Branches of The Government

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Branches of government

For each branch, Executive, Legislative, Judicial answer the following:

What are the Elements and boundaries of each branch?
What is the function of this branch?
What is the Productivity/Dysfunction of this branch?
What are Patterns you can predict within each branch

Checks and Balances

Please list two checks that each branch of government has on the other 2
Total of 12 checks should be present
For example: What are two checks that the Judicial branch has on the Legislative


Branches of the Government

Executive Branch - Consists of the President, the Cabinet, and the Vice President
Function. Their job is to enforce the law. However, boundaries come to searches,
where warrants are required. The productivity of this branch is for the country
to remain in peace under the law. However, a dysfunctionality can be the president
attempting to enforce the laws, but being overpowered due to the citizen’s right
of protest and impeachment. A pattern I can predict in this branch, is that the
President has power over enforcing the laws, due to the fact that the citizens
elected the candidate as the country’s leader.

Legislative Branch - Consisted of Congress; House of Representatives and Senate

Function. Their job is to create the laws; proposing law ideas with group consensus.
Boundaries to their job is when it comes down to the President's decision to veto.
By vetoing, he creates a restriction, which stops the progress of the law. The
productivity of this branch is that new laws are created to appeal to the people. A
dysfunctionality is that the President that the people elected, may veto the law that
the people propose, creating a counter-intuitive viewpoint. A pattern I can predict
in this branch is that the President has power over establishing or declining the
request of a law; a bill.

Judicial Branch - Consisted of Judges; Supreme Court, Circuit Court, Appellate

Court (Federal Court of Appeals), District Court | Their job is to interpret the
laws. There are not any boundaries to this branch of government. This is because
the interpretation of the laws can apply to any other branch of government. The
productivity of this branch is that the laws can be observed to see if they are
useful in the nation, and can be taken out/more added determined by the behavior
of the country with or without the laws. Essentially, the Judicial Branch advises the
legislative and executive branch on what laws to create or take out. A
dysfunctionality of this branch is that their opinion can be vetoed by the President
who has the power to decline the law, as well as accept the bill proposed and
make it into a law. A pattern that I predict will come from this branch is that the
branch may override their party and judge the laws based on the committee's
opinions, rather regarding the opinions of the people.


Checks & Balances

Judicial to Executive
- The president appoints all federal judges. legislative branch must approve
appointments that the president makes and the Senate must approve
treaties that the president makes but the legislative branch may investigate
the executive branch.
- Can declare executive actions unconstitutional (not viable along the lines of
the constitution)
Executive to Judicial
- President appoints federal judges
- They can grant pardons to federal offenders
Legislative to Judicial
- Can impeach and remove judges
- Can propose amendments to overrule judicial decisions

Judicial to Legislative
- May declare a law unconstitutional
- Can review the power given over the Legislative branch

Executive to Legislative
- Can veto proposed laws
- Can negotiate foreign treaties

Legislative to Executive
- Can override a presidential veto
- Can impeach and remove the president

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