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Proposal for organizing and conducting a practical workshop on

Robotics & Automation

(In fully practical way with the learning by doing policy)

(Innovation 2 Invention Lab)

(On behalf of Department of Robotics & Technical Innovation, i2i Lab)

Document No- i2i/Mrt/17-C01

(Director, Dept. Robotics & Technical Innovation, i2i Lab)

Dated on- 14-12-2017

For the Principal's office use:

Proposal Received on:_______________________________Time:________________
Proposal Approved on: ______________________________Time:________________

Authorized signature & Seal: place:___________

____________________________ date:____________

i2i Lab: ,

Robotics & Electronics Innovation

In the present era of technological advancement & competition, where

technology get changed within college span. Technical information &
applications on the way of geometrical progression. The fast & accurate
learning is the demand of present time and hence the structured learning
strategy is our core requirements. As the fresh student to the college door are
eager of learning & full of enthusiasm to the technology, we have to introduce
them with the world of Robotics and Electronics in the practical ways to
experience the power of Engineering to real world.

What we do at Innovation To Invention Lab i.e. i2i Lab?

Our core working policy is ‘Learning by Doing’ which is executed by

exceptional expert in the field of Robotics education who have very vast
experience and achievements during the college time and dedicated to the
technical education. We are solely dedicated to design, develop and execute
latest, practical and most economical Courses in the field of Robotics and
Our unique features:-
a. Courses are followed by total 16 Hours on-campus workshop for 4-5
Days (As per convenience from your side)
b. All theoretical portions are covered during the fabrication of robotics
subsystem, testing and troubleshooting rather than wasting it in boring
theory classes.
c. Our courses are most economical so that we ensure its reach to the
d. Additional needful entities provided to keep the interest of student
active in future, those are;
i. Complete course Notes which helps to remind contents after
completion of course.
ii. The freeware software and tools.
iii. A unique membership ID provided to every participants by which
they can avail discounts in various services offer by us and free of
cost online assistance.
iv. Lifetime online technical assistance for the registered student.
v. A participation Certificate from i2i Lab to every participants.

i2i Lab: ,

Proposal for College/Institute
The workshop will on the course “Robotics & Automation” and conducted in
4-5 days (As per the convenience) for 16 Hours, Where Students can learn
basics of Robotics and Electronics in practical ways by fabricating various
innovative project and Robot during the session .

Proposed Workshop Contents:

1. Basic Course 2. Advance Course

1. BASIC COURSE :- Our basic course is consist of various project on Basic

Electronics. It introduces the student to the basics of electronics world. This
course mainly focus on application of different electronics component and its
principal. After completion of this course student will be able to understand
the basic of electronic circuitry, application of different electronics component
& its working principal and It will be very helpful for the student during the
Advance Course.
 A maximum of three numbers of basic electronics hands-on project will
be covered under this course
2. ADVANCE COURSE :- Our Advance Course is consist of various project
based on Robotics & Automation. The Advance Course introduces the student
to the world of Advance Technology in the field of Automation & Robotics.
This course will make the student a programming Lover & Logical thinker.
After completion of this course students will be able to make different
Robotics project Its all about Learn with Fun.
 A maximum of three numbers of Robotics & Automation hands-on
project will be covered under this course

Workshop Content:
 Introduction to Robotics and some demonstrations by functioning of
 Introduction to basic electronic components with practical testing.
 Circuit design for these projects and testing the same.
 Project fabrication, testing and troubleshooting of white line follower
 Improvements real-life applications and future development of the
deigned project
Workshop Fees

1. Registration Charges for attending the workshop (Compulsory)

INR1200/- per participant who want to take participate in (4-5 Days)

Requirements from Institution:-

1. A lecture room as per the capacity of students (for 4 To 5 days, 4 Hours

2. LCD projector and accessories(If Possible)
3. Power supply Backup
4. Lecture board and accessories

Helpline No: +919934237596, 7488933345, 7209868108


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i2i Lab: ,

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