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Republic Act No.

9262 without the family abode, which result in or is likely to result

in physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or
AN ACT DEFINING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND economic abuse including threats of such acts, battery,
THEIR CHILDREN, PROVIDING FOR PROTECTIVE assault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary deprivation of
MEASURES FOR VICTIMS, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES liberty. It includes, but is not limited to, the following acts:
A. "Physical Violence" refers to acts that include
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the bodily or physical harm;
Philippines in Congress assembled:
B. "Sexual violence" refers to an act which is sexual
SECTION 1. Short Title.- This Act shall be known as the "Anti- in nature, committed against a woman or her child. It
Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004". includes, but is not limited to:

SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy.- It is hereby declared that the a) rape, sexual harassment, acts of
State values the dignity of women and children and guarantees full lasciviousness, treating a woman or her child
respect for human rights. The State also recognizes the need to as a sex object, making demeaning and
protect the family and its members particularly women and children, sexually suggestive remarks, physically
from violence and threats to their personal safety and security. attacking the sexual parts of the victim's
body, forcing her/him to watch obscene
Towards this end, the State shall exert efforts to address violence publications and indecent shows or forcing
committed against women and children in keeping with the the woman or her child to do indecent acts
fundamental freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution and the and/or make films thereof, forcing the wife
Provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the and mistress/lover to live in the conjugal
convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination Against home or sleep together in the same room
Women, Convention on the Rights of the Child and other with the abuser;
international human rights instruments of which the Philippines is a
party. b) acts causing or attempting to cause the
victim to engage in any sexual activity by
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms.- As used in this Act, force, threat of force, physical or other harm
or threat of physical or other harm or
(a) "Violence against women and their children" refers to coercion;
any act or a series of acts committed by any person against a
woman who is his wife, former wife, or against a woman c) Prostituting the woman or child.
with whom the person has or had a sexual or dating
relationship, or with whom he has a common child, or C. "Psychological violence" refers to acts or
against her child whether legitimate or illegitimate, within or omissions causing or likely to cause mental or
emotional suffering of the victim such as but not (b) "Battery" refers to an act of inflicting physical harm upon
limited to intimidation, harassment, stalking, damage the woman or her child resulting to the physical and
to property, public ridicule or humiliation, repeated psychological or emotional distress.
verbal abuse and mental infidelity. It includes
causing or allowing the victim to witness the (c) "Battered Woman Syndrome" refers to a scientifically
physical, sexual or psychological abuse of a member defined pattern of psychological and behavioral symptoms
of the family to which the victim belongs, or to found in women living in battering relationships as a result
witness pornography in any form or to witness of cumulative abuse.
abusive injury to pets or to unlawful or unwanted
deprivation of the right to custody and/or visitation (d) "Stalking" refers to an intentional act committed by a
of common children. person who, knowingly and without lawful justification
follows the woman or her child or places the woman or her
D. "Economic abuse" refers to acts that make or child under surveillance directly or indirectly or a
attempt to make a woman financially dependent combination thereof.
which includes, but is not limited to the following:
(e) "Dating relationship" refers to a situation wherein the
1. withdrawal of financial support or parties live as husband and wife without the benefit of
preventing the victim from engaging in any marriage or are romantically involved over time and on a
legitimate profession, occupation, business continuing basis during the course of the relationship. A
or activity, except in cases wherein the other casual acquaintance or ordinary socialization between two
spouse/partner objects on valid, serious and individuals in a business or social context is not a dating
moral grounds as defined in Article 73 of the relationship.
Family Code;
(f) "Sexual relations" refers to a single sexual act which may
2. deprivation or threat of deprivation of or may not result in the bearing of a common child.
financial resources and the right to the use
and enjoyment of the conjugal, community (g) "Safe place or shelter" refers to any home or institution
or property owned in common; maintained or managed by the Department of Social Welfare
and Development (DSWD) or by any other agency or
3. destroying household property; voluntary organization accredited by the DSWD for the
purposes of this Act or any other suitable place the resident
4. controlling the victims' own money or of which is willing temporarily to receive the victim.
properties or solely controlling the conjugal
money or properties. (h) "Children" refers to those below eighteen (18) years of
age or older but are incapable of taking care of themselves as
defined under Republic Act No. 7610. As used in this Act, it
includes the biological children of the victim and other (2) Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman
children under her care. or her children of financial support legally due her or
her family, or deliberately providing the woman's
SECTION 4. Construction.- This Act shall be liberally construed to children insufficient financial support;
promote the protection and safety of victims of violence against
women and their children. (3) Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman
or her child of a legal right;
SECTION 5. Acts of Violence Against Women and Their Children.-
The crime of violence against women and their children is committed (4) Preventing the woman in engaging in any
through any of the following acts: legitimate profession, occupation, business or
activity or controlling the victim's own mon4ey or
(a) Causing physical harm to the woman or her child; properties, or solely controlling the conjugal or
common money, or properties;
(b) Threatening to cause the woman or her child physical
harm; (f) Inflicting or threatening to inflict physical harm on
oneself for the purpose of controlling her actions or
(c) Attempting to cause the woman or her child physical decisions;
(g) Causing or attempting to cause the woman or her child to
(d) Placing the woman or her child in fear of imminent engage in any sexual activity which does not constitute rape,
physical harm; by force or threat of force, physical harm, or through
intimidation directed against the woman or her child or
(e) Attempting to compel or compelling the woman or her her/his immediate family;
child to engage in conduct which the woman or her child has
the right to desist from or desist from conduct which the (h) Engaging in purposeful, knowing, or reckless conduct,
woman or her child has the right to engage in, or attempting personally or through another, that alarms or causes
to restrict or restricting the woman's or her child's freedom of substantial emotional or psychological distress to the woman
movement or conduct by force or threat of force, physical or or her child. This shall include, but not be limited to, the
other harm or threat of physical or other harm, or following acts:
intimidation directed against the woman or child. This shall
include, but not limited to, the following acts committed (1) Stalking or following the woman or her child in
with the purpose or effect of controlling or restricting the public or private places;
woman's or her child's movement or conduct:
(2) Peering in the window or lingering outside the
(1) Threatening to deprive or actually depriving the residence of the woman or her child;
woman or her child of custody to her/his family;
(3) Entering or remaining in the dwelling or on the preceding paragraph but shall in no case be lower than
property of the woman or her child against her/his arresto mayor.
(b) Acts falling under Section 5(c) and 5(d) shall be punished
(4) Destroying the property and personal belongings by arresto mayor;
or inflicting harm to animals or pets of the woman or
her child; and (c) Acts falling under Section 5(e) shall be punished by
prision correccional;
(5) Engaging in any form of harassment or violence;
(d) Acts falling under Section 5(f) shall be punished by
(i) Causing mental or emotional anguish, public ridicule or arresto mayor;
humiliation to the woman or her child, including, but not
limited to, repeated verbal and emotional abuse, and denial (e) Acts falling under Section 5(g) shall be punished by
of financial support or custody of minor children of access to prision mayor;
the woman's child/children.
(f) Acts falling under Section 5(h) and Section 5(i) shall be
SECTION 6. Penalties.- The crime of violence against women and punished by prision mayor.
their children, under Section 5 hereof shall be punished according to
the following rules: If the acts are committed while the woman or child is
pregnant or committed in the presence of her child, the
(a) Acts falling under Section 5(a) constituting attempted, penalty to be applied shall be the maximum period of penalty
frustrated or consummated parricide or murder or homicide prescribed in the section.
shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the
Revised Penal Code. In addition to imprisonment, the perpetrator shall (a) pay a
fine in the amount of not less than One hundred thousand
If these acts resulted in mutilation, it shall be punishable in pesos (P100,000.00) but not more than three hundred
accordance with the Revised Penal Code; those constituting thousand pesos (300,000.00); (b) undergo mandatory
serious physical injuries shall have the penalty of prison psychological counseling or psychiatric treatment and shall
mayor; those constituting less serious physical injuries shall report compliance to the court.
be punished by prision correccional; and those constituting
slight physical injuries shall be punished by arresto mayor. SECTION 7. Venue.- The Regional Trial Court designated as a
Family Court shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction over
Acts falling under Section 5(b) shall be punished by cases of violence against women and their children under this law. In
imprisonment of two degrees lower than the prescribed the absence of such court in the place where the offense was
penalty for the consummated crime as specified in the committed, the case shall be filed in the Regional Trial Court where
the crime or any of its elements was committed at the option of the specified by the court, and to stay away from the residence,
compliant. school, place of employment, or any specified place
frequented by the petitioner and any designated family or
SECTION 8. Protection Orders.- A protection order is an order household member;
issued under this act for the purpose of preventing further acts of
violence against a woman or her child specified in Section 5 of this (e) Directing lawful possession and use by petitioner of an
Act and granting other necessary relief. The relief granted under a automobile and other essential personal effects, regardless of
protection order serve the purpose of safeguarding the victim from ownership, and directing the appropriate law enforcement
further harm, minimizing any disruption in the victim's daily life, and officer to accompany the petitioner to the residence of the
facilitating the opportunity and ability of the victim to independently parties to ensure that the petitioner is safely restored to the
regain control over her life. The provisions of the protection order possession of the automobile and other essential personal
shall be enforced by law enforcement agencies. The protection orders effects, or to supervise the petitioner's or respondent's
that may be issued under this Act are the barangay protection order removal of personal belongings;
(BPO), temporary protection order (TPO) and permanent protection
order (PPO). The protection orders that may be issued under this Act (f) Granting a temporary or permanent custody of a
shall include any, some or all of the following reliefs: child/children to the petitioner;

(a) Prohibition of the respondent from threatening to commit (g) Directing the respondent to provide support to the
or committing, personally or through another, any of the acts woman and/or her child if entitled to legal support.
mentioned in Section 5 of this Act; Notwithstanding other laws to the contrary, the court shall
order an appropriate percentage of the income or salary of
(b) Prohibition of the respondent from harassing, annoying, the respondent to be withheld regularly by the respondent's
telephoning, contacting or otherwise communicating with employer for the same to be automatically remitted directly
the petitioner, directly or indirectly; to the woman. Failure to remit and/or withhold or any delay
in the remittance of support to the woman and/or her child
(c) Removal and exclusion of the respondent from the without justifiable cause shall render the respondent or his
residence of the petitioner, regardless of ownership of the employer liable for indirect contempt of court;
residence, either temporarily for the purpose of protecting
the petitioner, or permanently where no property rights are (h) Prohibition of the respondent from any use or possession
violated, and if respondent must remove personal effects of any firearm or deadly weapon and order him to surrender
from the residence, the court shall direct a law enforcement the same to the court for appropriate disposition by the court,
agent to accompany the respondent has gathered his things including revocation of license and disqualification to apply
and escort respondent from the residence; for any license to use or possess a firearm. If the offender is
a law enforcement agent, the court shall order the offender to
(d) Directing the respondent to stay away from petitioner and surrender his firearm and shall direct the appropriate
designated family or household member at a distance
authority to investigate on the offender and take appropriate (d) officers or social workers of the DSWD or social workers
action on matter; of local government units (LGUs);

(i) Restitution for actual damages caused by the violence (e) police officers, preferably those in charge of women and
inflicted, including, but not limited to, property damage, children's desks;
medical expenses, childcare expenses and loss of income;
(f) Punong Barangay or Barangay Kagawad;
(j) Directing the DSWD or any appropriate agency to
provide petitioner may need; and (g) lawyer, counselor, therapist or healthcare provider of the
(k) Provision of such other forms of relief as the court deems
necessary to protect and provide for the safety of the (h) At least two (2) concerned responsible citizens of the city
petitioner and any designated family or household member, or municipality where the violence against women and their
provided petitioner and any designated family or household children occurred and who has personal knowledge of the
member consents to such relief. offense committed.

