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Layer of Protection Analysis as a Multifunctional

Team Problem Solving Tool

Edward Cialkowski
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc, Allentown, PA; (for correspondence)
Published online 00 Month 2016 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/prs.11870

Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) has been widely the same scope of analysis. One of the benefits of this is that
adopted as a method of organizing and quantifying hazard more risk assessments tend to be documented simply
rates. Frequently, an initial LOPA may indicate that a risk because the barrier to entry with LOPA is so much lower
target has not been met and that a scenario requires addi- than FTA.
tional layers of protection. Unlike Fault Tree Analysis, the One of the most positive benefits Air Products has experi-
inherent simplicity of the LOPA format makes it conducive enced in transitioning from primarily FTA to primarily LOPA
for use directly as a problem solving tool in a team environ- for risk assessments is the ability to review the frequency
ment to close risk gaps. Teams at Air Products with represen- quantification results with a multifunctional team. One does
tatives from operations, process controls, process design and not need to be a process safety practitioner to understand a
process safety, have effectively used the LOPA format in LOPA. Compared to a fault tree structure that often spans
problem-solving sessions to identify and improve components several pages, the LOPA format is simple, often fits on one
of the analysis involving human error, controls architecture, page (or screen), and is highly intuitive once the basic rules
and inherently safer process designs. This multifunctional of its structure are explained.
team approach has resulted in broader ownership of the safe- This article presents a case study from an actual project in
ty analysis by the full team of stakeholders, and this has ulti- which LOPA was used to quantify and manage risk. As has
mately led to more cost effective solutions. The benefits of been the case at Air Products for some time now, multifunc-
multifunctional team review are illustrated with a case study tional teams review LOPAs developed by safety or systems
example. V C 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Process
engineers. This diverse team review approach may have
Saf Prog 000: 000–000, 2016 started out as a means of assuring accuracy and quality, but
Keywords: Layer of Protection Analysis review; problem there is increasing evidence that it has other distinct and sub-
solving; team stantial benefits as well.
By practicing multifunctional reviews of LOPAs, especially
INTRODUCTION when initial results indicate that corporate risk criteria are
Air Products has greatly expanded the use of Layer of not being met, Air Products has observed some encouraging
Protection Analysis (LOPA) [1–3] for process safety risk benefits.
assessment and management over the past decade. In transi- Multifunctional reviews of LOPAs have demonstrated the
tioning from using primarily Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) [[4]] ability to do the following:
to LOPA for frequency quantification, Air Products has
observed both benefits and drawbacks of the LOPA 1. Broaden the base of process safety ownership beyond
approach. the process safety function
Several of the drawbacks [[5]] are widely understood and 2. Achieve better solutions for the lowest asset life cycle
workarounds have been developed. For example, dependen- cost
cy between layers of protection or an initiating event and a
layer of protection is not as obvious to spot with LOPA as it The purpose of presenting the detail of the case study
is with FTA. This is often addressed with appropriate training below is to illustrate the above benefits of reviewing LOPAs
and quality assurance reviews. In addition, high demand sce- with multifunctional teams. The case study is broken into
narios, or initiating events with high frequency, may not be two sections, with each section followed by a description of
modeled in LOPA as correctly (or conservatively) as they the detailed benefits observed fitting into one of the catego-
would be in FTA with robust gate calculations. Checking ries above.
high demand cases against an FTA or establishing certain The general structure of a LOPA is well documented else-
rules for high demand cases in LOPA are strategies that can where and is not the subject of this article. However, there is
be used to manage this. one clarifying distinction that may help overcome some
On the positive side, a LOPA takes less effort to construct potential confusion with the case study that follows. Some
and much less training to understand than an FTA does for LOPA practitioner guides [1] suggest that each LOPA should
have only one initiating event. At Air Products, the corporate
risk criteria are defined based on a hazardous consequence,
Originally presented at the Global Congress on Process Safety,
AIChE Spring 2016 Meeting, Houston, Texas, April 11–13, 2016 not an initiating event. Therefore, our practice is to include
multiple initiating events in the same LOPA if the initiating
C 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers
V events all have the same hazardous consequence. Each

Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00) Month 2016 1

Table 1. Summary of tank overpressure items identified during design hazard review.

