widen the immunohistochemical
profile of GCTs.

Total (%)

19 (45.2)
This protein belongs to a family of small acidic EF-hand

Score 1 (1–10%)

calcium-binding proteins initially discovered in brain

extracts (12). Although S-100 is considered one of the
most characteristic markers for melanomas, other S-100
positive tumor types enter into the differential diagnosis,
including selected histiocytic proliferations, poorly dif-
ferentiated carcinomas, peripheral nerve sheath tumors
and tumors that contain myoepithelial cells. S-100


immunoreactivity of GCTs is the most widely used
marker for identification of the granular cells, which
constantly show a strong and diffuse staining (9, 11, 13–
Total (%)

16). This is also true for oral lesions (5, 17). However, it
15 (35.7)
1 (2.4)

1 (2.4)

is interesting to note that a new distinct clinical subtype

Staining pattern (score and intensity) for the various immunohistochemical stains in the 42 lesions of granular cell tumors

of GCTs, which do not show S-100 immunoreactivity


Score 2 (11–25%)

was identified less than two decades ago (18). One such
Interstitial cells were strongly immunoreactive (+++) in 15 cases, moderately (++) in four and weakly (+) in one case.

case from the oral mucosa has been reported in the


literature (19). In our current study of oral GCTs, all 42

cases were found to be diffusely and strongly positive for

Staining intensity


This is a heavily glycosylated membrane protein, closely



related to the family of lysosomal-associated, mucin-

like membrane proteins (20, 21). A number of mono-
Total (%)

clonal antibodies are available against the CD-68





glycoprotein, including KP-1 and PG-M1. Positive

immunoreaction to these antibodies may be found in
Score 3 (26–50%)

cells of macrophage lineage. CD-68 was occasionally

identified in cells of fibroblastic (20) or schwannian (22)

lineages. It was also reported that the PG-M1 antibody

was dependent upon tissue pre-treatment procedures

and that its signal was less than that of KP-1 under

similar conditions (20). GCTs from different body

Immunostain intensity: +, weak; ++, moderate; +++, strong.

locations (including oral mucosa) were usually KP-1


positive (15, 16, 23), with the exception of one study of


non-oral lesions (24). PG-M1 was investigated in only

one small series of non-oral lesions and it was found to
Total (%)

be weakly positive (4). In our current study, about 28%



of the cases were diffusely KP-1 positive, almost 80%



were PG-M1 positive, but the staining did not exceed

Score 4 (>50%)

25% of the lesional cells.


This is considered to be the primordial’ member of the




intermediate filament family (12). It is present in most

fetal cells and is ubiquitously expressed by mesenchymal
tissues in adult tissues. Therefore, it is not considered to

be cell-type specific. Several studies have shown variable



staining intensity of GCT granular cells to vimentin

(4, 14, 25, 26). There were two cases of GCT from the
p75 ⁄ NGFR

oral mucosa reported in only one study and they were



NKI ⁄ C3

found to be vimentin negative (17). All the cases we now

Score of

Table 2



describe were vimentin positive, and almost all of them


(93%) stained strongly and diffusely.


J Oral Pathol Med

Immunoprofile of oral granular cell tumor
Vered et al.

154 A B



Figure 2 Lesional cells in granular cell tumors yield a positive immunoreactivity for p75 (A), vimentin (B), calretinin (C), NKI ⁄ C3 (D), inhibin-a
(E), PGP9.5 (F) and S-100 (G) (AEC method, original magnification ·200).

J Oral Pathol Med

Immunoprofile of oral granular cell tumor
Vered et al.

A Calretinin
This was initially isolated from central nervous system
tissues. Calretinin belongs to the same family of EF-
hand proteins as the S-100 proteins (12). It is primarily a
marker of benign mesothelial cells. In addition, it has
been identified in mast cells, schwannomas, adrenocor-
tical tumors and in sex cord-stromal tumors of the
ovary. Calretinin was examined in two studies involving
GCTs (10, 11), and it was found to be positive in as high
as 93% of the tumors. Four cases of oral GCTs were
included in one study (11), and three of them were
weakly-to-moderately positive for calretinin. In con-
trast, 95% of the cases were strongly and diffusely
calretinin positive in our present study.

