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JACKSON – Reyes  In this case, New York has the greater and more direct
concern than Ontario. The present action involves (1)
FACTS: Miss Babcock (as guest) went with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson injuries sustained by a New York guest (2) as a result of the
(as hosts) to Canada for a weekend trip using the Jackson’s car. (All negligence of a New York host (3) in the operation of an
are residents of Rochester, New York). Mr. Jackson was driving automobile, garaged, licensed and undoubtedly insured in
along Ontario, Canada when he lost control of the car and went off New York. In sharp contrast, Ontario's sole relationship with
the highway. Babcock was seriously injured and consequently sued the occurrence is the purely adventitious circumstance that
Mr. Jackson for Tort/ Damages in NY court. Jackson moved to the accident occurred there.
dismiss the complaint on the ground that the law of the place where
the accident occurred should govern. The law of Canada states that  New York's policy of requiring a tortfeasor to compensate
any owner or driver of a vehicle is not liable for any bodily injury his guest for injuries caused by his negligence cannot be
(except if in the business of common carrier). doubted. This is attested by the fact that the State Legislature
has repeatedly refused to enact a statute denying or limiting
ISSUE: What law should be applied in this case? recovery in such cases.
HELD: New York law should apply.

 The traditional view of Lex Loci Delicti (“Law of the place 2. GEORGIA FARM BUREAU MUTUAL ASSISTANCE
where the tort was committed”) or the Vested Rights COMPANY v. WILLIAMS – Solomon
Doctrine has already been discredited because it fails to take
account underlying policy considerations. It affects to decide DOCTRINE: According to previous cases, Wilkinson v. Vigilant
concrete cases upon generalities which do not state the Ins. Co. and Tinsley v. Worldwide Ins. Co., uninsured motorist
practical considerations involved. More particularly, as insurance is available where it is impossible for the plaintiff to obtain
applied to torts, the theory ignores the interest which judgment against an insured motorist for reasons unrelated to the
jurisdictions other than that where the tort occurred may facts of the accident.
have in the resolution of particular issues.
FACTS: On October 4, 2000, Natalie Williams was involved in a car
 Citing Auten v. Auten (1953), the traditional view has been accident with a vehicle operated by Megan Habel in Tallahassee,
abandoned and has applied what has been termed the "center Florida. The car driven by Mabel was insured by Cincinnati
of gravity" or "grouping of contacts" theory of the conflict Insurance Company. Following the accident, Williams made a
of laws. demand on Cincinnati for damages she sustained in the accident,
which it declined to pay because Williams did not present evidence
 This is applied by giving controlling effect to the law of the sufficient to satisfy the tort threshold of Florida’s no-fault statute.1
jurisdiction which, because of its relationship or contact with
the occurrence or the parties, has the greatest concern with
the specific issue raised in the litigation. In car accident cases only, Florida follows a no-fault insurance system,
which means that after most traffic accidents, an injured person's own
insurance policy (specifically, their "personal injury protection" coverage)

