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that public good is sufficient by itself to justify holding

another person to be subject to a duty.

RIGHTS Example
Marcopper Disaster, biggest mining disaster recorded in
the Philippines ( affected only a certain river)
What makes a group right?
“…thus imagine a factoring giving off polluting fumes
The interests in question are the interests of individuals as
members of a group for a public good. No single mem- that affects the lives of people who live in its vicini-
ber of that group and that public good is sufficient by ty? Do these people have the right to stop the facto-
itself to justify holding another person to be subject to a ry to engage in that? You have to consider the effects
duty. of the pollution on the cause of putting a stop to it.
Suppose that the pollution is serious and the pollu-
tion has a seriously adverse impact on the lives of
A right to be determined by the state as a refugee:
INDIVIDUAL RIGHT people but its not serious enough to constitute a
Right to international protection of refugees: threat on anyones health… suppose that the cause to
COLLECTIVE RIGHT stop would be financially serious and cause the facto-
ry workers would lose their jobs, we can conclude
There are certain rights that can be exercised collectively such that the suffering of any individual cannot justify the
as the Right to Self Determination by Indigenous Peoples, but
factory from stoping but if we consider the individu-
individually, they also have the right to life liberty and property
- thats an individual right. als of all affected areas, then it may be stopped- then
those living in the vicinity of the factory can stop-
There are certain rights exercised as a group, such as right to but as a group, they jointly present a right that none of them
international protection for refugees,thats a collective possess individually.”
right because wherever they may be, there is a right against
states to be protected because their own state cannot protect _______
So when should it be considered as a group right?
Even its just a single family or person, or refugee en masse, the
right to humanitarian assistance is there because they are If the act is so grave that it would warrant the factory
refugees. owner to close. THE INTEREST IS FAR REACH-
But look at it this way, when I say right to be determined- is ING THAT THOSE WHO CAN CLAIM AN IN-
there a duty on the part of the state to recognize a certain
family as refugees?
If yes, then thats a right than can be exercised individually. But In determining whether a right is an individual or collective right,you
really, it depends on the situation. have to look at the circumstances. Just because it is exercised by mere
association to a group, does NOT mean it is already a collective right.
In analyzing whether a right is an individual right or a group right you You have to look at the other details such as:
have to look into these elements:
Whether or not this right can be exercised individually or ex-
ercised as a whole
INTEREST In the factory case, they can file for damages individually but if the
interest is for the closure of the company, there would be greater
DUTY ON THE PART OF THE STATE weight if they were to exercise a collective right such as for example,
the right to a balanced and healthful ecology. instead of simply asking
NO SINGLE MEMBER OF THAT GROUP IN THAT for damages for the effects of the mine pollution that they have expe-
TO A DUTY So again, look at the circumstances and not just the name of the right


in terms
Is there an interest?
Rights are basically individual in nature, and thats what most of the
From that interest, there stems a duty on the state and writers are saying, it must be exercised individually-, and there lies the
that the interest of no single member of that group in confusion of how you can exercise these so called group rights it individually

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A group as such, has no rights. Who do you think holds the title?
Mining case: it was mentioned that if the mining would push through
based on the collective rights of the community, the individual rights
of workers would be affected SELF GVOERNANCE & EMPOWERMENT
FPIC: Free Prior and Informed Consent
Whenever a development project or an extractive industry is about to
enter a domain, they have to undergo what we call FPIC .
The IPs have to participate in this consultation and the IPS should
During the initial stages of the UN and League of Nations, there was give their consent freely.
an argument of whether to include collective rights into the discourse Absent the consent, the project will not be allowed to continue
of HR/the League of nations were supportive to include the right of
IP or cultural minorities but several UN countries were saying that if FPIC process should be done in accordance with the culture and tra-
you include or recognize minorities, then it would affect the peace or ditions of the community
the unity in a country because the UN elites at the time were the col-
onizers. There was a lot of movement from the colonized groups to Example.
have their right to self determination but theres was a discussion that The stoning process for stealing do you think if the state prohibits that, is it a
a group right would counter certain individual rights, so up to now violation of their right to self governance?
there is no clear delineation of group rights so you have to look into It is not so long as it does not violate other existing criminal laws
So there are some allowable exceptions to the exercise of collective
Why should we recognize group rights? rights, and remember there is the argument between the group vs in-
dividual right, so in this case, the individual right of the person being
• Cultural Presevation stoned is being put in line.
• Rights of IP to land and resources held collectively If you balance it with the collective right of self governance, which
• Environmental rights to clean air water and land should be given more weight?
• Self determination The individual right to life.
• Autonomous self government So what would happen then?
• Restitution of stolen land from a collective We would still allow for some leniency. We can as the state prohibit
stoning, but the state must recognize other means for punishment.
But individually, each of the members of the IP community, can exer-
cise certain rights individually, so we cant say that all IP have to exer- Example.
cise their rights collectively. There are rights that IPS can exercise Home births are not allowed under our laws, but the culture and tradi-
individually but there are some rights that SHOULD be exercised tions of indigenous peoples and the manner of them giving birth is
collectively usually based on their traditions.
So there is an on going argument that says this law or ordinance on
The case of Indigenous Peoples home birth should be stricken down because it amounts to their right
• refers to a group of people or homogenous societies identified by being impinged on, because in their exercise of that home birth it is
Self ascription and ascription by others who have continuously lived as part of their tradition already but it is not violative of other basic or
an organised community on Communally bounded and defined terri- fundamental rights so it should not be prohibited at least on the parts
tory under claims of ownership since time immemorial and occupied of indigenous peoples.
and possessed customs tradition and other distinctive cultural traits
• those who have through resistance to political and social and cultur-
al inroads of colonisation and non indigenous religion and culture Some examples of possible areas of Group Rights
become historically differentiated from the majority of Filipino peo- NUBIAN CHILDREN
ple Children in Kenya who have been for the longest time deprived of
nationality, so as a group they can exercise their right collectively to
Rights of the IPS citizenship, they can exercise their right to nationality a a whole
• Under the Constitution
• RA 8371
IPRA Refugees. You have to look at which rights are being seen as collective,
Ancestral domains not all rights of refugees are collective because some rights can be
Social justice and human rights exercised in their individual capacity so you have to look closer or
Self governance which rights can be exercised individually
Cultural integrity
Most of these are exercised collectively COLLECTIVE PROBLEMS REQUIRE COLLECTIVE SOUTIONS
Social justice and human rights can be exercised individually but the others are There are some certain collective problems that require collective
usually exercised collectively solutions, its for practicality if they were resolved by granting collec-
tive rights.
The basis of the ownership of IPS over land is COMMUNAL IN
NATURE meaning when they are issued a title to a land, it isn't in the
name of just one person