Cause Consequence Safeguards

Failure to open vapor return valve Transfer pump deadhead pressure Pressure Switch High (PSH) turns off
during offloading from railcar to exceeds tank design pressure. railcar transfer pump.
tank. Potential overpressure of tank. PSH closes railcar transfer valve.
Pressure Safety Valve (PSV) adequately
sized for this cause.
LT fails low. Operator offloads material from Level Switch High (LSH) turns off
railcar without sufficient capacity railcar transfer pump.
in the tank. Potential overfill and LSH closes railcar transfer valve.
overpressure. PSV adequately sized for this cause.
N2 pad regulator adjusted too high. Potential to overpressure tank since PSV adequately sized for this cause.
N2 pressure upstream of regulator
exceeds tank design pressure.
N2 pad regulator fails open. Potential to overpressure tank since PSV adequately sized for this cause.
N2 pressure upstream of regulator
exceeds tank design pressure.
Operator error during line clearing Potential to overpressure tank since PSV adequately sized for this cause.
with Utility N2 Utility N2 pressure exceeds tank
design pressure.
Process feed pump failure and Potential overfill and overpressure LSH closes pump suction and recycle
reverse flow from process unit. of tank. isolation valves.
PSV adequately sized for this cause.
Offload incompatible material from Rapid reaction with residual material PSH turns off railcar transfer pump.PSH
railcar due to spotting the wrong in tank resulting in heat and vapor closes railcar transfer valve.
railcar for offloading. generation with potential for tank PSV adequately sized for this cause.

initiating event corresponds to a single row in the LOPA safeguards for tank overpressure. The overpressure items
table, and each layer of protection corresponds to a single from the hazard review are summarized in Table 1.
column in the LOPA table. In each row, the initiating event
frequency is multiplied by the average Probability of Failure
on Demand (PFDavg) for each Independent Protection Layer Initial LOPA
(IPL) that applies. Note that the consequences for each of the overpressure
events listed above are comparable: tank rupture with loss of
containment and generation of a hazardous vapor cloud.
CASE STUDY—RAW MATERIAL STORAGE TANK CONTAINING Since the risk criteria is consequence based, the hazard rates
HAZARDOUS MATERIAL for each row are summed in the LOPA structure to generate
A project to build a new chemical process facility includes an overall consequence frequency and then compared to the
a storage tank containing a raw material that is subsequently risk criteria.
fed to a process unit. The liquid raw material has a high The LOPA, developed after the hazard review, would be
enough vapor pressure to generate a hazardous vapor cloud structured by listing the causes of deviation as initiating
upon loss of primary containment. Any deviation that results events and the safeguards as layers of protection. Marks in
in loss of containment has the potential to cause a severe the Table 2 below indicate which layers are effective in pro-
consequence for which risk criteria have been set. A simpli- tection against each of the initiating events. Note that actual
fied flowsheet for the process is shown in Figure 1. values for initiating event frequencies, PFDavg for layers of
During the project hazard review, using HAZOP method- protection, and hazard rates are not presented because they
ology, the team documents causes, consequences and are not essential to the topic of this article.

Table 2. Initial LOPA based on hazard review.

Layers of Protection
Tank High Tank High Tank Relief
Initiating Event Pressure Switch Level Switch Valve
Vapor Return Valve Left Closed X X
LT Fails Low X X
N2 pad regulator adjusted too high X
N2 pad regulator fails open X
Operator error during line clearing with utility N2 X
Process Feed Pump failure and reverse flow X X
Offload incompatible material into tank X X

2 Month 2016 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00)
Figure 1. Case study storage system diagram. [Color figure can be viewed at]