1 | C O N F L I C T O F L A W S – FEU JD4301
On July 12, 2002, since Williams cannot sue Habel because Florida’s HELD: Yes, Williams can recover uninsured benefits from Farm
statute2 precluded her from doing so, Williams filed a personal injury Bureau.
action and served Farm Bureau as her uninsured motorist carrier,
contending that since Cincinnati “legally denied coverage” under its At first glance, it may seem that Williams may not be able to recover
liability policy, she is entitled to uninsured motorist benefits from because to recover under uninsured motorist provisions in Georgia,
Farm Bureau. At no time however has Cincinnati claimed that it did the injured party has to prove two things: (1) that the tortfeasor was
not provide liability coverage to Habel in connection with the uninsured; and (2) that the tortfeasor was liable. In the instant case,
accident. the affidavit of Cincinnati’s Dean Deloach plainly states that the
alleged tortfeasor was insured and that Cincinnati never denied
Farm Bureau in turn filed a motion for summary judgment, arguing coverage. Moreover, under Florida law, the alleged tortfeasor cannot
that Williams could not recover uninsured motorist benefits as a be sued and found liable because of the no-fault provisions of the
matter of law because she failed to prove that she was legally entitled Florida Statute. Williams admitted that she did not sue Habel
to recover damages from the alleged uninsured motorist. (TC denied because the Florida statute precluded her from doing so. Hence,
the motion.) presumably, Williams cannot recover under the uninsured motorist
provisions in Georgia.
ISSUE: Whether the uninsured motorist coverage issued in Georgia
can benefit the policyholder (Williams) when she cannot recover However, according to previous cases, Wilkinson v. Vigilant Ins.
against a motorist (Habel) who is granted immunity by the law of the Co3 . and Tinsley v. Worldwide Ins. Co4 ., uninsured motorist
jurisdiction (Florida) where the accident occurred? – Yes, Williams insurance is available where it is impossible for the plaintiff to obtain
can recover uninsured benefits from Farm Bureau. judgment against an insured motorist for reasons unrelated to the
facts of the accident.
In the case at bar, the reason no judgment can be obtained is not
because of the facts of the accident, but because of the public policy
will provide compensation for certain out-of-pocket losses like medical and statutes of the place where the accident occurred (Florida’s No-
expenses and lost income, no matter who was at fault for the accident. Fault Act).
You can't hold the other driver liable after a car accident in Florida (via a One of the goals of uninsured motorist legislation is to protect
third-party insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit) unless the crash innocent victims from the negligence of irresponsible drivers.
resulted in "serious injury" to you. (Case didn’t specify the degree of Because uninsured motorist statutes are remedial in nature, they must
William’s injury, but presumably it is not serious since it falls under the no - be broadly construed to accomplish the legislative purpose. In light
fault statute.)
2 3
Which precludes bodily injury claims arising out of the ownership, use, In this case, uninsured coverage was made available where the alleged
and maintenance of an automobile unless the injury consists in whole or in tortfeasor is insured, but for some reason no recovery can be obtained
part of (a) significant and permanent loss of an important bodily function; against her insurance carrier.
(b) permanent injury within a reasonable degree of medical probability, In this case, following Wilkinson, the plaintiffs were not barred from
other than scarring or disfigurement; (c) significant and permanent scarring seeking damages from their uninsured motorist carrier where the tortfeasor
or disfigurement; or (d) death. was protected by sovereign immunity.

2 | C O N F L I C T O F L A W S – FEU JD4301
of this purpose, the Court is unwilling to allow Farm Bureau to NEGLIGENCE LAW:
escape liability based on considerations unrelated to the incident.
Therefore, Williams must be allowed the opportunity to establish all Arkansas is a comparative fault state meaning that an Arkansas
sums which she shall be legally entitled to recover as damages, plaintiff’s recovery is reduced by the amount of his fault. A plaintiff
caused by the uninsured motorist. is not barred from recovering damages from a defendant unless his
fault is equal to or greater than the defendant’s fault.
Under Tennessee law, a plaintiff is completely barred from
3. HATAWAY v. MCKINLEY – Umangay recovering damages if he was contributorially negligent, even if his
negligence was of a lesser degree than the defendant’s. The only way
FACTS: Grady Hataway died as a result of injuries he sustained to recover is if a jury finds that his conduct was too remote in time
during a scuba dive in a North Little Rock, Arkansas, rock quarry. and place to be considered a proximate cause of his injuries.
The dive was supervised by Robert McKinley and conducted as part
of a scuba class taught at Memphis State University (Tennessee). WRONGFUL DEATH STATUTES:
Hataway’s parents filed wrongful death action in the Shelby Country
Circuit Court. Arkansas: recovery for the pecuniary injuries and mental anguish
resulting from death, to the surviving spouse and net of kin of the
The case was tried before a jury on the basis of Arkansas’s deceased person.
wrongful death statute. The jury’s verdict is for the defendant. The
trial court used Arkansas law, pursuant to the doctrine le loci delicti, Tennessee: allows recovery for the mental and physical suffering,
although both the deceased and the Mckinley were Tennessee loss of time, and necessary expenses resulting to the deceased from
residents and the diving trip was part of a diving class taught at the the personal injuries, and also the damages resulting to the parties for
Tennessee. whose use and benefit the right of action survives from the death
consequent upon the injuries received.
SC granted the plaintiff’s application for permission to appeal
limited to the issue of whether the trial court correctly applied ISSUE 2: Whether the lex loci delicti conflicts-of-law doctrine
Arkansas law to this case. should continue to be followed in tort cases in Tennessee.

