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Revision unit 5


1. Circle six words related to competition in the puzzle. Then complete the sentences below
with the words.
c h a m p i o n r
s z w a q k g s e
p h g t p x j c f
k r a c e l k z e
w q d h u g o w r
j i k c s p q s e
s y n x z k j g e

1. The boys are watching a football …………………… on TV.

2. My friend and I are competing in the 200-metre …………………… .

3. The …………………… decided to stop the game.
4. Roger Federer plays tennis very well. He is a tennis …………………… .
5. Jack must run faster or he will …………………… the race.
6. I think the Chicago Bulls will …………………… the game. They’re playing well today.

2. Complete the sentences with the words below.

score a goal • broke a record • referee • champion • team • finish line • match • coach

1. In basketball, there are five players in a …………………………… .

2. “You must run faster!” said the …………………………… .

3. In football, the players try to …………………………… .
4. Helen won the race. She was the first to cross the …………………………… .
5. In 1988, Yan Zhi Cheng jumped 246 centimetres and …………………………… !
6. Do you know Rafa Nadal? He is really good at tennis! He is a ….................................. .
7. Who won the ….....................? Real Madrid or Barcelona?
8. What's a …....................? It's an official who controls a sports event such as a football game or a
boxing match.

1. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the affirmative or negative form of will.

go • find • be • buy • win • compete • change • pass

1. In 20 years, the weather …………………… all around the world.

2. Jane is playing badly. She …………………… the match tomorrow.

3. The birds …………………… any food in the snow.
4. I don’t think it …………………… sunny tomorrow.
5. Jane doesn't study. She …................................... her exams in June.
6. Maybe we …………………… to Paris next year.
7. I think my father …........................ buy a new car soon. We were talking about that yesterday
8. I think that Alberto Contador …........................ in the Olympics.

2. Write questions with the words below and will.

1. Jake / score / a goal
2. Bill and Lisa / reach / the finish line
3. Meg’s horse / win / the race
4. the children / remember / to walk the dogs

3. Look at the pictures and answer the questions in Exercise 2.

1 2

Yes, he will. Lisa

…………………………… ……………………………

3 4

…………………………… ……………………………
4. What did the coach say? Complete his sentences with the verbs in brackets.
Use the First Conditional.
1. If the team …………………… (not work) hard, they …………………… (not win) the match.
2. If you …………………… (not listen) carefully, you …………………… (not know) what to do.
3. Tony …………………… (play) on Saturday if Dave …………………… (be) ill.
4. You …………………… (not catch) the ball if you …………………… (not run) quickly.
5. If it ……………… (rain) on Monday afternoon, we …………………… (practise) on Tuesday.
6. If you …........................ (work) hard, you ….................................. (go) to university.
7. ….............. we ….............. (go) to the beach if it …......................... (stop) raining?
8. If they …......................... (earn) a lot of money, they …........................ (buy) a flat in London.
9. …............... Shakira …............... (come) to Tenerife if she …..................... (have) time to do

5. Write sentences with the words below. Use the affirmative or negative form of the verbs
and the First Conditional.
1. if / it / not snow in January / the boys / not go skiing
2. Ron / not play volleyball / if / his leg / hurt
3. the girls / buy ice cream / if / they / find / some money
4. if / Jen / go to bed early / she / get up on time
6. Complete the sentences with the First Conditional.
1. If I win the lottery ...................................................................................................
2. If you finish your homework …...............................................................................
3. If my brother tidies his bedroom …..........................................................................
4. If you pass your exams ….........................................................................................
5. If she works hard …..................................................................................................
6. If it rains …...............................................................................................................

7. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use be going to.
1. I …………………………… (not do) sport tomorrow.
2. The students in my class …………………………… (study) English next year.
3. Our teacher …………………………… (not give) us a test next week.
4. …………………………… your parents …………………………… (watch) our game tomorrow?
5. My friend and I …………………………… (buy) clothes on Saturday.
6. My friends …………………………… (not meet) me at the cinema tonight.
7. …………………………… the coach …………………………… (come) to the party tonight?

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