Any of the reliefs provided under this section shall be SECTION 10. Where to Apply for a Protection Order. –
granted even in the absence of a decree of legal separation or Applications for BPOs shall follow the rules on venue under Section
annulment or declaration of absolute nullity of marriage. 409 of the Local Government Code of 1991 and its implementing
rules and regulations. An application for a TPO or PPO may be filed
The issuance of a BPO or the pendency of an application for in the regional trial court, metropolitan trial court, municipal trial
BPO shall not preclude a petitioner from applying for, or the court, municipal circuit trial court with territorial jurisdiction over
court from granting a TPO or PPO. the place of residence of the petitioner: Provided, however, That if a
family court exists in the place of residence of the petitioner, the
SECTION 9. Who may file Petition for Protection Orders. – A application shall be filed with that court.
petition for protection order may be filed by any of the following:
SECTION 11. How to Apply for a Protection Order. – The
(a) the offended party; application for a protection order must be in writing, signed and
verified under oath by the applicant. It may be filed as an
(b) parents or guardians of the offended party; independent action or as incidental relief in any civil or criminal case
the subject matter or issues thereof partakes of a violence as
(c) ascendants, descendants or collateral relatives within the described in this Act. A standard protection order application form,
fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity; written in English with translation to the major local languages, shall
be made available to facilitate applications for protections order, and
shall contain, among other, the following information:
(a) names and addresses of petitioner and respondent; SECTION 12. Enforceability of Protection Orders. – All TPOs and
PPOs issued under this Act shall be enforceable anywhere in the
(b) description of relationships between petitioner and Philippines and a violation thereof shall be punishable with a fine
respondent; ranging from Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) to Fifty Thousand
Pesos (P50,000.00) and/or imprisonment of six (6) months.
(c) a statement of the circumstances of the abuse;
SECTION 13. Legal Representation of Petitioners for Protection
(d) description of the reliefs requested by petitioner as Order. – If the woman or her child requests in the applications for a
specified in Section 8 herein; protection order for the appointment of counsel because of lack of
economic means to hire a counsel de parte, the court shall
(e) request for counsel and reasons for such; immediately direct the Public Attorney's Office (PAO) to represent
the petitioner in the hearing on the application. If the PAO
(f) request for waiver of application fees until hearing; and determines that the applicant can afford to hire the services of a
counsel de parte, it shall facilitate the legal representation of the
petitioner by a counsel de parte. The lack of access to family or
(g) an attestation that there is no pending application for a
conjugal resources by the applicant, such as when the same are
protection order in another court.
controlled by the perpetrator, shall qualify the petitioner to legal
representation by the PAO.
If the applicants is not the victim, the application must be
accompanied by an affidavit of the applicant attesting to (a) the
However, a private counsel offering free legal service is not barred
circumstances of the abuse suffered by the victim and (b) the
from representing the petitioner.
circumstances of consent given by the victim for the filling of the
application. When disclosure of the address of the victim will pose
danger to her life, it shall be so stated in the application. In such a SECTION 14. Barangay Protection Orders (BPOs); Who May Issue
case, the applicant shall attest that the victim is residing in the and How. - Barangay Protection Orders (BPOs) refer to the
municipality or city over which court has territorial jurisdiction, and protection order issued by the Punong Barangay ordering the
shall provide a mailing address for purpose of service processing. perpetrator to desist from committing acts under Section 5 (a) and (b)
of this Act. A Punong Barangay who receives applications for a
BPO shall issue the protection order to the applicant on the date of
An application for protection order filed with a court shall be
filing after ex parte determination of the basis of the application. If
considered an application for both a TPO and PPO.
thePunong Barangay is unavailable to act on the application for a
BPO, the application shall be acted upon by any available Barangay
Barangay officials and court personnel shall assist applicants in the Kagawad. If the BPO is issued by a Barangay Kagawad the order
preparation of the application. Law enforcement agents shall also must be accompanied by an attestation by the Barangay
extend assistance in the application for protection orders in cases Kagawad that the Punong Barangay was unavailable at the time for
brought to their attention. the issuance of the BPO. BPOs shall be effective for fifteen (15)
days. Immediately after the issuance of an ex parte BPO, the Punong
Barangay or Barangay Kagawad shall personally serve a copy of the The court shall, to the extent possible, conduct the hearing on the
same on the respondent, or direct any barangay official to effect is merits of the issuance of a PPO in one (1) day. Where the court is
personal service. unable to conduct the hearing within one (1) day and the TPO issued
is due to expire, the court shall continuously extend or renew the
The parties may be accompanied by a non-lawyer advocate in any TPO for a period of thirty (30) days at each particular time until final
proceeding before the Punong Barangay. judgment is issued. The extended or renewed TPO may be modified
by the court as may be necessary or applicable to address the needs
SECTION 15. Temporary Protection Orders. – Temporary of the applicant.
Protection Orders (TPOs) refers to the protection order issued by the
court on the date of filing of the application after ex The court may grant any, some or all of the reliefs specified in
parte determination that such order should be issued. A court may Section 8 hereof in a PPO. A PPO shall be effective until revoked by
grant in a TPO any, some or all of the reliefs mentioned in this Act a court upon application of the person in whose favor the order was
and shall be effective for thirty (30) days. The court shall schedule a issued. The court shall ensure immediate personal service of the PPO
hearing on the issuance of a PPO prior to or on the date of the on respondent.
expiration of the TPO. The court shall order the immediate personal
service of the TPO on the respondent by the court sheriff who may The court shall not deny the issuance of protection order on the basis
obtain the assistance of law enforcement agents for the service. The of the lapse of time between the act of violence and the filing of the
TPO shall include notice of the date of the hearing on the merits of application.
the issuance of a PPO.
Regardless of the conviction or acquittal of the respondent, the Court
SECTION 16. Permanent Protection Orders. – Permanent must determine whether or not the PPO shall become final. Even in a
Protection Order (PPO) refers to protection order issued by the court dismissal, a PPO shall be granted as long as there is no clear showing
after notice and hearing. that the act from which the order might arise did not exist.

Respondents non-appearance despite proper notice, or his lack of a SECTION 17. Notice of Sanction in Protection Orders. – The
lawyer, or the non-availability of his lawyer shall not be a ground for following statement must be printed in bold-faced type or in capital
rescheduling or postponing the hearing on the merits of the issuance letters on the protection order issued by the Punong Barangay or
of a PPO. If the respondents appears without counsel on the date of court:
the hearing on the PPO, the court shall appoint a lawyer for the
respondent and immediately proceed with the hearing. In case the "VIOLATION OF THIS ORDER IS PUNISHABLE BY LAW."
respondent fails to appear despite proper notice, the court shall allow
ex parte presentation of the evidence by the applicant and render SECTION 18. Mandatory Period For Acting on Applications For
judgment on the basis of the evidence presented. The court shall Protection Orders – Failure to act on an application for a protection
allow the introduction of any history of abusive conduct of a order within the reglementary period specified in the previous
respondent even if the same was not directed against the applicant or section without justifiable cause shall render the official or judge
the person for whom the applicant is made. administratively liable.
SECTION 19. Legal Separation Cases. – In cases of legal SECTION 22. Applicability of Protection Orders to Criminal
separation, where violence as specified in this Act is alleged, Article Cases. – The foregoing provisions on protection orders shall be
58 of the Family Code shall not apply. The court shall proceed on the applicable in impliedly instituted with the criminal actions involving
main case and other incidents of the case as soon as possible. The violence against women and their children.
hearing on any application for a protection order filed by the
petitioner must be conducted within the mandatory period specified SECTION 23. Bond to Keep the Peace. – The Court may order any
in this Act. person against whom a protection order is issued to give a bond to
keep the peace, to present two sufficient sureties who shall undertake
SECTION 20. Priority of Application for a Protection Order. – Ex that such person will not commit the violence sought to be prevented.
parte and adversarial hearings to determine the basis of applications
for a protection order under this Act shall have priority over all other Should the respondent fail to give the bond as required, he shall be
proceedings. Barangay officials and the courts shall schedule and detained for a period which shall in no case exceed six (6) months, if
conduct hearings on applications for a protection order under this Act he shall have been prosecuted for acts punishable under Section 5(a)
above all other business and, if necessary, suspend other proceedings to 5(f) and not exceeding thirty (30) days, if for acts punishable
in order to hear applications for a protection order. under Section 5(g) to 5(I).

SECTION 21. Violation of Protection Orders. – A complaint for a The protection orders referred to in this section are the TPOs and the
violation of a BPO issued under this Act must be filed directly with PPOs issued only by the courts.
any municipal trial court, metropolitan trial court, or municipal
circuit trial court that has territorial jurisdiction over the barangay SECTION 24. Prescriptive Period. – Acts falling under Sections
that issued the BPO. Violation of a BPO shall be punishable by 5(a) to 5(f) shall prescribe in twenty (20) years. Acts falling under
imprisonment of thirty (30) days without prejudice to any other Sections 5(g) to 5(I) shall prescribe in ten (10) years.
criminal or civil action that the offended party may file for any of the
acts committed. SECTION 25. Public Crime. – Violence against women and their
children shall be considered a public offense which may be
A judgement of violation of a BPO ma be appealed according to the prosecuted upon the filing of a complaint by any citizen having
Rules of Court. During trial and upon judgment, the trial court may personal knowledge of the circumstances involving the commission
motu proprio issue a protection order as it deems necessary without of the crime.
need of an application.
SECTION 26. Battered Woman Syndrome as a Defense. – Victim-
Violation of any provision of a TPO or PPO issued under this Act survivors who are found by the courts to be suffering from battered
shall constitute contempt of court punishable under Rule 71 of the woman syndrome do not incur any criminal and civil liability
Rules of Court, without prejudice to any other criminal or civil action notwithstanding the absence of any of the elements for justifying
that the offended party may file for any of the acts committed. circumstances of self-defense under the Revised Penal Code.
In the determination of the state of mind of the woman who was necessary whether or not a protection order has been issued
suffering from battered woman syndrome at the time of the and ensure the safety of the victim/s;
commission of the crime, the courts shall be assisted by expert
psychiatrists/ psychologists. (b) confiscate any deadly weapon in the possession of the
perpetrator or within plain view;
SECTION 27. Prohibited Defense. – Being under the influence of
alcohol, any illicit drug, or any other mind-altering substance shall (c) transport or escort the victim/s to a safe place of their
not be a defense under this Act. choice or to a clinic or hospital;

SECTION 28. Custody of children. – The woman victim of violence (d) assist the victim in removing personal belongs from the
shall be entitled to the custody and support of her child/children. house;
Children below seven (7) years old older but with mental or physical
disabilities shall automatically be given to the mother, with right to (e) assist the barangay officials and other government
support, unless the court finds compelling reasons to order otherwise. officers and employees who respond to a call for help;

A victim who is suffering from battered woman syndrome shall not (f) ensure the enforcement of the Protection Orders issued by
be disqualified from having custody of her children. In no case shall the Punong Barangy or the courts;
custody of minor children be given to the perpetrator of a woman
who is suffering from Battered woman syndrome. (g) arrest the suspected perpetrator wiithout a warrant when
any of the acts of violence defined by this Act is occurring,
SECTION 29. Duties of Prosecutors/Court Personnel. – Prosecutors or when he/she has personal knowledge that any act of abuse
and court personnel should observe the following duties when has just been committed, and there is imminent danger to the
dealing with victims under this Act: life or limb of the victim as defined in this Act; and

a) communicate with the victim in a language understood by (h) immediately report the call for assessment or assistance
the woman or her child; and of the DSWD, social Welfare Department of LGUs or
accredited non-government organizations (NGOs).
b) inform the victim of her/his rights including legal
remedies available and procedure, and privileges for indigent Any barangay official or law enforcer who fails to report the incident
litigants. shall be liable for a fine not exceeding Ten Thousand Pesos
(P10,000.00) or whenever applicable criminal, civil or administrative
SECTION 30. Duties of Barangay Officials and Law Enforcers. – liability.
Barangay officials and law enforcers shall have the following duties:
SECTION 31. Healthcare Provider Response to Abuse – Any
(a) respond immediately to a call for help or request for healthcare provider, including, but not limited to, an attending
assistance or protection of the victim by entering the physician, nurse, clinician, barangay health worker, therapist or
counselor who suspects abuse or has been informed by the victim of 7 of the Family Courts Act of 1997 and Sections 410, 411, 412 and
violence shall: 413 of the Local Government Code of 1991 shall not apply in
proceedings where relief is sought under this Act.
(a) properly document any of the victim's physical,
emotional or psychological injuries; Failure to comply with this Section shall render the official or judge
administratively liable.
(b) properly record any of victim's suspicions, observations
and circumstances of the examination or visit; SECTION 34. Persons Intervening Exempt from Liability. – In
every case of violence against women and their children as herein
(c) automatically provide the victim free of charge a medical defined, any person, private individual or police authority or
certificate concerning the examination or visit; barangay official who, acting in accordance with law, responds or
intervenes without using violence or restraint greater than necessary
(d) safeguard the records and make them available to the to ensure the safety of the victim, shall not be liable for any criminal,
victim upon request at actual cost; and civil or administrative liability resulting therefrom.

(e) provide the victim immediate and adequate notice of SECTION 35. Rights of Victims. – In addition to their rights under
rights and remedies provided under this Act, and services existing laws, victims of violence against women and their children
available to them. shall have the following rights:

SECTION 32. Duties of Other Government Agencies and LGUs – (a) to be treated with respect and dignity;
Other government agencies and LGUs shall establish programs such
as, but not limited to, education and information campaign and (b) to avail of legal assistance form the PAO of the
seminars or symposia on the nature, causes, incidence and Department of Justice (DOJ) or any public legal assistance
consequences of such violence particularly towards educating the office;
public on its social impacts.
(c) To be entitled to support services form the DSWD and
It shall be the duty of the concerned government agencies and LGU's LGUs'
to ensure the sustained education and training of their officers and
personnel on the prevention of violence against women and their (d) To be entitled to all legal remedies and support as
children under the Act. provided for under the Family Code; and

SECTION 33. Prohibited Acts. – A Punong Barangay, Barangay (e) To be informed of their rights and the services available
Kagawad or the court hearing an application for a protection order to them including their right to apply for a protection order.
shall not order, direct, force or in any way unduly influence he
applicant for a protection order to compromise or abandon any of the
reliefs sought in the application for protection under this Act. Section
SECTION 36. Damages. – Any victim of violence under this Act (g) Department of the Interior and Local Government
shall be entitled to actual, compensatory, moral and exemplary (DILG);
(h) Philippine National Police (PNP);
SECTION 37. Hold Departure Order. – The court shall expedite the
process of issuance of a hold departure order in cases prosecuted (i) Department of Health (DOH);
under this Act.
(j) Department of Education (DepEd);
SECTION 38. Exemption from Payment of Docket Fee and Other
Expenses. – If the victim is an indigent or there is an immediate (k) Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE); and
necessity due to imminent danger or threat of danger to act on an
application for a protection order, the court shall accept the (l) National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).
application without payment of the filing fee and other fees and of
transcript of stenographic notes. These agencies are tasked to formulate programs and projects to
eliminate VAW based on their mandates as well as develop
SECTION 39. Inter-Agency Council on Violence Against Women capability programs for their employees to become more sensitive to
and Their Children (IAC-VAWC). In pursuance of the the needs of their clients. The Council will also serve as the
abovementioned policy, there is hereby established an Inter-Agency monitoring body as regards to VAW initiatives.
Council on Violence Against Women and their children, hereinafter
known as the Council, which shall be composed of the following The Council members may designate their duly authorized
agencies: representative who shall have a rank not lower than an assistant
secretary or its equivalent. These representatives shall attend Council
(a) Department of Social Welfare and Development meetings in their behalf, and shall receive emoluments as may be
(DSWD); determined by the Council in accordance with existing budget and
accounting rules and regulations.
(b) National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women
(NCRFW); SECTION 40. Mandatory Programs and Services for Victims. – The
DSWD, and LGU's shall provide the victims temporary shelters,
(c) Civil Service Commission (CSC); provide counseling, psycho-social services and /or, recovery,
rehabilitation programs and livelihood assistance.
(d) Commission on Human rights (CHR)
The DOH shall provide medical assistance to victims.
(e) Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC);
SECTION 41. Counseling and Treatment of Offenders. – The
(f) Department of Justice (DOJ); DSWD shall provide rehabilitative counseling and treatment to
perpetrators towards learning constructive ways of coping with anger and Regulations, extendible when the necessity arises as specified in
and emotional outbursts and reforming their ways. When necessary, the protection order.
the offender shall be ordered by the Court to submit to psychiatric
treatment or confinement. Any employer who shall prejudice the right of the person under this
section shall be penalized in accordance with the provisions of the
SECTION 42. Training of Persons Involved in Responding to Labor Code and Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Likewise, an
Violence Against Women and their Children Cases. –All agencies employer who shall prejudice any person for assisting a co-employee
involved in responding to violence against women and their children who is a victim under this Act shall likewise be liable for
cases shall be required to undergo education and training to acquaint discrimination.
them with:
SECTION 44. Confidentiality. – All records pertaining to cases of
a. the nature, extend and causes of violence against women violence against women and their children including those in the
and their children; barangay shall be confidential and all public officers and employees
and public or private clinics to hospitals shall respect the right to
b. the legal rights of, and remedies available to, victims of privacy of the victim. Whoever publishes or causes to be published,
violence against women and their children; in any format, the name, address, telephone number, school, business
address, employer, or other identifying information of a victim or an
c. the services and facilities available to victims or survivors; immediate family member, without the latter's consent, shall be
liable to the contempt power of the court.
d. the legal duties imposed on police officers to make arrest
and to offer protection and assistance; and Any person who violates this provision shall suffer the penalty of
one (1) year imprisonment and a fine of not more than Five Hundred
e. techniques for handling incidents of violence against Thousand pesos (P500,000.00).
women and their children that minimize the likelihood of
injury to the officer and promote the safety of the victim or SECTION 45. Funding – The amount necessary to implement the
survivor. provisions of this Act shall be included in the annual General
Appropriations Act (GAA).
The PNP, in coordination with LGU's shall establish an education
and training program for police officers and barangay officials to The Gender and Development (GAD) Budget of the mandated
enable them to properly handle cases of violence against women and agencies and LGU's shall be used to implement services for victim of
their children. violence against women and their children.