When a risk analysis is first developed, such as in The intuitive structure of a LOPA, conversely, opens up
the LOPA depicted above, it is sometimes the case that the the possibility of reviewing a safety assessment directly with
calculated hazard rate exceeds the risk criteria for the the multifunctional stakeholders on the project team. Partici-
consequence. pants in the review could include project engineers, opera-
What happens next is important. tions representatives, process engineers, controls engineers,
Sometimes the safety analyst develops a risk assessment, asset managers, and others. The purpose of the review is to
determines there is a gap between estimated risk and the make the entire team responsible for the solution. Everyone
risk target (risk gap), and develops a list of design changes on the team is responsible to help close the risk gap
the team must accept. This “over-the-fence” or non- between the current LOPA result and the risk target.
interactive method of design change has been used for years. The narrative of the group problem solving sessions
It has been used for a number of reasons, a couple of which below illustrate how this may work.
are mentioned below:
 Safety assessments may have been based on a set of eso- Group Problem Solving, Part 1
teric rules that related the number of safeguards to the There are 3 initiating events for which the relief device is
severity of a consequence in a non-quantitative way. The the only layer of protection. They all involve overpressure
safety engineer was the only one who understood (rather, due to a high-pressure nitrogen source. And all 3 cases con-
who needed to understand) these rules and the resulting tribute significantly to exceeding the hazard rate target:
effort tended to be conducted exclusively by the safety
engineer. The tediousness and perception of arbitrariness  Adjusting the tank headspace regulator set pressure too
of this method created a barrier to team participation. high for the tank
 Safety assessments have been done using quantitative  Spurious fail open case for the tank headspace regulator
tools like FTA to generate hazard rates. Although robust  Connecting utility N2 to the pump circuit for line clearing
in developing frequency estimates, these tools are not at prior to maintenance
all suited to communicating results or requirements to
multifunctional audiences. The format of the analysis cre- Utility N2 for Line Cleaning
ated a barrier to team participation. If the line clearing case is done every couple years for
What can often happen with non-interactive design maintenance, then that frequency coupled with the probabil-
change by the safety analyst is that the basis for the safety ity of human error results in a slightly lower hazard rate than
assessment remains mysterious to the team. If the proposed the other N2 cases. As the team discusses the options for this
design changes increase project cost or add a burden to case, the process engineer does some quick math and points
operations, those stakeholders have to accept these things out that, due to the large size of the tank, and the hydraulic
without understanding why they are necessary, except for limits of the N2 connection, it would take at least 2 minutes
the reason that “safety says so.” This can undermine team for the utility N2 line clearing flow to cause the tank pressure
effectiveness and create a sense among the stakeholders of to go from the alarm point to a hazardous overpressure con-
being disengaged from the safety objectives. dition. The controls engineer responds that 2 minutes is

Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Month 2016 3
Table 3. LOPA following group problem solving, Part 1.

Layers of Protection
Tank High Pressure Tank High Tank Relief N2 Regulator
Initiating Event Switch Level Switch Valve Relief Valve
Vapor Return Valve Left Closed X X
LT Fails Low X X
N2 pad regulator adjusted too high X
N2 pad regulator fails open X X
Operator error during line clearing with utility N2 X X
Process Feed Pump failure and reverse flow X X
Offload incompatible material into tank X X