ISSUE 1: Whether there is a conflict between Arkansas and NO. The doctrine of lex loci is outmoded because of changes in
Tennessee law? YES society, causing a consequential development of modern law.

DIFFERENCE: Both Arkansas or Tennessee law is predicated on The court adopted the “most significant relationship” approach of the
negligence, which is the failure to use reasonable and ordinary care Restatement (Second).
under the circumstances which proximately causes the plaintiff’s
injuries. However, once the negligence of a defendant has been Under this approach, a court applies the “law of the state where the
injury occurred unless, with respect to the particular issue, some
demonstrated, there is a major difference between the defenses that
can be asserted by a defendant under Arkansas and Tennessee tort other state has a more significant relationship to the occurrence and
law. the parties.”

3 | C O N F L I C T O F L A W S – FEU JD4301
ISSUE 3: Whether Arkansas or Tennessee law should be applied? carried a Pioneer Family Auto Policy and a Personal Catastrophe
The Tennessee law should apply. The only contact the parties had Policy with [Erie]. These are Maryland policies, designed to
with the State of Arkansas was that the injury occurred in that state. comply with Maryland mandatory insurance requirements, which
Both the decedent and the defendant were life-long residents of were issued, sold and delivered in Maryland to Maryland residents,
Tennessee and neither owned any property in Arkansas. The parties’ Edmund and Diane Heffernan. The Heffernans (parents) seek
relationship was centered in Tennessee because the relationship was damages pursuant to the uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage
formed and continued as a result of the decedent’s participation in provisions in two insurance policies issued by Erie. The auto policy
the scuba class taught at Memphis State by the defendant. The Court provides uninsured/ underinsured motorists benefits in the amount of
thinks that the fact that the injury occurred in Arkansas was merely a $300,000 per person/$300,000 per accident. A second policy, the
fortuitous circumstance and that the State of Arkansas has no interest personal catastrophe policy, provides an additional $1,000,000 in
in applying its laws to this dispute between Tennessee residents. uninsured/underinsured motorists benefits. The parties were unable
Under the facts presented, the Court concludes that although the to come to an agreement on issues of liability and damages. As a
injury occurred in Arkansas the State of Tennessee has a more result, the Heffernans filed suit against Erie in the Circuit Court for
significant relationship to the occurrence and the parties under the Baltimore City. Erie removed the case to the United States District
factors and contacts set out in Section 6 and 145 of Restatement Court for the District of Maryland.
ISSUE: Whether Maryland law or Delaware law shall govern the
claim of the Heffernans?
4. ERIE INSURANCE EXCHANGE v. HEFFERNAN – HELD: Delaware law shall govern.
Maryland law is clear that in a conflict of law situation, such as the
DOCTRINE: Depecage refers to the process that different one presented in the case sub judice, “where the events giving rise to
substantive issues could be properly decided under the laws of a tort action occur in more than one State, we apply the law of the
different states, when the choice-influencing considerations differ as State where the injury-the last event required to constitute the tort
they apply to the different issues. occurred”. This principle is lex loci delicti. Consistent with the
principle of lex loci delicti, because the automobile collision
FACTS: Mallory Heffernan and Curtis Jones had been passengers in occurred in Delaware, under Maryland law, a Maryland Court would
a vehicle driven by John McMahon, Jr., also a minor, and owned by apply the substantive tort law of Delaware to determine what the
his mother, Angela McMahon. The accident occurred when John claimants are “entitled to recover” in an action for uninsured motorist
McMahon, Jr. apparently fell asleep at the wheel and collided with a benefits. We conclude, pursuant to Maryland law, that an action by
tractor-trailer. At the time of the accident, the Decedent resided an insured against his insurance company for uninsured motorist
with her parents, Edmund and Diane Heffernan, in Queenstown, benefits is a contract action. Although principles of lex loci
Maryland. The driver, John McMahon, Jr., and the other passenger, contractus apply to contract disputes, because the uninsured motorist
Curtis Jones, were step-brothers who resided with Mr. McMahon's statute and the insurance policies, by the incorporation of the phrase
father and Mr. Jones's mother in Ingleside, Maryland. At the time of “entitled to recover,” references tort law, the substantive tort law of
the accident, the Decedent's parents, Edmund and Diane Heffernan,