SECTION 43. Entitled to Leave. – Victims under this Act shall be SECTION 46. Implementing Rules and Regulations. – Within six
entitled to take a paid leave of absence up to ten (10) days in addition (6) months from the approval of this Act, the DOJ, the NCRFW, the
to other paid leaves under the Labor Code and Civil Service Rules DSWD, the DILG, the DOH, and the PNP, and three (3)
representatives from NGOs to be identified by the NCRFW, shall
promulgate the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of this

SECTION 47. Suppletory Application – For purposes of this Act,

the Revised Penal Code and other applicable laws, shall have
suppletory application.

SECTION 48. Separability Clause. – If any section or provision of

this Act is held unconstitutional or invalid, the other sections or
provisions shall not be affected.

SECTION 49. Repealing Clause – All laws, Presidential decrees,

executive orders and rules and regulations, or parts thereof,
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or
modified accordingly.

SECTION 50. Effectivity – This Act shall take effect fifteen (15)
days from the date of its complete publication in at least two (2)
newspapers of general circulatio
REPUBLIC ACT No. 10364 of Discrimination Against Women, United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child, United Nations
AN ACT EXPANDING REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9208, ENTITLED Convention on the Protection of Migrant Workers and their
"AN ACT TO INSTITUTE POLICIES TO ELIMINATE Families, United Nations Convention Against Transnational
TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS ESPECIALLY WOMEN AND Organized Crime Including its Protocol to Prevent, Suppress
CHILDREN, ESTABLISHING THE NECESSARY and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and
INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISMS FOR THE PROTECTION Children and all other relevant and universally accepted
AND SUPPORT OF TRAFFICKED PERSONS, PROVIDING human rights instruments and other international conventions
PENALTIES FOR ITS VIOLATIONS AND FOR OTHER to which the Philippines is a signatory."
Section 3. Section 3 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby amended to
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the read as follows:
Philippines in Congress assembled:
"SEC. 3. Definition of Terms. – As used in this Act:
Section 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be known as the "Expanded
Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2012″. "(a) Trafficking in Persons – refers to the
recruitment, obtaining, hiring, providing, offering,
Section 2. Section 2 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby amended to transportation, transfer, maintaining, harboring, or
read as follows: receipt of persons with or without the victim’s
consent or knowledge, within or across national
"SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. – It is hereby declared that borders by means of threat, or use of force, or other
the State values the dignity of every human person and forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception,
guarantees the respect of individual rights. In pursuit of this abuse of power or of position, taking advantage of
policy, the State shall give highest priority to the enactment the vulnerability of the person, or, the giving or
of measures and development of programs that will promote receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the
human dignity, protect the people from any threat of consent of a person having control over another
violence and exploitation, eliminate trafficking in persons, person for the purpose of exploitation which
and mitigate pressures for involuntary migration and includes at a minimum, the exploitation or the
servitude of persons, not only to support trafficked persons prostitution of others or other forms of sexual
but more importantly, to ensure their recovery, rehabilitation exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery,
and reintegration into the mainstream of society. servitude or the removal or sale of organs.

"It shall be a State policy to recognize the equal rights and "The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring,
inherent human dignity of women and men as enshrined in adoption or receipt of a child for the purpose of
the United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights, exploitation or when the adoption is induced by any
United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms form of consideration for exploitative purposes shall
also be considered as ‘trafficking in persons’ even if harm, or coercion including depriving access to
it does not involve any of the means set forth in the travel documents and withholding salaries, or the
preceding paragraph. abuse or threatened abuse of the legal process.

"(b) Child – refers to a person below eighteen (18) "(g) Sex Tourism – refers to a program organized by
years of age or one who is over eighteen (18) but is travel and tourism-related establishments and
unable to fully take care of or protect himself/herself individuals which consists of tourism packages or
from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation, or activities, utilizing and offering escort and sexual
discrimination because of a physical or mental services as enticement for tourists. This includes
disability or condition. sexual services and practices offered during rest and
recreation periods for members of the military.
"(c) Prostitution – refers to any act, transaction,
scheme or design involving the use of a person by "(h) Sexual Exploitation – refers to participation by a
another, for sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct person in prostitution, pornography or the
in exchange for money, profit or any other production of pornography, in exchange for money,
consideration. profit or any other consideration or where the
participation is caused or facilitated by any means of
"(d) Forced Labor – refers to the extraction of work intimidation or threat, use of force, or other forms of
or services from any person by means of enticement, coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, debt bondage,
violence, intimidation or threat, use of, force or abuse of power or of position or of legal process,
coercion, including deprivation of freedom, abuse of taking advantage of the vulnerability of the person,
authority or moral ascendancy, debt-bondage or or giving or receiving of payments or benefits to
deception including any work or service extracted achieve the consent of a person having control over
from any person under the menace of penalty. another person; or in sexual intercourse or lascivious
conduct caused or facilitated by any means as
"(e) Slavery – refers to the status or condition of a provided in this Act.
person over whom any or all of the powers attaching
to the right of ownership are exercised. "(i) Debt Bondage – refers to the pledging by the
debtor of his/her personal services or labor or those
"(f) Involuntary Servitude – refers to a condition of of a person under his/her control as security or
enforced and compulsory service induced by means payment for a debt, when the length and nature of
of any scheme, plan or pattern, intended to cause a services is not clearly defined or when the value of
person to believe that if he or she did not enter into the services as reasonably assessed is not applied
or continue in such condition, he or she or another toward the liquidation of the debt.
person would suffer serious harm or other forms of
abuse or physical restraint, or threat of abuse or
"(j) Pornography – refers to any representation, "(c) To offer or contract marriage, real or simulated,
through publication, exhibition, cinematography, for the purpose of acquiring, buying, offering,
indecent shows, information technology, or by selling, or trading them to engage in prostitution,
whatever means, of a person engaged in real or pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor or
simulated explicit sexual activities or any slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage;
representation of the sexual parts of a person for
primarily sexual purposes. "(d) To undertake or organize tours and travel plans
consisting of tourism packages or activities for the
"(k) Council – shall mean the Inter-Agency Council purpose of utilizing and offering persons for
Against Trafficking created under Section 20 of this prostitution, pornography or sexual exploitation;
"(e) To maintain or hire a person to engage in
Section 4. Section 4 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby amended to prostitution or pornography;
read as follows:
"(f) To adopt persons by any form of consideration
"SEC. 4. Acts of Trafficking in Persons. – It shall be for exploitative purposes or to facilitate the same for
unlawful for any person, natural or juridical, to commit any purposes of prostitution, pornography, sexual
of the following acts: exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntary
servitude or debt bondage;
"(a) To recruit, obtain, hire, provide, offer, transport,
transfer, maintain, harbor, or receive a person by any "(g) To adopt or facilitate the adoption of persons for
means, including those done under the pretext of the purpose of prostitution, pornography, sexual
domestic or overseas employment or training or exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntary
apprenticeship, for the purpose of prostitution, servitude or debt bondage;
pornography, or sexual exploitation;
"(h) To recruit, hire, adopt, transport, transfer,
"(b) To introduce or match for money, profit, or obtain, harbor, maintain, provide, offer, receive or
material, economic or other consideration, any abduct a person, by means of threat or use of force,
person or, as provided for under Republic Act No. fraud, deceit, violence, coercion, or intimidation for
6955, any Filipino woman to a foreign national, for the purpose of removal or sale of organs of said
marriage for the purpose of acquiring, buying, person;
offering, selling or trading him/her to engage in
prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, "(i) To recruit, transport, obtain, transfer, harbor,
forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or debt maintain, offer, hire, provide, receive or adopt a
bondage; child to engage in armed activities in the Philippines
or abroad;
"(j) To recruit, transport, transfer, harbor, obtain, "(3) The use, procuring or offering of a child
maintain, offer, hire, provide or receive a person by for the production and trafficking of drugs;
means defined in Section 3 of this Act for purposes and
of forced labor, slavery, debt bondage and
involuntary servitude, including a scheme, plan, or "(4) The use, procuring or offering of a child
pattern intended to cause the person either: for illegal activities or work which, by its
nature or the circumstances in which it is
"(1) To believe that if the person did not carried out, is likely to harm their health,
perform such labor or services, he or she or safety or morals; and
another person would suffer serious harm or
physical restraint; or "(l) To organize or direct other persons to commit the
offenses defined as acts of trafficking under this Act."
"(2) To abuse or threaten the use of law or
the legal processes; and Section 5. A new Section 4-A is hereby inserted in Republic Act No.
9208, to read as follows:
"(k) To recruit, transport, harbor, obtain, transfer,
maintain, hire, offer, provide, adopt or receive a "SEC. 4-A. Attempted Trafficking in Persons. – Where there
child for purposes of exploitation or trading them, are acts to initiate the commission of a trafficking offense
including but not limited to, the act of baring and/or but the offender failed to or did not execute all the elements
selling a child for any consideration or for barter for of the crime, by accident or by reason of some cause other
purposes of exploitation. Trafficking for purposes of than voluntary desistance, such overt acts shall be deemed as
exploitation of children shall include: an attempt to commit an act of trafficking in persons. As
such, an attempt to commit any of the offenses enumerated
"(1) All forms of slavery or practices similar in Section 4 of this Act shall constitute attempted trafficking
to slavery, involuntary servitude, debt in persons.
bondage and forced labor, including
recruitment of children for use in armed "In cases where the victim is a child, any of the following
conflict; acts shall also be deemed as attempted trafficking in persons:

"(2) The use, procuring or offering of a child "(a) Facilitating the travel of a child who travels
for prostitution, for the production of alone to a foreign country or territory without valid
pornography, or for pornographic reason therefor and without the required clearance or
performances; permit from the Department of Social Welfare and
Development, or a written permit or justification
from the child’s parent or legal guardian;
"(b) Executing, for a consideration, an affidavit of "(b) By concealing or destroying the body of the
consent or a written consent for adoption; crime or effects or instruments thereof, in order to
prevent its discovery;
"(c) Recruiting a woman to bear a child for the
purpose of selling the child; "(c) By harboring, concealing or assisting in the
escape of the principal of the crime, provided the
"(d) Simulating a birth for the purpose of selling the accessory acts with abuse of his or her public
child; and functions or is known to be habitually guilty of some
other crime.
"(e) Soliciting a child and acquiring the custody
thereof through any means from among hospitals, "Acts defined in this provision shall be punished in
clinics, nurseries, daycare centers, refugee or accordance with the provision of Section 10(d) as stated
evacuation centers, and low-income families, for the thereto."
purpose of selling the child."
Section 8. Section 5 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby amended to
Section 6. A new Section 4-B is hereby inserted in Republic Act No. read as follows:
9208, to read as follows:
"SEC. 5. Acts that Promote Trafficking in Persons. – The
"SEC. 4-B. Accomplice Liability. – Whoever knowingly following acts which promote or facilitate trafficking in
aids, abets, cooperates in the execution of the offense by persons, shall be unlawful:
previous or simultaneous acts defined in this Act shall be
punished in accordance with the provisions of Section 10(c) "(a) xxx
of this Act."
"(b) To produce, print and issue or distribute
Section 7. A new Section 4-C is hereby inserted in Republic Act No. unissued, tampered or fake counseling certificates,
9208, to read as follows: registration stickers, overseas employment
certificates or other certificates of any government
"SEC. 4-C. Accessories. – Whoever has the knowledge of agency which issues these certificates, decals and
the commission of the crime, and without having such other markers as proof of compliance with
participated therein, either as principal or as accomplices, government regulatory and pre-departure
take part in its commission in any of the following manners: requirements for the purpose of promoting
trafficking in persons;
"(a) By profiting themselves or assisting the offender
to profit by the effects of the crime; "(c) xxx

