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Lessons in Dialysis, Dialyzers, and


Robert Hootkins, MD, PhD

The author is Chief of Nephrology and Hypertension at The Austin Diagnostic Clinic, Austin, Texas. He is also a member of
D&T’s editorial advisory board.

emodialysis today has evolved specific operating conditions (blood flow illustrates the effects on the overall clearance
into a highly technical treatment rate [QB in mL/min] and dialysate flow rate of urea of changing a number of parameters.
in which knowledge of the phys- [QD in mL/min]). Some dialyzers are more The first observation is that the overall
ics and chemistry of the dialysis efficient at solute removal and are termed clearance is simply determined by the low-
treatment system as well as knowledge of high-efficiency, whereas other dialyzers have est of the three parameters KoA, QB, and
individual patient’s pathology allows for a lesser resistance to water movement and are QD. Most high-efficiency, high-flux dia-
better understanding of how the treatment termed high-flux. Dialyzer membrane prop- lyzers have a KoA for urea of 1,000-2,000.
is best performed and individually modi- erties have been recently reviewed.1 Since QDs are typically in the range of 600-
fied. The “treatment prescription” is a set of Using a simple model of hemodialy- 800 mL/min. Dialyzer membrane proper-
specific treatment parameters that includes sis operating conditions, the removal of a ties have it is the lowest parameter, QB
the treatment duration and frequency, the solute like urea can be approximated by an (typically in the range of 400-500 mL/min)
choice of dialyzer, and the specifics of equation derived by Michaels2 in which the that determines the overall clearance K. In
the dialysate composition. It is imperative removal of a solute K from blood can be fact, the more general observation is that
that the nephrologist understand how to expressed by the clearance equation: clearance becomes limited as QB approach-
deliver the most optimal treatment that is es either QD or KoA. Additionally, if the
additionally the most cost effective. magnitude of both QD and KoA are close
to QB, QB is even further diminished.
There are practical ramifications of
these observations. One lesson is that in
In short, hemodialysis is the process by in which the dialyzer’s ability to remove this current era of bundling and small finan-
which a patient’s blood can be chemically a solute K is proportional to the product of cial margins, it makes sense not to spend
modified by driving it through a device the mass transfer coefficient of that dialyz- resources on dialyzers that have exces-
(dialyzer) that allows for the removal of er’s membrane (Ko) and the membrane sur- sively high KoAs in that their benefit will
substances (blood solutes) as well as the face area (A). KoA is specific to a particular be minimized by the QB, which is, in turn,
gain of substances (dialysate solutes) with solute (such as urea) and is independent of limited by access flow and needle resistance
the additional option of the simultaneous QB and QD (assumption of the model). The limitations. In general, KoAs in excess of
removal of plasma water. It has evolved KoA of a particular dialyzer is provided by 1,000 are of marginal benefit. An additional
for almost a century but remains dependent the manufacturer, is determined in vitro in lesson is that with daily hemodialysis meth-
on the chemical properties of a semiper- aqueous solutions, and usually overesti- odologies that have reduced QDs of 150
meable membrane that is selective to the mates by about 20% when compared with mL/min (for example, NxStage) or contin-
movement of solute and resistive to the in vivo blood-based solutions containing uous veno-venous hemodialysis (CVVHD)
movement of solvent. The primary purpose proteins and red blood cells. techniques with QDs of 50-100 mL/min,
of dialysis is to eliminate uremic poisons It is difficult to fully appreciate the there is no reason to employ higher QBs or
in patients with end-stage renal disease relationships among KoA, QB, and QD. to use large dialyzers, as K will be limited
and to modify serum electrolytes so as to Figure 1 presents these relationships graph- by QD.
mimic the appropriate serum composition ically, depicting urea clearance K as a func- Another example of an even greater
of healthy individuals. tion of QB for a dialyzer KoA of 1,000 and waste of financial resources is the use of
three separate QDs of 1,000, 500, and 400 two dialyzers simultaneously, combined
mL/min (from the top curve down). either in-parallel (Figure 2A) or in-series
Dialyzers and Solute Clearance
At lower QBs, the clearance (K) is (Figure 2B) to effectively increase KoA.
A dialyzer can be classified based on prop- linear with QD, but as QB increases closer Table II illustrates the overall effect on
erties of the chemical composition of its to QD, there is a diminishing benefit of clearance by use of these configurations.
membrane or based on its properties of sol- increasing QB further (as QD becomes Although a theoretical added clear-
ute removal (most commonly urea removal) clearance limiting). ance of about 14-15% can be achieved, the
and solvent permeability (most commonly Many insights can be obtained by an total dialysis treatment “dose” can often be
water, termed hydraulic permeability) under analysis of the clearance equation. Table I obtained more cost effectively by simply