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CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS Respect for the Views of the Child (Evolving Ca-
Non Discrimination

Life, Survival and Development



• refers to the capacities of a child and how they are dynamic and
This is in relation to self-determination.
evolve since it grows based on the child’s maturity. Their abili-
This right can be exercised based on age and maturity.
ty to articulate their preferences and rights change as their
Just because a child is young but the child is able to express his
level of maturity evolves
or her views then it should not be discounted.
Is there an age limit? Do we stop “ recognizing” the voice or capacity of a child
One of the reasons why the CRC is not one of those widely ratified is
just because they’re a toddler? No.
because it gives too much Weight to children rights, but Tobin (author
Yes, it is correct that there is no age limit to determine the age in
of one of the readings) explains that parents have rights and responsi-
which a child can express their own views because the CRC also rec-
bility over their children specifically Art. 45 and parents are allowed to
ognizes the right of the toddlers to express their views.
regulate but the children have the capacity to still express their views
on the regulation of their rights.
You cant discriminate against them, not just based on their status but
insert article 45 here
also on their parents status ( ex, illegitimate or legitimate is still a
form of discrimination, PH is the only country that has it nalang)
• Ratified by the Philippines in August 1990
• Entered into force September 2 1990
Children in public schools cant be discriminated against because they
• One of the most widely ratified conventions in the world, together
wont have parents, or they only have a single parents,
with the CEDAW
This is also arguably a form of discrimination.
• only convention that is gender sensitive in text
There are also movements that try to abolish all boy or all girl schools.
To this date the US is the only country that has yet to ratify the CRC.
This is considered also a form of discrimination.
In Ecuador, theres a movement to eliminate the gender based school.
They feel that it gives too much emphasis on child’s rights over
So the all boys and all girls schools are now mixed because a law was
parental rights and too much autonomy given to children might not be
passed saying that this was a discriminatory practice, against the CRC.
good for them. They say we don’t need to be because we already fulfil
children's rights and we already have laws in place that are as good are
3.1 LIFE
even better than the CRC.
The best interest of the child is the primary consideration.
This recognizes that every child has the inherent right to live and that
What the international community thinks is that they don’t want to
the state parties shall ensure to the maximum extent possible the
report, especially because at this time children were being tortured in
survival and development of the child
Guantanamo Bay and their Juvenile Justice System is really bad and up
to now, their welfare homes are not up to the standards of the CRC.
Why do you think they included to therm the maximum extent possible?
4 GENERAL CATEGORIES OF CHILDREN’S Here one of the reasons why the convention was hailed as a success
RIGHTS was because it recognized the different capacities of different
states ( similar to our discussion under the ICESCR).
SURVIVAL It ensures that the child has a right to life.

PARTICIPATION You don’t need money to not kill children, but you need resources to ensure their
survival and development, to have good schools, to pay the teachers, to the max-
PROTECTION imum extent possible.

DEVELOPMENT This right to life is called ONE OF THE CORE RIGHTS, it’s one
of the starting rights that a child has, and without it the rights of the
• child become meaningless. Without it, how are they able to claim their
right to an education, to participate in government processes etc?
Ex. Killing of a little boy named kulot ( stabbed multiple times)

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So does that mean decisions on abortion not based on gender are allowed?
The CRC committee has ruled that when a state fails to protect the Doesnt say.
right to life of a child even when not caused by state actors, it is Also they said, in General Comment 15, in the rights child to health
still the state liable for the failure of the system to protect children they discussed abortion and post abortion care services. They ex-
from going through things like this or for actually allowing it to hap- plained that WON abortion is illegal or legal, care should be afforded
pen or not condemning it, or creating the environment where these to the child especially the adolescent child.
kinds of things can happen. So does that mean the committee is allowing abortion since they said abortion
Right to life also includes a prohibition on death penalty services must be provided? Its all very unclear
In Iran, its still legal to kill a child

Survival: broader concept that includes the sustaining of life, includes

measures such as immunisation, , access to nutrition, health care and

What about abortion?.

The CRC is silent or at most, vague on the concept of abortion. Development: Refers to the development of the child’s physical and
But in the preamble it states: mental development, includes proper nutrition and education.
“PLAY” is considered a right in CRC which is not found in any
Bearing in mind that, as indicated in the Declaration of the Rights of other instrument. It’s a right that children have alone and adults
the Child, "the child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, don’t. The right to be protected from violence and against discrimina-
needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protec- tion, adults have as well but right to play is the only right exclusive to
tion, before as well as after birth”, children alone.

Based on this provision, do you think it allows abortion?

The reason why they kept it vague on purpose is because there So the Right to life is seen as the very basic right form which Survival
are conflicting ideas as to when life starts. and Development spring.