"(d) xxx
"(e) xxx "(d) When the offender is a spouse, an ascendant, parent,
sibling, guardian or a person who exercises authority over
"(f) xxx the trafficked person or when the offense is committed by a
public officer or employee;
"(g) xxx
"x x x
"(h) To tamper with, destroy, or cause the
destruction of evidence, or to influence or attempt to "(f) When the offender is a member of the military or law
influence witnesses, in an investigation or enforcement agencies;
prosecution of a case under this Act;
"(g) When by reason or on occasion of the act of trafficking
"(i) To destroy, conceal, remove, confiscate or in persons, the offended party dies, becomes insane, suffers
possess, or attempt to destroy, conceal, remove, mutilation or is afflicted with Human Immunodeficiency
confiscate or possess, any actual or purported Virus (HIV) or the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
passport or other travel, immigration or working (AIDS);
permit or document, or any other actual or purported
government identification, of any person in order to "(h) When the offender commits one or more violations of
prevent or restrict, or attempt to prevent or restrict, Section 4 over a period of sixty (60) or more days, whether
without lawful authority, the person’s liberty to those days are continuous or not; and
move or travel in order to maintain the labor or
services of that person; or "(i) When the offender directs or through another manages
the trafficking victim in carrying out the exploitative purpose
"(j) To utilize his or her office to impede the of trafficking."
investigation, prosecution or execution of lawful
orders in a case under this Act." Section 10. Section 7 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby amended
to read as follows:
Section 9. Section 6 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby amended to
read as follows: "SEC. 7. Confidentiality. – At any stage of the investigation,
rescue, prosecution and trial of an offense under this Act,
"SEC. 6. Qualified Trafficking in Persons. – Violations of law enforcement officers, prosecutors, judges, court
Section 4 of this Act shall be considered as qualified personnel, social workers and medical practitioners, as well
trafficking: as parties to the case, shall protect the right to privacy of the
trafficked person. Towards this end, law enforcement
"x x x officers, prosecutors and judges to whom the complaint has
been referred may, whenever necessary to ensure a fair and
impartial proceeding, and after considering all circumstances
for the best interest of the parties, order a closed-door "(b) Prosecution of Cases. – Any person who has personal
investigation, prosecution or trial. The name and personal knowledge of the commission of any offense under this Act,
circumstances of the trafficked person or any other such as the trafficked person, the parents, spouse, siblings,
information tending to establish the identity of the trafficked children or legal guardian may file a complaint for
person and his or her family shall not be disclosed to the trafficking.
"(c) Affidavit of Desistance. – Cases involving trafficking in
"It shall be unlawful for any editor, publisher, and reporter or persons should not be dismissed based on the affidavit of
columnist in case of printed materials, announcer or desistance executed by the victims or their parents or legal
producer in case of television and radio, producer and guardians. Public and private prosecutors are directed to
director of a film in case of the movie industry, or any oppose and manifest objections to motions for dismissal.
person utilizing tri-media facilities or electronic information
technology to cause publicity of the name, personal "Any act involving the means provided in this Act or any
circumstances, or any information tending to establish the attempt thereof for the purpose of securing an Affidavit of
identity of the trafficked person except when the trafficked Desistance from the complainant shall be punishable under
person in a written statement duly notarized knowingly, this Act."
voluntarily and willingly waives said confidentiality.
Section 12. Section 10 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby amended
"Law enforcement officers, prosecutors, judges, court to read as follows:
personnel, social workers and medical practitioners shall be
trained on the importance of maintaining confidentiality as a "SEC. 10. Penalties and Sanctions. – The following
means to protect the right to privacy of victims and to penalties and sanctions are hereby established for the
encourage victims to file complaints." offenses enumerated in this Act:

Section 11. Section 8 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby amended "(a) Any person found guilty of committing any of the acts
to read as follows: enumerated in Section 4 shall suffer the penalty of
imprisonment of twenty (20) years and a fine of not less than
"SEC. 8. Initiation and Prosecution of Cases. – One million pesos (P1,000,000.00) but not more than Two
million pesos (P2,000,000.00);
"(a) Initiation of Investigation. – Law enforcement agencies
are mandated to immediately initiate investigation and "(b) Any person found guilty of committing any of the acts
counter-trafficking-intelligence gathering upon receipt of enumerated in Section 4-A of this Act shall suffer the
statements or affidavit from victims of trafficking, migrant penalty of imprisonment of fifteen (15) years and a fine of
workers, or their families who are in possession of not less than Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) but
knowledge or information about trafficking in persons cases. not more than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00);
"(c) Any person found guilty of Section 4-B of this Act shall "(h) The registration with the Securities and Exchange
suffer the penalty of imprisonment of fifteen (15) years and a Commission (SEC) and license to operate of the erring
fine of not less than Five hundred thousand pesos agency, corporation, association, religious group, tour or
(P500,000.00) but not more than One million pesos travel agent, club or establishment, or any place of
(P1,000,000.00); entertainment shall be cancelled and revoked permanently.
The owner, president, partner or manager thereof shall not be
"In every case, conviction shall cause and carry the allowed to operate similar establishments in a different
automatic revocation of the license or registration of the name;
recruitment agency involved in trafficking. The license of a
recruitment agency which trafficked a child shall be "(i) If the offender is a foreigner, he or she shall be
automatically revoked. immediately deported after serving his or her sentence and
be barred permanently from entering the country;
"(d) Any person found, guilty of committing any of the acts
enumerated in Section 5 shall suffer the penalty of "(j) Any employee or official of government agencies who
imprisonment of fifteen (15) years and a fine of not less than shall issue or approve the issuance of travel exit clearances,
Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) but not more passports, registration certificates, counseling certificates,
than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00); marriage license, and other similar documents to persons,
whether juridical or natural, recruitment agencies,
"(e) Any person found guilty of qualified trafficking under establishments or other individuals or groups, who fail to
Section 6 shall suffer the penalty of life imprisonment and a observe the prescribed procedures and the requirement as
fine of not less than Two million pesos (P2,000,000.00) but provided for by laws, rules and regulations, shall be held
not more than Five million pesos (P5,000,000.00); administratively liable, without prejudice to criminal liability
under this Act. The concerned government official or
"(f) Any person who violates Section 7 hereof shall suffer employee shall, upon conviction, be dismissed from the
the penalty of imprisonment of six (6) years and a fine of not service and be barred permanently to hold public office. His
less than Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) but not or her retirement and other benefits shall likewise be
more than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00); forfeited; and

"(g) If the offender is a corporation, partnership, association, "(k) Conviction, by final judgment of the adopter for any
club, establishment or any juridical person, the penalty shall offense under this Act shall result in the immediate
be imposed upon the owner, president, partner, manager, rescission of the decree of adoption."
and/or any responsible officer who participated in the
commission of the crime or who shall have knowingly Section 13. Section 11 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby amended
permitted or failed to prevent its commission; to read as follows:
"SEC. 11. Use of Trafficked Persons. – Any person who knows the person that provided prostitution services
buys or engages the services of a trafficked person for is in fact a victim of trafficking, the offender shall
prostitution shall be penalized with the not be likewise penalized under this section but
following: Provided, That the Probation Law (Presidential under Section 10 as a person violating Section 4; and
Decree No. 968) shall not apply: if in committing such an offense, the offender also
knows a qualifying circumstance for trafficking, the
"(a) Prision Correccional in its maximum period offender shall be penalized under Section 10 for
to prision mayor or six (6) years to twelve (12) years qualified trafficking. If in violating this section the
imprisonment and a fine of not less than Fifty offender also violates Section 4, the offender shall be
thousand pesos (P50,000.00) but not more than One penalized under Section 10 and, if applicable, for
hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00): Provided, qualified trafficking instead of under this section;
however, That the following acts shall be exempted
thereto: "(b) Deportation. – If a foreigner commits any
offense described by paragraph (1) or (2) of this
"(1) If an offense under paragraph (a) involves section or violates any pertinent provision of this Act
sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct with a child, as an accomplice or accessory to, or by attempting
the penalty shall be reclusion temporal in its any such offense, he or she shall be immediately
medium period to reclusion perpetua or seventeen deported after serving his or her sentence and be
(17) years to forty (40) years imprisonment and a barred permanently from entering the country; and
fine of not less than Five hundred thousand pesos
(P500,000.00) but not more than One million pesos "(c) Public Official. – If the offender is a public
(P1,000,000.00); official, he or she shall be dismissed from service
and shall suffer perpetual absolute disqualification to
"(2) If an offense under paragraph (a) involves hold public, office, in addition to any imprisonment
carnal knowledge of, or sexual intercourse with, a or fine received pursuant to any other provision of
male or female trafficking victim and also involves this Act."
the use of force or intimidation, to a victim deprived
of reason or to an unconscious victim, or a victim Section 14. Section 12 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby amended
under twelve (12) years of age, instead of the penalty to read as follows:
prescribed in the subparagraph above the penalty
shall be a fine of not less than One million pesos "SEC. 12. Prescriptive Period. – Trafficking cases under this
(P1,000,000.00) but not more than Five million Act shall prescribe in ten (10) years: Provided,
pesos (P5,000,000.00) and imprisonment however, That trafficking cases committed by a syndicate or
of reclusionperpetua or forty (40) years in a large scale as defined under Section 6, or against a child,
imprisonment with no possibility of parole; except shall prescribe in twenty (20) years.
that if a person violating paragraph (a) of this section
"The prescriptive period shall commence to run from the day DFA shall repatriate trafficked Filipinos with the
on which the trafficked person is delivered or released from consent of the victims.
the conditions of bondage, or in the case of a child victim,
from the day the child reaches the age of majority, and shall "The DFA shall take necessary measures for the
be interrupted by the filing of the complaint or information efficient implementation of the Electronic
and shall commence to run again when the proceedings Passporting System to protect the integrity of
terminate without the accused being convicted or acquitted Philippine passports, visas and other travel
or are unjustifiably stopped for any reason not imputable to documents to reduce the incidence of trafficking
the accused." through the use of fraudulent identification
Section 15. Section 16 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby amended
to read as follows: "In coordination with the Department of Labor and
Employment, it shall provide free temporary shelters
"SEC. 16. Programs that Address Trafficking in Persons. – and other services to Filipino victims of trafficking
The government shall establish and implement preventive, overseas through the migrant workers and other
protective and rehabilitative programs for trafficked persons. overseas Filipinos resource centers established
For this purpose, the following agencies are hereby overseas under Republic Act No. 8042, as amended.
mandated to implement the following programs:
"(b) Department of Social Welfare and Development
"(a) Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) – shall (DSWD) – shall implement rehabilitative and
make available its resources and facilities overseas protective programs for trafficked persons. It shall
for trafficked persons regardless of their manner of provide counseling and temporary shelter to
entry to the receiving country, and explore means to trafficked persons and develop a system for
further enhance its assistance in eliminating accreditation among NGOs for purposes of
trafficking activities through closer networking with establishing centers and programs for intervention in
government agencies in the country and overseas, various levels of the community. It shall establish
particularly in the formulation of policies and free temporary shelters, for the protection and
implementation of relevant programs. It shall housing of trafficked persons to provide the
provide Filipino victims of trafficking overseas with following basic services to trafficked persons:
free legal assistance and counsel to pursue legal
action against his or her traffickers, represent his or "(1) Temporary housing and food facilities;
her interests in any criminal investigation or
prosecution, and assist in the application for social "(2) Psychological support and counseling;
benefits and/or regular immigration status as may be
allowed or provided for by the host country. The
"(3) 24-hour call center for crisis calls and "(e) Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) –
technology-based counseling and referral shall actively participate and coordinate in the
system; formulation and monitoring of policies addressing
the issue of trafficking in persons in coordination
"(4) Coordination with local law with relevant government agencies. It shall likewise
enforcement entities; and advocate for the inclusion of the issue of trafficking
in persons in both its local and international
"(5) Coordination with the Department of advocacy for women’s issues.
Justice, among others.
"(f) Bureau of Immigration (BI) – shall strictly
"The DSWD must conduct information campaigns in administer and enforce immigration and alien
communities and schools teaching parents and administration laws. It shall adopt measures for the
families that receiving consideration in exchange for apprehension of suspected traffickers both at the
adoption is punishable under the law. Furthermore, place of arrival and departure and shall ensure
information campaigns must be conducted with the compliance by the Filipino fiancés/fiancées and
police that they must not induce poor women to give spouses of foreign nationals with the guidance and
their children up for adoption in exchange for counseling requirement as provided for in this Act.
"(g) Philippine National Police (PNP) and National
"(c) Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Bureau of Investigation (NBI) – shall be the primary
– shall ensure the strict implementation and law enforcement agencies to undertake surveillance,
compliance with the rules and guidelines relative to investigation and arrest of individuals or persons
the employment of persons locally and overseas. It suspected to be engaged in trafficking. They shall
shall likewise monitor, document and report cases of closely coordinate with each other and with other
trafficking in persons involving employers and labor law enforcement agencies to secure concerted efforts
recruiters. for effective investigation and apprehension of
suspected traffickers. They shall also establish a
"(d) Department of Justice (DOJ) – shall ensure the system to receive complaints and calls to assist
prosecution of persons accused of trafficking and trafficked persons and conduct rescue operations.
designate and train special prosecutors who shall
handle and prosecute cases of trafficking. It shall "(h) Philippine Overseas Employment
also establish a mechanism for free legal assistance Administration (POEA) and Overseas Workers and
for trafficked persons, in coordination with the Welfare Administration (OWWA) – POEA shall
DSWD, Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) and implement Pre-Employment Orientation Seminars
other NGOs and volunteer groups. (PEOS) while Pre-Departure Orientation Seminars
(PDOS) shall be conducted by the OWWA. It shall
likewise formulate a system of providing free legal "(i) Department of the Interior and Local
assistance to trafficked persons, in coordination with Government (DILG) – shall institute a systematic
the DFA. information and prevention campaign in
coordination with pertinent agencies of government
"The POEA shall create a blacklist of recruitment as provided for in this Act. It shall provide training
agencies, illegal recruiters and persons facing programs to local government units, in coordination
administrative, civil and criminal complaints for with the Council, in ensuring wide understanding
trafficking filed in the receiving country and/or in and application of this Act at the local level.
the Philippines and those agencies, illegal recruiters
and persons involved in cases of trafficking who "(j) Commission on Filipinos Overseas – shall
have been rescued by the DFA and DOLE in the conduct pre-departure counseling services for
receiving country or in the Philippines even if no Filipinos in intermarriages. It shall develop a system
formal administrative, civil or criminal complaints for accreditation of NGOs that may be mobilized for
have been filed: Provided, That the rescued victims purposes of conducting pre-departure counseling
shall execute an affidavit attesting to the acts services for Filipinos in intermarriages. As such, it
violative of the anti-trafficking law. This blacklist shall ensure that the counselors contemplated under
shall be posted in conspicuous places in concerned this Act shall have the minimum qualifications and
government agencies and shall be updated bi- training of guidance counselors as provided for by
monthly. law.