enough time for the high pressure switch to respond and that the tank relief is the only protection. Therefore, one
trip the isolation valves on the pump suction and return lines would expect a demand on the tank relief device at the reg-
closed. Therefore, the high pressure switch, which was not ulator failure frequency.
identified as a safeguard for this case by the hazard review Due to the nature of the contents of the tank headspace,
team, and is already in the scope of the design, can be the consequence of venting through the relief could be sig-
claimed as a layer of protection. nificant and is therefore undesired. If an additional layer of
Having dealt with the line clearing utility N2 case, the protection is needed, it would be highly desirable to have
team moves on to consider the two N2 regulator cases for that layer of protection function to prevent a demand on the
the tank headspace pad. tank relief valve.
The team identified two options:
N2 Regulator Adjusted Too High
Since the N2 regulator is used to both pressurize the rail-  Adding an actuated isolation valve to the N2 supply line
car high enough to prime the transfer pump and then later that would close on high tank pressure
adjusted lower to provide a pad for the tank, the operator  Adding a relief valve to the N2 supply line just down-
needs to adjust the N2 regulator while referring to the local stream of the regulator and upstream of the tank
pressure indicator (PI) every time the tank is filled, which The controls engineer provides some feedback on the
could be dozens of times per year. Let us say that this is the total installed cost of the isolation valve option. The project
highest hazard rate in the table. It is now easy for the team engineer had some data on small N2-service relief valves that
to see that this particular operation is the greatest risk to shows the installed cost of the relief was a factor of 5 lower
tank overpressure. than the actuated isolation valve. The team adds the N2 relief
Operations are now engaged. Can something be done valve with a set pressure 10% lower than the tank relief valve
with operating procedures or the operating environment to and moves on.
reduce the likelihood of human error? What mistake-
proofing strategies could be employed? Are there visual aids Summary of Scope Changes from Group Problem Solving, Part 1
that would help? How about creating procedural steps that The two changes made by the team during Problem Solv-
allow for recovery such as checking and verification? ing, Part 1 are shown on the updated flowsheet in Figure 2,
Process is now engaged. Can the process for priming the and included in the LOPA in Table 3.
transfer pump be changed so the regulator does not need to
be adjusted every time the tank is filled? It would add some Observed Benefits from Group Problem Solving, Part 1
cost, but a second regulator could be added to the scope The case study LOPA review is not yet complete, but this
that is used exclusively for priming the railcar offloading is a good time to summarize some of the benefits of the mul-
transfer pump. tifunctional review process that have been illustrated thus
With a little coaching from the safety analyst, the team far.
recognizes that the separate regulator approach is an exam- Broaden the base of process safety ownership:
ple of an inherently safe solution – it eliminates this particu-
lar cause of overpressure entirely. It is much more effective  Problem Visibility: LOPA presents a risk assessment in a
than adding procedural steps to reduce human error proba- format that is easy for a multifunctional team of stake-
bility. It eliminates the possibility of human error by eliminat- holders to understand. As a result, the team is able to
ing the procedure entirely. The team adopts the separate actively contribute as reviewers and problem-solvers.
regulator design change and removes this line item from the  Active Engagement: Once the team is asked to participate
LOPA. in the problem-solving process, the members’ perception
of their role transitions from being input providers to
N2 Regulator Fails Open being active developers of the LOPA structure.
The initial LOPA indicates that the combination of regula-  Common Goal: The quantitative nature of the hazard rate
tor failure rate and probability of tank relief protection failing criteria and the mathematical structure of the LOPA make
results in a frequency that exceeds the hazard rate criteria. it easy for everyone to see where risk gaps exist and
As the team is discussing its options, the operations repre- where solutions are required.
sentative recognizes a new issue. The random failure rate of Achieve better solutions for the lowest asset life cycle
the regulator is shown in the initiating event frequency of cost:
the LOPA table. Although this is a relatively low value, it is
high enough that one may expect it to occur sometime dur-  Prioritize Effort: LOPA allows team members to identify
ing the life of the plant (201 years). The LOPA clearly shows the initiating events or protection weaknesses that are

4 Month 2016 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00)
Figure 2. Scope changes from problem solving, Part 1. [Color figure can be viewed at]

contributing most substantially to the total hazard rate. the valve every time the tank is filled. Despite the tank
This improves execution efficiency by focusing effort on high pressure interlock protection, the hazard rate is still
the issues with most leverage. too high.
 Generate Viable Options: Having a diversity of expertise A problem-solving process similar to the regulator adjust-
on the review team results in a wide variety of potential ment failure case occurs. Operations begin thinking about
solutions to problems. The greater the number of viable ways to reduce human error. They also ask if the valve could
proposals, the greater the likelihood the team will find be automated and a batch sequence control program written
the lowest cost solution. to control it. It is a fair question, but when the controls engi-
 High Leverage Solutions: The LOPA structure clearly por- neer provides an indication of the equipment and engineer-
trays which layers provide effective protection for each of ing cost to set up such a system, the entire team agrees to
the initiating events. As illustrated by the case study, keep looking for alternatives.
teams become motivated to find ways to determine if a Then, looking through the railcar unloading flowsheet,
layer of protection for one initiating event can be effective the operations representative points out that, during the
in mitigating others. operability review, a pressure transmitter (PT) was put on
 Option Sort in a Safety Context: LOPA development solu- the railcar vapor connection. This was done to provide a low
tions may add an ongoing burden to operations. They pressure interlock in the event that the railcar headspace was
may increase the installed cost of a facility. Some may do blocked while the transfer pump was on. The interlock
both to some degree. The multifunctional team review would alert the operator to the low pressure condition and
process creates a forum where those issues and costs can stop the pump before it entered a cavitation regime. Could
be discussed and minimized within a context where safety this same device be used as an indication that the vapor
value is part of the analysis. return valve from the tank was closed? The process engineer
does some math comparing headspace volume in the tank
vs. the railcar and determines that it would be possible to
Group Problem Solving, Part 2 define a set point for the railcar low pressure interlock that
Returning to the case study, there remain two more initi- protects both the pump and the tank.
ating events that contribute to exceeding the hazard rate At this point, the safety engineer emphasizes the impor-
criteria. tance of the LOPA rule that all layers of protection must be
 Vapor return valve left closed during railcar offloading independent from each other. If the team is going to take
 Tank level transmitter (LT) fails low and tank overfilled credit for two instrumented layers of protection, those two
layers must not share any common field elements. In this
case, the team verifies that it is possible to identify two inde-
Vapor Return Valve Left Closed pendent safety instrumented functions [[6,7]] because there
Leaving the vapor return valve in a closed condition is are two sensing elements (high tank pressure and low railcar
a problem because this is a manual operation and the pressure) and two final control elements (pump shutdown
operator has an opportunity to skip the step of opening and isolation valve closure).

Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Month 2016 5
Figure 3. Scope changes from problem solving, Part 2. [Color figure can be viewed at]

Level Transmitter Fails Low destination of this material, the totalized flow represents the
After solving the closed vapor return valve issue, the only quantity of material that has been removed from the tank.
remaining line item that contributes significantly to exceed- The control system could be configured to provide an alarm
ing the hazard rate target is the tank level indication failing if the railcar offloading transfer pump is turned on when the
low. There is a high level interlock on the tank already, and current totalized flow value is less than the contents of a typ-
based on the prior experience of adding another pressure ical railcar. The entire team likes this approach because it
interlock with the vapor return valve closed case, the team is diversifies the layers of protection while using equipment
naturally drawn to the idea of adding a second high level that is already in the scope of the project.
switch to the tank.
There is a problem, however, with this approach. The Summary of Scope Changes from Group Problem-Solving, Part 2
safety engineer points out that both the initiating event and At this stage, the sum of all the individual row hazard
the first layer of protection involve the failure of a level rates in the LOPA is less than or equal to the hazard rate cri-
device. If the team attempts to add another layer of protec- teria for the loss of containment consequence. The work of
tion based on a level device, the contribution of common the team is done. Figure 3 shows the updated flowsheet and
mode failure will tend to dominate the frequency of failure. the LOPA changes are reflected in Table 4.
This may be a difficult moment for the team, and espe-
cially for the safety engineer. Common mode failure is one Observed Benefits from Group Problem Solving, Part 2
of the more difficult concepts for stakeholders outside the This most recent work illustrated again some of the bene-
safety profession to understand and therefore accept. Com- fits described in Observed Benefits from Group Problem
mon mode failure is a real yet enigmatic contributor to the Solving, Part 1 Section above. But the Part 2 events just com-
reliability of protective systems. Unlike the failure rate for an pleted also illustrate some new benefits of multifunctional
individual component, one cannot open a database and find team LOPA review that are summarized below.
a probability that two or more LTs will both simultaneously Broaden the base of process safety ownership:
be in a failed state for reasons other than random failure. It  Education in Independence: The strict LOPA rule requiring
is the safety engineer’s responsibility to educate the team on protection layers be independent of each other teaches the
this subject and steer them away from excessive redundancy team members what independence means with the practi-
and toward diversity in layers of protection. cal examples immediately before them. Because indepen-
In the case study, the team accepts the common mode dence is easy to understand in this context, team members
failure limitation and moves on toward finding ways to det- are empowered to apply this knowledge in future LOPA
ermine when the tank is at risk of being overfilled without reviews and even future project design hazard reviews.
an additional level interlock.  Education in Diversity: By taking a multifunctional team
Over in the process unit, the raw material from the tank through a LOPA where common mode failure presents a
passes through a flow control station into the destination limit on what types of protection layers can be applied,
vessel. The controls engineer points out that it would be rel- the team members begin to accept the concepts of depen-
atively easy to totalize the flow through this meter, starting dent failure. They are far less likely to put 4 check valves
from zero each time the tank is filled. Since this is the only in series when drawing flowsheets in the future.