392 Dialysis & Transplantation September 2011 DOI: 10.1002/dat.20609

for a specific dialyzer (Fresenius F80)
results in the determination of  of 0.9 and
a KoA of 20. Graphing the clearance (here
defined as D́) of vancomycin as a function
of QB and QF (Figure 3) demonstrates that
it is removed more effectively with lower
QBs and higher QFs.
For larger solutes cleared by convec-
tion, the greater the time of the dialysis
membrane exposure (slower QB) and the
greater the pressure gradient across the
dialyzer membrane (higher QF), the greater
the clearance. The opposite of this is true as
well. For example, to minimize vancomy-
cin clearance, faster QBs and smaller QFs
will clear less of the antibiotic for a given
dialysis prescription.

Additional Degrading Factors

That Reduce the Actual
FIGURE 1. Dialysis clearance equation. K versus QB for QD = 1,000, 500, 400 [KoA = 1,000]. Clearance of Substances
As a result of dialysis being performed in a
extending the dialysis treatment time applies. In most dialysis treatments, how- in-parallel fashion, there is the generation
using a single dialyzer by an additional ever, the ultrafiltration rate can be sig- of both an access recirculation (AR) and
15-30 minutes with a minimal added cost nificant. A more general equation can be a cardiopulmonary recirculation (CPR).
of dialysate consumption! To employ the derived that includes the effects of both The dialyzer operating in-parallel with the
other configurations, additional connec- diffusion and ultrafiltration but is beyond peripheral access results in AR, and the
tors must also be purchased, increasing the scope of this article.3 Fortunately, peripheral access operating in-parallel with
the costs associated with the treatment. however, in the limit of solutes that are the systemic venous circulation results in
Additionally, these configurations also large enough to be cleared predominantly CPR (Figure 4).
result in greater dialysis disequilibrium by ultrafiltration and not diffusion (for AR and CPR effectively prevent the
(faster rate of solute removal, which is example, vancomycin), the more general dialyzer from actually receiving blood with
proportional to K/V); depending on the equation3 simplifies to: systemic concentrations of solute; instead,
methodology of the urea kinetic modeling a “diluted” sampling of systemic venous
K = (1  ) QF + KoA.
utilized, this can lead to greater overesti- blood with solute cleared blood is received
mation of solute removal and a false sense The sigma () relates to the permeabil- (Figure 5). (The extraction efficiency of
of security that enough dialysis is being ity of the dialysis membrane to a particular a dialyzer is proportional to the incident
performed. solute. This equation is the equation of concentration of the solute to be removed).
It is important to know that the clear- a straight line, and if one experimentally The mathematics of these effects has been
ance equation only applies under a set of measures the clearance of a molecule as worked out by Schneditz et al.4 As a conse-
ideal circumstances including the absence a function of ultrafiltration rate, QF in quence, the actual removal of solute is not
of convection (ultrafiltration). For the mL/min, the  and KoA can be determined only based on the dialysis treatment pre-
removal of urea, this is a fair approxima- from the slope (1   )and the intercept scription but is also dependent on patient
tion since it is primarily eliminated by (KoA).3 Doing this for the clearance of specific parameters that include cardiac
diffusion, not convection, and Fick’s law vancomycin (molecular weight of 1,486) output and venous flow through the periph-
eral access.
Another barrier to our effectively elim-
TABLE I. Dialysis clearance equation. inating urea from a patient’s body results
KoA QB QD Clearance % Increase from the fact that the storage of urea occurs
primarily in the skeletal muscle and its
1,000 400 800 333
removal may depend on the vascular “com-
1,000 400 1,000 341 2% munication” of this compartment with the
1,000 1,000 800 469 41% central venous system.
This provides one theory of why
10,000 400 800 400 20%
exercise during dialysis improves the