"The blacklist shall likewise be posted by the POEA "It shall likewise assist in the conduct of information
in the shared government information system, which campaigns against trafficking in coordination with
is mandated to be established under Republic Act local government units, the Philippine Information
No. 8042, as amended. Agency, and NGOs.

"The POEA and OWWA shall accredit NGOs and "(k) Local government units (LGUs) – shall monitor
other service providers to conduct PEOS and PDOS, and document cases of trafficking in persons in their
respectively. The PEOS and PDOS should include areas of jurisdiction, effect the cancellation of
the discussion and distribution of the blacklist. licenses of establishments which violate the
provisions of this Act and ensure effective
"The license or registration of a recruitment agency prosecution of such cases. They shall also undertake
that has been blacklisted may be suspended by the an information campaign against trafficking in
POEA upon a review of the complaints filed against persons through the establishment of the Migrants
said agency. Advisory and Information Network (MAIN) desks in
municipalities or provinces in coordination with the
DILG, Philippine Information Agency (PIA),
Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO), NGOs databases shall have, at the minimum, the following
and other concerned agencies. They shall encourage information:
and support community-based initiatives which
address the trafficking in persons. "(a) The number of cases of trafficking in persons,
sorted according to status of cases, including the
"In implementing this Act, the agencies concerned number of cases being investigated, submitted for
may seek and enlist the assistance of NGOs, prosecution, dropped, and filed and/or pending
people’s organizations (POs), civic organizations before the courts and the number of convictions and
and other volunteer groups." acquittals;

Section 16. A new Section 16-A is hereby inserted into Republic Act "(b) The profile/information on each case;
No. 9208, to read as follows:
"(c) The number of victims of trafficking in persons
"SEC. 16-A. Anti-Trafficking in Persons Database. – An referred to the agency by destination countries/areas
anti-trafficking in persons central database shall be and by area of origin; and
established by the Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking
created under Section 20 of this Act. The Council shall "(d) Disaggregated data on trafficking victims and
submit a report to the President of the Philippines and to the accused/defendants."
Congress, on or before January 15 of every year, with
respect to the preceding year’s programs and data on Section 17. Section 17 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby amended
trafficking-related cases. to read as follows:

"All government agencies tasked under the law to undertake "SEC. 17. Legal Protection to Trafficked Persons.
programs and render assistance to address trafficking in – Trafficked persons shall be recognized as victims of the act
persons shall develop their respective monitoring and data or acts of trafficking and as such, shall not be penalized for
collection systems, and databases, for purposes of ensuring unlawful acts committed as a direct result of, or as an
efficient collection and storage of data on cases of trafficking incident or in relation to, being trafficked based on the acts
in persons handled by their respective offices. Such data of trafficking enumerated in this Act or in obedience to the
shall be submitted to the Council for integration in a central order made by the trafficker in relation thereto. In this
database system. regard, the consent of a trafficked person to the intended
exploitation set forth in this Act shall be irrelevant.
"For this purpose, the Council is hereby tasked to ensure the
harmonization and standardization of databases, including "Victims of trafficking for purposes of prostitution as
minimum data requirements, definitions, reporting formats, defined under Section 4 of this Act are not covered by
data collection systems, and data verification systems. Such Article 202 of the Revised Penal Code and as such, shall not
be prosecuted, fined, or otherwise penalized under the said "SEC. 17-C. Immunity from Suit, Prohibited Acts and
law." Injunctive Remedies. – No action or suit shall be brought,
instituted or maintained in any court or tribunal or before any
Section 18. A new Section 17-A is hereby inserted into Republic Act other authority against any: (a) law enforcement officer; (b)
No. 9208, to read as follows: social worker; or (c) person acting in compliance with a
lawful order from any of the above, for lawful acts done or
"SEC. 17-A. Temporary Custody of Trafficked Victims. – statements made during an authorized rescue operation,
The rescue of victims should be done as much as possible recovery or rehabilitation/intervention, or an investigation or
with the assistance of the DSWD or an accredited NGO that prosecution of an anti-trafficking case: Provided, That such
services trafficked victims. A law enforcement officer, on a acts shall have been made in good faith.
reasonable suspicion that a person is a victim of any offense
defined under this Act including attempted trafficking, shall "The prosecution of retaliatory suits against victims of
immediately place that person in the temporary custody of trafficking shall be held in abeyance pending final resolution
the local social welfare and development office, or any and decision of criminal complaint for trafficking.
accredited or licensed shelter institution devoted to
protecting trafficked persons after the rescue." "It shall be prohibited for the DFA, the DOLE, and the
POEA officials, law enforcement officers, prosecutors and
Section 19. A new Section 17-B is hereby inserted into Republic Act judges to urge complainants to abandon their criminal, civil
No. 9208, to read as follows: and administrative complaints for trafficking.

"SEC. 17-B. Irrelevance of Past Sexual Behavior, Opinion "The remedies of injunction and attachment of properties of
Thereof or Reputation of Victims and of Consent of Victims the traffickers, illegal recruiters and persons involved in
in Cases of Deception, Coercion and Other Prohibited trafficking may be issued motu proprio by judges."
Means. – The past sexual behavior or the sexual
predisposition of a trafficked person shall be considered Section 21. Section 20 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby amended
inadmissible in evidence for the purpose of proving consent to read as follows:
of the victim to engage in sexual behavior, or to prove the
predisposition, sexual or otherwise, of a trafficked person. "SEC. 20. Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking. – There
Furthermore, the consent of a victim of trafficking to the is hereby established an Inter-Agency Council Against
intended exploitation shall be irrelevant where any of the Trafficking, to be composed of the Secretary of the
means set forth in Section 3(a) of this Act has been used." Department of Justice as Chairperson and the Secretary of
the Department of Social Welfare and Development as Co-
Section 20. A new Section 17-C is hereby inserted into Republic Act Chairperson and shall have the following as members:
No. 9208, to read as follows:
"(a) Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs;
"(b) Secretary, Department of Labor and accordance with existing budget and accounting rules and
Employment; regulations."

"(c) Secretary, Department of the Interior and Local Section 22. Section 22 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby amended
Government; to read as follows:

"(d) Administrator, Philippine Overseas "SEC. 22. Secretariat to the Council. – The Department of
Employment Administration; Justice shall establish the necessary Secretariat for the
"(e) Commissioner, Bureau of Immigration;
"The secretariat shall provide support for the functions and
"(f) Chief, Philippine National Police; projects of the Council. The secretariat shall be headed by an
executive director, who shall be appointed by the Secretary
"(g) Chairperson, Philippine Commission on of the DOJ upon the recommendation of the Council. The
Women; executive director must have adequate knowledge on,
training and experience in the phenomenon of and issues
"(h) Chairperson, Commission on Filipinos involved in trafficking in persons and in the field of law, law
Overseas; enforcement, social work, criminology, or psychology.

"(i) Executive Director, Philippine Center for "The executive director shall be under the supervision of the
Transnational Crimes; and Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking through its
Chairperson and Co-Chairperson, and shall perform the
"(j) Three (3) representatives from NGOs, who shall following functions:
include one (1) representative each from among the
sectors representing women, overseas Filipinos, and "(a) Act as secretary of the Council and
children, with a proven record of involvement in the administrative officer of its secretariat;
prevention and suppression of trafficking in persons.
These representatives shall be nominated by the "(b) Advise and assist the Chairperson in
government agency representatives of the Council, formulating and implementing the objectives,
for appointment by the President for a term of three policies, plans and programs of the Council,
(3) years. including those involving mobilization of
government offices represented in the Council as
"The members of the Council may designate their permanent well as other relevant government offices, task
representatives who shall have a rank not lower than an forces, and mechanisms;
assistant secretary or its equivalent to meetings, and shall
receive emoluments as may be determined by the Council in
"(c) Serve as principal assistant to the Chairperson in "(b) Is a permanent resident of the Philippines; or
the overall supervision of council administrative
business; "(c) Has committed the act against a citizen of the
"(d) Oversee all council operational activities;
"No prosecution may be commenced against a person under
"(e) Ensure an effective and efficient performance of this section if a foreign government, in accordance with
council functions and prompt implementation of jurisdiction recognized by the Philippines, has prosecuted or
council objectives, policies, plans and programs; is prosecuting such person for the conduct constituting such
offense, except upon the approval of the Secretary of Justice.
"(f) Propose effective allocations of resources for
implementing council objectives, policies, plans and "The government may surrender or extradite persons accused
programs; of trafficking in the Philippines to the appropriate
international court if any, or to another State pursuant to the
"(g) Submit periodic reports to the Council on the applicable extradition laws and treaties."
progress of council objectives, policies, plans and
programs; Section 24. Section 28 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby amended,
to read as follows:
"(h) Prepare annual reports of all council activities;
and "SEC. 28. Funding. – The amount necessary to implement
the provisions of this Act shall be charged against the current
"(i) Perform other duties as the Council may assign." year’s appropriations of the Inter-Agency Council Against
Trafficking under the budget of the DOJ and the
Section 23. A new Section 26-A is hereby inserted into Republic Act appropriations of the other concerned departments.
No. 9208, to read as follows: Thereafter, such sums as may be necessary for the continued
implementation of this Act shall be included in the annual
"SEC. 26-A. Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction. – The State shall General Appropriations Act."1âwphi1
exercise jurisdiction over any act defined and penalized
under this Act, even if committed outside the Philippines and Section 25. A new Section 28-A is hereby inserted into Republic Act
whether or not such act or acts constitute an offense at the No. 9208, to read as follows:
place of commission, the crime being a continuing offense,
having been commenced in the Philippines and other "SEC. 28-A. Additional Funds for the Council. – The
elements having been committed in another country, if the amount collected from every penalty, fine or asset derived
suspect or accused: from any violation of this Act shall be earmarked as
additional funds for the use of the Council. The fund may be
"(a) Is a Filipino citizen; or augmented by grants, donations and endowment from
various sources, domestic or foreign, for purposes related to
their functions, subject to the existing accepted rules and
regulations of the Commission on Audit."

Section 26. Section 32 of Republic Act No. 9208 of the Repealing

Clause is hereby amended to read as follows:

"SEC. 32. Repealing Clause. – Article 202 of the Revised

Penal Code, as amended, and all laws, acts, presidential
decrees, executive orders, administrative orders, rules and
regulations inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions of
this Act are deemed amended, modified or repealed
accordingly: Provided, That this Act shall not in any way
amend or repeal the provisions of Republic Act No. 7610,
otherwise known as the ‘Special Protection of Child Against
Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act.’"

Section 27. Section 33 of Republic Act No. 9208 is hereby amended

to read as follows:

"SEC. 33. Effectivity. – This Act shall take effect fifteen (15)
days following its complete publication in at least two (2)
newspapers of general circulation."
REPUBLIC ACT No. 4200 at the time of the commission of the offense, and, if the offender is
an alien he shall be subject to deportation proceedings.
AND OTHER RELATED VIOLATIONS OF THE PRIVACY Section 3. Nothing contained in this Act, however, shall render it
OF COMMUNICATION, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. unlawful or punishable for any peace officer, who is authorized by a
written order of the Court, to execute any of the acts declared to be
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, not being authorized unlawful in the two preceding sections in cases involving the crimes
by all the parties to any private communication or spoken word, to of treason, espionage, provoking war and disloyalty in case of war,
tap any wire or cable, or by using any other device or arrangement, piracy, mutiny in the high seas, rebellion, conspiracy and proposal to
to secretly overhear, intercept, or record such communication or commit rebellion, inciting to rebellion, sedition, conspiracy to
spoken word by using a device commonly known as a dictaphone or commit sedition, inciting to sedition, kidnapping as defined by the
dictagraph or dictaphone or walkie-talkie or tape recorder, or Revised Penal Code, and violations of Commonwealth Act No. 616,
however otherwise described: punishing espionage and other offenses against national
security: Provided, That such written order shall only be issued or
It shall also be unlawful for any person, be he a participant or not in granted upon written application and the examination under oath or
the act or acts penalized in the next preceding sentence, to knowingly affirmation of the applicant and the witnesses he may produce and a
possess any tape record, wire record, disc record, or any other such showing: (1) that there are reasonable grounds to believe that any of
record, or copies thereof, of any communication or spoken word the crimes enumerated hereinabove has been committed or is being
secured either before or after the effective date of this Act in the committed or is about to be committed: Provided, however, That in
manner prohibited by this law; or to replay the same for any other cases involving the offenses of rebellion, conspiracy and proposal to
person or persons; or to communicate the contents thereof, either commit rebellion, inciting to rebellion, sedition, conspiracy to
verbally or in writing, or to furnish transcriptions thereof, whether commit sedition, and inciting to sedition, such authority shall be
complete or partial, to any other person: Provided, That the use of granted only upon prior proof that a rebellion or acts of sedition, as
such record or any copies thereof as evidence in any civil, criminal the case may be, have actually been or are being committed; (2) that
investigation or trial of offenses mentioned in section 3 hereof, shall there are reasonable grounds to believe that evidence will be
not be covered by this prohibition. obtained essential to the conviction of any person for, or to the
solution of, or to the prevention of, any of such crimes; and (3) that
Section 2. Any person who willfully or knowingly does or who shall there are no other means readily available for obtaining such
aid, permit, or cause to be done any of the acts declared to be evidence.
unlawful in the preceding section or who violates the provisions of
the following section or of any order issued thereunder, or aids, The order granted or issued shall specify: (1) the identity of the
permits, or causes such violation shall, upon conviction thereof, be person or persons whose communications, conversations,
punished by imprisonment for not less than six months or more than discussions, or spoken words are to be overheard, intercepted, or
six years and with the accessory penalty of perpetual absolute recorded and, in the case of telegraphic or telephonic
disqualification from public office if the offender be a public official communications, the telegraph line or the telephone number involved
and its location; (2) the identity of the peace officer authorized to
overhear, intercept, or record the communications, conversations, Section 5. All laws inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are
discussions, or spoken words; (3) the offense or offenses committed hereby repealed or accordingly amended.
or sought to be prevented; and (4) the period of the authorization.
The authorization shall be effective for the period specified in the Section 6. This Act shall take effect upon its approval
order which shall not exceed sixty (60) days from the date of
issuance of the order, unless extended or renewed by the court upon
being satisfied that such extension or renewal is in the public interest.