Other said it was legal and others said it was illegal, they feared that if Example.
they made a pronouncement then they would not get enough ratifica- Female genital mutiliation: culture cannot be used as a justification for
tion violation of children’ humans rights ( article 19)
TRIVIA: Who pushed for this statement in the preamble?
PHILIPPINES AND VATICAN But what about male circumcision?
Committee has said its also a violation ( but other countries like the
Under Optional protocol 3, children can bring complaints to the CRC. Philippines still practice this)
If I were say the sister of a child that was aborted, can I bring forth my claim
based on this preambular text? Example.
No, she wouldn't have standing since the preamble is not self Child Marriage
executory, its not binding. Development of the child is impaired. The child’s right to life is not
However, you could use it to guide the interpretation, but you cant just the right to life but a good life, she will not develop as normally as
claim a right. other children would to grow in a family environment, to not be
This is actually an issue where the rights of children and women clash. forced to having sexual relations with a grown man, and to choose who
she eventually wants to marry when she becomes an adult.
One of the cases pending in the committee is this:

THE CASE OF BABY GAMMY Doesn’t right to life include the right to die?
Australian couple, where surrogacy is permitted, contracted a surro- Vague, was never answered or tackled by the committee.
gate mother in Thailand. When the children were born, one of them
had a serious birth defect thus the Australian couple only wanted the If the state does not recognize suicide as mental health issue, then its
healthy twin. actually a violation. If the state sees that rates of suicide getting higher
In surrogate agreements, are you allowed to choose just one twin? and not doing anything about it then it can also be a violation since its
Is it really in the best interest of the children to be separated from also related to the health of a child
their twin?
In the end they were allowed because the contract was treated as a Traffic accidents, isn;t that the fault of the states?
commercial contract so they used contract law. In Vietnam the number 1 cause of death of children is motor vehicle
So baby Gammy and still lives, but was raised by the grandmother of accidents
the surrogate.
International obligations state that no state can refuse entry
The vagueness on the right to life is also seen in the CR committee to an unaccompanied child.
pronouncements, the CRC committee in its general comments in that,
with regard to the actual process of abortion, it does not take into
consideration the rights of the child, such as a comment that explains ___
that the decision to abort based on gender is a violation,
Felina Rosalde vs. People of the Philippines GR 173988 Octo-
ber 8 2014

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FACTS: The petitioner Felina Rosaldes, a public schoolteacher, was 4. RIGHT OF PARTICIPATION
charged and found guilty of child abuse punished under RA 7610.
Article 12
It appears from the records that seven year old Michael Ryan Gonza-
1. States Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming
les, then a Grade 1 pupil, was hurriedly entering his classroom when he
his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all
accidentally bumped the knew of his teacher, herein petitioner, who
matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due
was then asleep on a bamboo sofa. Petitioner asked Michael to apolo-
weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child.
gize, the latter, however, proceeded instead to his seat. Petitioner then
pinched Michael on his thigh, held him up by his armpits and pushed
2. For this purpose, the child shall in particular be provided the
him to the floor causing him to hit a desk and, consequently, losing his
opportunity to be heard in any judicial and administrative pro-
consciousness. Petitioner proceeded to pick Michael by his ears and
ceedings affecting the child, either directly, or through a represen-
repeatedly slammed him down on the floor.
tative or an appropriate body, in a manner consistent with the
Petitioner contends that she did not deliberately inflict the physical
procedural rules of national law.
injuries suffered by Michael to maltreat or malign him in a manner
that would debase, demean or degrade his dignity and avers that her
maltreatment is only an act of discipline that she as a schoolteacher
could reasonably do towards the development of the child.

Is petitioner guilty of the crime of child abuse punishable under RA
YES, petitioner Rosaldes is guilty of violation of RA 7610. Although
the petitioner, as a schoolteacher, could duly discipline Michael Ryan 1. Let the child express,
as her pupil, her infliction of the physical injuries on him was unneces- 2. Listen
sary, violent and excessive. The boy even fainted from the violence 3. Make sure such expression was considered or given weight
suffered at her hands.
Does not mean that the childrens’ view should always be followed to
In the crime charged against the petitioner, therefore, the maltreat- give full effect to their rights, does not necessarily mean all the rights
ment may consist of an act by deeds or by words that debases, de- of the child are correct
grades or demeans the intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a hu-
man being. The act need not be habitual. The physical pain experi- There are certain laws in place that provide age limits for this right to
enced by the victim had been aggravated by an emotional trauma that expression.
caused him to stop going to school altogether out of fear of the peti- Here in the Philippines, there are laws that provide age limits regard-
tioner, compelling his parents to transfer him to another school where ing the child's rights to be heard:
he had to adjust again. Such established circumstances proved beyond • Adoption ( consent of 10 years old)— side comment: states putting an
reasonable doubt that the petitioner was guilty of child abuse by deeds age limit would violate the CRC
that degraded and demeaned the intrinsic worth and dignity of However, look at:
Michael Ryan as a human being. • Child witness rule- has no age
Whats the presumption there?
___ Its the party alleging otherwise or against the testimony of the child
that has the burden to prove this
CRC is clear that corporal punishment is a violation of children’s
rights. This is an example of a good law that respects this principle.

The Interamerican Court of Human Rights v. Guatemala was the first Note: Right to be heard is a collective right
court that discussed the extra legal killing of children.
5 children were living in the street and killed by police because they TRUE OR FALSE: not presenting a child in court and only
were doing drugs, and it was alleged that they were doing petty crimes presenting a social worker who says what the child told him/
in the area. her is a violation of the child’s right to be heard:
State party can be charged with this, because its a systematic practice
of violence against children at risk in its territory.
To answer this, remember there are two types of Participation avail-
The Charles Garde Case able to a child:
27 June 2917: 1. DIRECT
The argument here was whether it would be in the best interest of 2. INDIRECT
baby charlie to undergo this experiment that could potentially save his
life, and it was a balancing of the parents rights to choose what A lot of people have a problem with the right to participation and
they want for their child and the states rights to regulate par- sometimes it in the best interest of the child to have indirect partici-
ents choices which can harm a child and in this case it was the pation and this social worker scenario is a good example of a form of
hospital through state regulations that won. This is still a decision that right to be hear. So whats the answer? FALSE.
is being debated because the European court on human rights can only
rule regarding the european declaration on human rights.
THE 5 of 16
Women shall have equal access to Equality on its face
What is discrimination against women? opportunities, its not necessarily
treating women and men equally Formal Equality: You offer to
but treating them differently at
Article 1 both regardless of whatever sex
times, to give them equal ac-
For the purposes of the present Convention, the term "discrimi- they are ( offering college to
cess, to get to the root of the
nation against women" shall mean any distinction, exclusion gender inequality. both)
or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect
or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, en- On Gender Quota: can be a form Ex. ALS does not care if you
joyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their mari- of substantive equality if you pro- are male or female, we have 50
tal status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of vide a context, but establish the scholarships, we will accept yo
human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, context that will make it a form of provided you make it
economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field. substantive equality.