gp100’ comprises a group of glycoproteins restricted to
B cells of melanocytic origin (12). The corresponding
nucleic acid sequence gives rise to gp100 and gp10 and
to PMel 17 by alternative splicing. Both gp100 and PMel
17 are localized to the inner membranes of pre-melano-
somes. NKI/C3 is one of the antibodies raised against
gp100/PMel 17. In general, these antibodies have
variable specificity and sensitivity for melanocytes, nevi
and melanomas, but there is evidence that they can label
non-melanocytic tumors, such as those composed of
epithelioid perivascular cells. On the other hand, mel-
anomas with a more fibroblastic/schwannian phenotype
are barely stained because of the loss of the pre-
melanosomes. NKI ⁄ C3 immunoreaction in non-oral
GCTs was examined in one small series (7) and found
to be positive in all cases. Expression of NKI/C3 in
GCTs of oral soft tissues has not been yet investigated.
All 42 cases in the present series were diffusely NKI/C3
Figure 3 (A) Granular cell tumor demonstrates an infiltrative pattern positive.
consistent with satellite nodules (AEC method, anti-NKI ⁄ C3 anti-
body, original magnification ·40). (B) Granular cell tumor demon-
strates an infiltrative pattern consistent with strands of granular cells
widely extending among the deep layers of the tongue muscle tissue The protein gene product 9.5 (PGP9.5), also known as
(AEC method, anti-NKI ⁄ C3 antibody, original magnification ·20). ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase (UCH-L1), is a
protein that had been initially isolated from whole brain
extract (27). It was originally felt that PGP9.5 was
strictly confined to neurons and neuroendocrine cells,
but it has since been documented in a vast array of cell
types, both normal and neoplastic, of both epithelial
and mesenchymal lineages. It is now believed that its
cellular expression reflects metabolically active regions,
irrespective of the cell origin. Expression of PGP9.5 in
GCTs was investigated in several studies (7, 15, 28) and
was found to be positive in all cases, including small
series of oral lesions (7, 15, 28). All 42 of our current
cases were strongly and diffusely positive for PGP9.5.

Also known as low-affinity nerve growth factor recep-
tor, this is a member of the tumor necrosis factor
receptor family (29). It may modulate binding of nerve
growth factor to the functionally high-affinity receptor
tyrosine kinase-A. Immunoreactivity for p75 was
Figure 4 Transition between striated muscle fibers and granular cells
reported in a large group of both fetal and adult tissues
highlighted by inhibin-a (AEC method, original magnification ·1000, as well as in neural and non-neural tumors. Normal cell
oil immersion). types that were found to be positive for p75 included

J Oral Pathol Med

Immunoprofile of oral granular cell tumor
Vered et al.

