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Romo Avalos Rosa Valeria

My daily routine.

Please write a daily routine of a friend, relative, celebrity or any person you like. It could be weekly or
a week day. You must use prepositions of time, affirmative and negative sentences applying the rules
of the third person singular in the simple present.

Nancy’s daily routine.

Nancy wakes up at 5 o’clock.

Nancy drinks a cup of coffe and she eats cereal.

She haves a shower and gets dressed.

She brushs her hair, puts on her make-up.

She packs her bag with all her teaching materials and she leaves the house.

Nancy walks to the bus stop. And she catchs the bus at 6.15, and sits down.

She gets off the bus and walks to the school where she studies.

Class starts at 7:00 a.m. and ends 1:00 o´clock.

The afternoons, Nancy goes a home and eats y makes the homeworks.

Nancy goes on Facebook, or watching TV until about 10.30.

She goes to bead 11 o’clock

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