What is the back story behind the gen-

der quota?
If its a seemingly discriminatory
concept then its a possible form of
substantive equality.
You make these three acts on the basis of sex, the exclusion and
the distinction is based on no other basis than the distinction of male You are trying to correct the
an female or no other reason except for the fact that she was born inequality witih something
male or female. seemingly discriminatory be-
cause you are trying to treat
Effect IMPAIRING OR NULLIFYING RIGHTS the root of the problem.

Why do you have to add this clause -“irrespective of marital status”?

So as not to create a distinction between married and unmarried

Is there a difference between single and married woman? But substantive equality looks deeper.
Marital status: Was there a head start somewhere that makes them not so equal?
Name change, support, property, taxes, criminal liability In the gender quota example, if it is found that there was a head
Marital status sometimes changes things for married and divorce start for the boys, what that gender quota is trying to do is
women, that men do not experience when men are divorced correct that historical injustice

Next part of the definition: Substantive equality looks into a variance in treatment that
“Political, economic, social cultural” might merit some corrective measure.
Political: right to vote
Social or Cultural: Child Brides TEMPORARY SPECIALMEASURE:
CEDAW • meant to just last until you reach that substantive equality
The CEDAW is one of the most ratified human rights conventions that you are trying to reach, until the historical injustice is ad-
world wide, but also one of the most heavily reserved. Meaning dressed, it will be removed once the objective has been achieved
when states sign up to conventions, they agree to the object and to the since its a form of differentiated treatment
heart of the convention but there may be sone provisions that by rea- • Temporary special measure on its face is discriminatory but if taken in
son of religion or culture, they are not prepared to comply with. Be- context, it is not discriminatory because you want to apply it to treat
cause the CEDAW deals with a lot of social and cultural norms, it a specific injustice
becomes heavily reserved. • SPECIAL because you want to treat a specific issue
• MEASURE: it can take the form of many things, policies, laws,
Adopted in 1979: Ph was the first ASEAN country to sign agencies
CEDAW is not a magna carta for women, its really flagging areas
where discrimination may occur and giving a message to state parties. Article 4
1. Adoption by States Parties of temporary special measures aimed
How do we address these forms of discrimination given that they are at accelerating de facto equality between men and women shall
embedded in culture? not be considered discrimination as defined in the present Con-
vention, but shall in no way entail as a consequence the
1. EQUALITY maintenance of unequal or separate standards; these
2. NON DISCRMINATION measures shall be discontinued when the objectives of
3. STATE OBLIGATION equality of opportunity and treatment have been
What is the difference between formal and substantive equality?

SUBTANTIVE FORMAL EQUALI- How different are temporary special measures from article 4 paragraph 2?

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Article 4 6. The Convention in article 1 defines discrimination against
xxx women. The definition of discrimination includes gender-based
2. Adoption by States Parties of special measures, including violence, that is, violence that is directed against a woman
those measures contained in the present Convention, aimed at because she is a woman or that affects women dispropor-
protecting maternity shall not be considered discriminatory. tionately. It includes acts that inflict physical, mental or
sexual harm or suffering, threats of such acts, coercion
and other deprivations of liberty. Gender-based violence may
breach specific provisions of the Convention, regardless of
Art.4 (2) is something more permanent. whether those provisions expressly mention violence
What do these measures intend to address?
Special measures that deal with MATERNITY. (PAR. 6 General Comment 19)

Maternity leave:
Addressing some biological difference that will never go away, thus the Violence that is directed against a women because she is a woman or
special measure of maternity is clearly warranted. that affects women disproportionately. It includes acts that inflict
physical mental or sexual harm or suffering, threats of such acts, coer-
Paragraph 2 of Article 4 is not temporary, it recognizes that women cion and other deprivations of liberty. Gender based violence may
have the special capacity to bear children, they experience some- breach specific provisions of the convention regardless of whether
thing difficult when they are bearing or carrying children and thus those provisions expressly mention violence.
certain measures addressed towards this biological difference will not
be considered unfair or discriminatory if maintained. VAWC (RA 9262)

• There must be a form of relationship

• Forms of violence:
DIRECT DISCRMI- INDIRECT DISCR- • Physical, psychological, economic, sexual
How do these factors affect women different from men?
CRIMINATION OR ACTION MAY SEEM Withholding economic support. There was a case where a man and his
EQUAL, BUT WHEN AC- family was withholding economic support from his wife. This was con-
TUALLY APPLIED, OR IS sidered a form of economic violence. Why? She could have just gotten
PUT IN PRACTICE, IT RE- a job on her own. But in this case there was an added layer of abuse.
SULTS IN DISCRMINA- She was also prevented from working, she had no choice.

Why does it affect women disproportionately?

Physical Abuse
How does violence against women affect women disproportionately
American Ninja Warrior: all the obstacles are built around the normal
such that its considered by these international documents as discrimi-
build of just males, so the women can join but it makes it impossible
for he to complete the course.
( long discussion, not relevant)
There are some perceptions about gender and sex that started out
from some truth and that truth is that biological function but over
time, this biological difference has snowballed into something else.
This is where our conceptions of “nurturer” (for women) and
“provider” for men evolved from.
Women are discriminated on not just based on their gender but be-
cause of their religion, caste, age. When governments draft policies,
There are social equivalents or values which were not initially intended
they have to take into consideration that there are those who are at an
by biological differences attached by society but now whether they
even more of a disadvantage because of how all these different factors
meant it or not it gave birth to discriminatory practices which we have
intersect and thus increase the level of vulnerability of a woman.
to correct by these measures.
Intersectionality shows that discrimination against women is not stat-
Why is violence against women a form discrimination?
ic or is not all the same.
Babae ka sasaktan kita
Biologically, women are more vulnerable than men, once can easily
inflict violence against women more than men. Its the greater like-
lihood of injury that results from injury by men to women.

