Vocabulary: Wherewithal - Ability, Means

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1. Seafarers -
2. Reiterated - repeat,recapped,restated
3. Humane - caring, gentle, kindly
4. Plight - dilemma, predicament
5. Predicament- difficulty
6. Numerous - many
7. Ruptures - separation, breaks, splits
8. Cultural dislocation-
9. Communal - shared, common. Mutual
10.Indifferent- uncaring, unresponsive, unmoved
11.Subsistence- survival
12.Praxis -
13.Permeate - infuse, fill, saturate
14. Infuse - pervade
15.Pervade - encompass
16. Pronouncement - statement, assertion
17. Proselytization - evangelization
18. Adamant - unbending, unwavering
19. Intricate
20. Multifaceted
21. Polarization
22. Aborigines
23.Transpired – emerged
24.Petty - minor, unimportant
25. Aristocratic
26. Co-exist – live together
27. Relative peace
28. Palpable – tangible
29. Social stratum – social level,layer
30. Notwithstanding – anyow, although
31. Adherent
32. Reciprocity
33.reciprocity and commonness
34. legitimacy – rightfulness
35. Partisanship – prejudice, narrow-mindedness
36. Wherewithal – ability , means
37. pathological deviations – the causes of desease
38. Psyche – soul, spirit
39. Tenet – principles
40. Unrelenting – insistent
41.Autochthonous – bumiputera
42.Transitive – characterized by transition
44.Hegemony – domination, control, supremacy
45.Organic intellectual
46.Liminal – transition stage
47. Grapple – cope, tackle
48. Progenitor – ancestor, forerunner
49. Crude – unpolished
50. Snippet – extract
51. High time – the right time
52. Feeble – weak, frail
53. Epistemic
54.Utopian – ideal, perfect, supreme
55. Albeit – although, though
56. Polity – organization, institution
57. Discursive artifice – pretence, deception
58. Entrench – establish, embed, engrain, ingrain
59. desperate incandescence – glow, luminosity
60. Unraveled – worn, tattered
61. Epitome- essence embodiment
62.Playwright – dramatist, writer
63. Hybrid community
64. Immanent - Inherent Intrinsic
65. Inherent
67. polychromatic
68. Binary – two, second, dual, double, twfold, dualistic
69. Amalgamation – Unification, union
70. Anathema - Abomination
71.Peculiar – Weird
72. Repercussions – consequences
73. Salient - noticeable striking
74. themes and tropes

Melayu in the ‘liminality’ of nation (the 1930s through the late 1940s)
. Melayu in the teleology of progress (the late 1960s and 1970s)
. Melayu in (ir)rational timelessness (the late 1970s and 1980s)
. Melayu as decentered hybridity (the 2000s)

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