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440434 rome /Tiove srmucrurat avatvsis 1'*®* #0 2 $9 BS: S-19- SE Gil W-caseas QP Codé : 13876 (3 Hours) {Total Marks : 80 N.B. : (1) Question No. 2 is compulsory. (2) Answer any three from the remaining. (3) Each full question carries equal marks. (4) Assume suitable data if needed and state it clearly. 4. (a) Athree hinged parabolic arch, supported at the same level, carries a UDL (w) t 4 its length (I). The central rise is (h). If the rise Is halved (I. e, reduced t6°h, that the horizontal thrust (H) at the lower hinges gets doubled. (b) For the frame in (Fig. 1), the axial force experienced by the beam BC fe correct 2 option) : S S 7 HEGEL at £ 25 ky ; : d) None of these £ nt ©) Ze: d ie che Hinge. Hinge. (c) Fig.2 shows beam with its infuience lines for’ Qs. Moment at section 1. 2 The Shear Force & Bending Moment at section Point load of 20KN, placed at mid- span, will be (write the correct option). & A oy i B as SKN & NS uaialniie d) 1O KN & 30 KNoo oes XkD ares =e, ILocom) (d) A suspension Doone at the same level, has aspan of 30m &amaximum dip -4 of 3m. The c ded with a UDL of 12 kN/m throughout Its length. Find the maximum. tension in the {e) State the twotheorems of Moment-Area Method, with necessary diagrammaticillustrations. 4 25kNm — b) SKN &SkNm (f) Explain 10d of virtual work, as applied to beams & frames, to find the rotations and 4 trangfations. [ TURN oveR 7879AB9848BCA 74B209B |S2BS0BA 187 T0924 /TIO14 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS. I 5. te SE GV) WW epsas2 QP Code : 13876 2. (a) Determine the deflection at point C of the beam ( GPa & 1 = (250 X 105) mms, ‘ Kedfon ). Use Moment-Area Method.€=200 4A (0) Draw Axial Force Diagrams, Shear Force Diagrams nd Bending Moment Diagral element of the statically determinate rigithjointed plane frame shown in (FI [ 100 Yen 50 kn/m +m —r— 4mm Fy (¢) State the two theorems of Conjugate Beam hee 4 3. (a) The tree-hinged arch bridge (Fig. 5) has aparal pe & supports the UDL. Calculatethe Radial Shear, Normal Thrust & vate int at an intermediate point D along its axis. ‘Assume the load is uniformly trans: N the arch rib ABC. [ TURN OVER 7879AB9848BCA74B2098|52B50BA187C 30m, 40m and 50 m from the the girder at 62.5 m from each (b) Using Castigliano’s theorem, Take E = 200 GPa, left hand hinge, fin end, Also find the determine verti +10 kN, © ( Rotten 7879AB9848BCA74B209B159BS0BA187C i Sm. internal w length= 4m. fad carried by column is 2( eI S are fixed. Young’s ler supported by a cable, iced at the distances of 20m, \ear force and bending moment in tension in the cable, ent of point C of beam (Fig. 7) = 150x108 mm’, 3 Gea Hinge. ( TURN over 8 4 T ‘To924/TIOIS STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 1 Lae @ eases Lt SE Gal w & i Gre oe 5: (a) A beam af T-section (Fig. 8) is 2.5 m lonj load of 3.2 kN inclined at 20° section, If E = 200 GN/m’, stress, 1g and Is simply supported at the ends. It carries a to the vertical and passing through the centroid of the calculate maximum tensile stress and maximum compressive i Flange <(ieoxes) (b) Draw the Influence Line Diagrams for the forces in me! wv 8 for the pin-jointed 8 plane truss (Fig.9). ’y iS =F P Q + (c) Using double integration moo ine the slope at the free end (8) of the 4 cantilever beam (Fig. 10). (6 : ek f re Osteo y < 7879AB9848BCA74B209B|52B50BA187C / T0924 /T1014 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 1 iil GQ COS Gc WV | FR SE Gul Ww OS Ge QP Code ; 13876 6. (2) Using Unit Load Method, find the vertical deflection of joint (C) of a pin-jointed plane truss ie (Fig. 11), Area of C/S of each member = 1100 mm? and E= 2.1 10° MPa. Bok: ww (b) Using Castigliano’s theorem, calculate the horizontal displa: ler support (D) for the rigid jointed plane frame (Fig. 12). E = 2X 10 MPa & |= mm ‘O° BkN 2 2 Fig. 12 = Fig, aq e A ‘XY (c} Find the slope at 8 for thi x 13). Use Conjugate Beam Method. Cis an internal 6 5X10? mm‘, hinge. Take E = 2X ‘CZ ‘7879AB9848BCA74B209B1S2BS0BA187C

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