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Career Advising in a VUCA Environment

Leigh S. Shaffer, Downington, Pennsylvania

Jacqueline M. Zalewski, West Chester University

Recent developments in the knowledge-driven, higher education in general, and academic advis-
postindustrial economy have radically affected ing in particular, because it promises to provide the
college students’ prospects for entering and new paradigm necessary to provoke the paradigm
completing successful careers. In this volatile, shift of integrating career advising and academic
uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) advising called for by Hughey and Hughey (2009)
environment, fewer organizations find profitability in NACADA’s recent Handbook of Career Advis-
in hiring, training, and retaining workers. Over ing (Hughey, Nelson, Damminger, & McCalla-
the last 20 years, traditional careers, with lifelong Wriggins, 2009).
security and opportunities for financial success, Under the new paradigm, the expectation for
have been systematically replaced by a contract a lifelong career is no longer realistic because the
with workers who maintain their own employability. nature and pace of change in the workplace is so
In addition, college degrees no longer assure rapid and unpredictable that no curriculum can
graduates of having marketable knowledge and provide students with all of the skills and spe-
skills, and so traditional career advising yields cial knowledge they will need to be employable
limited results in a VUCA environment. This is throughout their working lifetime. Furthermore,
the first in a series of articles outlining a human the changing conditions mean that businesses and
capital approach to career advising that addresses industries no longer expect a positive return on
the challenges of a VUCA environment. their investment for formal on-the-job training
(OJT) and that offering lifelong career tracks are
KEY WORDS: boundaryless careers, career no longer profitable. Employers have also learned
advising, employability, human capital, VUCA that they cannot expect graduates of either high
environment school or college to enter the workforce with suf-
ficient skills and special knowledge to immediately
Something very odd is going on in the Ameri- meet job obligations.
can corporate workplace. Employees are being As a result, employers have changed the oper-
told to prepare for a radical new condition of ating economic ground rules for employabil-
permanent insecurity, a future full of sporadic ity—often called the labor contract—and expect
layoffs, endless efforts to upgrade job skills, workers to develop and maintain their own employ-
and perpetually recombining work teams of ability through some combination of postgraduate
insiders and “outsourcers.” Continuous cor- education, formal training, informal upgrading of
porate “rightsizing” will dictate a “portfolio skills, or work experience. Workers are increas-
career” strategy: Since workers will no longer ingly expected to manage and maintain their
spend their careers with one or two employers, employable skill set as well as act as brokers for
accumulating a portfolio of portable skills will their own employment by finding suitable jobs,
be essential. (Nash, 1994, p.72) documenting their updated and upgraded skills
and special knowledge, and successfully marketing
Beginning in the last decade of the 20th century, themselves to potential employers. Students will
observers of American business and industry noted need academic advisors who can help students
that fundamental forces of change were reshaping think through the career implications of the day-
the employment realities of the knowledge-driven, to-day decisions they are making as they prepare
postindustrial economy. By the first decade of the to graduate.
21st century, scholars were forming a consensus This is the first article in a series of essays
around a new definition of employability. The great exploring the new paradigm of employability and
recession of 2008 added a sense of urgency for delineating a philosophy of an integrated approach
those who sought to offer a clear vision of the to academic advising and career advising in the
type of education and training that workers need postindustrial economy. We focus on theory and
to be employable in the foreseeable future. This attempt to explain the new contract of employabil-
new consensus has far-reaching implications for ity that college graduates will need to understand