All recordings made under court authorization shall, within forty-

eight hours after the expiration of the period fixed in the order, be
deposited with the court in a sealed envelope or sealed package, and
shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the peace officer granted
such authority stating the number of recordings made, the dates and
times covered by each recording, the number of tapes, discs, or
records included in the deposit, and certifying that no duplicates or
copies of the whole or any part thereof have been made, or if made,
that all such duplicates or copies are included in the envelope or
package deposited with the court. The envelope or package so
deposited shall not be opened, or the recordings replayed, or used in
evidence, or their contents revealed, except upon order of the court,
which shall not be granted except upon motion, with due notice and
opportunity to be heard to the person or persons whose conversation
or communications have been recorded.

The court referred to in this section shall be understood to mean the

Court of First Instance within whose territorial jurisdiction the acts
for which authority is applied for are to be executed.

Section 4. Any communication or spoken word, or the existence,

contents, substance, purport, effect, or meaning of the same or any
part thereof, or any information therein contained obtained or
secured by any person in violation of the preceding sections of this
Act shall not be admissible in evidence in any judicial, quasi-judicial,
legislative or administrative hearing or investigation.
Republic Act No. 9372 department of the government shall not prejudice respect for human
rights which shall be absolute and protected at all times.
PEOPLE FROM TERRORISM SEC. 3. Terrorism.- Any person who commits an act punishable
under any of the following provisions of the Revised Penal Code:
Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the
Philippines in Congress assembled: a. Article 122 (Piracy in General and Mutiny in the High
Seas or in the Philippine Waters);
SECTION 1. Short Title. - This Act shall henceforth be known as
the "Human Security Act of 2007." b. Article 134 (Rebellion or Insurrection);

SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is declared a policy of the State to c. Article 134-a (Coup d' Etat), including acts committed by
protect life, liberty, and property from acts of terrorism, to condemn private persons;
terrorism as inimical and dangerous to the national security of the
country and to the welfare of the people, and to make terrorism a d. Article 248 (Murder);
crime against the Filipino people, against humanity, and against the
law of nations. e. Article 267 (Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention);

In the implementation of the policy stated above, the State shall f. Article 324 (Crimes Involving Destruction), or under
uphold the basic rights and fundamental liberties of the people as
enshrined in the Constitution. 1. Presidential Decree No. 1613 (The Law on
The State recognizes that the fight against terrorism requires a
comprehensive approach, comprising political, economic, 2. Republic Act No. 6969 (Toxic Substances and
diplomatic, military, and legal means duly taking into account the Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990);
root causes of terrorism without acknowledging these as
justifications for terrorist and/or criminal activities. Such measures 3. Republic Act No. 5207, (Atomic Energy
shall include conflict management and post-conflict peace-building, Regulatory and Liability Act of 1968);
addressing the roots of conflict by building state capacity and
promoting equitable economic development.
4. Republic Act No. 6235 (Anti-Hijacking Law);
Nothing in this Act shall be interpreted as a curtailment, restriction or
5. Presidential Decree No. 532 (Anti-Piracy and
diminution of constitutionally recognized powers of the executive
Anti-Highway Robbery Law of 1974); and,
branch of the government. It is to be understood, however that the
exercise of the constitutionally recognized powers of the executive
6. Presidential Decree No. 1866, as amended the crime, or the effects, or instruments thereof, in order to prevent
(Decree Codifying the Laws on Illegal and Unlawful its discovery; (c) by harboring, concealing, or assisting in the escape
Possession, Manufacture, Dealing in, Acquisition or of the principal or conspirator of the crime, shall suffer the penalty of
Disposition of Firearms, Ammunitions or ten (10) years and one day to twelve (12) years of imprisonment.
Notwithstanding the above paragraph, the penalties prescribed for
thereby sowing and creating a condition of widespread and accessories shall not be imposed upon those who are such with
extraordinary fear and panic among the populace, in order to coerce respect to their spouses, ascendants, descendants, legitimate, natural,
the government to give in to an unlawful demand shall be guilty of and adopted brothers and sisters, or relatives by affinity within the
the crime of terrorism and shall suffer the penalty of forty (40) years same degrees, with the single exception of accessories falling within
of imprisonment, without the benefit of parole as provided for under the provisions of subparagraph (a).
Act No. 4103, otherwise known as the Indeterminate Sentence Law,
as amended. SEC. 7. Surveillance of Suspects and Interception and Recording
of Communications. -The provisions of Republic Act No. 4200
SEC. 4. Conspiracy to Commit Terrorism. - Persons who conspire (Anti-Wire Tapping Law) to the contrary notwithstanding, a police
to commit the crime of terrorism shall suffer the penalty of forty (40) or law enforcement official and the members of his team may, upon
years of imprisonment. a written order of the Court of Appeals, listen to, intercept and
record, with the use of any mode, form, kind or type of electronic or
There is conspiracy when two or more persons come to an agreement other surveillance equipment or intercepting and tracking devices, or
concerning the commission of the crime of terrorism as defined in with the use of any other suitable ways and means for that purpose,
Section 3 hereof and decide to commit the same. any communication, message, conversation, discussion, or spoken or
written words between members of a judicially declared and
SEC. 5. Accomplice. - Any person who, not being a principal under outlawed terrorist organization, association, or group of persons or of
Article 17 of the Revised Penal Code or a conspirator as defined in any person charged with or suspected of the crime of terrorism or
Section 4 hereof, cooperates in the execution of either the crime of conspiracy to commit terrorism.
terrorism or conspiracy to commit terrorism by previous or
simultaneous acts shall suffer the penalty of from seventeen (17) Provided, That surveillance, interception and recording of
years, four months one day to twenty (20) years of imprisonment. communications between lawyers and clients, doctors and patients,
journalists and their sources and confidential business
SEC. 6. Accessory. - Any person who, having knowledge of the correspondence shall not be authorized.
commission of the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit
terrorism, and without having participated therein, either as principal SEC. 8. Formal Application for Judicial Authorization. - The
or accomplice under Articles 17 and 18 of the Revised Penal Code, written order of the authorizing division of the Court of Appeals to
takes part subsequent to its commission in any of the following track down, tap, listen to, intercept, and record communications,
manner: (a) by profiting himself or assisting the offender to profit by messages, conversations, discussions, or spoken or written words of
the effects of the crime; (b) by concealing or destroying the body of any person suspected of the crime of terrorism or the crime of
conspiracy to commit terrorism shall only be granted by the the case of radio, electronic, or telephonic (whether wireless or
authorizing division of the Court of Appeals upon an ex parte written otherwise) communications, messages, conversations, discussions, or
application of a police or of a law enforcement official who has been spoken or written words, the electronic transmission systems or the
duly authorized in writing by the Anti-Terrorism Council created in telephone numbers to be tracked down, tapped, listened to,
Section 53 of this Act to file such ex parte application, and upon intercepted, and recorded and their locations or if the person
examination under oath or affirmation of the applicant and the suspected of the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit
witnesses he may produce to establish: (a) that there is probable terrorism is not fully known, such person shall be subject to
cause to believe based on personal knowledge of facts or continuous surveillance provided there is a reasonable ground to do
circumstances that the said crime of terrorism or conspiracy to so; (b) the identity (name, address, and the police or law enforcement
commit terrorism has been committed, or is being committed, or is organization) of the police or of the law enforcement official,
about to be committed; (b) that there is probable cause to believe including the individual identity (names, addresses, and the police or
based on personal knowledge of facts or circumstances that evidence, law enforcement organization) of the members of his team, judicially
which is essential to the conviction of any charged or suspected authorized to track down, tap, listen to, intercept, and record the
person for, or to the solution or prevention of, any such crimes, will communications, messages, conversations, discussions, or spoken or
be obtained; and, (c) that there is no other effective means readily written words; (c) the offense or offenses committed, or being
available for acquiring such evidence. committed, or sought to be prevented; and, (d) the length of time
within which the authorization shall be used or carried out.
SEC. 9. Classification and Contents of the Order of the Court. -
The written order granted by the authorizing division of the Court of SEC. 10. Effective Period of Judicial Authorization. - Any
Appeals as well as its order, if any, to extend or renew the same, the authorization granted by the authorizing division of the Court of
original application of the applicant, including his application to Appeals, pursuant to Section 9(d) of this Act, shall only be effective
extend or renew, if any, and the written authorizations of the Anti- for the length of time specified in the written order of the authorizing
Terrorism Council shall be deemed and are hereby declared as division of the Court of Appeals, which shall not exceed a period of
classified information: Provided, That the person being surveilled or thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the written order of the
whose communications, letters, papers, messages, conversations, authorizing division of the Court of Appeals by the applicant police
discussions, spoken or written words and effects have been or law enforcement official.
monitored, listened to, bugged or recorded by law enforcement
authorities has the right to be informed of the acts done by the law The authorizing division of the Court of Appeals may extend or
enforcement authorities in the premises or to challenge, if he or she renew the said authorization for another non-extendible period,
intends to do so, the legality of the interference before the Court of which shall not exceed thirty (30) days from the expiration of the
Appeals which issued the written order. The written order of the original period: Provided, That the authorizing division of the Court
authorizing division of the Court of Appeals shall specify the of Appeals is satisfied that such extension or renewal is in the public
following: (a) the identity, such as name and address, if known, of interest: and Provided, further, That the ex parte application for
the charged or suspected person whose communications, messages, extension or renewal, which must be filed by the original applicant,
conversations, discussions, or spoken or written words are to be has been duly authorized in writing by the Anti-Terrorism Council.
tracked down, tapped, listened to, intercepted, and recorded and, in
In case of death of the original applicant or in case he is physically
disabled to file the application for extension or renewal, the one next
in rank to the original applicant among the members.
Republic Act No. 9208 Section 3. Definition of Terms. - As used in this Act:

AN ACT TO INSTITUTE POLICIES TO ELIMINATE (a) Trafficking in Persons - refers to the recruitment,
TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS ESPECIALLY WOMEN AND transportation, transfer or harboring, or receipt of persons
CHILDREN, ESTABLISHING THE NECESSARY with or without the victim's consent or knowledge, within or
INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISMS FOR THE PROTECTION across national borders by means of threat or use of force, or
AND SUPPORT OF TRAFFICKED PERSONS, PROVIDING other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse
PENALTIES FOR ITS VIOLATIONS, AND FOR OTHER of power or of position, taking advantage of the vulnerability
of the person, or, the giving or receiving of payments or
Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control
Philippines in Congress assembled: over another person for the purpose of exploitation which
includes at a minimum, the exploitation or the prostitution of
Section 1. Title. This Act shall be known as the "Anti-Trafficking others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or
in Persons Act of 2003". services, slavery, servitude or the removal or sale of organs.

Section 2. Declaration of Policy. – It is hereby declared that the The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt
State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees the of a child for the purpose of exploitation shall also be
respect of individual rights. In pursuit of this policy, the State shall considered as "trafficking in persons" even if it does not
give highest priority to the enactment of measures and development involve any of the means set forth in the preceding
of programs that will promote human dignity, protect the people paragraph.
from any threat of violence and exploitation, eliminate trafficking in
persons, and mitigate pressures for involuntary migration and (b) Child - refers to a person below eighteen (18) years of
servitude of persons, not only to support trafficked persons but more age or one who is over eighteen (18) but is unable to fully
importantly, to ensure their recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration take care of or protect himself/herself from abuse, neglect,
into the mainstream of society. cruelty, exploitation, or discrimination because of a physical
or mental disability or condition.
It shall be a State policy to recognize the equal rights and inherent
human dignity of women and men as enshrined in the United Nations (c) Prostitution - refers to any act, transaction, scheme or
Universal Declaration on Human Rights, United Nations Convention design involving the use of a person by another, for sexual
on the Rights of the Child, United Nations Convention on the intercourse or lascivious conduct in exchange for money,
Protection of Migrant Workers and their Families. United Nations profit or any other consideration.
Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime Including its
Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, (d) Forced Labor and Slavery - refer to the extraction of
Especially Women and Children and all other relevant and work or services from any person by means of enticement,
universally accepted human rights instruments and other violence, intimidation or threat, use of force or coercion,
international conventions to which the Philippines is a signatory.
including deprivation of freedom, abuse of authority or (a) To recruit, transport, transfer; harbor, provide, or receive
moral ascendancy, debt-bondage or deception. a person by any means, including those done under the
pretext of domestic or overseas employment or training or
(e) Sex Tourism - refers to a program organized by travel and apprenticeship, for the purpose of prostitution, pornography,
tourism-related establishments and individuals which sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntary
consists of tourism packages or activities, utilizing and servitude or debt bondage;
offering escort and sexual services as enticement for tourists.
This includes sexual services and practices offered during (b) To introduce or match for money, profit, or material,
rest and recreation periods for members of the military. economic or other consideration, any person or, as provided
for under Republic Act No. 6955, any Filipino woman to a
(f) Sexual Exploitation - refers to participation by a person in foreign national, for marriage for the purpose of acquiring,
prostitution or the production of pornographic materials as a buying, offering, selling or trading him/her to engage in
result of being subjected to a threat, deception, coercion, prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor,
abduction, force, abuse of authority, debt bondage, fraud or slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage;
through abuse of a victim's vulnerability.
(c) To offer or contract marriage, real or simulated, for the
(g) Debt Bondage - refers to the pledging by the debtor of purpose of acquiring, buying, offering, selling, or trading
his/her personal services or labor or those of a person under them to engage in prostitution, pornography, sexual
his/her control as security or payment for a debt, when the exploitation, forced labor or slavery, involuntary servitude or
length and nature of services is not clearly defined or when debt bondage;
the value of the services as reasonably assessed is not
applied toward the liquidation of the debt. (d) To undertake or organize tours and travel plans
consisting of tourism packages or activities for the purpose
(h) Pornography - refers to any representation, through of utilizing and offering persons for prostitution,
publication, exhibition, cinematography, indecent shows, pornography or sexual exploitation;
information technology, or by whatever means, of a person
engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities or any (e) To maintain or hire a person to engage in prostitution or
representation of the sexual parts of a person for primarily pornography;
sexual purposes.
(f) To adopt or facilitate the adoption of persons for the
(i) Council - shall mean the Inter-Agency Council Against purpose of prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation,
Trafficking created under Section 20 of this Act. forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage;