4 | C O N F L I C T O F L A W S – FEU JD4301
where the accident occurred applies, generally, to the issues of fault what interests, if any, the competing jurisdictions have in the
and damages. application of their respective laws. To determine what interest a
jurisdiction has in the application of its law, the forum court
We concluded, therefore, as we do in the case sub judice, that examines the particular law and asks whether those policies will be
Delaware law should apply to certain aspects and Maryland law to served by applying that law in the action before the forum. When
other aspects, depending upon the issues raised in the proceedings. only one of the jurisdictions has an interest in the application of its
law, then there is only a "false conflict" and the law of that
Our decision in this case embraces the concept of “depecage.” jurisdiction applies. It is only when both jurisdictions have a policy
Discussing depecage, the Supreme Court of Virginia noted that ‘[i]t interest in the application of their laws that a "true conflict" exists.
has always been understood that different substantive issues could be California courts then proceed to the third step in California's
properly decided under the laws of different states, when the choice- governmental interest analysis known as the "comparative
influencing considerations differ as they apply to the different issues.
impairment" test. At this stage a court must determine which
Erie warns against this Court's adoption of depecage. According to jurisdiction's interest would be most impaired if its policies were
Erie, the depecage framework is inappropriate in this case because it
subordinated to those of the other jurisdiction.
would act to “legitimize a smorgasbord approach which inures only
to the benefit” of the Heffernans. To the contrary, our holding today Comparative Impairment Test. — Under the comparative impairment
presents a clear framework for resolving choice of law issues such as test, the court must determine which jurisdiction's interest would be
the one presented in the instant case. This determination will allow most impaired if its policies were subordinated to those of the other
insurers and insureds to predict with reasonable certainty the law that jurisdiction. This analysis, however, is very different from a
will apply in a breach of contract action against the insurer on the "weighing process." The court does not weigh the conflicting
basis of an uninsured/ underinsured motorist claim. Specifically, all interests, but instead, attempts to determine the appropriate scope of
parties to a contract which provides uninsured/underinsured motorist conflicting state policies.
benefits can anticipate that, absent a contractual choice of law
provision, any dispute as to the validity of the policy or the meaning FACTS: Rudolph James Bauer, decedent of plaintiffs, a California
of its terms will be resolved based on the law of where the contract resident, purchased a vacation package for the Club Med del Hotel
was made, but that the substantive tort law of the place where the Club located in Mexico. On April 12, 1994, sometime after his
automobile collision occurred will control what the claimants are arrival in the hotel, it was observed by the Club Med Sales, Inc.
“entitled to recover.” (defendant) through its employees that Mr. Bauer began consuming
alcoholic beverages from at least 8:00 p.m. until the very early
morning hours of next day immediately preceding his death.
Defendant avers that Mr. Bauer was visibly intoxicated in the
5. BAUER v. CLUB MED SALES – Vargas discotheque and was observed carrying a "liquor bladder.”
DOCTRINE: Governmental Interests Analysis. — California's On April 13, 1994, Mr. Bauer began ascending a staircase leading
choice of law analysis involves a three-step process. In the first step from the discotheque to an elevated area where his accommodation
of the analysis, the court must determine whether the substantive was located. According to plaintiffs, as Mr. Bauer ascended the
laws of California and the foreign jurisdiction differ on the issue
staircase, he stumbled and tried to recover his balance by grabbing
before it. Second, if the laws do differ, then the court must determine