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Advising for VUCA Careers

to prepare for success in the 21st century work- worker’s chosen industry from an entry-level posi-
place. In the second article, entitled “A Human tion, through middle-level, typically managerial
Capital Approach to Career Advising” (Shaffer positions, toward the ultimate goal of an executive
& Zalewski, 2011 [pp. 75–87]), we articulate position (Mirvis & Hall, 1994). The process of
an approach to advising practice that will help the professionalization of many different careers
students prepare to make career choices and to encouraged more and more high school graduates
develop the habits of career management and skill to matriculate in postsecondary schools in hopes
documentation that will be required to succeed in of beginning a career in one of these fields (Baker,
this new working environment. Future articles will 2009; Shaffer, Zalewski, & Leveille, 2010).
focus on specific topics related to human capital, In the postwar, industrial economy, organi-
including ways that students can leverage their zations created the traditional career model for
higher education investment to develop and grow their own economic interests (O’Mahony &
their own human capital. Bechky, 2006; Sullivan, 1999). Companies could
offer lifelong employment careers to good work-
The End of Careers and the New Contract ers in expectation of making long-term profits
At the dawn of the 20th century, workers had no because retaining employees was less expensive
shared concept of a career (Buford, 2009; Mirvis & than recruiting new ones; that is, they received
Hall, 1994). Most sons and daughters tried to fol- a positive return on investment by keeping the
low in their parents’ footsteps, no matter what their employees trained in firm-specific skills (Brown
parents did for a living. There were few choices of & Reich, 1997; Fierman & Hadjian, 1994; Nash,
jobs for young workers and there was no expec- 1994). In the industrial economy, workers largely
tation of upward mobility (Buford, 2009). The acquired skills through OJT, and employers will-
situation remained the same for the first half of ingly paid for such training because the resulting
the century. The idea of a career grew popular in firm-specific skills and knowledge were not readily
the years after World War II and was embraced by transferable to a new employer (Brown & Reich,
people who knew about the Great Depression and 1997). Employers expected hires to bring with
the economic dislocations and sacrifices associated them basic literacy and numeracy skills from high
with the American efforts to win the war (Mirvis school education, but these more transferable skills
& Hall, 1994). were merely preconditions of employment, easily
Sociologically, the term career refers to the monitored by checking that applicants had earned
longitudinal dimension of a worker’s experience high school diplomas. For rank-and-file workers,
within any particular occupation (Theodorson & college education was not necessary for securing
Theodorson, 1969; Wilensky, 1961). While a per- a job.
son might actually have more than one employer With the rise of the managerial class in business
during a working lifetime, a person was said to and industry, as well as with the transformation
have a career if he or she remained in one identifi- of the economy from occupations associated with
able occupation over the span of his or her work- industrial production to those made in the Informa-
ing years, especially if that person showed a clear tion Age, formal college education became neces-
pattern of promotion from one role to another that sary for entry-level positions as well as managerial
involved greater challenges and responsibilities and executive posts. This trend was welcomed by
compared to the previous role (Sullivan, 1999; higher education leaders and was known by the slo-
Super, 1957; Theodorson & Theodorson, 1969; gan “College for All” (Grubb & Lazerson, 2005).
Wilensky, 1961). Each occupation developed a Higher education became the embodiment of the
recognizable pattern of sequenced jobs—accom- American dream: getting ahead through one’s own
panied by greater prestige, pay, and perquisites efforts (Grubb & Lazerson, 2005). Soon the pace
at each successive level—that could be called a of change in the workplace meant that employees
“career ladder” (Mirvis & Hall, 1994). Ideally, needed to continue to learn new skills to avoid
the advantage of having a career instead of a mere obsolescence, meaning an expanded role for higher
work history was that careers brought job secu- education through delivery of advanced course
rity—especially when the worker remained with work, certification and recertification, and postbac-
one employer throughout her or his working life- calaureate degrees.
time (Hall, 1996a; Sullivan, 1999). Success came This ongoing learning fit within the concept of
to be defined as upward mobility in the sense of careers as people spoke of advancement through
progression up the identified career ladder within a corporate ladders. However, many of these higher

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Leigh S. Shaffer & Jacqueline M. Zalewski

