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Date : Jun 15th, 2015

To : Tencate Geosynthetics Asia Sdn Bhd

Attention : Marketing
Phone : 021 782 8963

From : Isna Muthoharoh

Our ref. : WRK-KTI-009
Email :
Phone No : +62-21-6221-83782491-93 (Ext: 165)
Fax No : +62-21-83782494
Cell : 081210776235

Subject : Request For Quotation For Geotube Sludge Drying

Dear Sir,

We herewith kindly request to send us your quotation for supply material and equipment as specified
hereunder. If you are unable to submit your quotation we appreciate to be informed immediately.

Terms and condition

1. Price : in IDR excl. VAT
2. Price validity : 90 days
3. Terms of delivery : as per Time Schedule attached
4. Packing : domestic
5. Payment : 60 days net,
6. Inspection : in accordance with requirements of buyer
7. Closing Date : 16th Jun, 2015
8. Specific condition :
Geotube Sludge Drying with recircurlation system = 396 m2
(termasuk instalasi)

9. Location : Cilegon
10. Defects Liability : As per attached Conditions of Contract and back to back of the principle
contract between Contractor and Client.

Kind regards,

Isna Muthoharoh

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