5 | C O N F L I C T O F L A W S – FEU JD4301
onto a light post. Plaintiffs alleged that because the staircase had no law and asks whether those policies will be served by applying that
handrail or other protection and because the light post was not firmly law in the action before the forum. It is deemed that there exist a
secured to the wall, Mr. Bauer fell from the top of the staircase “true conflict” only when both jurisdictions have a policy interest in
approximately six feet to the ground below. Mr. Bauer sustained the application of their laws. Third, the court must apply the
injuries which resulted in his death. "comparative impairment" test. It is at this stage a court determines
which jurisdiction's interest would be most impaired if its policies
Hence, Decedent's mother Margaret E. Bauer, citizen of Florida; were subordinated to those of the other jurisdiction.
William, citizen of South Carolina; and, Mary Kathleen, citizen of
Virginia, (plaintiffs) filed an action against defendant Club Med Liability for Defective Premises
Sales, Inc., asserting therein negligence, dangerous condition and
breach of warranty in the Superior Court of the State of California. It was asserted by the defendant that the stairwell had applicable
building codes for Mexico. It contended that under Mexico law no
Plaintiffs' complaint alleged that the staircase was in a dangerous and restraining handrail was required at the point where Mr. Bauer fell
defective condition and additionally, that the staircase was over the stairwell. In contrast, California law requires the
negligently designed and maintained. The alleged deficiencies construction of a handrail at the same point.
include the failure to provide a means of prevention and assistance
on the staircase to prevent a fall to the ground below, and the failure Defendant argued that the government of Mexico has set its own
to provide adequate lighting to prevent guests from falling over the policy by virtue of its building code standards and safety allowances
side. with regard to stairwells, and that this is a sovereign decision which
"should not and cannot be" interfered with by the State of California.
ISSUE: WHETHER OR NOT THE LAWS OF MEXICO OR Nonetheless, defendant also recognized the interests of the State of
CALIFORNIA GOVERN THE DETERMINATION OF California in applying its own building code standards in order to
LIABILITY FOR DEFECTIVE PREMISES AND WRONGFUL protect California citizens travelling abroad. Hence, true conflict
RULING: Mexico law shall govern the issue of liability for Although California may have cognizable interest in the application
defective premises and California law shall govern the issue of of its own stringent building and construction standards to protect its
wrongful death damages. citizens travelling abroad, California's interests are subordinate to
Mexico's sovereignty interest in enforcing its own construction
Under the government interest analysis, California will apply its own standards within its borders. At that, if Mexico’s building and
law unless it is shown that there is a compelling reason to displace construction laws were subordinated, Mexico's interest would be
forum law. California's choice of law analysis involves a three-step most impaired, it is henceforth necessary that Mexico law govern the
process: In the first step of the analysis, the court must determine issue of defective premises liability.
whether the substantive laws of California and the foreign
jurisdiction differ on the issue before it. Second, if the laws do differ, Wrongful Death Damages
the court must determine what interests the competing jurisdictions
have in the application of their respective laws. In determining the The parties agreed that a significant difference exists between the
interest of the jurisdiction, the forum court examines the particular laws of California and Mexico governing the recovery of damages

6 | C O N F L I C T O F L A W S – FEU JD4301
for wrongful death. California law allows recovery without limitation  United is a Delaware corporation with its principal place of
for all damages proximately caused by a tort as well as for punitive business in Chicago. It regularly does business and maintains
damages. While, the law of Mexico prescribes a maximum recovery operational facilities in Pennsylvania.
limit for wrongful death.
 On July 11, 1961, he boarded a United DC-8 bound for
Plaintiffs contend that Mexico has no interest in applying its Phoenix.
wrongful death statute restricting damages and therefore a "false
conflict" exists. Accordingly, plaintiffs assert that California law  In the course of landing at Denver, Colorado, a scheduled
should control. In response, defendant submits that Mexico has a stop, the plane crashed, causing Mr. Hambrecht's immediate
legitimate interest in the application of its statute because the death.
accident giving rise to plaintiffs' wrongful death action occurred in
Mexico and because Mexico has an interest in promoting tourism  Decedent's will was probated in Pennsylvania.
within its borders.
 In July, 1962, the executor of the Hambrecht estate
While Mexico's tourism interest may be served by Club Med Sales' commenced an action in assumpsit against United and
presence, Club Med Sales, nevertheless is a United States certain of its employees in the Court of Common Pleas No. 6
corporation of which benefits from that presence. Neither Mexico's of Philadelphia County.
nor California's interest is served by limitations on damages for
California citizens when a United States corporation is found  The complaint alleged, in substance,
negligent. Since plaintiffs and the decedent are United States citizens
and Club Med Sales is an American corporation, Mexico has no 1. That United had contracted to transport safely
interest in having its damages rules apply. plaintiff's decedent from Philadelphia to Phoenix
and return;