level skills were more transferable from one stands for four words (volatile, uncertain, com-
employer to another than those previously learned plex, and ambiguous) that, taken together, capture
through OJT, and as a result, employers increas- the difficulties of strategic decision making created
ingly expected this potentially transferable, cumu- by the vagaries of gathering, sharing, evaluating,
lative growth to be accomplished through formal and interpreting information in dynamic contexts,
education rather than OJT. By changing the training especially when critical decisions are constrained
venue, employers transferred the costs of learning by the demands of time (Bodenhausen & Peery,
to the employee, who paid for it through tuition 2009: Free, 2009).
dollars (Brown & Reich, 1997). Employers may Volatile refers to the dynamic quality of the
have offered educational benefits for long-term context for decision making. In the Information
employees through educational reimbursement Age, phenomena as well as measurements of the
programs for college course work, often stipulat- current state of such phenomena change rapidly in
ing that the employees remain with their current real time. Continuously updated reports and data
employers for a certain amount of time. However, transform the definition of the situation in the mind
the process of transferring the locus of career man- of the decision maker.
agement, and the principle of the employee bearing Uncertain refers to the measured or perceived
the costs of maintaining employability, had become likelihood that projections or predictions will be
well established by the end of the 20th century realized. Decision makers often need to anticipate
(Brown & Reich, 1997). the probable consequences of their actions despite
At the dawn of the 21st century, changes in knowing that their projections for the future are
the postindustrial workplace had resulted in fewer less than certain.
firms supporting traditional careers (Cooper, 2002; Complex refers to the fact that causal factors
Mihail, 2008; Nash, 1994; O’Mahony & Bechky, or social forces at work in the situation are often
2006). As firms worked to become more agile— competing with one another: Decision makers
being able to compete in the marketplace by add- must often weigh the competing influences and
ing new, profitable lines of products and services make informed guesses about which forces will
and eliminating older, less profitable ones— they ultimately sway the outcome of critical events.
began minimizing permanent workers with core, Ambiguous refers to the unknown significance
firm-specific knowledge and skills and replacing of one or more factors in a situation. Decision mak-
them with contingent workers—such as temporary ers will be unable to tell whether a development is
or contract workers—and by outsourcing many good or bad, and they may be able to make equally
jobs (Cooper, 2002; Fierman & Hadjian, 1994; plausible arguments for the likelihood of either
Nash, 1994). As a result, many companies began outcome. While the battlefield is the prototype for
consciously and purposefully dismantling career a VUCA environment, all 21st century leaders are
ladders and divesting themselves of employees beginning to realize that the same principles taught
with obsolete skills (Arthur & Rousseau, 1996; to military leaders are applicable to decision mak-
Bernstein, 2003; Bridgstock, 2009; Lautsch, 2002; ing and long-range planning in all fields, including
Lazarova & Taylor, 2009; Royal & Althauser, government and politics (Stiehm, 2002), health
2003; Waterman, Waterman, & Collard, 1994). care (Sturmberg, 2010), and the world of work
Careers—as workers had come to know them— (Eisner, 2010a, 2010b; Emmerling, 2005; Free,
were coming to an end. Following the British cus- 2009; Helgesen, 2001; Lindborg, 2010; Smith,
tom for announcing succession within the mon- 2010; Todd, 2010).
archy, Hall (1996a) put it quite forthrightly: The
career is dead—long live the career. The result is Volatile
the transformation of a relatively stable working Technology is a primary contributor to volatil-
environment of careers (as well as career counsel- ity because of the speed of change in knowledge
ing and advising) into a VUCA environment. generation and communication. Indeed, the means
of production and the delivery of services that char-
The VUCA Environment acterize the knowledge-driven economy are based
VUCA is an acronym that originated in the on knowledge-intensive activities that lead to both
U.S. Army to describe the challenges of military the rapid advance of knowledge and skill develop-
leadership in a battlefield environment (Allen & ment and an equally quickened pace of obsoles-
Coates, 2009; Emmerling, 2005; Johansen, 2007; cence (Pearson, 2009; Powell & Snellman, 2004).
Schambach, 2004; Stiehm, 2002). The acronym One example is the acceleration of product cycles