Section 4. Acts of Trafficking in Persons. - It shall be unlawful for (g) To recruit, hire, adopt, transport or abduct a person, by
any person, natural or juridical, to commit any of the following acts: means of threat or use of force, fraud, deceit, violence,
coercion, or intimidation for the purpose of removal or sale (e) To facilitate, assist or help in the exit and entry of
of organs of said person; and persons from/to the country at international and local
airports, territorial boundaries and seaports who are in
(h) To recruit, transport or adopt a child to engage in armed possession of unissued, tampered or fraudulent travel
activities in the Philippines or abroad. documents for the purpose of promoting trafficking in
Section 5. Acts that Promote Trafficking in Persons. - The following
acts which promote or facilitate trafficking in persons, shall be (f) To confiscate, conceal, or destroy the passport, travel
unlawful: documents, or personal documents or belongings of
trafficked persons in furtherance of trafficking or to prevent
(a) To knowingly lease or sublease, use or allow to be used them from leaving the country or seeking redress from the
any house, building or establishment for the purpose of government or appropriate agencies; and
promoting trafficking in persons;
(g) To knowingly benefit from, financial or otherwise, or
(b) To produce, print and issue or distribute unissued, make use of, the labor or services of a person held to a
tampered or fake counseling certificates, registration stickers condition of involuntary servitude, forced labor, or slavery.
and certificates of any government agency which issues
these certificates and stickers as proof of compliance with Section 6. Qualified Trafficking in Persons. - The following are
government regulatory and pre-departure requirements for considered as qualified trafficking:
the purpose of promoting trafficking in persons;
(a) When the trafficked person is a child;
(c) To advertise, publish, print, broadcast or distribute, or
cause the advertisement, publication, printing, broadcasting (b) When the adoption is effected through Republic Act No.
or distribution by any means, including the use of 8043, otherwise known as the "Inter-Country Adoption Act
information technology and the internet, of any brochure, of 1995" and said adoption is for the purpose of prostitution,
flyer, or any propaganda material that promotes trafficking pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery,
in persons; involuntary servitude or debt bondage;

(d) To assist in the conduct of misrepresentation or fraud for (c) When the crime is committed by a syndicate, or in large
purposes of facilitating the acquisition of clearances and scale. Trafficking is deemed committed by a syndicate if
necessary exit documents from government agencies that are carried out by a group of three (3) or more persons
mandated to provide pre-departure registration and services conspiring or confederating with one another. It is deemed
for departing persons for the purpose of promoting committed in large scale if committed against three (3) or
trafficking in persons; more persons, individually or as a group;
(d) When the offender is an ascendant, parent, sibling,
guardian or a person who exercises authority over the
trafficked person or when the offense is committed by a
public officer or employee;

(e) When the trafficked person is recruited to engage in

prostitution with any member of the military or law
enforcement agencies;

(f) When the offender is a member of the military or law

enforcement agencies; and

(g) When by reason or on occasion of the act of trafficking in

persons, the offended party dies, becomes insane, suffers
mutilation or is afflicted with Human Immunodeficiency
Virus (HIV) or the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Section 6. Confidentiality. - At any stage of the investigation,

prosecution and trial of an offense under this Act, law enforcement
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 1612 (b) "Fence" includes any person, firm, association
corporation or partnership or other organization who/which
ANTI-FENCING LAW OF 1979 commits the act of fencing.

WHEREAS, reports from law enforcement agencies reveal that there Section 3. Penalties. Any person guilty of fencing shall be punished
is rampant robbery and thievery of government and private as hereunder indicated:
(a) The penalty of prision mayor, if the value of the property
WHEREAS, such robbery and thievery have become profitable on involved is more than 12,000 pesos but not exceeding 22,000
the part of the lawless elements because of the existence of ready pesos; if the value of such property exceeds the latter sum,
buyers, commonly known as fence, of stolen properties; the penalty provided in this paragraph shall be imposed in its
maximum period, adding one year for each additional 10,000
WHEREAS, under existing law, a fence can be prosecuted only as an pesos; but the total penalty which may be imposed shall not
accessory after the fact and punished lightly; exceed twenty years. In such cases, the penalty shall be
termed reclusion temporal and the accessory penalty
WHEREAS, is imperative to impose heavy penalties on persons who pertaining thereto provided in the Revised Penal Code shall
profit by the effects of the crimes of robbery and theft. also be imposed.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of (b) The penalty of prision correccional in its medium and
the Philippines by virtue of the powers vested in me by the maximum periods, if the value of the property robbed or
Constitution, do hereby order and decree as part of the law of the stolen is more than 6,000 pesos but not exceeding 12,000
land the following: pesos.

Section 1. Title. This decree shall be known as the Anti-Fencing (c) The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and
Law. medium periods, if the value of the property involved is
more than 200 pesos but not exceeding 6,000 pesos.
Section 2. Definition of Terms. The following terms shall mean as
follows: (d) The penalty of arresto mayor in its medium period to
prision correccional in its minimum period, if the value of
(a) "Fencing" is the act of any person who, with intent to the property involved is over 50 pesos but not exceeding 200
gain for himself or for another, shall buy, receive, possess, pesos.
keep, acquire, conceal, sell or dispose of, or shall buy and
sell, or in any other manner deal in any article, item, object (e) The penalty of arresto mayor in its medium period if such
or anything of value which he knows, or should be known to value is over five (5) pesos but not exceeding 50 pesos.
him, to have been derived from the proceeds of the crime of
robbery or theft.
(f) The penalty of arresto mayor in its minimum period if RULES AND REGULATIONS TO CARRY OUT THE
such value does not exceed 5 pesos. PROVISIONS OF SECTION 6 OF PRESIDENTIAL DECREE
Section 4. Liability of Officials of Juridical Persons. If the fence is a
partnership, firm, corporation or association, the president or the Pursuant to Section 6 of Presidential Decree No. 1612, known as the
manager or any officer thereof who knows or should have known the Anti-Fencing Law, the following rules and regulations are hereby
commission of the offense shall be liable. promulgated to govern the issuance of clearances/permits to sell used
secondhand articles obtained from an unlicensed dealer or supplier
Section 5. Presumption of Fencing. Mere possession of any good, thereof:
article, item, object, or anything of value which has been the subject
of robbery or thievery shall be prima facie evidence of fencing. I. Definition of Terms

Section 6. Clearance/Permit to Sell/Used Second Hand Articles. For 1. "Used secondhand article" shall refer to any goods, article,
purposes of this Act, all stores, establishments or entities dealing in item, object or anything of value obtained from an
the buy and sell of any good, article item, object of anything of value unlicensed dealer or supplier, regardless of whether the same
obtained from an unlicensed dealer or supplier thereof, shall before has actually or in fact been used.
offering the same for sale to the public, secure the necessary
clearance or permit from the station commander of the Integrated 2. "Unlicensed dealer/supplier" shall refer to any persons,
National Police in the town or city where such store, establishment or partnership, firm, corporation, association or any other entity
entity is located. The Chief of Constabulary/Director General, or establishment not licensed by the government to engage in
Integrated National Police shall promulgate such rules and the business of dealing in or of supplying the articles defined
regulations to carry out the provisions of this section. Any person in the preceding paragraph.
who fails to secure the clearance or permit required by this section or
who violates any of the provisions of the rules and regulations 3. "Store", "establishment" or "entity" shall be construed to
promulgated thereunder shall upon conviction be punished as a include any individual dealing in the buying and selling used
fence. secondhand articles, as defined in paragraph hereof.

Section 7. Repealing Clause. All laws or parts thereof, which are 4. "Buy and Sell" refer to the transaction whereby one
inconsistent with the provisions of this Decree are hereby repealed or purchases used secondhand articles for the purpose of resale
modified accordingly. to third persons.

Section 8. Effectivity. This Decree shall take effect upon approval. 5. "Station Commander" shall refer to the Station
Commander of the Integrated National Police within the
Done in the City of Manila, this 2nd day of March, in the year of Our territorial limits of the town or city district where the store,
Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-nine. establishment or entity dealing in the buying and selling of
used secondhand articles is located.
II. Duty to Procure Clearance or Permit of or having in stock used secondhand articles as defined
herein, to submit an initial affidavit within thirty (30) days
1. No person shall sell or offer to sell to the public any used from receipt of notice for the purpose thereof and subsequent
secondhand article as defined herein without first securing a affidavits once every fifteen (15) days within five (5) days
clearance or permit for the purpose from the proper Station after the period covered, which shall contain:
Commander of the Integrated National Police.
(a) A complete inventory of such articles acquired
2. If the person seeking the clearance or permit is a daily from whatever source and the names and
partnership, firm, corporation, or association or group of addresses of the persons from whom such articles
individuals, the clearance or permit shall be obtained by or in were acquired.
the name of the president, manager or other responsible
officer-in-charge thereof. (b) A full list of articles to be sold or offered for sale
as well as the place where the date when the sale or
3. If a store, firm, corporation, partnership, association or offer for sale shall commence.
other establishment or entity has a branch or subsidiary and
the used secondhand article is acquired by such branch or (c) The place where the articles are presently
subsidiary for sale to the public, the said branch or deposited or kept in stock.
subsidiary shall secure the required clearance or permit.
The Station Commander may, at his discretion when the
4. Any goods, article, item, or object or anything of value circumstances of each case warrant, require that the affidavit
acquired from any source for which no receipt or equivalent submitted be accompanied by other documents showing
document evidencing the legality of its acquisition could be proof of legitimacy of the acquisition of the articles.
presented by the present possessor or holder thereof, or the
covering receipt, or equivalent document, of which is fake, 2. A party required to secure a clearance or permit under
falsified or irregularly obtained, shall be presumed as having these rules and regulations shall file an application therefor
been acquired from an unlicensed dealer or supplier and the with the Station Commander concerned. The application
possessor or holder thereof must secure the required shall state:
clearance or permit before the same can be sold or offered
for sale to the public. (a) The name, address and other pertinent
circumstances of the persons, in case of an
III. Procedure for Procurement of Clearances or Permits individual or, in the case of a firm, corporation,
association, partnership or other entity, the name,
1. The Station Commanders concerned shall require the address and other pertinent circumstances of the
owner of a store or the president, manager or responsible president, manager or officer-in-charge.
officer-in-charge of a firm, establishment or other entity
located within their respective jurisdictions and in possession
(b) The article to be sold or offered for sale to the the case of an individual, where the articles in his
public and the name and address of the unlicensed possession are to be sold or offered for sale.
dealer or supplier from whom such article was
acquired. (b) If after 15 days, upon expiration of the period of
publication or of the notice referred to in the
In support of the application, there shall be attached to it the preceding paragraph, no claim is made with respect
corresponding receipt or other equivalent document to show to any of the articles enumerated in the notice, the
proof of the legitimacy of acquisition of the article. Station Commander shall issue the clearance or
permit sought.
3. The Station Commander shall examine the documents
attached to the application and may require the presentation (c) If, before expiration of the same period for
of other additional documents, if necessary, to show publication of the notice or its posting, it shall
satisfactory proof of the legitimacy of acquisition of the appear that any of the articles in question is stolen
article, subject to the following conditions: property, the Station Commander shall hold the
article in restraint as evidence in any appropriate
(a) If the legitimacy of acquisition of any article case to be filed. Articles held in restraint shall be
from an unlicensed source cannot be satisfactorily kept and disposed of as the circumstances of each
established by the documents presented, the Station case permit, taking into account all considerations of
Commander shall, upon approval of the INP right and justice in the case. In any case where any
Superintendent in the district and at the expense of article is held in restraint, it shall be the duty of the
the party seeking the clearance/permit, cause the Station Commander concerned to advise/notify the
publication of a notice in a newspaper of general Commission on Audit of the case and comply with
circulation for two (2) successive days enumerating such procedure as may be proper under applicable
therein the articles acquired from an unlicensed existing laws, rules and regulations.
dealer or supplier, the names and addresses of the
persons from whom they were acquired and shall 4. The Station Commander concerned shall, within seventy-
state that such articles are to be sold or offered for two (72) hours from receipt of the application, act thereon by
sale to the public at the address of the store, either issuing the clearance/permit requested or denying the
establishment or other entity seeking the same. Denial of an application shall be in writing and shall
clearance/permit. In places where no newspapers are state in brief the reason/s therefor.
in general circulation, the party seeking the
clearance or permit shall, instead, post a notice daily 5. The application, clearance/permit or the denial thereof,
for one week on the bulletin board of the municipal including such other documents as may be pertinent in the
building of the town where the store, firm, implementation of Section 6 of P.D. No. 1612 shall be in the
establishment or entity concerned is located or, in forms prescribed in Annexes "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E"
hereof, which are made integral parts of these rules and of Section 6 of P.D. No. 1612 and with these rules and
regulations. regulations shall be held in restraint until satisfactory
evidence or legitimacy of acquisition has been established.
6. For the issuance of clearances/permit required under
Section 6 of P.D. No. 1612, no fee shall be charged. 4. Articles for which no satisfactory evidence of legitimacy
of acquisition is established and which are found to be stolen
IV. Appeals property shall likewise be held under restraint and shall,
furthermore, be subject to confiscation as evidence in the
Any party aggrieved by the action taken by the Station Commander appropriate case to be filed. If, upon termination of the case,
may elevate the decision taken in the case to the proper INP District the same is not claimed by their legitimate owners, the
Superintendent and, if he is still dissatisfied therewith may take the article/s shall be forfeited in favor of the government and
same on appeal to the INP Director. The decision of the INP Director made subject to disposition as the circumstances warrant in
may also be appealed to the INP Director-General whose decision accordance with applicable existing laws, rules and
may likewise be appealed to the Minister of National Defense. The regulations. The Commission on Audit shall, in all cases, be
decision of the Minister of National Defense on the case shall be notified.
final. The appeal against the decision taken by a Commander lower
than the INP Director-General should be filed to the next higher 5. Any personnel of the Integrated National Police found
Commander within ten (10) days from receipt of notice of the violating the provisions of Section 6 of P.D. No. 1612 or any
decision. The decision of the INP Director-General should be of its implementing rules and regulations or who, in any
appealed within fifteen (15) days from receipt of notice of the manner whatsoever, connives with or through his negligence
decision. or inaction makes possible the commission of such violations
by any party required to comply with the law and its
V. Penalties implementing rules and regulations, shall be prosecuted
criminally without prejudice to the imposition of
1. Any person who fails to secure the clearance or permit administrative penalties.
required by Section 6 of P.D. 1612 or who violates any of
the provisions of these rules and regulations shall upon VI. Visitorial Power
conviction be punished as a fence.
It shall be the duty of the owner of the store or of the president,
2. The INP Director-General shall recommend to the proper manager or responsible officer-in-charge of any firm, establishment
authority the cancellation of the business license of the or other entity or of an individual having in his premises articles to
erring individual, store, establishment or the entity be sold or offered for sale to the public to allow the Station
concerned. Commander or his authorized representative to exercise visitorial
powers. For this purpose, however, the power to conduct visitations
3. Articles obtained from unlicensed sources for sale or shall be exercise only during office or business hours and upon
offered for sale without prior compliance with the provisions authority in writing from and by the INP Superintendent in the
district and for the sole purpose of determining whether articles are 4. In all cases, reports emanating from the different levels of the
kept in possession or stock contrary to the intents of Section 6 of Integrated National Police shall be accompanied with full and
P.D. No. 1612 and of these rules and regulations. accurate inventories of the articles acquired from unlicensed dealers
or suppliers and proposed to be sold or offered for sale in the
VII. Other Duties Imposed Upon Station Commanders and INP jurisdictions covered by the report.
District Superintendent and Directors Following Action on
Applications for Clearances or Permits These implementing rules and regulations, having been published in
a newspaper of national circulation, shall take effect on June 15,
1. At the end of each month, it shall be the duty of the 1979.
Station Commander concerned to:
(a) Make and maintain a file in his office of all INP:
clearances/permit issued by him.