adult pericytes, perivascular fibroblasts, basal cells of basal cell proliferation occurs through an interaction
several types of epithelia, perineural cells and dendritic between the granular cells and the neighboring epithelial
reticulum cells. Several types of mesenchymal, non- cells (36). In our study, varying degrees of PSE were
neural tumors (e.g. dermato-fibrosarcoma protuberans, present in 25% of the cases, and 10% of them exhibited
rhabdomyosarcoma) together with neural tumors (e.g. florid PSE mimicking squamous cell carcinoma. Other
schwann cell tumors, malignant peripheral nerve sheath authors reported that the presence of PSE ranged from
tumors) were also found to be consistently positive for 8.5% (31), to 31% (40), to 45% (3), and to 67% (36).
p75. As such, it would appear that p75 is not a specific The difference probably lies in the definition of PSE and,
marker for nerve sheath tumors. p75 immunoreactivity especially, in how PSE was differentiated from moder-
was examined in a few studies on GCTs (10, 28, 29), in ate-to-severe acanthosis.
which only two cases of the oral mucosa were included The association of nerve fibers with GCTs and
(28): all cases were found to be p75 positive. All 42 cases especially oral GCTs is of interest. In most of our study
involving the oral mucosa in the current study were cases, there was a close association between the granular
found to be strongly and diffusely positive for p75. cells and the musculature, and merging of granular cells
with muscle fibers was prominent. In contrast, clustering
Inhibin-a of granular cells around nerve fibers could be observed
This is a glycoprotein hormone that participates in the in only nine (21%) cases and replacement of nerves by
regulation of the pituitary-gonadal feedback system tumor cells could be identified in five of them. Stewart
(12). Inhibin-a is a sensitive and relatively specific et al. (3) reported that neural investment of granular
marker of sex cord-stromal tumors of the ovary. cells could be identified in only 8% of their cases.
Adrenal cortical neoplasms also commonly express A large body of evidence at the morphological,
inhibin-a. Inhibin-a was found to be negative in ultrastructural and immunohistochemical levels has
melanomas, lymphomas and metastatic carcinomas. been accumulating during the past years in support of
Expression of inhibin-a in GCTs was investigated in a the theory that the cell of origin for GCTs is neural with
series of studies (9, 11, 13, 15, 30) that also included a a schwannian’ differentiation (1, 32, 33, 35, 41).
few cases from the oral cavity (11, 15, 30). No sound However, more recent findings have cast doubt on the
rationale for examining this marker in GCTs was neural origin of these tumors (3, 6, 24).
provided by Murakata et al. (9) who were the first to Cytoplasmic granularity, such as that seen in GCT, is
introduce inhibin-a as part of the immunohistochemical not a feature unique to this type of lesion. It has been
profile of this tumor. With the exception of one study by observed to various extents in cells from a vast array of
Parfitt et al. (13), GCTs in general and those from the conditions, encompassing benign and malignant tumors
oral mucosa in particular were found to be inhibin-a as well as reactive lesions (6, 18, 25, 42–44). Further-
positive in all the other studies. Thirty-eight of our 42 more, granular cells were experimentally induced fol-
cases (90%) were diffusely positive for inhibin-a. lowing exposure to cyclophosphamide (6). In the oral
cavity, granular cells have been associated with lesions
other than GCTs, including ameloblastoma, ameloblas-
tic fibroma, odontogenic fibroma, odontogenic cysts,
The clinical findings of our study are generally in congenital epulis of the newborn and oral lichen planus
agreement with those reported in the literature (3, 31, (44). In addition, reactive granular cells that occur in
32). Oral GCTs in most studies show a predilection for areas of tissue injury and gingival lesions resulting from
females (twice as common than males), and the age range inflammatory hyperplasia may exhibit secondary gran-
of the patients is from childhood to elderly, with a mean ular cell change (45, 46).
appearance in the fourth decade and 67–81% of the Lesions, in which part of the cells exhibit granular
lesions occurring in the tongue (3, 31). Reports on the cells, have been found to be of neural, smooth muscle,
histomorphologic features of GCTs are inconsistent. striated muscle, endothelial, primitive mesenchymal,
The findings of our study revealed that the granular cells histiocytic and epithelial differentiation, further empha-
may be round, oval, polygonal or spindle shaped, that the sizing the ambiguity of the granular cells (18). When
nuclei may be dark or vesicular and that their location is granular cells of different cell lineages were ultrastruc-
not in a consistent position in the cell. Other authors have turally analyzed, they generally revealed lysosomal
failed to describe the variability of these features. Some granules and cytoplasmic filaments, similar or identical
authors, for example, report that the nuclei of GCTs are to those observed in conventional GCTs (3, 42, 47). The
dark and hyperchromatic (1, 32, 33), while others report current belief that GCTs are of schwann cell origin has
that they are pale and vesicular (34–36). Some authors been questioned in light of the observation that myelin
claim that the nuclei are located in a central position and myelin-forming cells are extremely rare in the
(1, 37), while others describe them in an acentric position neurohypophysis and, in spite of this, tumors with
(35). We observed that the cell borders are usually similar morphological and ultrastructural features of
indistinct and that they sometimes give the impression of typical GCT are found at this site (26). Collectively,
syncytium, an observation supported by some other these observations may indicate that, on morphologic
investigators (1, 33, 37), but not by all (38, 39). grounds, cytoplasmic granularity is not powerful
Oral GCTs reportedly exhibit PSE in about 50% of enough to consider a GCT as being a distinct pathologic
the cases (32). It has been suggested that stimulation of entity. Analogically, other cytoplasmic changes, such as

J Oral Pathol Med

Immunoprofile of oral granular cell tumor
Vered et al.