66 NACADA Journal        Volume 31(1)      Spring 2011

Advising for VUCA Careers

in business; by the year 2000, companies such as Bright, 2008; Stone, 2007; Zikic & Hall, 2009).
Intel found that products selling at the end of one Either term—VUCA or chaos—used to describe
calendar year had not even existed on the first day the postindustrial economy illustrates that rapidity
of that same year (McWilliam & Haukka, 2008). is not the only salient characteristic of change, but
Economic trends may be slower than technol- change also brings uncertainty, complexity, and
ogy generation, but they are often punctuated by ambiguity as well.
crashes and bubbles (Den Haan, Wouter, Haefke, &
Ramey, 2005). Economic turbulence is often asso- Uncertain
ciated with increasing numbers of workers (skilled, Kahneman and Klein (2009) have identified two
nonskilled, and managerial) being laid off because conditions that must be met before experienced
of obsolete skills (Costa et al., 2010; Den Haan et and expert judgment about the future can be reli-
al., 2005). Since the great recession of 2008, work- able and valid: The environment must provide the
ers who had been laid off discovered that, when observer with valid cues concerning the nature of
they reapplied for their old position, they no longer the situation, and observers must have an oppor-
had all of the skills expected in recent applicants tunity to learn the relevant cues. However, these
for their positions (Rugaber, 2010). conditions cannot be met in a VUCA environment.
In addition to rapidly evolving situations, vola- Accurate forecasts of the future can only develop
tility also refers to rapidly changing information in environments that are sufficiently regular to
about a situation (which may not be directly appre- provide valid indicators (Bright & Pryor, 2005;
hended). Gelatt (1989) argued that volatility is an Duys et al., 2008; Pryor et al., 2008; Zikic & Hall,
inevitable characteristic of the knowledge-driven 2009). Tetlock’s (2005) 15-year, longitudinal study
economy because “facts rapidly become obsolete” punctuates the point: The study showed no con-
(p. 254). sistent evidence that experts made better forecasts
of future political or economic events than did
How long are the right facts true? What one untrained newspaper readers. Kahneman and Klein
knows for sure today may not be so tomor- commented that:
row. The rapidity of change in today’s society
makes the tenure of knowledge very capri- The depressing consistency of the experts’
cious. What one often hears today is that what failure to outdo the novices in this task sug-
one learned yesterday is no longer true. It has gests that the problem is in the environment.
become misinformation. (Gelatt, 1989, p. 254) Long-term forecasting must fail because large-
scale historical developments are too complex
“Change is the new status quo” (Feller &
to be forecast. The task is simply impossible.
O’Bruba, 2009; p. 21) and the pace of it is often
(Kahneman & Klein, 2009, p. 520)
shockingly fast. However, the volatility attrib-
uted to a VUCA environment is different than In a VUCA environment, events do not nec-
the conceptualization that usually accompanies essarily follow currently accepted models and
these two truisms because most people think of assumptions, making projections or predictions
change as the addition of new knowledge and tech- uncertain and unpredictable; new realities are cre-
nologies to the old ones rather than the obsoles- ated or emerge. In VUCA environments, the mul-
cence of old knowledge and skills. In traditional, tiple influences may interact with one another pro-
philosophical terms, people are comfortable with ducing effects that are themselves unpredictable.
andsum thinking, but they are not comfortable Stated more formally, VUCA environments are
with transsum thinking (Wertheimer, 1972). For ill-structured problems that are inherently ambigu-
that reason, the volatility of a VUCA environ- ous (Mitroff, Alpaslan, & Green, 2004). Because
ment is often described as chaos (“In the thick employers are often unable to forecast their busi-
of it . . . ,” 2007). Career counselors have recog- ness or labor needs in this VUCA situation (Capelli,
nized this recent transformation of the job market 2008; Feller & O’Bruba, 2009), advisors cannot tell
but express the concept of a VUCA environment students that a graduate with a particular major will
as chaos because they find chaos theory, based be in demand. For example, in the 1950s and 1960s
on physical sciences, to be a fruitful metaphor the United States experienced a critical shortfall of
for developing an approach to counseling theory teachers and engineers, but news of this demand
(Bright & Pryor, 2005; Duys, Ward, Maxwell, & led to an overproduction of graduates in both fields,
Eaton-Comerford, 2008; McKay, Bright, & Pryor, producing a glut of teachers and engineers by the
2005; Pryor & Bright, 2006; Pryor, Amundson, & 1970s (Gorelick, 1998).

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Leigh S. Shaffer & Jacqueline M. Zalewski

