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Opportunity Analysis Statement Guidelines

A written 1 page Opportunity Analysis Statement contains:

1. A 1- to 2-paragraph Business Concept Statement, highlighting the central components of
an idea for an entrepreneurial initiative. The concept statement should be concise and
compelling, and should convey in clear language the idea for the initiative.
2. A 1-paragraph Personal Goals Statement, highlighting why you are the person to develop
and lead the initiative you are proposing. This is a brief summation of “Why you?” and “Why
now?” and how your unique qualifications, capabilities, motivation and dedication will enable
your success.
3. A 2- to 3-paragraph Business Goals Statement, highlighting the proposed business and
revenue models and competitive advantages of the initiative.

Business Concept Statement

As part of developing a business concept, you must understand and define the essential value
proposition of the proposed initiative, including:
● What is the product or service we intend to offer?
● Who are the potential customers?
● What is the compelling business need that we intend to address?

For a non-profit initiative these last two questions become:

● What service will we deliver or what need will we address?
● How will we meet the goals of our mission and remain operational doing this?

Personal Goals Statement

As part of developing this answer you must be willing to ask yourself a few key questions:
● Why am I doing this?
● What will this do for me?
● What will this do to me / require from me?

Business Goals Statement

As part of developing initiative goals, you must understand and define the essential components
and structure of the proposed venture, including:
● What is the business model? (Retail/Wholesale/On-line/B2C/B2B, etc.)
o How will be organized and how will we operate?
● What is the revenue model
o How and when will we make money? (unit sales/subscription/license, etc.)
● What are/What Will Be the competitive advantages underlying this initiative?
o What is our unique Value Proposition

BPET.ETA. © 2017 Babson College. All rights reserved.

Your Opportunity Analysis Statement should exhibit professionalism, and be geared towards an
executive-level audience without being overly formal.

When developing your Opportunity Analysis Statement, keep in mind the following:
1. The people who will want to know why this idea is worth pursuing will include many
stakeholders - family, partners, employees and investors.

2. Do NOT fabricate, exaggerate, disguise, cover-up or otherwise mislead these people. They are
all very astute business professionals and most people discover insincerity sooner or later.

3. DO be honest, forthright, and personal (yet not too friendly or intimate); DO show your passion,
and DO be willing to accurately portray the strengths, capabilities, and the unique and
compelling nature of the initiative.

BPET.ETA. © 2017 Babson College. All rights reserved.

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