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Health and safety for carers the environment and dementia

The home is the workplace of carers and service providers of people with dementia.
This Help Sheet discusses some of the health and safety issues that arise when the
home is the workplace of carers and service providers.
Carers need to have a safe environment in Personal care
which to work. They must also be aware that
health and safety is important for any service Does the person with dementia have to be
provider working in the home. Problems that lifted or transferred?
sometimes arise from working in an unsafe How many people are required?
environment include fatigue, stress, isolation, Is equipment needed and available?
ill health and back injury. Has the carer or service provider received
training in safe manual handling
Checklist techniques?
This checklist may help to identify any Are modifications required to the toilet or
hazards in the home for carers and service shower because the rooms are too
providers: confined or awkward, requiring the carer
to stoop, twist or reach?
Sleep Is the person with dementia incontinent?
Is it possible to get sufficient Are incontinence aids available?
uninterrupted sleep to be able to carry out Has the carer received advice from a
caring tasks safely? continence adviser?
Stress Is there a laundry service available to
assist with the heavy washing load?
Does the carer get a regular break (respite)
from caring? Behaviour problems
Has the carer had access to adequate Is the carer or service provider at risk of
information about dementia? assault or considerable stress from the
Has the carer had the opportunity to person with dementia because of
discuss their grief with a counsellor or challenging behaviours?
friend? Has the carer received advice from a
specialist about the management of
challenging behaviours?
Does the person with dementia have a
doctor who is experienced in the area of What to try
Information and counselling
Contact the Alzheimer’s Association for
Is the carer or service provider at risk of information and counselling.
danger resulting from the actions of a
Apply for a Carer Support Kit which is
person with dementia, such as leaving on
available free to carers from the Carers
stoves, heaters or appliances, or from
Association. It has a range of practical

Your Alzheimer’s Association can

be contacted directly on the: Each Australian State and Territory has an
Alzheimer’s Association which can provide
Dementia Helpline further information, counselling and support for
Freecall 1800 639 331 carers of people with dementia.
information on caring at home. The Carers adviser located at the local hospital, the Aged
Association can be contacted on 1800 242 Care Assessment Team or the Community
636. Health Centre.
Expert advice Life book
Advice is available from the Aged Care A “life book” with information about the
Assessment Team (ACAT) about person’s social, work and medical history,
incontinence, challenging behaviours and their likes and dislikes, etc. can help carers and
dementia generally. service providers understand the person with
dementia better and it also provides prompts
Respite care and cues to assist conversation.
Contact a Carer Respite Centre on 1800 059 Communication book
059. You will be connected to the Centre
nearest to your home. The Centre can provide A “communication book” by the phone or
you with information about respite services in somewhere handy for carer and service
your area, refer you to a service, and arrange providers to leave messages for each other can
respite care for a one-off occasion, an help everyone know what’s happening and
emergency or for a short period until a regular who has been to visit.
respite service becomes available.
Advocacy card
Carer support groups
The Alzheimer’s Association has produced a
Contact the Alzheimer’s Association or the card which can be offered discreetely to
Carers Association for information about service providers, shop assistants or
your nearest support group. receptionists to engage their support. The
card, which is available free from the
Information and training on how to lift and Alzheimer’s Association, says My companion
transfer safely has an illness which causes memory loss and
Advice is available from the Aged Care confusion. Please understand any unusual
Assessment Team. behaviour.

Dementia education Further help

The Alzheimer’s Association provides a range This Help Sheet is one of a series of
of dementia training for family carers. sheets that summarises some of the
Home modifications information in the manual At home with
dementia. The manual also contains
Assistance with home modifications is product information. It is available by
available from the Home Maintenance and contacting the NSW Ageing and
Modifications program (HMM). Advice may Disability Department (ADD) on (02)
be required from an occupational therapist 9367 6822 or from ADD’s website at
about equipment and modifications.
Equipment and products A range of books, videos and Help
Sheets are available through your State
Equipment and continence products are or Territory Alzheimer’s Association by
available for eligible people from the Program contacting the Dementia Helpline on
of Aids for Disabled Persons (PADP). 1800 639 331
Linen and laundry services These Help Sheets can be obtained on
Information about subsidised help with the internet at
laundry may be available from the Carers
Respite Centre or from the local continence

The content and funding for the production of this sheet were provided by the NSW Ageing and Disability
Department under the NSW Action Plan on Dementia.

This publication provides a general summary only of the subject matter covered. Any person with
dementia or a carer for a person with dementia should seek professional advice about the specific case. Sheet 15
The Alzheimer’s Associations in Australia are not liable for any error or omission in this publication, April 2000
even if negligent.

© 2000 Alzheimer’s Association Australia

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