Complex create opportunities more than opportunities cre-

Since World War II, many trends have added ate skills. The new employment arena reverses
complexity to the postindustrial economy, includ- traditional cause-effect assumptions” (Arthur &
ing globalization, population growth, environmen- Rousseau, 1996, p. 31)
tal problems, cultural diversity, economic uncer- For career advisors, one source of ambiguity
tainties, and technological transformation. For relates to changes in the meaning of job titles.
example, the global information infrastructure, in Familiar titles will become misleading as jobs will
which fiber-optic cable supports surplus bandwidth evolve in incremental changes so small they escape
that allows work-flow software to redistribute ser- notice, but the cumulative effect will be that the job
vice work throughout the globe without regard to descriptions will no longer resemble their original
geographic location, has contributed to the volatil- content. However, some occupations will change
ity and complexity of the VUCA workplace (Fried- very little and yet be renamed, often as a recruit-
man, 2005). In the United States, much skilled ing device to attract new talent (Gioia & Herman,
labor in fields such as accounting, human resource 2005). Therefore, titles are now of questionable
management, medicine, software development, and value in helping students assess their own skills
technical support have been outsourced—and off- and human capital.
shored—to India and East Asia (Friedman, 2005;
Some approaches to self-knowledge use occu-
Parker, 2008). Within a decade, business models
pational labels as a basis for an approach for
were completely revised and work in the accelerat-
understanding both what you like or what
ing knowledge-driven economy flowed to regions
you can do. But how temporary are these
where intellectual assets were ready and willing to
approaches as new patterns of organizing
meet the demand for high-speed, low-cost opera-
changes the occupational structure and oppor-
tions (Friedman, 2005; Parker, 2008). While the
tunities within it? Will the knowledge accoun-
impact of any one of these influences on future
tants of tomorrow look at all like the financial
demands for skill and special knowledge is difficult
accountants of today? (Arthur & Rousseau,
to anticipate, the challenges are multiplied both
1996, p. 34)
because of the sheer number of relevant influences
as well as their interactions. Identifying the knowledge-driven, postindus-
trial economy as a VUCA environment helps to
Ambiguous explain why lifetime careers, which came into
In a VUCA environment, the application of the prominence after World War II, began to disappear
prevailing wisdom or the dominant paradigm pro- by the end of the 20th century. The old contract,
duces incongruities that are unfamiliar and disturb- under which employers offered new hires the pros-
ing. Instead of being confronted with recognizable pect of lifelong security, training, and advancement
problems that have recognizable solutions based by following career ladders, has now been replaced
on the application of acceptable methods, partici- by a new contract in which employees must take
pants find themselves confronted with quandaries, charge of their own employability, expect to have
dilemmas, puzzles, and paradoxes (Allen & Coates, many different jobs and many different employers
2009). Experts, called to examine and offer advice over their working lifetimes, and create their own
on the problem, often disagree on a definition of security by maintaining their special knowledge
the situation (Mitroff et al., 2004). Available cues and skill set through a lifetime of continuous learn-
often have no clear-cut meaning (Bodenhausen & ing (Arthur & Rousseau, 1996: Cooper, 2002: Hall,
Peery, 2009). Careful observation of the economy 1996a, 1996b; Handy, 1996; Knotts, 2002). As
often reveals seemingly contradictory patterns or Carey (1996, p.76) expressed it, “Organizations
trends. For example, some jobs within one field will never stockpile people again,” and “employees
show a pattern of skill upgrading while other jobs must become their own career brokers.”
display a pattern of deskilling; similarly, some
employers lay off workers at the same time that The New Contract
they are hiring others (Kivinen & Ahola, 1999: Despite a new, emerging pattern of employ-
Melymuka, 2000). Assumptions about how the ment that became identifiable by the last decade
world works—which are grounded in historically of the 20th century, the term career was modified
familiar patterns of work—may no longer be valid. by a series of descriptors that captures both the
For example, Arthur & Rousseau (1996) pointed nature, as well as the impermanence, of the new
out, “In today’s fluid employment situations, skills relationship between workers and their employ-