(b) Submit a full report to the INP District

Superintendent on the number of applications for
clearances or permits processed by his office,
indicating therein the number of clearances/permits
issued and the number of applications denied. The
report shall state the reasons for denial of an
application and the corresponding follow-up actions
taken and shall be accompanied by an inventory of
the articles to be sold or offered for sale in his

2. The INP District Superintendent shall, on the basis of the

reports submitted by the Station Commander, in turn submit
quarterly reports to the appropriate INP Director containing a
consolidation of the information stated in the reports of
Station Commanders in his jurisdiction.

3. Reports from INP District Superintendent shall serve as

basis for a consolidated report to be submitted semi-annually
by INP Directors to the Director-General, Integrated
National Police.
REPUBLIC ACT No. 6539 the Bureau of Customs for motor vehicles imported into
the Philippines, that motor vehicle shall be considered to
AN ACT PREVENTING AND PENALIZING CARNAPPING have a defaced or tampered with serial number.

Section 1. This Act shall be known and may be cited as the "Anti- "Repainting" is changing the color of a motor vehicle by
Carnapping Act of 1972." means of painting. There is repainting whenever the new
color of a motor vehicle is different from its color as
Section 2. Definition of terms. The terms "carnapping", "motor registered in the Land Transportation Commission.
vehicle", "defacing or tampering with", "repainting", "body-
building", "remodeling", "dismantling", and "overhauling", as used "Body-building" is a job undertaken on a motor vehicle in
in this Act, shall be understood, respectively, to mean order to replace its entire body with a new body.

"Carnapping" is the taking, with intent to gain, of a motor "Remodeling" is the introduction of some changes in the
vehicle belonging to another without the latter's consent, shape or form of the body of the motor vehicle. lawphi1™

or by means of violence against or intimidation of

persons, or by using force upon things. "Dismantling" is the tearing apart, piece by piece or part
by part, of a motor vehicle.
"Motor vehicle" is any vehicle propelled by any power
other than muscular power using the public highways, but "Overhauling" is the cleaning or repairing of the whole
excepting road rollers, trolley cars, street-sweepers, engine of a motor vehicle by separating the motor engine
sprinklers, lawn mowers, bulldozers, graders, fork-lifts, and its parts from the body of the motor vehicle.
amphibian trucks, and cranes if not used on public
highways, vehicles, which run only on rails or tracks, and Section 3. Registration of motor vehicle engine, engine block and
tractors, trailers and traction engines of all kinds used chassis. Within one year after the approval of this Act, every
exclusively for agricultural purposes. Trailers having any owner or possessor of unregistered motor vehicle or parts thereof
number of wheels, when propelled or intended to be in knock down condition shall register with the Land
propelled by attachment to a motor vehicle, shall be Transportation Commission the motor vehicle engine, engine
classified as separate motor vehicle with no power block and chassis in his name or in the name of the real owner

who shall be readily available to answer any claim over the

registered motor vehicle engine, engine block or chassis.
"Defacing or tampering with" a serial number is the Thereafter, all motor vehicle engines, engine blocks and chassis
erasing, scratching, altering or changing of the original not registered with the Land Transportation Commission shall be
factory-inscribed serial number on the motor vehicle considered as untaxed importation or coming from an illegal
engine, engine block or chassis of any motor vehicle. source or carnapped, and shall be confiscated in favor of the
Whenever any motor vehicle is found to have a serial Government.
number on its motor engine, engine block or chassis
which is different from that which is listed in the records of
All owners of motor vehicles in all cities and municipalities are upon receipt of the application, verify if the motor vehicle or its
required to register their cars with the local police without paying numbered parts are in the list of carnapped motor vehicles or
any charges. stolen motor vehicle parts. If the motor vehicle or any of its
numbered parts is not in that list, the Philippine Constabulary
Section 4. Permanent registry of motor vehicle engines, engine shall forthwith issue a certificate of clearance. Upon presentation
blocks and chassis. The Land Transportation Commission shall of the certificate of clearance from the Philippine Constabulary
keep a permanent registry of motor vehicle engines, engine and after verification of the registration of the motor vehicle
blocks and chassis of all motor vehicles, specifying therein their engine, engine block and chassis in the permanent registry of
type, make and serial numbers and stating therein the names and motor vehicle engines, engine blocks and chassis, the Land
addresses of their present and previous owners. Copies of the Transportation Commission shall register the motor vehicle in
registry and of all entries made thereon shall be furnished the accordance with existing laws, rules and regulations.
Philippine Constabulary and all Land Transportation Commission
regional, provincial and city branch offices:Provided, That all Land Section 7. Duty of Collector of Customs to report arrival of
Transportation Commission regional, provincial and city branch imported motor vehicle, etc. The Collector of Customs of a
offices are likewise obliged to furnish copies of all registration of principal port of entry where an imported motor vehicle, motor
motor vehicles to the main office and to the Philippine vehicle engine, engine block chassis or body is unloaded, shall,
Constabulary. within seven days after the arrival of the imported motor vehicle
or any of its parts enumerated herein, make a report of the
Section 5. Registration of sale, transfer, conveyance, substitution shipment to the Land Transportation Commission, specifying the
or replacement of a motor vehicle engine, engine block or make, type and serial numbers, if any, of the motor vehicle
chassis. Every sale, transfer, conveyance, substitution or engine, engine block and chassis or body, and stating the names
replacement of a motor vehicle engine, engine block or chassis of and addresses of the owner or consignee thereof. If the motor
a motor vehicle shall be registered with the Land Transportation vehicle engine, engine block, chassis or body does not bear any
Commission. Motor vehicles assembled and rebuilt or repaired by serial number, the Collector of Customs concerned shall hold the
replacement with motor vehicle engines, engine blocks and motor vehicle engine, engine block, chassis or body until it is
chassis not registered with the Land Transportation Commission numbered by the Land Transportation Commission.
shall not be issued certificates of registration and shall be
considered as untaxed imported motor vehicles or motor vehicles Section 8. Duty of importers, distributors and sellers of motor
carnapped or proceeding from illegal sources. vehicles to keep record of stocks. Any person engaged in the
importation, distribution, and buying and selling of motor vehicles,
Section 6. Original Registration of motor vehicles. Any person motor vehicle engines, engine blocks, chassis or body, shall keep
seeking the original registration of a motor vehicle, whether that a permanent record of his stocks, stating therein their type, make
motor vehicle is newly assembled or rebuilt or acquired from a and serial numbers, and the names and addresses of the persons
registered owner, shall within one week after the completion of from whom they were acquired and the names and addresses of
the assembly or rebuilding job or the acquisition thereof from the the persons to whom they were sold, and shall render an
registered owner, apply to the Philippine Constabulary for accurate monthly report of his transactions in motor vehicles to
clearance of the motor vehicle for registration with the Land the Land Transportation Commission.
Transportation Commission. The Philippine Constabulary shall,
Section 9. Duty of manufacturers of engine blocks, chassis or Section 12. Defacing or tampering with serial numbers of motor
body to cause numbering of engine blocks, chassis or body vehicle engines, engine blocks and chassis. It shall be unlawful
manufactured. Any person engaged in the manufacture of engine for any person to deface or otherwise tamper with the original or
blocks, chassis or body shall cause the numbering of every registered serial number of motor vehicle engines, engine blocks
engine block, chassis or body manufactured in a convenient and and chassis.
conspicuous part thereof which the Land Transportation
Commission may direct for the purpose of uniformity and Section 13. Penal Provisions. Any person who violates any
identification of the factory and shall submit to the Land provisions of this Act shall be punished with imprisonment for not
Transportation Commission a monthly report of the manufacture less than two years nor more than six years and a fine equal in
and sale of engine blocks, chassis or body. amount to the acquisition cost of the motor vehicle, motor vehicle
engine or any other part involved in the violation: Provided, That if
Section 10. Clearance and permit required for assembly or the person violating any provision of this Act is a juridical person,
rebuilding of motor vehicles. Any person who shall undertake to the penalty herein provided shall be imposed on its president or
assemble or rebuild or cause the assembly or rebuilding of a secretary and/or members of the board of directors or any of its
motor vehicle shall first secure a certificate of clearance from the officers and employees who may have directly participated in the
Philippine Constabulary: Provided, That no such permit shall be violation.
issued unless the applicant shall present a statement under oath
containing the type, make and serial numbers of the engine, Any government official or employee who directly commits the
chassis and body, if any, and the complete list of the spare parts unlawful acts defined in this Act or is guilty of gross negligence of
of the motor vehicle to be assembled or rebuilt together with the duty or connives with or permits the commission of any of the
names and addresses of the sources thereof. said unlawful act shall, in addition to the penalty prescribed in the
preceding paragraph, be dismissed from the service with
In the case of motor vehicle engines to be mounted on motor prejudice to his reinstatement and with disqualification from voting
boats, motor bancas and other light water vessels, the applicant or being voted for in any election and from appointment to any
shall secure a permit from the Philippine Coast Guard, which public office.
office shall in turn furnish the Land Transportation Commission
the pertinent data concerning the motor vehicle engines including Section 14. Penalty for Carnapping. Any person who is found
their type, make and serial numbers. guilty of carnapping, as this term is defined in Section two of this
Act, shall, irrespective of the value of motor vehicle taken, be
Section 11. Clearance required for shipment of motor vehicles, punished by imprisonment for not less than fourteen years and
motor vehicle engines, engine blocks, chassis or body. Any eight months and not more than seventeen years and four
person who owns or operates inter-island shipping or any water months, when the carnapping is committed without violence or
transportation with launches, boats, vessels or ships shall within intimidation of persons, or force upon things; and by
seven days submit a report to the Philippine Constabulary on all imprisonment for not less than seventeen years and four months
motor vehicle, motor vehicle engines, engine blocks, chassis or and not more than thirty years, when the carnapping is committed
bodies transported by it for the motor vehicle, motor vehicle by means of violence against or intimidation of any person, or
engine, engine block, chassis or body to be loaded on board the force upon things; and the penalty of life imprisonment to death
launch, boat vessel or ship. shall be imposed when the owner, driver or occupant of the
carnapped motor vehicle is killed in the commission of the

Section 15. Aliens. Aliens convicted under the provisions of this

Act shall be deported immediately after service of sentence
without further proceedings by the Deportation Board.

Section 16. Reward. Any person who voluntarily gives

information leading to the recovery of carnapped vehicles and for
the conviction of the persons charged with carnapping shall be
given as reward so much reward money as the Philippine
Constabulary may fix. The Philippine Constabulary is authorized
to include in its annual budget the amount necessary to carry out
the purposes of this section. Any information given by informers
shall be treated as confidential matter.

Section 17. Separability clause. If any provisions of this Act is

declared invalid, the provisions thereof not affected by such
declaration shall remain in force and effect.

Section 18. Repealing clause. All laws, executive orders, rules

and regulations, or parts thereof, inconsistent with the provisions
of this Act are hereby repealed or amended accordingly.

Section 19. Effectivity. This Act shall take effect upon its

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