COMMUNICATIONS: complaint mechanism provided by the in-

strument to an injured party



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KAREN VERTIDO CASE 4. The relationship of the victim and the accused. ( the fact that the
accused and the victim are more than nodding acquaintances)—
You’re asking a Higher court to review the decision of the lower court, SWEETHEART DEFENSE
is that what Vertido was asking for when she filed a communication?
No. Her cause of action was already based on the state’s failure to pro- 5. When a rape victim reacts to the assault by resisting the attack
tect her rights as a woman under the CEDAW and NOT to overturn and also cowering in submission because of ear, it is problematic
( court should not have imposed a standard of normal or natural
behaviour on rape victims)
6. The rape victim could not have resisted the attack if the accused
SEXUALITY AND DISCRIMINA- were able to proceed to ejaculation
TION 7. It is unbelievable that a man in his sixties was capable of rape

So what happens after the communication?

Determination iff the state has violated its obligation and second if
there is a finding of a violation then the creation of recommendations
to address the violations.

So what did the committee do to address this?

There was a finding or a recommendation that the state shall review
its rape clause, the judiciary, and find judges who are stereotypical like
in this case.

So there is the capacity of the committee to command the state to pay

damages to the injured party, but the second is more policy level, the
state should review its cases on rape, and also look at your oth-
er laws that pertain to sexual abuse, and review how they are
to make it more compliant with the CEDAW.
the decision of the domestic court SEX GENDER SEXUAL ORIENTA-


Its a way to hold the state liable for failing to fulfil its obligations un- MALE TWO SPIRIT LESBIAN
In this case the State based its acquittal on gender stereotyping and TRANSGENDER
thus the state was in violation of its obligations under the CEDAW. GNENDER NON
She was saying that the lower court decided on the basis of certain QUESTIONING
gender stereotypes
1. A rape victim must try to escape at every opportunity ANDORGYNOUS
2. To be raped by means of intimidation, the victim must be timid or FORMING
easily cowed ( stereotype of a rape victim), in this case, can she be
characterised as timid? NO. She was the executive director of the chamber
of commerce. She was educated.
Two Spirit: a native american term, an umbrella term of expression or
Why is this not important in a rape case? identity.
Every victim acts differently.
Also, is rape dependent on the personalty of the victim?
No. You’re looking at the action of the accused, you shouldn't be cas-
tigating the actions of the victim. Sexual Orientation:
In the actions of the accused do you find all the elements of rape? So “ place of oppression”
you shouldn't be looking at the acts of the victim, look at the acts of The problem is heterosexuality: “because we are not in that framework we
the accused. are discriminated and all the rights that are being advocated are not rooted in
how we experience such rights”
3. To conclude that a rape occurred by means of threat, there must Lesbians and gays do not have a problem with their identity, its more
be a clear evidence of a direct threat ( instead of employing a con- of people discriminating because people know they are attracted to
text-sensitive assessment of the evidence and looking at the cir- the same sex.
cumstances as whole, the court focused on the lack of objective
existence of a gun) Transgender: thats where Identity is the problem is

Page 8 of 16
Intersex as well: Jennifer Kagandahan ( born with both male and fe-
male genitalia)
Look at #11 of the report, it seems like he was alluding to the Ph be-
cause while we do not have crimes for same sex relations, we do not SITUATIONER
allow them to change their identity, and we have two cases in the SC
that verify that. Silverio and Kagandahan.

Example: Children have at the age of 10 an understanding of their orientation

Even in passports, birth certificates are controlling, so even though and identity.
they want to change they cannot, but at least they express it in their
own way. TRUE OR FALSE: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity are mat-
ters of Personal Choice so the youth can choose not to be LGBT.
Identity is a problem for the transgender. FALSE.

The others, are more eon expressions. SOGI: deep seated, INHERENT ASPECTS OF PERSONAL
Identity has to do with the cognitive reasoning of what or who you IDENTITY and attempts to change the other are both futile and
think you are, who are you to yourself and I’ve always said that harmful to the youth, according to studies. No scientific evidence have
you have the right to ascertain who you want to be. shown success in reparative therapy, more importantly, altering is not
an appropriate goal.
When you say right to self determination which you have come across the CI-
CPR or ICESCR, its more on the context of as a people, as a culture but what Lesbians and Gays don’t have the same advocacies as those who have
about the right to determine yourself? different identities, transgenders and transexuals focus on identity. So
Your personhood your individuality, and your sexuality? even if you ask them, gay marriage is not even an issue for transgen-
If you go by the decision of the Silverio case, the right to change your ders yet.
name is not a right it is a privilege. That is true if I wanted to change
my name, I would have been restricted with what the rules provide, Ex. Women have different priorities also, depending on class status or
that only if it is ridiculous etc. Would i be allowed - that is a privilege, race.
because that does not impinge of my individuality, its a nomenclature,
its. Label. In the report, he also mentions about the negative effect of a termi-
nology such as transsexualism which was used in the 80s. Transgen-
But for transgender and for those who want to for example, intersex, der is more inclusive because there are those who don’t want any med-
Silverio, who had gender reassignment surgery, its not a matter of priv- ical intervention. They shouldn't be excluded because they don't want
ilege its a matter of identity and thats what this report is saying. to undergo sex reassignment surgery. Its more of the external expres-
While we in the Philippines do not punish sexual relations between sions for them.
same sex couples we do not accord them the right to identity. Form
their perspective it is a right. “PATHOLOGIZING”
seeing it as a disease or an illness
You’re aware that you’re only allowed to change the gender on your If you are a pathological case, one is stigma.
birth certificate by mere clerical error and not base on gender reas- What is the implication of categorising someone as a pathological case?
signment surgery in the Philippines right? IT IMPLIES THAT YOU COULD BE CURED OR THERE
In 70 countries it is still penalised to have a male to male relationship IS A TREATMENT
and in 40 countries female to female relationships. Aside from the stigma, it applies that it is not inherent in you and that
it is an affliction that needs to be treated, like being an LGBT is a
When you say Gender non-conforming, what do you mean by that? virus.
You do not conform to the gender roles brought about or ac-
ceptable to society.
This ignorance of gender non conforming is not only from a mis un- Whats the middle ground between religious freedom and expression of identity?
derstanding but also from the disbelief that this “thing” this being gay If the service is for public order or a public service, the invocation of
or lesbian or bisexual or whatever, can happen to a person. religion should be tempered.