68 NACADA Journal        Volume 31(1)      Spring 2011

Advising for VUCA Careers

ers. As employers became aware of the realities or salaries as well as opportunities to learn new
of operating in a VUCA environment, they began skills and knowledge to enhance their continued
to systematically transform their organizations to employability (Waterman et al., 1994). While some
remain competitive and they readily discovered employees gained skills and knowledge through
that the conditions that favored creating career OJT, as under the old contract, the rapidity with
ladders and retained employees no longer applied which new jobs were created, marketed, filled,
(Arthur & Rousseau, 1996; Cooper, 2002; Hall & and then discarded as obsolete left too little time
Moss, 1998). Figuratively speaking, employers for companies to profitably create formal training
cancelled the old contract and began negotiating programs. Therefore, to learn these skills, work-
from a new template, the new contract. The new ers found themselves acquiring the skills, often
terms include portfolio careers (Cooper, 2002; informally, by learning-by-doing on the job (Shaf-
Handy, 1996; Nash, 1994), protean careers (Hall, fer, 2005). As a result, employers looked less for
1996a; Hall & Mirvis, 1998; Sullivan, 1999), or workers who had demonstrated mastery of all the
boundaryless careers (Arthur & Rousseau, 1996; skills required for a job and more to those who
Lazarova & Taylor, 2009; Mirvis & Hall, 1994). embraced the opportunity to learn new skills as they
The term portfolio careers emphasizes the need undertook the offered position (Feller & O’Bruba,
for workers to build and document their skills and 2009). These job opportunities, called stretchwork
special knowledge as a basis for continued employ- (O’Mahony & Bechky, 2006), create the core of a
ability. The term protean careers reflects workers’ conscious strategy for developing protean careers.
need to adapt to a constantly changing environ- As Feller & O’Bruba noted, “The secret of suc-
ment. The term boundaryless career is used to cess seems to reside in continuously learning to do
explain that workers must find their own work and what one does not know how to do. This should be
to add value to employers across the boundaries of the basic tenet of any advising development plan”
particular firms, occupations, or professions. In the (Feller & O’Bruba, 2009, p. 42).
next section, we explicate the consensual elements Rather than expect a job for life, workers have
of the new contract and the corresponding implica- learned to apply for new jobs when the current
tions for future employability of future graduates employer no longer provides the ongoing learning
who will be expected to manage their own protean, necessary to maintain the currency of one’s skill
boundaryless careers. set (Bridgstock, 2009; O’Mahony & Bechky, 2006;
Parker, 2008; Waterman et al., 1994). Gradually,
The New Contract and the Maintenance of workers realize that they need to develop resil-
Employability iency (Arthur & Rousseau, 1996) and be prepared
Advisors operating under assumptions associ- to reinvent themselves regularly to avoid being
ated with traditional careers help students make throwaway workers with throwaway skills (Shaf-
the best choice of careers to meet their goals and fer, 1997/2009). Employees who survive under the
abilities as well as selection of majors and course new contract become their own career brokers and
work that qualifies them for entry into their cho- lifelong learners to avoid obsolescence (Handy,
sen career upon graduation. However, early in the 1996). In a VUCA work environment, job secu-
transition to the knowledge-driven, postindustrial rity does not result from having a job, but from
economy, employees found themselves working purposely and self-consciously maintaining a cur-
for multiple employers—and even holding multiple rency of skill and special knowledge that assures
occupations—within their working lifetimes. The employability (Friedman, 2005; Mihail, 2008;
ethos of the 1990s was characterized as “the short- Parker, 2008). Indeed, the state of being employed
term contract culture” and more “portfolio careers” has been reconceptualized as a manifestation of
(Cooper, 2002, p. 355). By the end of the 20th one’s employability (Arthur & Rousseau, 1996).
century, American workers changed jobs every The new loyalty, once given to employers, goes
4.5 years on average (Sullivan, 1999) and workers to the maintenance of one’s employability (Fried-
expected to have many careers during their work- man, 2005; Fejes, 2010; Parker, 2008: Waterman et
ing lifetime (Shaffer, 1997/2009). Today, graduates al., 1994), and the content of the protean or bound-
between the ages of 22 and 32 years have already aryless worker’s portfolio is usually characterized
averaged seven job changes in their brief working as a set of portable or transferable skills (Parker,
lifetimes (Eisner, 2010a, 2010b). 2008). Transferable skills are not firm specific and
Under the new contract, employees expect an so offer no wider-market value, rather they tend to
employer to provide a job with defined wages be general skills, such as literacy or numeracy, that