2. That in breach of this contract, certain of

6. GRIFFITH v. UNITED AIR LINES, INC. – Bacani United's named employees, in the course of their
employment, had negligently operated,
DOTRINE: Ordinarily, the place of the injury may have an interest managed, maintained, inspected and controlled
in the compensation of those who render medical aid and other the airplane, from which negligence the crash
assistance to the injured party. However, where death is immediate, and death resulted; that the action was brought
as on the present facts, that state has no such interest. pursuant to the Pennsylvania Survival Act
(contained in the Fiduciaries Act) of April 18,
FACTS: 1949, P.L. 512, § 603, 20 P.S. § 320.603;
 George H. Hambrecht, a Pennsylvania domiciliary, 3. That as a result of said breach, decedent and his
purchased a ticket from United Airlines, Inc. [United] in estate have suffered substantial damages
Philadelphia for a flight from Philadelphia to Phoenix, including loss of accumulations of prospective
Arizona, and return. earnings of the deceased.
7 | C O N F L I C T O F L A W S – FEU JD4301
 United and the individual defendants filed preliminary HELD: No. After careful review and consideration of the leading
objections in the nature of a demurrer, in which they asserted authorities and cases, we are of the opinion that the strict lex loci
delicti rule should be abandoned in Pennsylvania in favor of a more
1. That the complaint alleged a breach of flexible rule which permits analysis of the policies and interests
warranty without alleging a valid basis underlying the particular issue before the court. "The merit of such a
therefor, rule is that `it gives to the place "having the most interest in the
problem" paramount control over the legal issues arising out of a
2. That the complaint failed to allege any particular factual context' and thereby allows the forum to apply `the
contractual relationship between the policy of the jurisdiction "most intimately concerned with the
decedent and the individual defendants, outcome of [the] particular litigation".'
It must be emphasized that this approach to choice of law will not be
3. That although the complaint alleged chaotic and anti- rational. "The alternative to a hard and fast system
crash and death in Colorado, the action of doctrinal formulae is not anarchy. The difference is not between a
was brought under the Pennsylvania system and no system, but between two systems; between a system
survival statute. which purports to have, but lacks, complete logical symmetry and
one which affords latitude for the interplay and clash of conflicting
 The court of common pleas sustained the cause of action as
policy factors." Moreover, in evaluating qualitatively the policies
having been brought under a valid contract of carriage but
underlying the significant relationships to the controversy, our
dismissed as to the individual defendants.
standard will be no less clear than the concepts of "reasonableness"
 However, the court held that the law of the place of the or "due process" which courts have evolved over many years.
injury, Colorado, not the law of the forum, Pennsylvania, We are at the beginning of the development of a workable, fair
controlled on the matter of damages, and granted leave to
and flexible approach to choice of law which will become more
amend. certain as it is tested and further refined when applied to specific
 No amendment having been filed, the complaint was cases before our courts.
dismissed. 2. The state in which injury occurred, as such, has relatively little
interest in the measure of damages to be recovered unless it can
 Plaintiff appealed from the dismissal as to United. be said with reasonable certainty that defendant acted in reliance
ISSUE/s: on that state's rule. Moreover, where the tort is unintentional, the
reliance argument is almost totally untenable.
1. W/N Strict Lex Loci Delicti Rule should be applied in favor
of the Pennsylvania Law? Ordinarily, the place of the injury may have an interest in the
compensation of those who render medical aid and other
2. W/N Colorado or Pennsylvania has greater governmental assistance to the injured party. However, where death is
interest? immediate, as on the present facts, that state has no such interest.

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The absence of Colorado's interest on the specific point is amply Thus, by Article IV of the Constitution, citizenship is limited to:
illustrated by the statute which limits recovery to damages
incurred prior to death. (1) Those who are citizens of the Philippine Islands at the time of the
adoption of this Constitution.
An examination of the policies which apparently underlie that
Colorado statute tends to indicate that state's lack of interest in (2) Those born in the Philippine Islands of foreign parents who,
the amount of recovery in a Pennsylvania court. before the adoption of this Constitution, had been elected to public
office in the Philippine Islands.
Pennsylvania's interest in the amount of recovery, on the other
hand, is great. (3) Those whose fathers are citizens of the Philippines.