Transgender is different from being gay, gay is a sexual orientation.

TRUE OR FALSE: By virtue of their age, the youth cannot know yet
that they are LGBT.
Individuals become aware of their orientation and identity at a varying The Philippines
age. Recent studies show that LGBTs self identification age has dra- SOURCE COUNTRY: Where victims of trafficking come from, be-
matically decreased in the past decades. ( 16 years old in the past cause of our large number of countrymen who live abroad, migrant
decade, 22 years old in the 80s) workers and OFW, the Philippines is considered a source country for
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likewise we are also a: Qatar
its where the traffickers, pedophiles come to Italy
Where traffickers and victims would be passing by in transit.
These are based on the number of documented OFWs
How do we gauge our efforts in human trafficking? On the other hand, there are those who aren undocumented.
Is there an IO that ranks us or monitors our efforts?
Its the US government, they issue a report called the US G TIP. What What does it mean to be undocumented?
does it do? When you are documented, what documents do you need if you want
US government ranks all the countries in relation to their anti traffick- to abroad and work?
ing efforts Overseas Employment Contract

There are three tiers: Philippine Exit Points: International airports

Tier 1: most compliant in relation to their anti trafficking laws
Tier 2: still need some effort If you want to leave the country not using these proper exit points, where would
Tier 3: watchlist, walang effort you go if you don't want to go through the proper documentation?
This is where illegal recruiters come in.
So it ranks and gets data of what the government is doing and then Illegal recruitment: Zamboanga City, then ride a boat to tawi tawi
they come up with an annual ranking, so this ranking has been around then to Malaysian group of islands.
for several years.
What do you think the ranking of the Philippines is now? In a couple of days, they’ll be able to reach Malaysia
Another route is Palawan
Tier 1
the Philippines was upgraded to tier 1 status in the 2016 GTIP of the Legislative Response to these problems:
US. UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
To date the Philippines has retained tier 1 status according to the 2017 Palermo Convention
Trafficking in Persons Report Palermo protocols:
We are the only SEA in tier 1, not even Singapore is tier 1 Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, espe-
cially in women and children
One of the indicators is that there is an increase of traffickers Protocol against the smuggling of migrants by land sea and air and
being convicted in the courts. Protocol against the illicit manufacturing and trafficking of firearms
All of that led to our Tier 1 status.
PALERMO Protocol: Its a city in Italy where these protocols were
Whats the use of these tiers? signed
Aside form the name and shame it does have political and economic With this, it was in effect, 2001 and the Philippines is one of the signa-
implications as well tories of the Palermo protocol, and with that we have a corresponding
When a country is in tier 3 status, the US government will obligation to enact domestic law to criminalise trafficking in persons,
withhold non humanitarian aid to this country and will not be which we have:
inclined to do trade relations with such country.
Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 ( RA 9208)
Being in Tier 1 status means that the Philippines is fully compliant
with the Us Trafficking Protection Act. Expanded Anti Trafficking in Persons Act of 2012: RA 10364
Effectivity: March 1, 2013
Aside from the US G TIP report, theres another international guide-
lines issued by the international NGOs such as the walk free founda-
• 2016 GLOBAL slavery index PERSONS
Ranked no 19 out of 167
.39. 8% of the Philippine population is suffering under some form of ACTS
human trafficking Recruit, hire obtain harbour, receive, maintain, transport, transfer, offer,
Philippines got a BB ranking, which is quite good in Asia we are one of provide
the top performers in Asia
• 413,112 out of 103796,838 Filipinos are being trafficked Non violent means; fraud deception, abuse of vulnerability or position,
giving or receiving payment or benefits
Violent Means: Force, threat, coercion, abduction
Top 10 Country Destinations:

Page 10 of 16
PURPOSE: Section 20. Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking. – There is
Sexual Exploitation prostitution, acts of lasciviousness, pornography, hereby established an Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking,
sex tourism to be composed of the Secretary of the Department of Justice as
Labor Exploitation: forced labor, involuntary servitude, debt bondage, Chairperson and the Secretary of the Department of Social Wel-
slavery; fare and Development as Co-Chairperson and shall have the fol-
Organ Exploitation: Removal or sale of organs lowing as members:

(a) Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs;

Example (b) Secretary, Department of Labor and Employment;

You recruit someone to become a waitress in Italy, you get payment
from her but then you’re never heard from again. (c) Administrator, Philippine Overseas Employment Administra-
Is that trafficking? tion;
NO. The element of purpose is not there. Thats illegal recruitment
since theres recruitment without license or authority but you cant (d) Commissioner, Bureau of Immigration;
categorize that as trafficking.
(e) Director-General, Philippine National Police;
But what if the facts change and I actually bring her to Italy and she becomes a
prostitute? (f) Chairperson, National Commission on the Role of Filipino
Thats trafficking of persons Women; and

What if the victim is a minor? (g) Three (3) representatives from NGOs, who shall be composed
THE MEANS IS IRRELEVANT. of one (1) representative each from among the sectors represent-
THE LAW SAYS IF THE VICTIM IS A MINOR, THE ing women, overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) and children, with
MEANS IS IRRELEVANT. a proven record of involvement in the prevention and suppression
of trafficking in persons. These representatives shall be nominat-
ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSE ed by the government agency representatives of the Council, for
appointment by the President for a term of three (3) years.

The members of the Council may designate their permanent rep-

resentatives who shall have a rank not lower than an assistant
secretary or its equivalent to meetings, and shall receive emolu-
ments as may be determined by the Council in accordance with
existing budget and accounting, rules and regulations.