September 2011 Dialysis & Transplantation 393


FIGURE 3. K vs QB [QF = 20  100]

[  = 0.9, K0A = 20, QD = 500]. From
reference 3.

anemia, a cardiomyopathy, and poorly

functioning access flow. Ultimately, patient
B receives 30% less dialysis in spite of
having the same identical treatment pre-
scription. The lesson here is that the actual
delivered amount of dialysis can be signifi-
cantly less than the theoretically prescribed
dialysis. Flow recirculations (AR and CPR)
and a patient’s individual physiology (urea
trapping in skeletal muscle and cardiac out-
put) and access health result in a delivered
clearance dependent on factors out of our
prescriptive control. Careful consideration
of a patient’s cardiac status and access
health may indicate a need for additional
clearance beyond that predicted by an a
simple analysis of his or her urea kinetic

Dialysis machines employ a proportioning
system that mixes an acid concentrate with a
bicarbonate concentrate and purified water.
This allows for the generation of a dialysate
with a physiologic pH and minimizes the
possibility of forming a precipitate between
bicarbonate containing alkaline solutions
and calcium. The acid concentrate contains
dextrose and is the source of electrolytes
including potassium, calcium, magnesium,
and acetic (or citric) acid. The bicarbonate
concentrate may contain sodium chloride
FIGURE 2. A) Operational configuration of 2 dialyzers placed in-parallel; B) Operational configu- as well as sodium bicarbonate (36.83)
ration of 2 dialyzers placed in-series. Reprinted from AJKD (reference 7), copyright 2003, with or may contain only sodium bicarbon-
permission from Elsevier. ate (35/45). The nomenclature of the
commonly used Fresenius 45x system is
quality of urea removal: it allows for great- identical extracorporeal dialysis treatment derived from the fact that the proportion-
er vascular flow (improved communica- prescription but different cardiac output ing system mixes 1 part acid concentrate to
tion) with the skeletal compartment and and access flows. 1.72 parts bicarbonate concentrate to 42.28
a subsequent higher central venous con- Patient A is relatively healthy with parts water, which adds up to 45 “parts.” It
centration of urea. Table III illustrates a a normal cardiac output and no signifi- is important to understand that modifying
comparison between two patients with an cant access pathology. Patient B has mild the prescription for sodium or bicarbonate

394 Dialysis & Transplantation September 2011

in real time during rounding will alter all
TABLE II. Effect on clearance of using two dialyzers. electrolyte concentrations of the dialysate
Operating conditions: KoA = 1,000 solution. Most current equipment will show
QB = 400, QD = 800 the effects of changing the dialysate pro-
portioning in real time.
Single dialyzer: K = 333 mL/min It is also of importance that the total
Two dialyzers in series: K = 380 mL/min (+14%) buffer in this system include bicarbonate as
Two dialyzers in parallel: K = 383 mL/min (+15%) well as acetate (or citrate), which can add
an additional 2.0-8.0 mEq/L buffer. If one
prescribes a dialysate bicarbonate delivery
of 35 mEq/L, the total delivered buffer will
be the sum of the bicarbonate and the ace-
tate (or citrate) from the acid concentrate
(which is metabolized to bicarbonate in the
liver). Therefore, the total delivered base
(TDB) to a patient has to include consid-
eration of both bicarbonate and acetate (or
citrate) buffers. Consequently, on longer
dialysis treatments using high bicarbonate
concentrations (40 mEq/L), we can induce
a chronic metabolic alkalosis, which can
have adverse effects on patient mortality
(based on mortality data obtained by sev-
eral large dialysis providers).