From the foregoing analysis, we conclude that on the complaint (4) Those whose mothers are citizens of the Philippines and, upon
before us (the facts of which must be accepted as true on reaching the age of majority, elect Philippine citizenship.
preliminary objections), a valid cause of action in assumpsit has
been stated and that the law of Pennsylvania is properly (5) Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.
applicable to the issue of damages . And, on the specific legal status of an alien woman married to a
Therefore, we must reverse the court below and remand for citizen of the Philippines, Congress — in paragraph 1, Section 15
further proceedings not inconsistent with this opinion. of the Revised Naturalization Law legislated the following:
Any woman who is now or may hereafter be married to a citizen of
the Philippines, and who might herself be lawfully naturalized shall
7. IN RE: AIR DISASTER AT LITTLE ROCK, SATTARI be deemed a citizen of the Philippines.
ISSUE: Whether Zita Ngo Burca is deemed a Filipino citizen in
FACTS: On petition to declare Zita Ngo — also known as Zita Ngo accordance to the provisions in the Revised Naturalization Law vis-
Burca — "as possessing all qualifications and none of the à-vis the Constitution of the Philippines.
qualifications for naturalization under Commonwealth Act 473 for
HELD: No. Petitioner did not meet the requirements specified in the
the purpose of cancelling her Alien Registry with the Bureau of
Immigration".1 She avers that she is of legal age, married to Revised Naturalization Law. The petition is fatally defective for
Florencio Burca, a Filipino citizen, and a resident of Real St., Ormoc failure to contain or mention the essential allegations required under
City; that before her marriage, she was a Chinese citizen, subject of Section 7 of the Naturalization Law, such as, among others,
Nationalist China; that she was born on March 30, 1933 in Gigaquit, petitioner's former places of residence, and the absence of the
Surigao. affidavits of at least two supporting witnesses.

By constitutional and legal precepts, an alien woman who marries We accordingly rule that: (1) An alien woman married to a
a Filipino citizen, does not — by the mere fact of marriage - Filipino who desires to be a citizen of this country must apply
automatically become a Filipino citizen. therefor by filing a petition for citizenship reciting that she
possesses all the qualifications set forth in Section 2, and none of

9 | C O N F L I C T O F L A W S – FEU JD4301
the disqualifications under Section 4, both of the Revised addresses of such witnesses as the petitioner may desire to introduce
Naturalization Law; (2) Said petition must be filed in the Court of at the hearing of the case". 16
First Instance where petitioner has resided at least one year
immediately preceding the filing of the petition; and (3) Any action The necessity for the affidavit of two witnesses cannot be
by any other office, agency, board or official, administrative or overlooked. It is important to know who those witnesses are. The
otherwise — other than the judgment of a competent court of justice State should not be denied the opportunity to check on their
— certifying or declaring that an alien wife of the Filipino citizen is background to ascertain whether they are of good standing in the
also a Filipino citizen, is hereby declared null and void. community, whose word may be taken on its face value, and who
could serve as "good warranty of the worthiness of the petitioner".
We note that the petition avers that petitioner was born in Gigaquit, These witnesses should indeed prove in court that they are reliable
Surigao that her former residence was Surigao, Surigao, and that insurers of the character of petitioner. Short of this, the petition must
presently she is residing at Regal St., Ormoc City. In court, however, fail.
she testified that she also resided in Junquera St., Cebu, where she
took up a course in home economics, for one year. Section 7 of the
Naturalization Law requires that a petition for naturalization should
state petitioner's "present and former places of residence". Residence 8. QUINICHETT v. WAGGY’S TOWING, LLC – Manzo
encompasses all places where petitioner actually and physically
DOCTRINE: Lex fori (law of the forum) governs procedural laws.
resided. 13 Cebu, where she studied for one year, perforce comes
within the term residence. The reason for exacting recital in the Emergency Digest: In this auto-accident case, a Prince William
petition of present and former places of residence is that "information Circuit Court recognizes a split of authority but declines to apply the
regarding petitioner and objection to his application are apt to be Maryland cap on non-economic damages because the court finds the
provided by people in his actual, physical surrounding". And the cap does not affect substantive rights in a wrongful death, but merely
State is deprived of full opportunity to make inquiries as to affects the remedy.
petitioner's fitness to become a citizen, if all the places of residence
do not appear in the petition. So it is, that failure to allege a former FACTS: Waggy’s Towing filed a motion to apply the Maryland
place of residence is fatal. non-economic cap on damages in a wrongful death suit. The parties
agreed in argument that no further facts are required to decide the
We find one other flaw in petitioner's petition. Said petition is not Motion, and that the substantive law of Maryland applies. The issue
supported by the affidavit of at least two credible persons, "stating is whether the Maryland cap on non-economic damages is
that they are citizens of the Philippines and personally know the substantive or procedural.
petitioner to be a resident of the Philippines for the period of time
required by this Act and a person of good repute and morally In short, an accident happened in Maryland but the case was filed in
irreproachable, and that said petitioner has in their opinion all the Virginia. Defendant wants to apply Maryland law (cap on damages)
qualifications necessary to become a citizen of the Philippines and is to put a limit to what it has to pay.
not in any way disqualified under the provisions of this Act".
Petitioner likewise failed to "set forth the names and post-office (Facts weren't discussed in the case so this is mainly just a digest of
the issue and the court's decision.)

