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 My Name : Saidi Issa.

 Admission number : B-10-022.

 DEPART: Civil Engineering
 Location of IPT: Zonal irrigation & Technical
Services Unit Tabora is located at Tabora
Region within the administrative location of
Cheyo Ward about 10km from Tabora bus
stand. During this training at Zonal irrigation
office I supervised by Eng.Eliafie Mwanga .
 My IPT at Zonal irrigation-Tabora is divided into
three categories;

 1.)Theory of Crop water requirement,

construction and supervision on the site.

 2.)Designing of KASUGA DAM(Involved drawing,

Preparation of B.O.Q and all details)

 3.)Site supervision & construction of weir and

lined canal at Inala dam.(but the dialed of weir I
was written on logbook)
 The activities which is interested are;
 Design of kasuga dam and
 Site supervision & construction of lined canal at Inala irrigation

 Kasuga dam

Kasuga dam is located in Kasuga Village, within the
administrative location of Kasuga Ward, Kakonko Division in
Kibondo District, at a geographical location of 9638860N and
0268261E, about 55km North- West of Kibondo Town. In the
year 2007/08 the village community of Kasuga requested
assistance from Government of Tanzania to construct a dam at
the proposed dam location site that would supply water for
domestic, livestock and horticultural crops.
 The successful design, construction, and operation of a reservoir project
over the full design period required a comprehensive site classification,
a detailed design of each feature, construction supervision, continuous
measurement and monitoring of performance of the project features
during operation. The design and construction of dams are normally
complex activities because of the nature of the varying foundation
conditions and range of properties of the materials available for use in
the embankment, however under proper engineering analysis the above
said problems are overcome. The design of this project was carried out
prior to the following steps:
 The first step was to conduct detailed geological and subsurface
investigations, which illustrate the extent of hard strata of dam
foundation, abutments and potential borrow areas.
 The next step was to conduct a study of the type and physical properties
of materials to be placed in the embankment. This study incorporates
determination of quantities and sequence in which they became
available. The design includes all of the studies, testing, analysis and
assessment to ensure that the embankment met all technical criteria and
the requirements of a dam as outlined hereunder.
 Embankment shall be safe against overtopping by
provision of adequate spillway capacity and sufficient free
 Embankment shall be safe against sliding and overturning
by providing adequate cut-off and by using suitable soil
material for embankment construction
 Water should not infiltrate through bed or cracks of dam
embankment and hence proper compaction is necessary.
 The upstream and downstream slopes of the embankment
should be stable under all conditions. This will be taken
care by provision of stone pitching/ riprap to the upstream
face to protect the embankment against wave action. And
grass plantation on the downstream face to avoid
possibility of soil erosion.
FORCE kN Lever Arm(m) Moment(kNm)
P1=0.5*19.82*9.91* 13.21 22,054.62
P2=4.5*9.91*17.00 22.07 16731.71
P3=0.5*9.91*29.73*17.0 34.23 85,722.53
P4=0.5*8.4*25.23*9.81 45.64 47,444.15
P5=0.5*8.4*9.81*8.4 3.30 1,144.84
U1=0.5*9.91*54.05*9.81 36.03 94,661.62
F.Srotation=Rest. Moment /Dist.Moment
=1.80>1.50 Ok

Factor of Safety against factor Sliding o

Assuming friction coefficient u=tan Q=tan12
F.Ssliding={u[sum of vert.force/sum of
=2.05>1.50 Ok
The outlet structure usually includes an intake
structure located at a low level in the reservoir close
to the upstream slope of the dam, the outlet
structure link a pipe laid from the embankment valve
chamber and the toe of the downstream slope.
Kasuga dam will be provided with the outlet
chamber system that will convey water where people
could get water for irrigation and domestic
purposes. Outlet pipes of 150mm diameter will be
provided at the entrance to the bottom of outlet. The
end of the pipe should be protected with a trash
filter chamber to keep debris from entering the pipe.
 Discharge in pipes is given by the3 formula:
 Q=(C.A.Square root of 2.g.h) m /s

 where
 C = discharge coefficient
A = pipe cross-sectional area, m2
h = head, difference in upstream and downstream water
surface levels, m
 Value of the discharge coefficient C is obtained by the
 where
 ke = 0.5 = entrance friction coefficient
l = 0.02 = friction factor for PVC pipe
L= pipe length, m
D = pipe diameter
 Therefore C=0.32
 PVC pipes having 150mm dia. must be
provided to allow discharge greater than
0.02m3/sec to flow along irrigation canals.
 The spillway allows excess water to flow downstream so that the dam
does not overtop during flood events. The spillway is located either in
the center of the embankment or to one side of the valley. The spillway
has to resist erosion caused by flowing water.