Specific Dialysate Electrolytes:

Sodium and Calcium
High dialysate sodium concentrations can
lead to sodium loading, increased thirst,
and subsequent high weight gains and
hypertension. A chronic state of volume
FIGURE 4. Origin of AR and CPR as depicted by parallel blood flows from dialyzer to access, and overload and hypertension ultimately leads
access to the systemic circulation. to left ventricular hypertrophy and cardiac
dysfunction. Sodium is removed from the
patient both by ultrafiltration (for patients
with large weight gains) and by diffusion.
Consequently, the total fluid removed as
well as the sodium gradient between the
patient and the dialysate at the initiation
of the treatment are both critical factors. It
has been suggested that individualizing the
dialysis sodium concentration to be slightly
less than a patient’s historic sodium con-
centration may be the best way to prevent
sodium loading.5
Much controversy exists over the opti-
mal calcium concentrations in dialysate. A
concern exists that calcium loading may be
harmful to patients and that many hemodi-
alysis patients are constantly exposed to a
state of positive calcium balance between
the oral ingestion of calcium in foods and
FIGURE 5. Reduced efficiency from AR adn CPR results from blood effectively cleared of urea binders as well as from a positive calcium
nitrogen by dialysis being mixed with blood with high urea nitrogen from its primary source (skeletal
influx from the dialysate. This positive
muscle tissue). This mixing reduces the concentration of urea nitrogen returning back to the central
venous compartment and leads to reduced urea nitrogen concentration in the blood incident to calcium balance may contribute to calcium
the dialyzer. deposition in arterial vessels and heart

September 2011 Dialysis & Transplantation 395


ensure the correct dialysate delivery to each

TABLE III. Comparison between two patients with the same dialysis patient’s dialyzer by sampling dialysate at
but different cardiac output and access flows. the first and last chair of each distribution
Parameter Patient A Patient B loop. Most dialysis specialty labs can mea-
sure electrolytes on non-blood samples and
Hct 35% 30%
provide this as a safety check. D&T
CO 10 L/min 6 L/min
Access flow 1,000 500
Access recirculation 1% 15%
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KoA 1,200 1,200 alysis depend on the choice of a dialyzer? Semin
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2. Michaels AS. Operating parameters and perfor-
QD 800 800 mance criteria for hemodialyzers and other mem-
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from the dialysate. into the dialysis machine. Depending on in chronic hemodialysis patients? Blood Purif.
the open or closed loop nature of the distri-
6. Gotch F, Levin NL, Kotanko P. Calcium balance in
Is the Dialysate Delivered the bution system, inlet pressures to the dialysis is best managed by adjusting dialysate
machines can significantly vary even by calcium guided by kinetic modeling of the inter-
Dialysate Prescribed? relationship between intake, dose of vitamin d
position within the loop. To promote a analogs and the dialysate calcium concentration.
One assumes that if the hemodialysis more consistent pressure, a gravity feed Blood Purif. 2010;29:163-176.
machine is set appropriately with the cor- system is often utilized. Perhaps one of the 7. Fritz BA, Doss S, McCann LM, Wrone EM. A com-
parison of dual dialyzers in parallel and series
rect concentrates, then the dialysate compo- most significant aspects of the quality to improve urea clearance in large hemodialysis
sition delivered to each dialyzer is exactly assessment of each dialysis facility is to patients. Am J K Dis. 2003;41:1008-1015.

396 Dialysis & Transplantation September 2011

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