10 | C O N F L I C T O F L A W S – FEU JD4301
ISSUE: Whether the Maryland cap on non-economic damages is 2. Had Maryland's Legislature intended to include the cap in the
substantive or procedural. wrongful death statute, they would not have included it in a separate
title of the Maryland Code.
(If it is procedural, then lex fori (procedural law of the forum)
governs. If so, the Virginia court will not be required to put a limit to 3. The test is not whether the cap is substantive or procedural under
the damages Waggy’s has to pay. However, if it deemed substantive, Maryland law, but rather whether it is under Virginia Law, which is
lex loci (substantive law of the place of the wrong) applies, putting a the forum of this case.
limit to what may be recovered from Waggy’s.)
4. The Holiett decision is not persuasive because it relies in part on a
HELD: Waggy's Towing's motion to apply the Maryland cap on dicta in another case which the court does not find applicable here.
non-economic damages is DENIED. The Court held that the cap is The Holiett decision cites a "test" for distinguishing substantive and
procedural and according to Virginia's well-settled conflict of law procedural law under Virginia law, which states that "while the right
rules, lex fori governs the application of all procedural rules. to recovery and the limits of recovery are substantive law, the
distribution of the recovery is remedial law." However, the "test"
The parties in this case correctly point out that the Virginia Supreme referenced in this case is a mere dicta as the question did not actually
Court has yet to address the issue of whether the cap on non- involve any cap on damages or limit on recovery but rather the
economic damages is substantive or procedural in nature. However, determination of who was entitled to distribution of wrongful death
two Virginia Circuit Courts have considered it and have reached proceeds.
conflicting outcomes.
Furthermore, the court disagrees with Waggy's Towing as it held that
In Hoilett v. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., the lower court held the cap is not so entwined with the action as it does not substantively
that Maryland's cap on non-economic damages was substantive while affect one's right to bring a wrongful death suit. Consequently, the
in Norwood v. Henry's Wrecker Service, it was held that the same cap does not act as a limit on the right to recover; it only serves to
was procedural. lessen the amount recoverable, if and only if, the cap is reached.
This Court agreed with the holding in the Norwood case , that the 5. The Court also took notice that Maryland's sister state of Delaware
subject law is procedural, for the following reasons: has found under its conflict rules that Maryland's fee cap is
procedural, not substantive, and refused to apply the cap in a case
1. The Maryland cap does not affect the basis of the right of actions. where all of the relevant acts occurred in Maryland but the defendant
Application of the cap does not prohibit any party from bringing a was a Delaware entity. Although the Delaware decision does not
wrongful death action. Thus, the substantive rights of the parties are materially aid the decision in this case, it serves to point out that
not affected because the cap does not affect the right to bring the different conflicts rules require different analysis which can lead to
action, or the trial's proceeding because the jury is not to be
different results.
instructed of the cap. Consequently, the cap does not affect the right
to bring the action, but simply affects the remedy as it "merely For the foregoing reasons, Waggy's Towing's motion to apply the
lessens the maximum amount recoverable." Maryland cap on non-economic damages is denied because the court
does not find that the cap affects one's substantive rights in a
wrongful death action, but rather merely affects one's remedy, and as

11 | C O N F L I C T O F L A W S – FEU JD4301
a result, it is merely procedural. Consequently, because the cap is
procedural, pursuant to Virginia's conflict of law rules, lex fori
governs and the Maryland cap does not apply to this action.

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