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Leigh S. Shaffer & Jacqueline M. Zalewski

are needed to complete specific jobs. Often, poten- ders led workers to success. However, these stage
tial employees learn these in formal educational theories are poor descriptions of the protean or
settings, such as liberal arts or general education boundaryless careers that embody the new contract
courses associated with specialized or professional (Arthur & Rousseau, 1996; Bright & Pryor, 2005;
curricula (Gioia & Herman, 2005: Parker, 2008). Hall & Mirvis, 1996; Sullivan, 1999; van Vianen,
Examples of such skills include interpersonal De Pater, & Preenen, 2009).
communication, teamwork, negotiation, conflict Traditional career theory was a useful way to
resolution, and leadership (Parker, 2008). Employ- help students make career decisions by narrowing,
ability also involves workers’ ability to manage funneling, or focusing their attention on potential
their own careers: the ability to set and strategi- occupational choices, often following a strategy of
cally follow meaningful life and work goals, locate matching students’ abilities, attitudes, values, or
and successfully apply for jobs, anticipate future personality traits with specific occupations or pro-
directions for growth and acquire state-of-the-art fessions (van Vianen et al., 2009). However, under
skills, and continue to learn throughout a work- the new contract, the preferred pattern of employee
ing lifetime (Carey, 1996). The demands of self- development involves continuous experimenta-
management in a boundaryless career are great, tion and growth as well as increased adaptability
and the challenges of discovering how academic (Parker, 2008; van Vianen et al., 2009). Finally, the
advisors can help students learn them need imme- psychometric tools designed to aid advisors and
diate attention. students make informed predictions of the good-
Employers often value worker attitudes as much ness of fit between students and potential careers
as their skills and special knowledge. The ability to are based on an assumption of a stable working
deal with “messy, complex, unscripted problems” environment and a steady student personality,
is now considered an essential learning outcome of which stands counter to the characteristics of a
higher education (Nelson Laird, Niskode-Dossett, VUCA environment (Pryor et al., 2008). Academic
& Kuh, 2009, p. 65). Workers need to maintain and career advisors will find these familiar tools
equilibrium and good judgment in a VUCA envi- to be of diminishing value in their professional
ronment. They also need to be comfortable with interactions with students.
ambiguity; evaluate the quality of available data;
maintain a clear view of the larger picture; identify New Theories and Practices
options when blocked, challenged, or rebuffed; Because of the career changes driven by the
scan media widely and efficiently; accurately new contract, advisors need to understand that
identify the core issues in a conflict; challenge major selection may be less important to graduates’
conventional methods, systems, and thinking; and employability than general education or cocurricu-
generate reasonable optimism (Feller & O’Bruba, lar activities. They must help students realize that
2009; Gelatt, 1989; “In the thick of it . . . ,” 2007). choosing the perfect major or program will not give
Employers understand that recruits with the right students the specific knowledge in any occupation
skills and abilities quickly become costly liabili- that they will need to be successful. They need to
ties if they display bad attitudes, especially if they see formal, higher education as a preparatory phase
infect other workers. However, capable people of continuous, lifelong knowledge acquisition and
with good attitudes and interpersonal skills can be skill building that is accomplished by a variety of
taught new skills by good trainers. The slogan that means and media. Prior to graduation, students
captures these lessons is the maxim “hire attitude, will build knowledge and skills through formal
train skill” (Eisner, 2010a). course work and assignments, internships, service
learning projects (Hagan, 2004; Lu & Lambright,
Implications for Career Advising Theory 2010; Simons & Cleary, 2006) as well as through
Traditional Theories cocurricular activities, volunteer and unpaid work,
Career and academic advising. Traditional the- and mentoring (Fierman & Hadjian, 1994), often
ories of career development are of limited value for increasing social capital by developing networks
advisors. In line with the sociological concept of of valuable contacts (D’Agostino, 2010). Service
a career, theories of career development, such as learning projects provide excellent opportunities
those offered by Super (1957) and Holland (1997), to learn multicultural competence skills (Baggerly,
are based on the assumption that workers pursue 2006; Busch, 2009; Shaffer, 2008a).
lifetime employment within one occupation with After graduation, students will build knowl-
one or two employers and that climbing career lad- edge and skills through postgraduate courses and

70 NACADA Journal        Volume 31(1)      Spring 2011

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P. T. Y. (2009). Adaptable careers: Maximizing
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A. (1994). Toward a career-resilient workforce. versity and is now living in Downington, Pennsyl-
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Wertheimer, M. (1972). Fundamental issues in ment of Anthropology and Sociology, West Chester
psychology. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart & University.
Wilensky, H. L. (1961). Orderly careers and social Correspondence concerning this article should be
participation: The impact of work history on addressed to Leigh S. Shaffer at lshaffer@wcupa.
social integration in the middle mass. American edu.

74 NACADA Journal        Volume 31(1)      Spring 2011

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