Spillway cross section and bed slope

Cross section of spillway channel is trapezoidal shape with side slopes
1:1, bed width of spillway 50m below weir crest is estimated to be
25.0m. A spillway gauge width shall be 0.40m, downstream slope (S =
0.020) shall be provided with lined concrete to protect spillway bed
slope against scouring.

Spillway design flood

The e estimated design flood is 19.20m3/sec. Even though a dam at
full supply level is assumed that approximately estimated volume of
flood will pass through the spillway channel. For safety purposes,
spillway is designed to accommodate flood magnitude of 62.73m3/sec.
 The types of soil considered suitable for use as earth
fill dam must be indicated in the design
specifications. Organic or peaty soils containing more
than about 5% organic material should not be used.
Clay soils that are too wet should be avoided since
they are difficult to compact to an acceptable density
and will not be easy to dry out. In order to obtain a
reasonable compacted density and an impervious
earth fill, an embankment dam constructed with one
homogenous soil type requires the following soil
◦ percentage of fines (<0.075 mm) >25%
◦ liquid limit (LL) < 50%
◦ plasticity index (PI) >8%
 Laboratory test result shows that safe above detail.
 The rip rap materials (stone pitching) must be placed on the
upstream side of the dam embankment to break the wave action

 Core trench must be excavated alongside of the proposed dam

embankment and if it happened to encounter sand deposit below
the proposed dam embankment axis, all sand materials must be
removed up to hard strata
 The total designed storage capacity of Kasuga dam at full supply
level is 758,685.381m3 of water. This dam is designed to supply
water for multipurpose use for irrigation, domestic and livestock.
However, Hydrological Assessment report shows that
757,101.812m3 of water is needed to satisfy irrigation of 150Ha
of paddy, domestic and Livestock uses annually at Twabagondozi
 The cropping calendar and pattern of crops shall be given high
consideration for efficient utilization of water and better yield.
 Inala irrigation scheme is located at 5Km
from Inala village while Inala village is located
at 25Km from Tabora Town. In this scheme
the work conducted is the Lining of main
canal (trapezoidal canal)
 The first step is reshaping of unlined main
canal to trapezoidal shape.
 Arranging of hardcore near to the canal .
 Preparation of concrete for lined of canal
 And laying of concrete.
 Lined canal - It is a canal which has bed and side
slopes lined with impervious materials.
Conservation of water supplies is increasingly
important as the demand continues to increase
and new sources of supply are becoming
increasingly scarce.
 The principle of conservation requires that full
use of available water be made by minimizing the
water loss due to seepage during conveyance in
the canals.
 Canal lining offers the solution because it helps
conserve the costly impounded water otherwise
lost during conveyance due to high seepage
losses in unlined section.
 Objectives of Canal Lining
 To minimize the losses due to seepage
 To protect the area prone to water logging
due to rise in water table
 To increase the discharge capacity of the
 Advantages
 Reduction in seepage losses
 Low maintenance cost
 Minimizes the possibility of breaching of
 Prevents weed growth
 Improved hydraulic efficiency of canals
 Reduces cross sectional dimensions of canal
 Disadvantages
 Higher initial investment
 Repair is costly.
 Longer construction period
 Sophisticated construction equipments and
labours is needed.
1.The designing of a DAM.
2.The construction of Lined canal.
 At the site, there is shortage(un adequate) of tools and
equipments so that its difficult to achieve the desire work.
 Poor supervision of site agent from contractors also is the
main problem.
 Lack of a person who have a full knowledge of designing of a
dam and irrigation scheme that to tell a real challenge
irrigation as well as dam.
 The government failure provide enough funds so that the
scheme will takes a long for completion.
 Contractors must sure have adequate tools
and equipments so as to achieves the
objective of the work.
 Daily check and supervise of the site is very
important so as to achieves the goals.
 Its now the chance for Civil and Irrigation
engineers to solve the real challenge/problem
irrigation as well as dam construction.
 All in all IPT was helpful considering the
subjects covered in last two semesters
concerning civil & irrigation and enabled me
to fit the theory part in my lessons to reality
in the field.
 The IPT preparation through zonal irrigation
offices approach was helpful as students
were able to cover more projects covered in a
particular zone districts.

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