Advocacy and Prevention,
PERSONS ACT OF 2003 (RA 9208) Protection, Recovery and Reintegration
Prosecution and Law Enforcement
Partnership and Networking

Regionally, we have what we call the ASEAS Convention on Trafficking

in persons (ACTIP) especially women and children and the ASEAN
Plan of Action against trafficking in persons


Economic Factors
Economic crisis
Profitability of trafficking
Global demand for cheap and vulnerable labor

commodification of sex, women and children
Gender-biased socalization process, power relations and gender in-
Lack of awareness and understanding communities about trafficking
Lack of awareness, understanding and respect for human rights

Page 11 of 16
Refers to any representation, through publication, exhibi-
tion, cinematography, indecent shows, information, tech-
Political Factors:
Policy on labor migration
nology or by whatever means, of a person engaged in real
Legalisation of prostitution as work in some foreign countries or simulated explicit sexual activities or any representa-
Lack of information,, weak and uncoordinated implementation of laws tion of the sexual parts
Incidence of graft and corruption
Lack of priority for programs services for women But what if the victim is a minor?
Anti child pornography law: refers to any representation
What is human trafficking? whether visual , audio or written combination thereof by
The recruitment, hiring, transport, transfer, harbouring, electronic mechanical, digital optical magnetic or any
receipt, offering or providing of a person using deception other means, of child engaged or involved in real or simu-
abuse of vulnerability, violence or payment for an ex- lated explicit sexual activities
ploitative purpose
Labor Trafficking: Forced Labor: Involuntary Servitude:
Migrant Smuggling: Induced work: refers to a mental compulsion to work
Bringing another person to another jurisdiction for profit
and illegally, meaning the person has no proper travel Debt Bondage: the pledging by the debtor of his/her per-
documents sonal series or labor or those of a person under
Whats the difference between migrant smuggling and trafficking? Slavery: refers to the status or condition of a person over
In migrant smuggling: is there a purpose of exploita- whom any or al of the powers attaching to the right of
tion in migrant smuggling? not necessary. They ownership are exercised
don’t care about what happens to those people there their People are treated like objects
main concern is bringing them there
Is there a migrant smuggling law in the Philippines? Most victims of child trafficking come from poverty
No. stricken families: from different parts of the country and
are brought to manila
Who is a child?
Sec 3 (b) Child refers to a person below eighteen years of
age or one who cannot take care of himself PUNISHABLE ACTS UNDER THE ANTI-TRAF-
The purpose of trafficking is always exploitation. FICKING LAW:
• Acts of trafficking in persona
Sex Trafficking
Labor Trafficking NON STATE ACTORS
Organ Trafficking
Children in Armed Conflict
Organ trafficking: victims are forced into giving up an • At that promote trafficking persons
organ • Attempted trafficking in persons
• Accomplices to trafficking
Children in armed conflict: a child associated with an • USE OF TRAFFICKED PERSON: any person who
armed force or armed group, party of any kind of regular buys or engages the services of trafficked persons for
or irregular armed force or armed group prostitution

WHAT ABOUT CONSENT? When it comes to trafficking cases, POs cannot mess
CONSENT OR AGREEMENT OF THE VICTIM TO with the investigation or prosecution of these cases
stems from the principal of human dignity and rights Human trafficking is a continuing offense

Sexual Trafficking: Prostitution

Refers to any act, transaction, scheme or design involving On an Affidavit of Desistance
the use of a person by another for sexual intercourse or • TIP cases involving trafficking in persons should not be
lascivious conduct dismissed based on the affidavit of desistance executed
by the victims or their parents or legal guardians
Sexual trafficking: Pornography:

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Prescriptive Period Sec 12 such as privatisation and globalization and the emergence
of super powers that are not necessarily states.
Section 12. Prescriptive Period. – Trafficking cases under
this Act shall prescribe in ten (10) years: Provided, how-
ever, That trafficking cases committed by a syndicate or DELINEATING BETWEEN STATE AND NON
in a large scale as defined under Section 6 shall prescribe STATE ACTORS.
in twenty (20) years. Why are there delineations between the two?

The prescriptive period shall commence to run from the

day on which the trafficked person is delivered or released What did Clapham say when it comes to the recognition of non
from the conditions of bondage and shall be interrupted state actors?
by the filing of the complaint or information and shall What is the value added to that?
commence to run again when such proceedings terminate Multi National Corporations have a big impact in the in-
without the accused being convicted or acquitted or are ternational arena, and their actions are not regulated
unjustifiably stopped for any reason not imputable to the by treaties or customary laws.
The reason why we are discussing this is because there is
EXTRA TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION gap in international law that cannot be addressed
crime is a continuing offense by the existing framework or structure. There is
Which commenced in the Philippines recognition that because OF globalization, and of some
And other elements were committed in another country of these non state actors, their impacts are transboundary
This applies if the offender: and because of their leverage on governments, they are
Is a Filipino citizen or able to get away with it.
Is a permanent resident of the Philippines or
Has committed the act against a citizen of the Philip- Its not only about the duties or the obligation to respect
pines human rights, but also non state actors, when you get
standing in IL, they may be right holders thAt may di-
rectly invoke these rights in international jurisdictions.
3 cases on human trafficking
People v. Lalli Subject of International Law vs. Object of International
People v. Casio Law
People v. Hiram Subject: those directly bound in international law, rights
Read these cases Objects: these are entities who are beneficiaries whoa re
indirectly bound
Are there any fundamental differences in the nature of the
human rights obligations that fall upon governments and When we talk about subjects of international law, these
upon non state actors?
are primarily the states because they have international
legal personality, when you look at treaties, and instru-
ments, conventions, covenants, its addressed towards
States have the primary obligation to states. they bind states. Sometimes, they also bind in-
REPSECT, PROTECT, AND FULFILL. ternational organizations

Governments: They have a PRIMARY DUTY. ASSUMPTIONS:

Who deciders whether one may or may not be the sub-
If you invoke international human rights law, you can in- ject of IL?
voke that states must respect, protect and fulfil human NONE.
rights but theres a movement that non state actors have There is no central authority in international law that can
international personality as well. categorically decide because it primarily governs the rela-
tionship between states its because these states are in es-
States are governed by International human rights law but sence, independent and sovereign. Essentially, when you
the movement is in somehow creating a bigger role for talk about international law, its not the same as domestic
non state actors in International Human Rights Law and law, domestic law has a clear structure, there is authority
is brought about by the developments of the 21st century that residing in the people for the heads of the govern-