6 Month 2016 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00)
Table 4. LOPA following group problem solving, Part 2.

Layers of Protection
Tank High Tank High Tank N2 Regulator Railcar Low
Pressure Level Relief Relief Pressure Flow Tot.
Initiating Event Switch Switch Valve Valve Switch Alarm
Vapor Return Valve Left Closed X X X
LT Fails Low X X X
N2 pad regulator adjusted too high X
N2 pad regulator fails open X X
Operator error during line clearing with X X
utility N2
Process Feed Pump failure and reverse X X
Offload incompatible material into tank X X

Achieve better solutions for the lowest asset life cycle cost  Prioritizing Effort – review team can easily assess the
issues driving the results and focus their efforts on those
 Creative Options for Diversity: A LOPA review team
where members represent different disciplines or func-
 Generating Viable Options – having a diversity of exper-
tions makes it easier to identify options to overcome com-
tise on the review team results in a wide variety of poten-
mon mode failure with equipment or method diversity.
tial solutions to problems – this is especially valuable with
Often, equipment, instruments or procedures that are
common mode failure limitations are encountered
already required for operability reasons can be utilized to
 Generating High-Leverage Solutions – teams quickly learn
provide additional protections to overcome common
that the best layers of protection are those able to be
mode failure with diversity. The key skill is understanding
applied to multiple initiating events
how the potential for diagnosing or correcting one prob-
lem can be positively inferred from the observation of  Option Sorting in a Safety Context – solutions often create
something else. capital versus operating cost trade-offs that can be evalu-
ated in the context of achieving safety goals

The case study presented is illustrative of some of the posi-
tive experiences Air Products has had as it has utilized multi- LITERATURE CITED
functional teams to review LOPAs, especially in cases where 1. CCPS, Layer of Protection Analysis: Simplified Process
risk criteria were not initially being met. In the circumstance Risk Assessment, Joint Publication of the Center for
where there is a risk gap in a LOPA between a risk target and Chemical Process Safety, American Institute of Chemical
the calculated hazard rate, Air Products generally has achieved Engineers, New York, NY, 2001.
better results using multifunctional teams for problem solving 2. CCPS, Guidelines for Initiating Events and Independent
rather than having a safety analyst working in a non-interactive Protection Layers in Layer of Protection Analysis, Joint
way. The better results have been observed to come in two Publication of the Center for Chemical Process Safety,
forms: (1) broadened process safety ownership, and (2) better American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York, NY;
solutions to minimize asset life cycle cost. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2015.
Interactive team review and problem solving of LOPAs 3. CCPS, Guidelines for Enabling Conditions and Condi-
has broadened the base of process safety ownership well tional Modifiers in Layers of Protection Analysis, Joint
beyond the process safety function by increasing: Publication of the Center for Chemical Process Safety,
American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York, NY;
 Problem Visibility – the ease with which team members
Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2013.
are able to understand the problem
4. NASA, Fault Tree Handbook with Aerospace Applica-
 Active Engagement – the level of impact each team mem-
tions, Version 1.1, NASA Office of Safety and Mission
ber perceives they can have on the outcome
Assurance, Washington, DC, 2002.
 Commonality of Goals – translating a corporate risk target
5. P. Gruhn, Layer of protection analysis and common
to a specific objective within a process unit that everyone
mistakes, 2013 Safety Control & Instrumented Systems
can understand and work together to solve
Conference, 2013.
 Knowledge of Risk Quantification Basics – recognizing
6. IEC 61508 – 2010, Functional safety of electrical/electron-
the importance of maintaining independence between
ic/programmable electronic safety-related systems Part
layers of protection and the pitfalls as well as potential
solutions for common mode failure 1-7.
7. IEC 61511 – 2003, Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented
Multifunctional team problem solving of LOPAs has Systems for the Process Industry Sector – Part 1: Frame-
resulted in better solutions to achieve the lowest asset life work, definitions, system, hardware and application
cycle cost by: programming requirements.

Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Month 2016 7

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