those recognized in clear, oncocytic, rhabdoid and signet differ according to its accessibility at any site (3, 6, 15,
cells which are not necessarily related to a specific cell of 24, 26). As many of the GCTs occur in the tongue,
origin, are seen in both benign and malignant condi- which is rich in striated muscle fibers, it is reasonable to
tions, and usually do not constitute a separate entity (6, assume that these fibers could be the source for at least
18). some of the GCTs, thus supporting the initial theory on
The immunohistochemical profile of GCTs has the myogenic origin of these lesions. However, the
undergone extensive analysis. They have been tradition- tongue is rich in nerve fibers encased by schwann cells
ally known to be positive for the S-100 protein, which that could also be the source for GCTs that cannot be
has been used to serve as sound evidence for their morphologically distinguished from those of muscle cell
schwannian/neural origin. CD-68, a marker of lyso- origin following an event of metabolic distress (3). In
somes, mostly associated with macrophages, is also contrast, in the subcutaneous tissues, which are devoid
usually positive in GCTs, and its presence is explained of striated muscle fibers, other mesenchymal tissues, e.g.
by the assumption that schwann cells acquire lysosomes nerve fibers, smooth muscles and endothelial cells, could
during phagocytosis of myelin, a phenomenon which is give rise to GCTs, given that they undergo granular cell
known to occur, for example, in peripheral nerves changes induced by metabolic stress.
showing Wallerian degeneration as well as in traumatic Our large series of GCTs displayed three main
neuromas (4, 23). With the considerable progression and architectural patterns in which some of the lesions
interpretation of immunohistochemical stains over the appeared as small, well-circumscribed nodules, while
last two decades, together with the improvement of others were larger and poorly circumscribed, and yet
technical laboratory procedures, it became clearer that others had what appeared to be an impressive infiltrative
positive immunoreaction to S-100 and CD-68 cannot pattern with remote satellite nodules. On the basis of a
fully support a neural origin of the granular cells in metabolic disorder theory, it can be assumed that the
GCTs. The variety of cell types positive for theses former could represent a benign mesenchymal tumor
proteins is wider than was originally thought. For that underwent an extensive or complete granular cell
example, S-100 reaction was identified in cells of non- change. The remaining patterns may be compatible with
neural lineages, such as macrophages (48), normal a diffuse process of metabolically induced cytoplasmic
skeletal muscle cells and rhabdomyoma (3) and granular granular change in the mesenchymal cells that are
cells in ameloblastoma (31, 49). Furthermore, in the naturally present. This assumption can be supported by
present study, the frequency of S-100 staining was the fact that most of the lesions with an infiltrative
relatively low and lagged behind staining with p75, pattern are excised with positive margins [55% in the
NKI ⁄ C3 and PGP9.5. These latter immunostains are present series and 71% in other series (40)] and yet there
not tissue-specific but are rather expressed in a very are almost no recurrences, whereas in frank tumors,
large variety of adult tissues and their neoplastic recurrent lesions would be expected, especially in light of
counterparts (as we noted in the section in which we such an apparently infiltrative behavior. Thus, including
show the characterization of the selected antibodies and the word tumor’ (meaning neoplasm) in labeling the
their expression in GCTs). Adding to this, the positive lesion appears to be inaccurate, as probably, at least in
immunoreaction to inhibin-a, the granular cells of the majority of the lesions, the process is rather
GCTs takes on an immunohistochemical profile that metabolic or reactive in nature and not neoplastic.
cannot be attributed to any defined cell lineage. Indeed, In summary, analysis of a large series of oral GCTs
this unusual and complex immunoprofile may be better enabled us to further expand our knowledge and insight
explained in terms of a stress-induced degenerative into these lesions. Morphologically, oral GCTs demon-
process or a metabolic disorder that leads to loss of the strated a wide variety of features and architectural
cellular proteins and organelles that once used to be the patterns, but they all still exhibited a benign behavior
footprints of the cell of origin and to the evolvement of and did not recur irrespective of the status of the
aberrant and uncharacteristic proteins (3, 6, 24, 43). margins. Immunohistochemically, reactivity of the gran-
One of the most interesting observations in this study ular cells to a broad panel of antibodies that character-
was the transition of striated muscle cells to granular ize different tissues does not confirm any particular cell
cells, as highlighted by the inhibin-a staining results. type for the histogenetic origin of GCTs. Furthermore,
This reflects the modification that striated muscle cells GCTs could be regarded as lesions that reflect a local
undergo and the process which gives them a granular metabolic or reactive change rather than a true neo-
morphology and an altered immunohistochemical phe- plasm.
notype that is completely unrelated to that of normal
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J Oral Pathol Med

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