Page 13 of 16
ment but when it comes to international law, no one can So why are there demands to recognize them?
assert superiority over the other. There is a clamour for them to be held accountable
for human rights obligations.
Essentially, the states are allowing themselves to be bound
by international law and they are deciding to accept it and In the International Law treaties and Instruments, most
comply with it and it develop as time goes by. Essentially, of them are geared towards states but if you look at the
there is no central authority. The traditional claim that UDHR, human rights obligations are not only imposed
states are the only subjects of international law as the au- on states they are also the concern of every individ-
thor would question, is bound to be challenged, its not ual and ever organ of society.
permanent. Its not fixed.
Thats why there is this movement to have non state ac- By recognizing that, although states are the primary duty
tors recognized as subjects of international law. bearers of human rights, individuals like us still have
What does international law usually govern/apply to?
Relations of states Recognition would mean they have personality in in-
Who are now subjects of IL? ternational law.
International Organizations KIND AND EXAMPLES:
( this part is based on the videos shown)
So these are the assumptions that we are working with.
Article 1 of the Motevideo convention on the rights and MULTI NATIONAL CORPS:
duties of states PARTIAL SUBJECTS
There is no fixed definition f state and non of state actors INDIVIDUAL:
in international law, thus we first look t the definition of PARTIAL SUBJECT WITH RESPECT. TO WAR
states: CRIMES
Permanent population BELLIGERENTS:
Capacity to enter relations with other states
Also considered are sovereignty independence, self de- DIFFERENT KINDS OF NON STATE ACTORS
termination, and recognition by other states AND THE IMPLICATION OF RECOGNIZING
Ex. Catalan, wants to separate from Spain.
If they do, will they be considered a state already? No. MULTI NATIONAL CORPORATIONS
What gives you international personality is recognition Video on Oil Spill by Shell
by other parties. You need other countries to recognize Usually states are held liable for violations of human
that you are a state. rights,but the gap there is that Shell would come out un-
scathed. Of course they should be held liable for the clean
What/Who are state actors? up but the sense of justice isn't there.
What/who are non state actors?
Why are there demands to recognize them under the IHRL There was a movement before to have a treaty that
regime? specifically binds trans national corporations but ulti-
mately, that action failed in 2003, it that was rejected by
State actors are those who are acting with authority on the human rights council.
behalf of the state. If you look at it also, its easier to IMPUTE liability on
The opposite of that is how they define non state actors. states because of the structure of international law.
Non state actors are not confined to those who have in- But for non state actors, multi national corporations, are you just
fluence or have leverage over governments, it is not limit- going to impute liability on the Nigerian shell company or the
ed to those who have transboundary activities or impacts, parent company as well?
but simply by virtue of not being or not represent- Are you going to just charge those who were directly in-
ing the state, they are non state actors. So this is a volve in the oil spill or do you involve the highest people
wide range of entities and organizations. in position in that organization.Thats why its more diffi-
cult than we think.
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They are arguing its a peaceful protest,but if you were one
THE GUIDING PRINCIPLES ON BUSINESS AND of those in the ship, what are also the obligations and du-
HUMAN RIGHTS ties of civil society organizations in fulfilling their own
• Voluntary, non binding mandates and advocacies?
• the way they are implementing it is to encourage states, Because it may be violating international law and how
as primary duty bearers, to put into place domestic laws they are going to be protected and prosecuted would also
that would implement this and to give flesh to that hu- matter when it comes to existing human rights regimes
man rights responsibility to respect human rights by that we have
There are other civil society organizations that are very
Why is it that when it comes to the movement when it comes to prominent such as human rights watch, amnesty in-
international law, they focus on international corporations? ternational.
Its because its a start to recognizing responsibilities. Its
more evident when it comes to the impact of transna- UN PEACEKEEPERS: primary obligation is to maintain
tional corporations the peace in society and ensure the safety of foreigners

BELLIGERENT/INSURGENT GROUPS Who are they representing?

EX. ISIS In what capacity are they there?
They're not necessarily considered a belligerent group, Are they there as state actors?
but a terrorist group They’ re sent as UN peacekeeping troops

But how can they be made accountable for their human Who can be made liable for the violations of the UN peacekeep-
rights obligation? ing soldiers? Can you impute liability to the sending state or the
Their actions are tantamount to war crimes, crimes UN itself?
against humanity because the countries they are terroriz-
ing, its really a bit difficult to get a hold of all of them. NON STATES AS SUBJECTS OF INTERNATIONAL
An interesting aspect of this would be how would com- LAW
mand responsibility apply? International court of justice reparation case
Is it evenapplicable? there is that current trend of recognizing non state actors
depending on the context and rights and treaties itself,
CIVIL SOCIETY GROUPS and recognzing them as partially subjects of international
Syrian civil defense, voolunteer group that rescue bomb They are not necessarily identical in their nature or in the
victims extent of their rights and their nature depends upon the
Fills the gap when the state fails to some extent needs of the community.
who should step in? other states?
In these kinds of situations, when the states fail, what Just because they have international legal personality,
type of obligation do non state actors have to lessen the does that mean they may be subjects of IL?
situation? It is up to stats to start this movement in threshing out
In this case, the government fails, and what would be the the duties and responsibilities of non state actors in in-
value added to recognizing them ( the white helmets) in ternational law because domestic law sufficient to impute
the international field? liability on non state actors
Can they actually later on file the cases against the Syrian

It does not mean that they have the states duties to up-
GREEN PEACE hold human rights to non state actors
Activist Group that cares about the environment
activist groups as possessing international personality? So for national human rights institutions and human
is this a form of piracy? rights bodies, it is a challenge now but the best way to
What was the motivation of green peace in boarding the answer this is that YOU START FROM THE
“ Not doing anything to alleviate the coal export” - they OF SOCIETY HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS RE-
are doing this because the government failed to SPONSIBILITIES
fulfil its duty to protect climate change

Page 15 of 16
The extent of those obligations may differ but they all
have a responsibility. The challenge of non state actors is
to go beyond the minimum expectation, thats why the
business rights principles encourages business enterprises
to promote and respect human rights. Even if its not re-
quired by the state.

Respect for human rights is something more than a mere

announcement or pronouncement, but it must be reflect-
ed in the policies.

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